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Troubled Waters: The First Day

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Siblings meet unexpectedly on a sinister sex cruise.
8.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 10/09/2009
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Authors Note: This story is a Brother-Sister Incest/Group Sex tale that also contains a wide variety of other flavors of sexual perversion.

It is a three part story. I will post each installment about a week apart. All characters are at least eighteen and, like all my fiction, this story is fictional.


"Thanks for taking Emma to Mom's, Alex," said Lorelei as she stretched up to give him a light kiss on the cheek. He leaned forwards slightly to even up the difference between his six foot four inches in height and her five foot ten. As her lips brushed his cheek, a gust of wind racing before the forecasted storms blew her hair into a wispy cloud of golden brown that enveloped their faces and immersed Alex in the smell of her shampoo. As she dropped back she pulled errant locks of wavy hair from her eyes and smiled up at him. "You've always been the best brother a girl could have."

"Anything for you kiddo," said Alex as he adjusted his squirming, year old niece in his arms. She kept earnestly reaching out with both arms towards Lorelei. "Any special instructions for Mom?"

"I doubt I could tell her anything she doesn't already know."

"Yeah, and if you did I doubt she'd listen. She'd just say, 'I raised you both on my own so don't tell me how to handle a child.'"

"Well, she raised you on her own. The way I remember it, you were the one that raised me," said Lorelei.

Alex knew she had a point. He was eight years older than his sister and, as their mom's catering business had started taking off, the job of raising Lorelei from a toddler through her difficult early teen years had fallen largely on him. It had frequently required him to forego the usual diversions of a teenaged boy in order to attend to his headstrong and occasionally difficult young sister, but, finally, she had grown into a smart and beautiful woman.

"Be that as it may, I'd better get your larva over to mom's. You're not the only one with a business trip this weekend."

A faraway look descended onto Lorelei's face. She was going away on a party planning gig up in Montreal that paid big bucks; "A semester of college for Emma," as she put it.

"Yeah, it's going to be an exhausting weekend, but I'm kinda looking forward to it. Shit, look at the time, I really have to go." She quickly kissed her daughter and Alex once more, climbed into her Toyota and drove off.

Alex manipulated Emma's little arm to make her wave at her departing mother. Once Lorelei turned the corner and disappeared into the New Jersey sprawl, he turned Emma around to look at her. God, she looked so much like Lorelei. Still, Alex wished Lorelei and Randy had used a condom, especially when they found out he was shipping off to Afghanistan. Now he was dead from a stupid Humvee accident and she was a single mother at twenty two. He could already see the stress of her situation aging his beautiful kid sister from week to week.

He sighed. "That's life eh?" he said to Emma, who tilted her little head at him quizzically. "Well, come on girl; let's get you to your Grandmother so I can go try to sell some bathroom fixtures to a supremely creepy Russian pimp."


It had started to rain after he left his mom's house and increased in intensity on the drive to the marina. It was shitty weather for a three day cruise around Long Island, but fresh air and sunshine were hardly the point. This was Alex's chance for a Big Sale; a chance to sell millions of dollars worth of burnished platinum shower knobs, gold trimmed bidets, hand painted silk shower curtains and all the other garish, high priced bullshit that his company could shovel at Victor Zdrokov for his "pleasure resorts". That Zdrokov's venture was really just a string of bordello-islands where rich men could pay huge sums to fuck young girls made no difference when such quantities of money were involved. If everything went well, the bathrooms at those "resorts" would be tricked out with fixtures from Apex Furnishings and Alex Barstow would get a sweet commission on each glorious piece.

"Are we sure we even want this account?" Alex asked Hal, his boss, as he drove gingerly through the black storm; shouting into the phone over the drum of rain on his car. "Aren't we worried about… you know, going to Hell?"

"If people worried about going to Hell when conducting business, nothing in this world would ever get done. So I don't even want to hear that kind of talk. Mr. Z wants you on this little business cruise of his because he thinks you're sympathetic. He thinks you're as big a pervert as he is."

Alex sighed. A couple of weeks ago Zdrokov had taken several of the salesmen out for lunch and brought them to a "private club" where he bought time with several "professional girls". Alex was just going along with the fun, drank way too much and fucked his girl up against the bar. Then he fucked the girl left over when Carrentello, a happily married guy and a devout Catholic, balked and left early. Zdrokov had been vocally impressed not only by Alex's initiative and staying power, but also by the size of his manhood. Alex had been getting shit about it at work ever since.

"Shit. So this deal rests on the fact that this Russian bastard is impressed with my dick?"

"When he requested you as our representative he called you, 'ready like a rabbit and built like a bull,'" laughed Hal.


"Aw, chill out Alex. Most guys would kill to have an eleven incher like you."

"The stories have me up to eleven now? Shit Hal, it's not even nine." It was eight and seven-eigths last time he checked, but he didn't like to brag.

"Whatever Barstow. The point is he thinks you're a player. This whore-tour of his isn't about figuring out who to buy fixtures from, he's trying to build word of mouth. You can't advertise what he's selling. He's got to get the word out by getting as many horny businessmen from around the world laid as possible. I've asked around and he's done about a couple dozen of these things so far and it seems to be working like a charm. People are talking."

"I hadn't thought of that."

"That's why I'm the goddamned boss. Now when you get there you just get on his damn ship, give the presentation like we rehearsed and fuck every pussy he throws your way. Christ, I can't even believe I have to pep-talk you on this. If I was your age…"

Hal went on with his tirade, spinning out fantasies of what he'd do if he was twenty years younger with a big cock on a ship full of sluts. Alex figured Hal was probably right. He just didn't like the idea of his career riding on his prick. Who was really the whore here, after all?

The yacht was waiting when he arrived. It loomed above the pier like an iceberg with tinted windows. Alex dashed through the rain and up the gangway where his credentials were checked and he was left standing on deck under a dripping awning with three other nervously fidgeting salesmen while they waited to be escorted inside one by one. After twenty minutes Alex was led by a couple of hard looking security guys to a room where they took his luggage, cell phone and wallet. He was then x-rayed by a cute, petite Asian woman in a ridiculously tiny and tight nurses' uniform. Then came the strip search.

"Is she really a nurse?" Alex had asked one of the security guys as she peered up his ass with a pen light.

The security guy ignored him. "Me Nurse, yes," said the nurse with a smiley voice from behind him as she jammed a syringe into him to take a blood sample.

Alex was given a robe and finally shown to his stateroom by a tall blond in professional, albeit slinky and skimpy, attire. She said her name was Irina. In a Slavic accent she told him they would not be discussing business until the following day so it was recommended that he get some rest before the party that evening. He was informed that until they checked his blood-work he was required to stay in his cabin. When she left he checked the door. It was locked from the outside.

He felt the boat lurch as it left the dock. Worried about feeling seasick, he took a couple of the Dramamine he found in the bathroom and lay down to watch the rain blurred skyline of Manhattan slip by as they cruised up the East River towards Long Island Sound. At some point he fell asleep. Three hours later Irina returned to congratulate him that his tests had come back clean. She told him to get ready for the evening's entertainment. He'd be expected in the great-room within the hour.

"What about my clothes?"

"It is informal dress this evening Mr. Barstow," was all she said. She left him with a robe and slippers to wear and nothing else.

Alex checked the door again when she had left. It was unlocked now. He peered out into the hall and followed the smell of fresh, salty air to an open door leading to a walkway outside. As he emerged he found a man of about five foot eight with a pale, drawn face standing with his back to the wall. He wore the same type of navy blue velvet robe as Alex and was smoking a cigarette while watching the featureless grey drizzle as the light of the dying day slowly faded away.

"This is all pretty fucked up, huh?" said Alex plucking at the lapel of his robe.

"Can't argue with you there mate," he said in a staccato English accent. "But I'll put up with an awful lot for a chance to spend the next three days dipping my in prick for free in Zdrokov's stable of tarts."

"Yeah," laughed Alex. "Should be pretty wild. I feel a little like a whore myself for going along with all this."

The Englishman pursed his lips together and spat out a rude noise. "All business is whoring mate. We sell little bits of ourselves; our time; our honor; our soul; until you get too old and they kick you out the door with hardly anything left of who you used to be."

"That's pretty bleak."

"That's life mate. But I'll be stealing some little chunks of soul for my own from some of these whores; I can tell you that."

"How so?"

"Those sluts will know they've been fucked by Jimmy Thompson is what I mean. I'm going to be bare-backing their assholes and feeding them their own shit. I'm going to be choking them on my cock, drowning their faces in my piss. I tell you, they'll tremble when they see Mr. Thompson coming... Aha, I made a joke, see. When they see me coming, right? "

"Christ, that's harsh."

"You're a master or a slave in this world mate. At our little preliminary get-together back in London, Zdrokov told me he liked the way I dominated my girl. I had her in fucking tears by the time I was done. So here I am on the biggest fucking sales call of the decade and I'm just the bloke who usually writes the fucking maintenance contracts. I don't give a damn if I sell a bloody thing, but I'm going to take full advantage of three days of free cunt. I'd advise you to do the same. It costs too bloody much to fuck over high quality tarts on your own ticket."

"Yeah, well, I guess I'll see you around."

"Cherrio mate."

Alex was feeling suddenly queasy. Was that the kind of shit Zdrokov was expecting? Whatever else happened he hoped he wouldn't have to see whatever that sick bastard did for satisfaction.

He took a quick shower and shaved before heading down to the great-room. It was lavishly appointed; exactly what you'd expect if you let a pimp decorate. It was carpeted in deep red and white zebra striped shag, paneled in floral crimson velvet and ceilinged with polished walnut parquet tiles. The lighting fixtures, door handles, hinges and even the heat vents were plated in gold. The furniture was hand carved teak and upholstered in sienna toned leather. It was one of the most God-awful gaudy room Alex had ever seen.

In the middle of it all stood Victor Zdrokov in a black satin robe and matching boxer shorts; beaming expansively like a happy emperor ensconced in his pleasure palace. Except for his thick, bushy eyebrows his head and flabby body were hairless. Irina stood attentively at his side in a black corset with black gartered stockings and high heels. Following close behind were two young women, a tiny Asian who was easily under five feet tall and a pale blond with empty, gray eyes. Both were nude and wore collars attached to leashes that Zdrokov held in his left hand. Both looked timid and skittish.

Several of the other salesmen were already there standing around, making small talk and leering at Irina and Zdrokov's two slave girls. One of them, seemingly the only other American, was a well maintained loud-mouth with big white teeth that he flashed in a fake, oppressive smile. He was talking to a dark, Mediterranean looking man with a thick push-broom mustache who already seemed tired of him. There was also a tall East Asian man and a short balding Indian with dark circles under his oversized eyes. Jimmy Thompson didn't seem to have arrived yet. Rounding out the crowd were the three elaborately muscled security guys who stared at nothing and didn't change their blank expression; two were Caucasian, the other an incredibly dark skinned African.

"Ah, Mr. Barstow," gushed Zdrokov. "You have arrived. Now all we lack is our British friend. Soon we will be able to begin the entertainment. I must tell you, I am interested in seeing whose manhood is more robust. Personally, I think it must be between you and Mr. Ranjit."

The Indian nodded in his direction with a smug smile.

"I must say, when I interviewed his company's sales staff in Mumbai the disproportionate ratio of his manhood to his height made me doubt my own eyes." Zdrokov guffawed while Alex tired to feign amusement. God what an ass this guy was.

In a flash the big toothed American was at Alex's side. "Roger Mayhill," he said, extending a hand. "You can call me Rog."

"Pleased to meet you 'Rog', I'm Alex. Are you..."

"Zdrokov says you got a big schlong. Well, 'The Rog' ain't no slouch either and they measure my jizz in pints."

"Hmm... OK...," said Alex as he darted his eyes around, looking for any way to escape this conversation. Zdrokov listened and laughed amicably.

"I mean, big dicks are one thing, but The Rog has balls the size of…"

"Hey Thompson's here," said Alex, unable to believe he was happy to see Jimmy Thompson again.

"Good, Good. Greetings Mr. Thompson," said Zdrokov eagerly. "Gentlemen, let's enjoy ourselves this evening for tomorrow we have business to discuss. Firstly I ask you all to sit along the starboard wall please," he said waving over to a line of six high-backed leather chairs.

They all sat and Zdrokov stood before them with his fat gut hanging out of his robe over his satin boxers. "Now, as you might have guessed, I have hired some lovely young ladies for your companionship on our little cruise. You will have to choose when I bring them out, but don't worry, you can trade them amongst yourselves later so no one will be lacking in variety. However we do need some kind of pecking order to decide who gets to pick first. I've decided we should go by pecker order. Ha! Now please gentlemen, let my girls take your measurements."

He unleashed, literally, his two slave girls who moved to opposite ends of the line of chairs and sank to their knees. They opened the robes of their men and began fellating them to full erection. Alex didn't know if he should watch or avert his eyes when the tiny Asian girl began licking as sucking on Mayhill's dick over to his right, but when Rog leaned over and said, "Hey, dude, check this out," he felt free to gaze. Alex's discomfort dissolved into weird fascination as he watched her tiny hands and mouth moving up and down Mayhill's shaft. She seemed to know what she was doing and was soon was stretching back long strands of pre-cum from the tip of Rog's stiff cock to her glossy lips. Without comment, she released him and Irina stepped up to bend over and take her reading. As she did, the little Asian was already reaching into Alex's lap.

Alex was already pretty firm from watching her tiny mouth playing up and down Mayhill's cock, so when she pulled his penis out he looked to check her reaction. There was none. She didn't bat an eye as she settled in to slurp up and down the underside of Alex's meat and pop the fat head into her mouth while running her tongue around the rim. In almost no time Alex was worried he was going to pop too soon, but she sensed she had done her job and, without ever having looked him in the eye, moved down the line to let Irina measure him. He was surprised to find his dick was just a little over inches long; a little bigger than he thought. But it was not long enough to choose first. Ranjit's measured just a little less than ten.

"Don't be discouraged Mr. Barstow," said Zdrokov with a slap on the shoulder. "I believe yours is somewhat thicker. But, the rule is length not volume. Ha!"

Finally they had all been measured and the slave girls returned to stand behind Zdrokov. He smiled. "Gentlemen, you are in for a treat. I have assembled six of the most delectable courtesans New York City had to offer. Prepare to make your selection, if you can decide from such a rich assortment." He clapped twice.

The girls came strutting out. Zdrokov wasn't kidding, they were all incredibly hot. They were dressed in matching lingerie; lacy bras and panties that did little to hide their nipples or pussies; matching garter belts and stocking with high heeled pumps. Each girl's outfit was in a different pastel color: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, et cetera: a rainbow of sexy. Still recovering from his recent suck-job, Alex was already turned on and his penis still stood up at full attention from his lap. He looked from one girl to the next hungrily: a big breasted, platinum blond; a raven haired beauty with blue eyes ; willowy Asian with pouty lips; a mocha skinned black girl with big, natural tits and long, muscular legs; a tall, pretty, blue eyed girl with golden brown hair who looked like…

His eyes and Lorelei's met at the same instant. The big smile on her face faltered for a fraction of a second before she recovered, but the worry was still telegraphed from her eyes. Alex felt his skin go clammy and the bottom drop out of this stomach as he yanked his robe closed. His sister: his little sister! He had changed her diapers when she was a baby. He had helped her with her homework a thousand times. He had taken her shopping; to movies; to concerts. He had held her only child this very morning. Now here she was, ready to get shared by a room full of rank perverts.

Lorelei avoided looking at him as she strutted past. Alex glanced left and right. Were the other guys checking her out? Who was Thompson eyeing up? Good God, he had to keep her away from Thompson.

The girls lined up in front of them; hands on hips; one foot before the other; and waited for their assignment. Alex stared at Lorelei with his breath shallow in his chest. She continued to avoid his gaze.

"I see you find the selection most tempting," said Zdrokov said to them all with a big smile. "Mr. Barstow, are you feeling OK?"

"Um…Yeah. Yeah, just a little seasick I think."

"Are you going to…"

"I'll be fine."

Zdrokov went down the line and introduced the girls by name: Suzie (the fake titted blond), Lucy (the blue eyed, black haired beauty), Rae (the pretty, lithe Asian), Desiree (the athletic black girl with big boobs), Lori (his goddamned sister!!) and Candi (the sort, cute strawberry blond). He then turned to Ranjit and told him he had the privilege of first selection. Alex waited with white knuckled terror as Ranjit looked up and down the line. Finally he picked the girl next to Lorelei, the last one in line; Candi, a short, young looking girl with long, straight strawberry-blond hair, porcelain skin and green eyes. She strutted over to Ranjit and sat on his lap. He had to rearrange his huge dick to make room for her.

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