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Tribute to the Crystal Queen

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Matriarchal society led by futanari uses men as sex slaves.
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Prologue and Background

This story takes place on the continent of Ashkora. Ashkora contains several kingdoms and a number of uncivilized barbarian tribes. The largest and most powerful civilization in Ashkora is called the Crystalstorm Empire. Crystalstorm is a vast empire which has technology and military strength similar to the great civilizations of classical antiquity. The capital and seat of power in Crystalstorm is a large and prosperous city named Crystalhold.

Due to a chance genetic mutation, the people of Crystalhold and many of the surrounding areas are divided into three genders: male, female, and futa. "Futa" here means the standard full-package futanari (female body except instead of a vagina there's a penis and testicles). Outside of this region, however, only the traditional two genders exist. To be clear on terminology, terms like "men" and "boys" refer only to males, while terms like "women" and "girls" can refer to either females or futa.

Crystalstorm has a matriarchal class system with fairly strict gender roles. Futa hold most of the high-ranking political and military positions, and are in charge of managing the empire. Physically, futa are the strongest of the three genders and are the most elite warriors. Futas are also particularly known for having large sex drives and are often on the hunt for young men. At the high-end of the social spectrum, futa often serve as politicians, generals, business leaders, royal guards or other enforcement officers. At the low end, futas often wind up as security guards, lower-ranking soldiers or enforcement officers, mercenaries, laborers, or outlaws.

Females comprise the intellectual backbone of Crystalstorm. They are the primary inventors, scholars, and researchers. High-end jobs for females include lawyers, doctors, advisors, managers, and consultants. Females may in some cases hold political power or serve in the military as well. Lower-class females may work as domestic servants, seamstresses, secretaries, and other similar professions.

Males comprise the bulk of physical/menial labor and the front-line grunt soldiers. Some males may aspire to gain leadership roles, but this is rare and typically only for exceptional men.

Male sexual behavior is highly regulated in Crystalstorm. The male libido is thought to be potentially destructive and prone to creating disorder. Therefore, in order to promote male sexual discipline, males are not permitted to masturbate without explicit permission from a higher-ranking woman. Additionally, males may not solicit sex from women, but must instead wait for a woman to initiate. Given the low social status of males, it is often very hard to refuse a woman who initiates a sexual encounter.

Crystalstorm is ruled by Queen Serina, the Crystal Queen. Serina took power at the age of 20 and has been ruling ever since. She is now 34 years old and rules from her palace in the capital city of Crystalhold. Serina is a militaristic ruler who has conquered a number of territories since taking power. After conquering a territory or tribe, Serina demands that the conquered people pay tribute and obey the commands of the Crystalstorm government.

One such conquered tribe is called the Cruxans. The Cruxans were a male-dominated society subsisting on hunting and simple farming that had resisted Crystalstorm rule for a number of years. Finally, they were overpowered and brought to heel about five years ago. Since then, Serina has undertaken the process of socializing the previously free men into Crystalstorm society and bringing up their sons in Crystalstorm ways.

As part of the Cruxan terms of surrender, they are required to send a certain number of young men to Serina's palace in Crystalhold each year. These young men are destined to serve as either menial labor, soldiers, or sexual playthings depending on Serina's choice. So, without further ado, our story begins as Serina receives word that the latest tribute from the Cruxans has arrived, and she heads out to inspect them.

Chapter 1

Queen Serina smiled in anticipation as she strode into the courtyard of her palace. Inspecting the latest tributes from the conquered nations of her empire was one of her favorite tasks, and she was eager to lay her eyes on the latest batch of young male slaves arriving from the outlying Cruxan tribe.

Futas were on average larger than standard females, and Serina was no exception. She stood about 6'0'' tall, with olive skin, and long, curly, dark hair. Serina possessed a full and curvy figure, with wide hips, a big round ass, and large breasts. She was strong, though not sculpted, and carried herself with a distinct air of confidence, as befitted a queen.

In Crystalhold, people tended towards clothing styles that were quite revealing, particularly during the summer months. Accordingly, Serina was dressed lightly wearing a low-cut bodice top that pressed her breasts together and showed off her ample cleavage. The bodice pulled tightly against her belly, which had a slight curve and gradual slope towards her pelvic region. On the bottom, she wore a loose, high-wasted skirt. Underneath that innocent skirt was lurking a long, thick 12'' cock that would be the envy of any man, and a large and swinging set of balls to go with it.

As she entered the courtyard, Serina was greeted by one of her advisors, a young female, 25 years old, named Arya. Arya was a brilliant young woman who had graduated with the highest honors in philosophy and politics from the most prestigious university in Crystalstorm. Arya had quickly risen to prominence within Serina's inner circle due to her intelligence, work ethic, and ability to find creative political solutions to difficult issues.

Arya was a petite woman, about 5'2'' with short, blonde hair, light blue eyes, and delicate, beautiful features. She had a slim build with a flat stomach, a shapely ass, slender legs, and small breasts. Arya was wearing a stylish green tunic that fell to about her hips, and had on short, bikini-style bottoms. On her feet she wore open-toed sandals with a slight heel.

"Good evening, your glory," Arya said, greeting Serina in the customary manner, and giving a slight bow, "I've made a cursory inspection of the Cruxan tributes, and I think you'll be quite satisfied with the offering."

"Thank you, Arya," Serina replied, "Though you know me, I'll need to make a close and deep inspection of these tributes myself before I'm satisfied." Serina and Arya exchanged knowing glances. In past years, the Cruxans had attempted to shirk their tribute obligations and had been punished harshly. It seemed they had learned their lesson.

Serina and Arya descended the steps to the courtyard and were met with a deliciously pleasing sight. In front of them were 20 fit, young, naked men lined up in two horizontal rows with their hands bound behind their backs. Surrounding the men were a squad of futa warriors who had been tasked with escorting the tributes to the palace. The warriors were Amazonian in build and wore tight brief-like bottoms that hugged their ample packages tightly and made clearly visible that they were not ordinary females. They also sported tough combat boots, decorated metal breast plates, and protective headgear. A few servant girls were accompanying the warriors. They were dressed simply, as befitted their low-status, bare-breasted and wearing only a loincloth with a thin strap in the back.

Serina paced past both rows of the tributes, inspecting them up and down. She enjoyed poking and prodding at their hard bodies, and licked her lips as she ran her hands over the pleasantly toned and muscular young men. Serina decided it would be fun to press her breasts into one of the tribute's chests and rub them up and down a bit. The young man tried to remain calm, but couldn't resist staring down Serina's top at her ample cleavage, his eyes as wide as globes. Serina cooly traced her hand down his back and then suddenly gave him a firm slap on his taut ass, snapping him out of his trance and causing him to bite his lip nervously. Serina chuckled and gave his now erect cock a playful swat. The young man blushed slightly.

"Ahem, your glory. You were inspecting the tributes, remember?" Arya interrupted, impatiently.

"Yes, of course, Arya. Just, uh, making sure these boys are healthy and functioning in all aspects." Serina grinned, giving the young man's now rock hard cock a slow and steady stroke, which caused him to shudder slightly. "Seems to be functioning okay," she continued, "Though it may warrant further inspection later."

"An excellent idea, your glory, though I think the servant girls may be able to assist you in that inspection process." Arya snapped her fingers and the servant girls dispersed among the tributes, tasked with making sure their cocks were all in working order.

Serina frowned slightly, she had been enjoying inspecting the tributes herself in her somewhat less efficient manner. However, she knew Arya could be quite incorrigible when it came to getting tasks done quickly, so she decided to let her advisor have her way this time.

The young men were clearly enthralled by the scantily-clad girls in front of them, with their jaws dropping and their heads twisting to follow the servant-girls' sultry movements. Their cocks stiffened quickly, usually without even a touch. it wasn't long before all 20 of the men's cocks were standing proudly straight and on display.

"These boys certainly seem to be healthy," Serina remarked, "though some of them seem a little overeager leering at the girls like that." As she spoke, several of the futa warriors approached the leering tributes from behind and rapped them harshly on their rear ends. In Crystalstorm, it was considered deeply improper for men to stare lustily at women or to display sexual interest too overtly. The guilty parties yelped in pain and quickly focused their gazes forward.

"A few years ago, a typical Cruxan male would be jumping all over these beautiful women in front of them," Reya said, "It's only thanks to our careful regulation that these barbarians have finally learned to respect the boundaries of women." Indeed, under Crystalstorm rule, none of the boys had ever known the touch of a woman, nor even the release of his own hand.

"Yes, it's remarkable how restraining their masculine urges has had such a positive effect in promoting order and curbing aggression among the young Cruxan male population. Not to mention, it's rather amusing just how sensitive these deprived boys are to the slightest touch." Serina took the cock of the nearest tribute in her hand and slowly pulled the skin from tip to base. The young man twitched slightly and let out a low moan. Serina chuckled and continued.

"It's a liberating effect, really. Unconstrained by old masculine roles these boys can now serve a more useful purpose than just drinking, fighting, and fucking girls. We've taught them to serve women, rather than take advantage of them." Serina released her hand, causing a soft sigh from the young man.

"Well said, your glory. And to help them better serve us I have developed a testing and training regimen to maximize the utility..."

Serina couldn't help but laugh as she interrupted Arya, "Oh Arya, you're always so concerned with utility, even with this assortment of naked, vulnerable men at your disposal. Don't you ever think about having a little fun?" Serina playfully poked Arya in the side, causing her to recoil in surprise.

"Why, yes, it's just that..."

"You've been so engrossed in city planning projects, I'll bet you couldn't even remember the last time you had your pussy properly eaten."

"Why, it was just last...um...uh..." Arya realized that she had been rather engrossed in her work lately. It wasn't intentional, but it seemed there was always some task left incomplete that required her attention. Come to think of it, it had been a while since she had enjoyed the feeling of a man's tongue on her pussy.

"Arya," Serina continued, "Working all the time won't make you happy. As my advisor you have the right to take liberties with any man in my employ. You need to start exercising it more. Consider that a command."

"Yes, my queen."

"I'll gladly hear all about your plans tomorrow morning, but for tonight let's relax. After all, our brave warriors have put in a long day of travel escorting these tributes to our service and deserve some entertainment. They've shown admirable restraint not to violate any of these bound, naked men all day. I think they deserve to have their desires sated." A cheer went up from the warriors as they laughed and leered lecherously at the young men, helpless and ready for the taking. The men quivered nervously, knowing that they had little control over their fates at this point.

Arya smirked. She figured Serina was more concerned with sating her own desires, as evidenced by the growing bulge beginning to lift her skirt in the front. Nonetheless, the queen had a point. The empire wasn't going to fall apart if she took the night off.

Serina sashayed over to the hard-bodied young man she had been teasing earlier and took his cock firmly in her hand before beginning to lead him inside the palace. Turning to Arya, she smiled and said, "Quick, Arya, grab one before the warriors take all the best ones!" and then departed, her hips swaying as she breezily strolled up the steps, her chosen tribute submissively allowing himself to be led by his cock. Arya could only laugh. It seemed the queen always had one thing on her mind. A command was a command, though, and Arya had to admit that a number of the hard bodies and hard cocks before her were rather enticing.

Arya preferred slimmer builds on her sexual interests, and picked out a shy looking boy who was facing downwards, standing at the end of a row. Taking his cock in her hand, Arya was taken aback by its size as it sprung to life, well above-average for a male. Arya purred softly as the boy squirmed under her attention, relishing his sensitivity to her slightest touch. It was fascinating to her imagining the effects of being denied sexual pleasure for so long, and she knew he must be aching for release. Perhaps, if he could pleasure her enough, she would grant it to him. Or perhaps not. After all, tonight was supposed to be about her pleasure.

Taking the young man by the cock, Arya led him from the courtyard. He would soon receive his first valuable lesson in serving the women of Crystalhold.

Chapter 2

Holding her young slave by the cock, Serina led him into her master bedroom. The bedroom had a large featherbed with fine linen sheets and soft pillows. In the back corner of the room was a spacious velvet couch. There were two large, glass windows with curtains and window panes hanging open, letting in a slight breeze from the night air.

Across from the bed was hanging a large oil painting that portrayed Serina dressed regally in traditional Crystalstorm ceremonial attire. She wore a decorative metal breastplate, a flowing cape, a battle helmet, and tough leather boots. Serina was not wearing any bottoms in the portrait, and her large, erect cock was on proud display. A muscular, naked man was on his knees, bent over and groveling at her feet. A golden crown had fallen off his head and was lying in front of Serina. Serina's boot heel was placed on the man's back, pressing his face into the dirt. The painting commemorated a military victory from early in Serina's reign.

Serina released her slave's cock and pushed him backwards onto the couch. The boy was still naked, with his hands bound behind his back. Serina was an imposing figure standing over him, her tight and low-cut bodice top barely containing her thick body and large breasts. The outline of a hard cock was visible underneath her loose, high-waisted skirt. She also wore black stockings cut just above her knee, and high-heeled sandals.

Serina bent over and placed her hands on the sitting boy's knees. She leaned into him, dangling her ample cleavage in front of his face. The boy instinctively turned away, having been taught that it was impolite to stare at women. Serina laughed and, gripping his chin, turned his face back towards her, giving him a lovely view down her bodice, and in between her large, soft breasts.

The young slave was strikingly handsome. He had brown, hair with a granite jaw-line and an attractive, masculine face. His body was hard and muscular, but not bulky. The hard regimen of physical labor required of Cruxan men made sure that he was kept in shape. Serina caressed the slave's cheek and jaw, then slowly ran her hands over his shoulders and biceps, purring as her fingers traced his well-defined muscles. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips while running her hands down his chiseled abdomen, stopping just short of his hard, erect cock. "My, you're a gorgeous little thing," Serina remarked, as she leaned over to gently bite her slave's ear.

"Thank you, my queen," the slave stammered, his voice wavering a bit. He was understandably nervous appearing before the queen like this without having ever before experienced a woman's attentions. Serina smiled, enjoying his nervousness, and brushed her bulging breasts lightly against his face, causing the boy's already hard cock to tingle.

Serina sat down next to her slave, rubbing up against him. She was feeling a bit devious and decided to tease her toy a bit. "It must be strange for you, being like this with the enemy queen who conquered your tribe. Growing up, my name must have been cursed on the lips of every Cruxan man." The boy lowered his gaze as he shyly nodded. Of course, Serina had been the Cruxan's most feared and hated enemy when the invasion started. But after the Cruxan's defeat and conquest, their entire social order had been upended.

"Seeing all those big, strong futa women invading your land, they must have seemed nothing like the weaker, gentler women your men were familiar with."

"No, nothing at all, my queen," the boy almost whispered in reply.

"And your women, who had had been relegated to sexual objects, childbearers, and homemakers, seeing them elevated to leadership positions over you...well, it must have been very emasculating. I'm sure you've gotten used to it over time, though. Perhaps it's even started to feel natural." The boy silently nodded in agreement. "Good," she continued, "it's important for every boy to learn that his proper place is in the service of women."

The queen peered down at her slave's hard member. His cock was long and impressive, standing straight between his slightly parted legs. Like all the slaves, he had been shaven completely before being presented as tribute. Serina lowered her hand, gently rubbing her slave's cock with her fingertips, pulling the skin up over the cockhead and back down. Her slave shuddered in pleasure.

"Before I conquered your people," Serina pondered, while continuing to rub her slave's cock, "Didn't the Cruxan men have a certain name they used to call me? To warn boys like you about me."

"Yes...my queen," the slave stammered, distracted by the sensations his cock was experiencing, "it was...um..." he hesitated, blushing. Serina gripped her slave's cock firmly in her hand and began to stroke him in earnest, eliciting a sharp gasp and moan from the boy.

"Please tell me." Serina said, pressing into her slave and whispering in his ear. She, of course, knew the name, but she particularly enjoyed hearing Cruxan men say it.

"Serina, the enslaver of men," he relented. Serina smiled and laughed.

"Say it again, slave," she commanded. Her slave repeated the name, but then looked away, his face a bright shade of red. Serina wondered if the name had stirred up some suppressed feelings of shame in him. She laughed and playfully flicked the boy's erect cock. She then reached behind his head and hugged him close to her, pressing his face down into her cleavage.

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