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True (Forbidden) Love Ch. 02

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The next morning.
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Hot. Sticky. Sweaty. Samantha awoke to the blankets clinging to her skin as she tried to move. Immediately she became aware of the presence beside her on the bed. Her heart hammered within her chest. Who was this in her bed? What had she done the night before.

She slowly moved her arm up the body beside her, feeling the sharp edges of solid muscle in the abs of her bed time partner. She tried to remember the events of the night but nothing came to her beyond the kiss she gave her brother before going on her date with Mark.

Her eyes should have adjusted to the dark of the room but a pounding ache within her head made focusing difficult. She closed her eyes and used her other senses to paint a picture of her guest. His body was lean but formed of hard, chiseled muscle. His neck was cleanly shaved but his chin was covered with short coarse hair which extended along his jawline in either direction. Mark didn't have facial hair. She began to smile at the picture forming in her mind. The only guy she was close to who had facial hair was her brother. She leaned in close and breathed him in, smelling the familiar scent of Zest body soap, sandalwood shampoo, and his sweat.

She stretched, reveling in the best night's sleep she had experienced in a while. As her back popped and the tension left her body, she realized from the feel of the sheets on her skin, that she was naked. Her heart fluttered within her chest and butterflies filled her stomach. She could not remember what had happened which had lead to this glorious moment, but she thanked God for this gift.

She watched him sleep. The even fall and rise of his chest making her sigh contentedly. She slipped from the bed, not knowing what to think of the situation she had found herself in, but the feel of something cool on her skin caught her attention. She touched the slick pool on her skin and realized with a tingle what she had found. She didn't know if it meant they had done anything but she could not shake the feeling that her brother's cum was on her skin. Shivering with excitement, she massaged the fluid into her skin, wanting, if only for a moment, to keep this gift upon her.

Her head and her body ached, she felt as if someone had poured sand into her joints. Thinking that a shower might help her feel better, and possibly restore some of her memory, she stepped into the hallway and ran naked into the bathroom.

The tile of the bathroom floor was like ice on the soles of her feet. The cold air licked devilishly at her body and goosebumps covered her skin. She shivered lightly as her nipples hardened. She smiled at herself in the mirror, the memory of waking up next to her brother filling her with joy. She still wondered about the details behind the delicious wet spot on her skin but she felt a shower was due before she tried to process that information.

She turned on the water, fighting with the dial until she found a suitable temperature. She often felt that the shower dial should be named "Hoth" for cold and "Mordor" for hot; a joke she had read on Pinterest. She stepped gracefully into the shower, moaning audibly as the hot water cascaded down her body and caressed her soft, freckle dotted flesh.

The water consumed her, flowing over her skin in a crystal clear ripple which danced upon her skin. From her shoulders it flowed down over and between her breasts, dripping from her nipples or shimmering across her flat stomach. The heat of the water tinged her skin a bright pink, and chased the cold from the room.

Her mind began to clear as the water, so much like a baptism, washed away bits of the lingering miasma she had felt upon waking. She stretched again, extending her body beneath the water, not caring as the spray fell upon her face. Flashes of the previous night were coming back to her; drinking with Mark, kissing her brother on the cheek, climbing out a window. She couldn't quite make sense of them but felt certain the alcohol was to blame.

Tilting her head back into the water she worked her fingers through her hair, combing through the thick mess of bed head as the water worked its magic herein. She liberally applied shampoo to the red stack upon her head and this act brought up a memory of her as a girl. A time when she and Jericho were still young enough to bathe together. He was 5 and she was 4. An innocent time, Jericho had scooped up some of the bubbles from the shared bath and placed them on top of her hair. "Now you have cool whip on top of you, Strawberry!" they both giggled at the joke and that was that.

The memory enhanced the smile on her face. She had so many good memories with her brother, sure they fought like any siblings, but he was fiercely loyal to her and at her saddest moments he would do some of the most romantic things to make her smile.

Too soon the shower had ended. She felt fresh and clean but still could not fathom how she had ended up in her brother's bed. She didn't know for certain if anything had happened. She hoped something had but the only way to know was to ask him. She bit her lip nervously and that was when she felt his arms slide around her waist.

Jericho had meant to rise from bed, carry his sister to her room, tuck her in, and return to his own room. Really, he had, but..... But the smell of her body, the natural scent of her skin, her sweat, her glorious arousal filled his nostrils with every breath and this sweet perfume soothed his spirit. The feeling of his sister's body next to his own assured him that, at least for this one night, all was right with the world. He lay there, listening to her deep, even breathing, feeling her chest rise and fall against his own. It was humid, sweaty, and her hair kept getting all over his face; he wouldn't have traded a second for anything.

He tightened his arm around her, silently vowing to her, to the universe, to anyone who could hear, that he would protect her, treasure her, and love her to the sacrifice of all else. He expected nothing in return for his vow, she would always be the center of his world. Despite the heat and discomfort (his arm had fallen asleep long ago) he felt himself drifting to sleep.

When he awoke he was slightly cooler, well-rested, and alone. This last element caused his anxiety to sky-rocket. What had she thought when she had awakened, naked, in his arms, with his cum on her side? Sure it had been her who had climbed into his bed, but he should have woken her, should have taken her to her room, something, anything. Instead he had been selfish, had spent the night enjoying what he had long dreamed of having and now he would have to pay. His mind spiraled into a panic, fear filled him.

He rose from the bed, put on his boxers and some light running gear. Opening his door he heard the shower begin to run, Samantha must just have woken up. He thought about going to her, thought about apologizing and begging for her forgiveness. He also thought that throwing the door open to apologize for letting her sleep naked by him, and catching her naked in the process might undermine the apology. The rhythmic landing of his feet on the dirt path focused his thoughts in the moment. Breathe in, breathe out, jump over the log, watch out for stones.

Sweat covered his body and his muscles were beginning to scream from the abuse. He had set out with the intention of clearing his head and what had ensued could be classified as nothing other than punishment. He had been running for 20 minutes, pushing himself harder every time his muscles begged to stop. His breath rushed in and out of his lungs as quickly as he could breathe and his hair lay heavy on his brow.

When he could go no further, he collapsed in a clearing. His body hummed with pain and exhaustion, he had nearly completed the 5 mile cycle around his house. He figured that Samantha would be in the shower for at least an hour and resolved that when he could move once more he would start back to the house. The light of the morning sun shone through the trees, the rays becoming almost tangible in the sea of forest pollen and dust. He felt the warmth shining on him and for some unknowable reason, his spirits began to lift.

In his mind he saw Samantha, dancing with him, laughing with him, he thought of all the times he had told her he loved her. He smiled. For so long he had wanted her as more than a sister that he had neglected to realize, he already had her in his life. True he wanted more but that should be reason for joy, not for sadness. He had let the prospect of never having her as anything more, cloud the good times they already had together.

The light continued to shine on him. His muscles seemed to drink the light in, utilizing the solar power to repair themselves. His smile grew larger. He had already spent a night with her in his arms, he had dedicated his very soul to her, and she deserved to know the truth. He resolved to tell her, to make her see, that there would never be anyone else for him. His love for her could never be trumped or overshadowed by another. If she said no, it would hurt, but he would understand.

Jumping to his feet he ran faster than previously. He seemed fueled by some otherworldly source, and though he should have been upset about the prospect of Samantha turning him away, he was overjoyed that he had an opportunity to tell her, to confess his love for her. For some reason, he looked forward to this moment.

He opened the front door of the house, took the stairs two at a time, and arrived at the top landing just in time to hear the shower shut off. He took a moment to gather his thoughts, to catch his breath, and then opened the door slowly.

Her long red hair hung in thick tresses down her back, a canary yellow towel wrapped tightly above her breasts covered her modesty to well below her knees. At 5'3" there wasn't much that didn't swallow her up, but to him she was a goddess. He didn't know how a woman as short as her could have such long legs. She was a mystery, and he hoped one day she would be his.

Her back was too him, she was focusing on some aspect of herself in the mirror as he slipped his arms around her waist. This was the moment, all or nothing.

"Samantha," he started, but her lips upon his own stopped the words in his throat.

She stopped kissing long enough to tell him, "I love you, Jericho. I love you, truly. I have been hoping you would see but I don't want to wait any longer. I want you, I love you more than I should but I don't want to love you any less." He looked into her eyes, stunned.

Her eyes began to tear up, thinking the worst, thinking she had done something to destroy their relationship. When he smiled, she wanted to scream.

"I love you too, Strawberry." he said, using his childhood nickname for her. "I have loved you for so long. I'm sorry I never told you, I was just so frightened of losing you that I couldn't bring myself to say it." He took her in his arms and kissed her.

Years of passion were poured into the kiss and by the end they were out of breath, flushed, and giggling like school kids. She looked into his eyes, and bit her lip in that oh-so-seductive way before she allowed her towel to drop from her body. His eyes were riveted to her body.

Her hair, a much darker red due to still being damp, the freckles on the bridge of her nose just beneath her all-consuming eyes, the full pouty look of her lips, the dimples on her cheeks. His eyes drank in her beauty. The sheer perfection of her features as she looked, shyly up at him, hoping silently that he finds her attractive.

He reaches out tentatively, hoping he isn't hallucinating. The instant his finger made contact with her skin, the both reacted as if an electric charge had been unleashed upon them. His eyes closed at the contact and when they opened she saw not the love once radiating there, instead she saw hunger in its most pure form. His desire had consumed him and it reflected in his eyes as he looked at the only person whom could satiate his urges. Her body responded immediately.

His hand lingered for a moment on her cheek before slowly sliding down to her neck. The feeling of his fingers on her skin caused her breathing to become more rapid, her blood rushed through her veins, and she could feel herself getting wet. His hand had reached her breasts and he gently caressed her small nipples before allowing his hand to slide lower. As he made contact with her abs, he felt her stomach muscles roll against his touch. He smiled and leaned in closer to her, his mouth mere inches from her ear. She could feel his every breath and it made her burn hotter for him.

"So....soft." he whispered to her as his fingers got closer and closer to her clean shaven mound.

She had never been touched there by anyone other than herself and her body ached for the sensation of his fingers upon her. She could feel her lips parting like a flower in bloom. She didn't know if she could wait much longer, the expectation was killing her, driving her wild. Still his hand moved slowly onward, getting closer and closer.

The moment his hand touched her slick, swollen lips, he nibbled on her ear. The result was instantaneous. Her juices exploded on his hand and her knees buckled.

He caught her without much effort, chuckling lightly to himself at her reaction. She blushed shyly but smiled at him as he licked his fingers. The desire she had witnessed in his eyes before burned so much darker upon him. If there had been a point when he could have turned away from her (not that he ever would) there existed no such time now. He would have her, he would take her, and she could not wait! He, however, had a different idea to how long she would wait. True, he wanted her beyond anything he had ever experienced. But he wanted things to go a certain way, he wanted it to be special for her. He leaned in and kissed her, his tongue dancing with her own. Lifting her into his arms as one carries a bride, he took her into her room.

His strong arms held her securely and her eyes never left his except when they kissed. Gently, he laid her on her bed, and her first thought was to cover herself but the look in his eyes as he drank her in, left her breathless. He pulled his shirt over his head and she bit her lip once more. His abs rippled and rolled as he moved. She could see each tight coil of muscle beneath his skin and it left her wanting to taste each inch of him.

Tearing her eyes from his abs, Samantha looked at her brother and absorbed all of the details of this moment. His shaggy dark hair hanging heavily, still damp from his run. His high cheekbones, distinguished nose, and a smirk on his kiss-reddened lips. She rubbed her thighs together but stopped when he shook his head at her.

His hand found the back of her head, wrapping tightly in the long strands, he melted into the bed kissing her as they fell together. He kissed her with all the passion and hunger he had kept within himself. Her hands caressed his sides, her nails lightly scratching at his skin hinting at her own deep hunger. He moaned into her mouth. He managed to separate from her and smiled at her.

"I have wanted this so long, I have wanted only you. Now that I have you, I know what I want to do but you will have to stay perfectly still for me, ok?" She eagerly nodded her head and lay back.

He kissed her lips lightly, her cheek, her chin, her neck, working inexorably down her body. His lips upon her breasts stole her breath and she struggled to keep her hands and legs under her control. More kisses across her upper abs, then around her belly-button, and finally her lower stomach just above her pubic mound. Her toes curled and uncurled, the anticipation driving her wild. He moved lower, his breath caressing her delicate untouched slit, and then she almost screamed as he continued to move lower, kissing her thighs, leaving her soaking wet pussy, untouched and wanting.

Jericho smiled to himself, he knew teasing her was not very nice but he wanted her to experience every moment of pleasure he could give her. Teasing was a part of that. Reaching her feet he sat back on his heels and lifted one leg running his fingers of the pads and sole of her foot. Lifting her leg had caused her lips to spread and he could see her juices flowing from within her. He lifted her foot to his mouth and licked the pads of her toes.

She expected the action to tickle, she had not expected the flutter inside of her, she had not expected the muscles within her vagina to clench, nor had she expected the flood she felt. It intensified as he lightly bit on her toe. The pressure of his teeth on her delicate skin left her feeling completely at his mercy. The feeling of his tongue flashing across her tiny digits made her want to giggle, scream, and beg for more all at the same time.

He lowered her foot, she took a breath in thinking it was over, her eyes opened wider as he lifted her other foot. Again she was tortured by the sensations. He had a power over her body and seemed to revel in using it. She could smell her own scent in the room and blushed even as his tongue made her wetter.

He rested her foot back on the bed and began to kiss his way back up her body, letting his tongue lick slow soft geometric shapes as he moved up. Again, she could feel his breath on her pussy. The heat and moisture causing her to twitch uncontrollably beneath him.

"Uh-uh-uh," he said. "No moving." She could hear the smile on his face and it just made her ache all the more.

The first feeling of his presence was the pressure of his nose just at the top of her slit. Then the electric spark of his tongue on her between her delicate lips. He didn't go for her clit, but instead licked slowly across her lips. He gently pulled her lips into his mouth, licking her juices from them. The sensation of his tongue was driving her wild and she was bucking against his mouth. He never expected her to be able to hold still the whole time but knew telling her not to move would make her hotter.

He licked deep into her, curling his tongue inside her as she moaned and whimpered for him. She moved her hips harder, trying to get more friction on her clit but he evaded her at every turn. When she could stand it no longer she grabbed his hair with her hands and pulled his face deeper into her. As she did this he locked on to her clit and licked her long and slow as she continued to grind against him. Soon however, the scent of her nectar had driven him wild and he was furiously flicking her clit with his tongue to the pleasing sounds of her moans and screams for him.

"Yes, Jericho, mmmmm, oh! That's it, don't stop, don't stop licking your sweet sister's pussy." Hearing her dirty talk only made him harder, he throbbed against the bed.

"More, more, don't stop, oh God, don't stop." Her hands were locked in his hair as her orgasm tore through her.

She arched her back, squirming, bucking against him as her juices exploded into his mouth. Her moans filled the room and he held on for dear life. He loved hearing her crying out for him, and he thanked God that their parents were out of town.

As she came down, she shuddered and twisted in his arms. He kissed his way up her body, tasting the salty sweat on her skin. She kissed him, tasting her cum on his tongue and groaning at the feelings coursing through her. Her clit was sensitive but still her juices flowed within her. She wanted to feel him deep inside her, she wanted him to make love to her.

She rolled him onto his back and broke off the kiss. Breathless, she tugged off his shoes and socks and yanked his pants off. He could tell by her fevered actions that she was not satiated, neither was he.

Once free of his pants, his member stood proudly. Had she remembered her dream she would have been amazed at how accurate it had been. He stood 8 inches long and as thick and fat as three of her fingers combined. She marveled at the size and felt deja vu as she wondered how it would fit inside her.


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