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Trouble with Triplets Pt. 02

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Ellie thrashes things out with Izzy.
5.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/09/2018
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So, it turns out that the morning after is awkward as hell. Who knew?

I woke up confused but thankfully not hungover, the need to pee getting me out of the bed before I realised just whose bed it was. I did my business, groaned at the mirror and then set about finding my clothes.

I had my undies on and was tugging up my jeans when Tom found me, a pair of sweats hanging low from his waist. He cleared his throat. "Uh, morning, Ellie."

"Tom!" I spun away from him, arms covering my boobs instinctively. "Can't you walk louder? You startled me."

He laughed softly. "We're in my flat, Ellie. Did you want your bra?" My eyes had been scanning the room for that very thing, and it's only as he held it past my shoulder that I remembered taking it off in his bedroom before we'd fucked. Damn, hot last night seemed to be embarrassing this morning. I grabbed it quickly and slipped it on. At least then, boobs in their place, I felt like I could talk to him again.


"Yeah..." I looked over at him. He moved his arms, unsure whether to fold them or let them hang. They tried to go into his pockets, only to find that the trousers lacked them. "This is awkward, huh?"

I couldn't help but grin. Tom was a genuinely nice guy and I found that, awkward as this morning was, I did not regret shagging him. Still, lack of regret is not something to build a relationship on and it was time to bite that bullet. "Yeah, I'll say. Look, Tom-" he cut off my hesitant start by raising his palm to me, I guess he recognised the tone.

"Last night was fun but it was just the one time?" I nodded to his raised eyebrow. "Oh, thank god for that. I'd been lying in bed for two hours wondering how to say that to you. I mean, you're great Ellie, and last night was good. Really good, but I don't think of you that way."

I put my hand over my heart, feigning injury. "Ouch, what every girl wants to hear. Thanks."

He snorted in amusement. "You were about to say the same words to me, right?" I shrugged, unable to deny it. "Yeah, thought so. You and I just don't think of each other that way I guess. Too much time as friends."

"And there's Jessie too," I threw out the guess, Tom and his ex had been off and on a dizzying number of times after all. He simply shrugged.

"There's Jessie too," he agreed. I couldn't help myself, I'd been curious for years and, well, I figure eating a guy's cum lets you be nosy.

"What is it you see in her? I mean, you two argue and break up all the time, surely you could find a woman that's less effort to be with? Oh! There's the bugger" Tom smiled patiently at me as I snatched up my top and tugged it on, settling it into place.

"She has passion, Ellie. It's tough ride to hold on to and, aye, the troughs are pretty low but the highs... All of it makes me love her, makes me miss her. Does that make sense? With Jessie, she's all in on anything she tries. That's exciting and I love being near that."

"Huh, that actually makes sense." He smiled, was there a sadness to it?

"Thanks. Everyone that's asked me that always seems surprised that I've got an answer. I love Jessie but I'm not blind to her faults. I've thought about them, and I've accepted that they are just a part of who she is, even when it hurts." I'm not the most feminine of women but boy did my heart go out to him at the end there. I felt the urge to walk over and hug him, tempered by recent events. I don't know if he spotted my hesitation or not but he gave me a way out when he offered "We should check your hand out, then I'll make us some breakfast."


My hand, if you were wondering, had scabbed over just fine and we were soon settling into a fried breakfast of sausages, bacon, eggs and mushrooms. We cooked, we ate, we cleaned up, we avoided talking about absolutely anything to do with last night.

It worked fine until the final bit of washing up was dry and stored away, then we fell into an awkward silence. I glanced at my phone, which had been blissfully muted all morning, to see eight texts waiting for me: seven from Izzy, one from Malc.

"Time to be serious?" I glanced up to find Tom looking at me with sympathy. I shrugged and looked back at the phone, scrolling through the messages. Izzy, ever the most passionate of us, swore at my punch, swore at me for punching, apologised for getting caught (seriously, not for doing it, for being caught) and asked me to come home. Malc just apologised and told me he was going to work as normal.

My brother has a knack for empathy at times. He knew I was hurting (which didn't need much empathy, to be fair) and knew that I was avoiding dealing with the pair of them. It's a trouble when you're a triplet, there's always someone to break the tie and I did not want to be outnumbered for this. Not that I knew what I was going to say, any time I had thought of it this morning I just felt the bottom fall out of my stomach and a hollow, aching pain fill me.

"What do you need, Ellie? I got the morning free. We can hang here, I can go with you to meet them, I can kick you out if you need that push?" That was tempting. I could see how Izzy tried to explain what I saw to someone else. 'Gee, it seemed fun to pose as my prissy sister while my brother butt-fucked me.'

"Tempting, but no," I sighed reluctantly. "It's a triplet thing, I have to do this alone."


Izzy, for once in her sodding life, listened to me and was out when I got in, leaving me free to shower away last nights sex,shave my legs and tame my bush. No, I had no designs on sleeping with Tom again but it was frankly embarrassing to be caught as a wild woman of the highlands and I felt better for taking care of myself.

I was sitting on my bed - sheets freshly changed for me which I'll put to a pair of guilty consciences - in my dressing gown drying my hair when Izzy got home, warned by her key in the door as I clicked the dryer off to sort a tangle.

"Ellie? You home?" She knew perfectly well I was home, damn bitch, my coat was right beside the fucking door and-

Ooo-kay, it's possible I have a little bit of pent up anger tucked away. I took a breath, clicked on the hairdryer and ignored her. I'd love to say I'm the bigger woman, that I was calming down my anger but I just wanted to make the bitch stew and wait for me to be ready.

It took ten more minutes to dry my hair, then a couple more to get dressed. Only jeans and a polo shirt, but the longer she waited the better, far as I cared. That and, you know, I might have procrastinated just a little. Eventually though I ran out of things to do and had to open the door and step into the living room.

Izzy and I stared at each other from either side of the door, her right hand half raised towards the handle. I don't know how things are for other siblings, but we three can read each other pretty well and Izzy was nervous as hell. A flush of vindication ran through me. She's the most confident of us and was always the ringleader when we got into trouble growing up. I'd assumed she was the instigator of everything her and Malc had done. And she was scared of me.

I raised my eyebrow. No fucking way was I making this easy on her.

"Ellie, I'm sorry. We never meant for you to find out about that." Oh boy, that was her opening gambit? I clenched my fists, tensing my arms to keep from lashing out.

"Find. Out?" I almost spat the words at her and I read the anger flare in her stance.

"Yeah, find out. If you'd just stayed out like I messaged you-"

"What? You two could keep fucking and laughing at me all night long?" I shoved past her, the bundle of tension needing release and stomping to the kitchen seemed like a better idea than punching her again. This was unlikely to hurt me, at least. Izzy skipped back out of my way.

"What the hell do you mean, laughing? Who was laughing at you, Ellie? Wasn't us." I spun on her, finger jabbing as I threw her words at her in mockery.

"'Fuck my up-tight arse.' That sound fucking familiar, you damn shitty dyke." I knew the second I spoke that I'd made a huge fucking mistake. True enough, Izzy snapped from worry to anger and stepped into my personal space.

"Really, Ellie? Homophobia? Of all people, my twin-fucking-sister uses that on me?" I dropped my gaze as she growled at me, abashed, and took a breath before speaking.

"I didn't mean that. The dyke part, I mean, but the rest I did. Fuck's sake, Izzy, I heard him call you 'Ellie.' Right before I burst in, you were pretending to be me." I shook my head, my anger deflated. "What the hell, Izzy. You like guys? Since when?"

Bitch rolled her eyes at me, flaring the subdued anger to twist guts. "I've never not liked guys, dumbass. I prefer women but guys can be alright. I just don't go on the pull for one. Why would I? I have one on tap pretty much whenever I like, so long as you were out for a bit."

I swear, if she'd farted the breeze would have knocked me over.

You have to understand, Izzy had held a constant chain of girlfriends and hookups since we all hit University. If she was single it wasn't unheard of for her to bring home multiple girls a week. She loved women, all of them. I couldn't remember a single time since puberty hit when she'd expressed any interest in a guy. I asked the only thing I could think of, "How long was this going on for?"

She eyed me warily. "Ellie, don't. You don't want to know the answer to that question." If anything was ever going to stoke the anger I'd felt since catching the pair of them, refusing to answer me was definitely up there.

Izzy's mass of red tangles shook gently as she sighed, reading the clench of my jaw as an unspoken demand for the knowledge. "I warned you. Remember that. How long ago did you and Terry get together?" I blinked in surprise. Terry and I had hooked up in freshers week at university in a drunken, whoops-where's-my-virginity-gone moment (one spurred on by Izzy pulling twice already in that week, I might add). That moment was almost five years ago. I felt my jaw drop as she expanded on her answer. "Yeah, a couple of weeks after you two got together."

I stopped, reeling mentally from the sheer weight of what Izzy had just told me. My sister and my brother had been fucking for the best part of half a decade behind my back. We were triplets! We shared everything with each other. At least, I did. When Malc botched his AS-Level exams, Izzy and I rallied around him, listened to his worries and pains then studied the hell out of his subjects to make damn sure he got the results he needed.

When puberty hit Izzy like a mallet, me and Malc were there, helping her understand her that her desires weren't heterosexual and that they changed absolutely nothing about who she was or our love for her. Hell, when I woke up in Terry's bed, hungover and with that ache in my cunt from my first night of fucking, they were the very first people I ran to. I needed them then, their support and love to process what drunken mistake I had made.

I needed them. Clearly, they did not need me.

Something inside me froze at the realisation. My sister, my brother. They had each other and no need for me in their lives. I drew in a breath and focused on Izzy. She was staring at me, her eyes flitting over my face as she tried to read my thoughts through my body language.

I closed my jaw, squared my shoulders and once more walked past her, striding across our small flat to the airing cupboard. I jerked upon the door, reached up and pulled out Malc's large holdall. I had no plan, just knew that I could not stay here. To leave meant I needed clothes, thus the bag.

"Ellie, what the fuck are you doing?"I turned my back on her, intent on my short term goal of grabbing together my shit and getting out of this asylum. I made it a step into our room before she grabbed my arm, spinning me to face her with an "Elspeth!", as if I'd not noticed her question.

"What?" I enunciated coolly.

"You are not doing this, not leaving us. We're your family. I'm your fucking twin!"

"No, Isobel, that's Malcolm." I could do the full naming too. "I'm just the sister neither of you give a shit about, the one you hid this from. For. YEARS."

"Hid it? Damn fucking straight I hid it because, you know what, I was scared you might react badly," she thrust her hand forwards, gesturing up and down at me. "Guess I know you pretty fucking well, huh? Do you have any idea how much I wanted to talk to you? After all my confusion about liking girls, suddenly I'm fucking a guy. And where were you, little miss perfect?

"I'll tell you exactly where you were, you were fucking Terry. First shitbag gives you some attention and you become his cock sleeve for years." Her tone twisted my words back at me. I felt my lips twist into a snarl.

"Yeah, I found someone. A guy I cared for, a guy who wanted me. You can't fucking talk about that, you fucked woman after woman." I jabbed my finger into her chest, punctuating my points as I vented anger I hadn't even known I held for the past half decade.

"So? I went to uni and had sex!" Izzy gasped melodramatically. "What a shock, no teenager has ever done such a thing before! Oh wait, literally thousands were at the exact same time only they didn't do it for fear of being left out of the fun, they did it because it was fun."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means sex can be casual and great, moron," my sister leaned close, snarling out her venom, "not a freaking engagement to the first man that sticks you with his dick. Maybe if you spent one minute of your life thinking and not trying to out do me you might have seen that you'd made it worse. A relationship with a complete tosser is not 'better' than my life, but no-oo, Ellie had to be jealous of me finally being able to explore my sexuality in the open."

"Jealous of you?" Blood pounded in my ears, roaring through my veins. "I was not jealous of you."

"Bullshit!" Izzy yelled in my face. "You were a jealous little girl, wishing you were me getting all the action."

"I wasn't jealous of you!" I bellowed an inch from her, words welling up and spewing out, untempered by rational thought, "I was jealous of them!"

My heart stopped as we both realised what the enormity of exactly what I'd said. In a moment, I was eighteen again, obsessing over Izzy's sex life, dwelling on images of her an endless array of blondes and brunettes. Always her, my beautiful sister, ever the focus of my fevered thoughts late at night. The ones I tried to hide even from myself. The ones that made me feel like the worst sibling in the world. The ones where I wanted her.

A second later, Izzy was on me, the pair of us staggering as we grabbed at the other with long repressed lust. We kissed with ravenous hunger for the other, Izzy's steps making me walk backwards. My shoulder jarred against the wall but I didn't care. My legs bashed into something and I tumbled down, pulling my sister with me. We had stumbled into Malc's bed.

Air rushed from my lungs as she landed bodily onto my chest, forcing me to break my lips from hers and heave in air. Izzy didn't care, her arms wrapped under me she instead kissed her way over my cheek. I tilted my face away, exposing my neck for her attention.

My labored breath stuttered as she nipped my ear, a spasm of molten heat throbbing through me. I wanted this desperately and shoved any attempts of my brain to bring rational thought to the moment aside. There was me, her and this moment. That was all I wanted.

I clawed at her back then twisted my shoulder to roll her off me. I drew back, looking at her for the first time as a lover. Izzy's blouse had scrunched about her middle to reveal a pale band of her belly. It wasn't enough, I needed more and snarled as a grabbed a fistful of the fabric. I wrenched, tearing buttons from the cheap top to reveal the white lace of her bra and the swell of her breast over it.

I dived onto his, planting quick kisses on the soft flesh. Her boob shook with soft laughter and she smoothed her hand over my hair, down my spine and began tugging up my polo shirt. I gave her a final kiss and nodded, agreeing that we had far too many clothes on. I threw my leg over hers before straightening, straddling her lap, and grabbed the hem of my top with both hands before pulling it free.

One thing people don't realise about having hair as voluminous is mine is just how easy it can get caught up and so, despite everything going on right now, I had some caution pulling it free - getting your hair tangled in buttons is a definite mood killer. I undulated my body with the motion and heard Izzy whistle softly, her fingers tracing over my stomach.

It was as I reached back to unhook my bra that I faltered, some part of my mind whispering to me, telling me this was wrong, that the world would condemn us. I met Izzy's gaze and she read me easily. She pushed up to her elbows and spoke with calm reassurance.

"Ellie, take a moment. Breathe. What's going on can stop here and I'll love you. It can go on, and I'll love you. I'm sorry for what we did, Malc and I just wanted to indulge a fantasy," I wrapped my arms about my stomach, the memory of her words yesterday still painful in their echo. She placed a hand on my forearm, shifting to support herself on one hand and looking at me as earnestly as though her eyes alone could persuade me. "It hurt you. No, I hurt you in a way I never, ever wanted to do and I swear I'll make it up to you for what I said, for what we did."

Inside I reeled, trying to reconcile her apology against the words still echoing in the vaults of my mind, the now-fading heat I'd felt at the admission of my previously buried desire warring at the pain of the discovery. Izzy had been right, I was a jealous woman just as I'd been a jealous child. I had been hurt, not just by the act I'd discovered but by the knowledge that Izzy and Malcolm had something apart from me. Now it was my choice, Izzy was always good for her word and I could choose what I wanted for us from here without repercussions for my decision.

I unhooked my bra and tossed it aside.

Izzy's crooked smile was filled with delicious promise as she admired me, sat topless astride her. "Nice choice," she murmured as I leaned over her. She lowered herself down, her hand moving from my arm to my right breast. She took my nipple between finger and thumb, pinching tight enough to make me gasp with pain and using it pull me higher. She replaced the pinch with her mouth, her tongue a swirl of cool relief around the puckered nub. I groaned with relief, delighting at the contrast of sensation. I pressed my chest forwards, filling her mouth with my tit.

I reached down and cupped a hand over her bra-covered orb, getting my first feel of another woman sexually. I frowned, the thought doing nothing to up my arousal. A hint of teeth drew a whimper from me, as I felt my sister's body sexually. Fuck, yes, that worked. I ran my thumb over the lace, squeezing down until I trapped her nipple in my grip. Revenge, I smirked, is sweet as I pressed down her.

I felt Izzy's hands at my waist, her grunt at my own effort a side note. Holy fuck, my sister was getting into my knickers and I wasn't sure I'd ever been wetter. I sucked my stomach in and the fly was open, the jeans pushed past my hips to bunch awkwardly at my thighs. Sweet fuck but I wanted this.

I tugged my tit from her suction and flopped to Izzy's side, hooking my thumbs into my jeans and lifting my legs to shimmy them down. As I stripped to my knickers (red and utilitarian I'm afraid, I was expecting an argument, not lesbian incest), Izzy distracted my by shedding her torn blouse and lace bra.

I whimpered as her chest was bared to me. I may have abs, but Izzy has curves I grew green over. I rocked my torso, craning my neck to suckle her as she had me, only to be met with her laughter. "Damn, Ellie. You're really getting into this, I love it!" She leaned into me and I greedily sucked her whole areola into my mouth as I kicked my jeans hit the floor.


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