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Trials of a Woman Police Constable Ch. 02

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Sold in to slavery, Sussman is transported overseas.
3.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/04/2022
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She walked to the spot and looked at the host.

"Ladies and gentlemen, lot number 12 and the last lot of the sale," he said looking over at Sarah, "Here we have WPC Sarah Sussman from the Thames Valley Police."

He turned back to his notes, "She is 19 years old and from Ascot, 32C-24-34, and in recent days a minor celebrity, as well as our 3rd virgin of the sale."

Sarah shifted on her spot uneasily, the host continued, "Let's start the bidding at £80,000."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and held on to it.

"£80,000, 85, 90, 95, £100,000, 110, 130, 150, 180, £200,000," the auctioneer was calling out excitedly, "215, 220, 225, 235."

Sarah breathed out.

"So, at £235,000, do I hear 240?" he said, starting to raise is gavel.

She turned her head to look at him.

After a short pause, "Going once, going twice, all done, sold for £235,000 to the Kingdom of Bothuwan."

Sarah frowned, and said, "Where the fuck is Bothuwan?"

"That concludes our sale, thank you till next time," The host closed out the sale.

The cameraman signalled, "And we are clear."

The host tugged on his bow tie, and freed his top button, "Thank fuck that is over."

Sarah just stood there, unsure of what to do.

At stage right, a goon appeared and beckoned her over, "Come on, you have a boat to catch."

She was stuck in place in shock, "Boat, what boat?"

The sight of the cattle prod snapped her out of her daze, and she started to walk over to the goon.

Behind her, the host lit a cigarette, "Come on people we have 2 hours to clear out of this place."

Sarah was led back to the fourth floor and taken into a room. There were two other girls in there, one was another virgin that sold for £86,000, and the other was a slightly older girl who sold for £12,000.

There was another goon in the room and he grunted at Sarah, "Get changed."

He pointed her to a sofa that had some clothing on it. She knew by now, that she was not going to get any privacy to change so she took her hat off and slipped her bag off her shoulder. She removed her tunic and pulled the tie from her collar. She unbuttoned her skirt and let it fall to her feet, and she turned to remove her police shirt.

She folded her uniform and wondered if this is the last time, she would ever wear it.

She turned to the lead goon, "Do I keep this underwear on, or do I have to take it off as well?"

"I do not give a shit," he replied bluntly.

Sarah shrugged and started to put on the dress that was supplied for her. After she was dressed, she took a seat on the sofa and awaited their next move. They said she was going on a boat, so she was most likely leaving the country. Her mind raced, if she was going to escape now is the time.

The two guards were big, but she was trying to work out how to take them out.

She stood up, "Can I use the bathroom?"

The lead goon signalled to the other one, "Take her."

Sarah used her femininity, shaking her tosh as the goon followed her into the bathroom. As soon as they were out of sight, she spun around and fired her foot into the goon's throat. She hit him so quickly that he did not manage to let out a scream, before slumping to the floor unconscious.

She waited in the bathroom, hoping the other goon would come and investigate. She put herself into a ready stance. After a minute she heard the goon calling out in his native tongue.

"Come on," she thought.

She heard him getting up, she was ready. He entered the bathroom, and she sent another kick into this guy's throat. He grabbed his throat as his life ebbed away.

Sarah stood back in shock, this is the first time she had actually killed someone, it was self-defence but still went against everything she stood for.

She patted the men down, no cell phones but she found a set of car keys.

Sarah burst out of the bathroom, "Come on, we are getting out of here."

She stuffed her uniform in the bag the dress came in.

The girls just stared at her, "Fucking move, now!"

Sarah opened the door and peered into the hallway, it was clear so she opened it fully and head down the corridor.

She dared not use the lifts, so led the girls into a stairwell, "I hope this gets us to the car park."

They practically ran down the stairs, their hearts racing as they made a bid for freedom. When they got to the bottom of the stairs, there was a door marked "Parking Level". Cautiously Sarah pushed the door open a little and peered into the room.

There were several cars and a couple of vans parked up, and Sarah could not see anyone around. She took out the car keys she had swiped from the goon, and they were for an Audi. She told the girls to wait there, and she slipped through the door.

Ducking low, she pressed the unlock button on the key fob, there was a click and the indicators flashed yellow on a grey Audi A8. She remained in her hiding spot for several moments, to make sure there was no one drawn to the noise of the car.

She hurried back to the stairwell and opened the door.


She was punched in the stomach by a large black goon, "You're not going anywhere missy."

Sarah fell to the floor, the wind knocked out of her. As she fought for breath, the goon lifted her effortlessly and carried her into the car park. The goon she had knocked out upstairs escorted the other two girls to a waiting van.

Sarah was tossed into the van, and the girls climbed in. Sarah had regained her composure but had no chance of fighting her way out of this one.

The boss in the 3-pieces suit walked up to the van, "Missy policewoman, causing me trouble, one man dead, one other humiliated."

The boss turned to the guy she overpowered, he looked down sheepishly.

"I cannot tolerate such behaviour," with that he pulled a pistol from his jacket.

Sarah flinched.

"Shit," she thought this is it."

The gunshot echoed around the car park; the disgraced goon fell to the floor with a new hole in his head.

"I cannot tolerate such failure in my organisation," he said, holstering his gun.

He turned to the girls and smiled, "Enjoy your cruise ladies."

He turned and walked away, as the black goon handcuffed Sarah.

The van waited as the goon left but soon returned with the body of the first goon Sarah had killed, his face still contorted from her attack.

Both the bodies were tossed into the van with the girls, and the doors slammed shut.

The other two girls were openly sobbing, but Sarah remained in sombre silence, accepting that her best chance of escape had failed and she had to face her fate head-on.

The van drove for around 20 minutes before the driver stopped and turned off the engine. The rear doors were open, and the black goon stood there with a pistol drawn. Sarah had no fight left in her, and she scooted out of the back of the van when commanded to do so.

The van had pulled up alongside a cargo ship somewhere within the Southampton docks.

Two men, who looked South American, came and collected the bodies. The girls were told to follow them up the gangway. Sarah noticed one of the girls was carrying the bag with her police uniform within.

She thought to herself, "might as well toss that overboard, she was a police constable no longer."

They were led to a cabin and told to wait there; the bodies were tossed on the deck next to them.

"What are we going to do now?" one of the girls asked Sarah.

Sarah shook her head despondently, "You do whatever they fucking tell you to do."

They sat in the room for what felt like hours, they heard the ship depart the dock and head out to sea.

Sarah fell asleep from exhaustion as her adrenaline ran out.

She was awoken by the sound of someone entering the cabin, her eyes needed a minute to adjust to the sunlight now streaming through the port hole.

The other two girls were huddled in a corner, they too must have drifted off as they awoke with a start.

Two Latino men in blue sailor shirts entered the room followed by a man in a white officer's shirt. Sarah recognised the rank slides as a lieutenant on his shoulders.

"Ladies, who you do me the pleasure of escorting me to the deck," The officer said in perfect English, but with a heavy accent buried beneath.

The girls did as they were told and followed the officer to the outside deck. The crewmen carried the bodies with them.

Sarah looked around and England was barely visible on the horizon, there was no escape.

"Welcome aboard the SS Camila, your home for the next 2 weeks," the officer said cheerfully.

He nodded to the crew, who tossed the two bodies overboard.

He turned back to the girls, "I'm Lt Gomez, Bosun, it is my job to see that your stay goes smoothly."

He read from a clipboard, "Sarah Sussman, your duties will be that of Yeoman to the Captain."

Sarah was taken aback, "Duties?"

"Yes to subsidise the fee of transporting you, you will all be assigned duties whilst onboard," Gomez clarified.

He turned again to his clipboard, "Sandra Anderson, you will be a steward in the galley."

The girl that was the other virgin nodded her head.

"Dawn Williams, you will be on the cleaning staff, and you will also service the crew's needs," he finished.

Dawn looked confused, "Service their needs?"

"It is a long voyage, and with two virgins onboard the crew could be tempted to fuck them," Gomez said matter of fact, "So the client buys a cheap slave to keep the crew satisfied until we reach our destination."

Dawn's eyes widened, "You mean I'm the ship's whore?"

Gomez smiled, "We like to think of it as the morale officer, don't worry they are not allowed to hurt you unless you refuse their requests."

The girls all stood there in shock, Sandra wrapped a comforting arm around Dawn.

"This way ladies," Gomez said cheerfully.

They were led to a corridor, and Gomez stopped outside a door, "Petty officer Sussman, these are your quarters, please clean yourself up and report to the bridge."

Sarah nodded and started towards the door, but Gomez shot an arm out and blocked her path, "Aren't you forgetting something Petty officer?"

Sarah paused, then remembered he addressed her by her rank, "Yes sir Lieutenant."

Upon entering her cabin, Sarah took a look around, it was not much bigger than her cell but it was more homely. There was a cabin bed with drawers underneath, a small wardrobe, and an ensuite toilet and shower.

She opened the drawers and it was filled with clean woman's underwear, bras, panties and stockings.

In the wardrobe hung a couple of uniforms similar to Lt Kate Andrews, the naval officer she met at the sale. She wondered how she was getting on; Kate was on her way to Korea.

Sarah looked out the porthole, England was gone. She removed her dress and tossed it into the provided laundry hamper along with her underwear.

She took a nice long shower musing about what kind of place Bothuwan was. It was clearly in South America, but not somewhere she had ever heard of.

They had provided her with a variety of feminine soaps and shampoos, and even a razor. She decided she had to make a good first impression with the captain, so she gave her legs and underarms a quick going over.

After her shower she returned to her main cabin area, there was a small vanity table setup with cosmetics ready to use.

She dried herself off and fashioned her hair into a tight bun and applied some light makeup. She selected a simple white bra and panty set, amazed that all the clothing was her size. She slipped on a pair of barely black hold-up stockings and took a clean white blouse from the wardrobe.

There were rank slides already attached to the blouse, this Sarah assumed was her rank of Petty Officer.

After putting the blouse on, she took the black woollen skirt out and stepped into it. She pulled out the black necktie and threaded it around her neck. She had not needed to tie a tie since her school days, but after a couple of failed attempts, the v of the tie rested on the waistband of her skirt.

She put on the black tunic, again with her rank indicated on the cuffs of her sleeves, and a gold aiguillette around the left shoulder.

Next, a pair of 2-inch black court heels, which like everything else was in her size.

Lastly, she removed the white and black tri-corn hat and placed it on her head.

She looked at herself in the mirror, she determined she would pass muster. The uniform was not too dissimilar to her police uniform, and this hit her with a pang of remorse. She fought back the urge to cry, they will never see her cry she vowed.

And with that, she left her cabin and went looking for the bridge.

She felt the eyes of the crew burning into her as she made her way up to the bridge. When she arrived on the bridge Gomez noticed her and beckoned her to step forward.

Sarah approached him, stopped, stood at attention and saluted him, "Yeoman Sussman reporting for duty sir."

Gomez was surprised, none of the other girls they transported acted so formally so early.

"Very well-presented Yeoman, the Captain will be please," he said assessing her appearance, "Captain?"

An older man in his mid-50s walked over.

"Captain Lopez, this is your new yeoman," Gomez introduced her, "Petty Officer Sussman."

"At easy Yeoman," Lopez said taking her in a heavy Spanish accent, but good English, "You seemed well trained in disciplined, have you severed in the armed forces?"

"Sir, I was a serving police officer prior to my abduction," Sarah replied as if her kidnapping was no big deal.

"I see, well your first duty will be to bring some coffee to the bridge for the watch officers," Lopez commanded.

"Yes sir," Sarah replied snapped to attention and saluted him.

Lopez chuckled and returned the salute, "We can be a little less formal Yeoman, dismissed."

Sarah had not done any parade work since her days at Sulhamstead during her police training, but it quickly came back.

Her plan was to get friendly with the captain and try and learn more about where they were going.

Sarah found the galley and was stopped dead in her tracks, her heart sank. Dawn, now wearing a similar uniform to her, minus the tie and tunic and was bent over a table with her skirt hiked up.

A crewman in a dirty blue shirt was fucking her from behind.

"Musiú," he shouted as he pounded her, "tómalo puta blanca."

Sarah's police training kicked in and she took a step forward, and a hand shot out and stopped her. It was Sandra.

"Don't, you will only make it worse for her and us," she whispered into Sarah's ear.

Sarah knew she was right, just as the crewman emptied his load into Dawn. Before Dawn could get up, another crew took his place behind her, sliding his cock into her.

Dawn sobbed as she was violated by the crewman.

"Be quiet whore," the man said in broken English as he smacked her arse cheek.

Dawn bit her lip and quietly whimpered as the man had his way with her.

Sandra asked, "What can I do for you?"

Sandra was dressed in a cook's outfit, with a white cap covering her hair.

"I need coffee for the bridge," Sarah said trying not to look at Dawn.

"This way," Sandra beckoned her.

Once in the galley, Sandra turned to Sarah as they prepared the tray, "I'm not sure how she is going to last 2 weeks on this ship, she has already been fucked 3 times and given a blowjob."

"Hopefully they will get bored when the novelty wears off, we can only be there for her," Sarah sympathised.

"But what about us when we get to wherever we are headed?" Sandra asked.

Sarah shook her head, "I have no doubts that our owner will rape us when we arrive, he wants our virginity, after that I cannot guess our fate."

"Fuck," was all Sandra could muster.

"The fact we are virgins are the only thing keeping us from Dawn's treatment, we are protected for now, but what happens when we arrive, I dread to think?" Sarah concluded.

Sandra put a pot of coffee on the tray.

"Have you got any biscuits, I'm trying to get on the good side of the crew, might even be able to help out Dawn," Sarah asked.

Sandra went to a locker and returned with a plate of biscuits, "Good luck."

Sarah nodded, picked up the tray and left. As she passed Dawn, she was finally free to get up and was pulling her skirt back down.

Back on the bridge, Sarah distributed the coffee and biscuits. The captain was amused as Sarah got on with her duties.

The last two "Yeomen" he had were nothing short of dumb blondes that kept fucking up. He was sad this beautiful woman would only be in his service for a limited time.

As Sarah passed Gomez his coffee she asked, "Lt, I'm a Petty officer right, does that mean I can give orders to ranks below me?"

Gomez let out a belly laugh and the rest of the crew turned and looked at him.

"I guess so, I would say you are entitled to the privileges of your rank," Gomez replied.

After everyone had their coffee, Sarah went and stood at the rear of the bridge awaiting her next order. She also took the opportunity to study the senior crew.

For the rest of the day, the captain had Sarah running around for him, and she obeyed his commands without question. Mostly mundane tasks, like fetching stuff or getting coffee. He had her take down the ship's communications and run them to the radio room.

She saw Dawn a couple of times with either a crewman's cock in her mouth or pussy. The look on her face was one of resignation to her fate as a fuck toy. Sarah gave her a reassuring smile but could do little else.

As the night crew came on, Lopez called Sarah over.

Sarah stood at attention as he gave his orders, "Yeoman, I'm going to eat now, I want the ship's whore in my cabin in full uniform, and ready to service me."

Sarah swallowed hard, and reluctantly replied, "Aye sir."

Sarah left the bridge and found Dawn in her quarters.

She looked finished as Sarah entered her cabin, "I'm not sure how much more I can take Sarah."

"Sorry I wish I came with good news, but the captain has ordered you to be waiting for him in his cabin," Sarah said putting an arm around her.

Dawn's eyes welled up, "Christ why won't they leave me alone, why me?"

Sarah squeezed her harder, "Sandra and I will be getting the same treatment when we arrive, and I'm scared shit."

"I don't blame you; I know you will be deflowered when our master gets hold of you," Dawn replied.

"Come on let's get you cleaned up," Sarah said.

Dawn took a shower, cleaning the spent issue from all the sailors that had fucked her.

Sarah looked up with a start when she heard Dawn laughing, "What so funny?"

Composing herself she replied, "I'm washing seamen's semen out of my cunt!"

Sarah could not help but laugh as well.

15 minutes later, Sarah had Dawn fully dressed in a clean uniform. Sarah had to tie Dawn's tie as she was unsure how to do it.

Once they were in the captain's cabin, Sarah gave Dawn's hand a squeeze, "Are you going to be alright?"

"Yeah," Dawn replied with a smile, "If they were a little less rough, I might enjoy it, always was a bit of a slut back home."

Sarah rolled her eyes and left the cabin. As she stepped away from the door, she saw the captain walking toward her.

"Everything ready?" Lopez asked.

"Aye sir, Able seawoman Williams is ready to serve," Sarah said instinctively stiffening her posture.

Lopez nodded, "Good, you are free for the rest of the day, I expect my morning coffee and messages at 06.30 sharp."

As there were only about 15 crew members onboard, the officer's mess was a table set aside in the main mess deck.

After Sarah grabbed her tray of food, Gomez beckoned her over to sit with the other officers.

"You've taken to your position with ease?" he asked her.

Sarah thought about her response before answering, "I see it this way sir, if I go along, we will all get along."

"But for someone who has been sold as a slave you are very calm and measured," Lopez said, trying to get a reaction out of Sarah.


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