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Trust and Obey

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Louise is visited by a magical girl and her special friends.
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Louise sat by the window and stared at her own reflection in the rain. It was the kind of rain you only got in Seattle, not so much a shower as a constant gray downpour that made outdoor activities about as appealing as a root canal. It was the kind of rain that seemed like it conspired with Sunday afternoons to make lethargy seem like the only available option-she had books, she had Netflix, she had video games and a car that could take her anywhere she wanted to go, but whenever she looked out the window at her own winter-pale face and long, messy brown hair reflected in the half-light created by miles of cloud cover and endless damp, all she wanted to do was sit. Even dozing off sounded too much like work.

Louise tried to remind herself of the pile of dirty clothes in the hamper. She tried to tell herself that she'd gotten a whole stack of books for Christmas and she hadn't even started one. She gently suggested to herself that there was leftover pizza in the fridge that needed to be eaten up, or at the very least a pint of Ben and Jerry's that could stand to be a spoonful or two lighter. It was no good. Nothing held up in the face of the rain. It was the kind of stolid, determined rain that made boredom feel like the only reasonable emotion. No poet had ever been inspired by a rainfall like this, unless it was to go lie down in bed and pull the covers over their head.

So Louise sat by the window and stared at the rain. Until she heard the door open.

She could have sworn she'd locked it and pulled the chain. Then again, she could have sworn that nobody would go anywhere in weather like this. Apparently she was wrong on both counts. She jumped out of her chair and ran to the foyer to see who had barged in.

When she rounded the corner, she was greeted by the most extraordinary sight. There was a woman standing in the doorway, a redheaded Caucasian woman dressed in a pink-and-white gown that looked like the love child of a mad, tempestuous fling between a wedding cake and a lace doily. It was spotless, despite the rain, some of which might be explained by her massive umbrella...except for the bit about the massive umbrella being far, far too wide to fit through Louise's door.

She looked at Louise with the brightest, most vivid green eyes Louise had ever seen, and folded her umbrella with a snap. Then the next impossible thing happened-the umbrella folded in further on itself, retracting down into its own handle again and again and again until it was no more than the size of a toothpick. The woman dropped it into her handbag and smiled brightly at Louise.

"Why, hello there, Louise!" she said, taking out a mirror and briefly examining her elaborate ringlets of coppery hair to make sure not a one was out of place. "Yes, hello, I do say! It's so nice to be here on this gray, gray, gray day! You can call me Georgette Belladonna Lefoux...or you can say Gigi, because most people do!"

Louise stared at the woman for a long moment. She closed her eyes tightly, then opened them again. "Is this a dream?" she asked at last. She knew it lacked originality, but she already felt like there was far too much originality in the room at the moment and she didn't feel like adding more to it.

"It's as real as you feel!" Gigi said, stepping out of a pair of boots and into a pair of dainty pink heels that Louise sure as hell knew she hadn't left there. "Or much realer than that-I'm a very real girl, here on your welcome mat! I came here to visit with some great things to say, things to brighten you up on this gray, gray, gray day!"

Louise just kept staring. She didn't know how to respond to any of it-the ludicrous outfit, the absurd name, the constant rhyming couplets, or the sprinkling of exclamation points at the end of every sentence like an overenthusiastic baker putting powdered sugar on everything. She finally settled for saying, "Are you sure you have the right house?"

Gigi laughed a twinkly giggle and said, "The right house? Yes it is, 'cause your name is Louise, friend of Juliette Lord (who's my friend, if you please). I was talking to her, she was talking to me, and she whispered sad things in the ear of Gigi."

Louise sighed. Juliette hadn't ever mentioned Gigi to her, but then again if Louise had a friend like that she'd probably want to keep it a secret, too. "Sure, come in," she said, with ill-concealed bad grace. "I mean, further in than you already have." She walked off in the direction of the living room, expecting that Gigi wouldn't wait for an invitation to follow.

Sure enough, Gigi came along moments after Louise. She sprinted through the room in a whirlwind of activity that was almost startlingly fast, drawing every shade in turn and then switching on the lights. "Such an old grumpy-guts!" Gigi exclaimed, as she reached into her handbag and pulled out a small can of what looked like spray paint. "But perhaps that's the rain! On a gray day like this, you can go quite insane! Color's just what you need to smart up this gray day, color cheerful and bright and quite happy and gay!"

With that, she pulled the lid off the can and began painting the light bulbs. "Hey, what are you-" Louise began, but it wasn't even worth finishing her sentence-within seconds, Gigi had crossed the room in another tornado of boundless energy and sprayed every single bulb with a garish bubblegum pink. The whole room was flooded with warm, pink light that Louise would die before admitting she liked much better than the gloomy strained sunlight coming in from outside.

"So much better indeed!" Gigi squealed brightly, flopping down onto the couch opposite Louise. "And now, speaking of gay, there's a thing you should know on this bright pink gay day! Your friend Juliette's queer-she's both your friend and mine, and there's things she told me when she had too much wine. She would never admit to her straight friend Louise that her straight friend's hot bod was a hot, sexy tease."

Louise felt herself blushing sharply, the heat of it staining her cheeks a brilliant crimson with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, what?" She wasn't sure which part of Gigi's tactless confession to be upset at first-the fact that she clearly broke Juliette's confidence by coming here to play at being some sort of deranged matchmaker, the fact that Juliette didn't trust Louise enough to confide in her about Juliette's sexual orientation, or the fact that apparently Juliette had been fantasizing about Louise behind her back. Not just the occasional thought, but actual fantasies that she drunkenly confessed to her friends.

And this Gigi woman had just dropped the whole tangled mess right in front of her like a cat presenting its owners with a dead mouse, and expected her to be...happy? Interested? Not freaked out? Louise was suddenly too angry for words.

But Gigi apparently had them in plenty. "Juliette likes you, girl!" she said with a lascivious wink. "Oh, she's hot for your bod. But she wouldn't tell you-she thinks you might feel odd. So the secret she kept, she could never quite say that she loved a straight girl even though she was gay."

"Stop doing that!" Lousie shouted, her anger irrationally fixating on the other woman's stupid and annoying habit of speaking in rhyme. "God, you sound like a fucking Doctor Seuss character."

"Doing what, dare I ask?" Gigi said, her brow furrowing in confusion. "I don't know what you mean. I speak like a Lefoux-"

"STOP!" Louise screamed. "Stop right there, don't finish, don't say 'queen' or 'machine' or 'latrine' or, or anything! Just let. It. Die." She panted in frustration as she trailed off. "Okay?"

Gigi shook her head slowly. "Dear," she said, "you're making a scene."

Louise pointed to the door. "Out!" she yelled. "Get out of my apartment! I've had it up to here with you and your rhymes and your dresses and your, your...oh, just tell Juliette if she has something to say to me, she can say it to my face. Sober."

Gigi didn't move, but her twinkly smile faded a little. "But my dear," she said, "I can't leave. I have so much to do! I have so much to say, and to do unto you!"

Louise's blood ran suddenly cold as Gigi reached into her handbag and pulled out some sort of enormous contraption that looked like a harpoon gun. "How...how did that fit...?" she gasped out, her mind coping with the sudden and apparently lethal threat the way that humans did best-by ignoring it to focus on the details.

"You mean this?" Gigi said, aiming the device at her. "This new thing? This new thing that I hold? This grand gimmick I pulled from my bag's quantum fold? Please don't worry-don't fear, there's no harm it can do. It's my Grand Grabbing Grasp Gun that's pointed at you!"

Gigi pulled the trigger, and Louise suddenly felt herself blown backwards as though by the breath of an enormous giant. She went flying across the room to land heavily into the easy chair she'd been sitting in before all this insanity started, but with a heavy mass of thick, damp paper streamers weighing down her ankles and wrists. She pulled at them, but they dried almost instantly into a sort of papier-mâché that bonded irrevocably with the chair. A part of Louise wailed at the expense of re-upolstering, but she had bigger things on her mind.

Because Gigi had just pulled out a large pair of scissors, and was looking at her with a contemplative expression. "I know you're quite worried, but please let me explain so those worries won't sit quite so hard on your brain. I'm such a nice person, as you surely can see, and Miss Juliette's plight weighed most weighty on me. I think lovers should love-love should be requited! And gay love for straight girls-who'd want that plight plighted?"

She set down the grasp gun and walked across the room to where Louise struggled against the stiff, unyielding streamers. "So I said to myself, 'How to fix this big mess? How to make Juliette's wooing perfect success?' Then it hit me, my dear, like a bolt from the blue-I could just make you gay! And that's what I will do."

"Are you nuts?" Louise hissed at Gigi, unsure whether to scream or laugh. "I mean, that's obviously a big yes, but...seriously, are you nuts? You can't just make someone gay!"

Surprisingly, Gigi nodded. "I agree!" she said, snipping the air with her scissors in excitement. "I just can't! I just can't make you gay." Louise relaxed just a tiny bit in her bonds, until Gigi's next words made her struggle all the harder. "Not without my two friends-they're called 'Trust' and 'Obey'!"

She gestured, and two Caucasian women wearing full-length gowns similar to Gigi's stepped into the living room just as Louise realized she'd never actually closed the outer door. They were both tiny, perhaps the smallest full-grown women Louise had ever seen-each of them was roughly three feet tall. But they each had an extraordinary beehive hairdo, a bouffant that more made up the extra height. One of them had cotton candy pink hair, the other cotton candy blue. It looked surprisingly natural on them.

The first one came over to join them as Gigi introduced her. "Meet my good friend 'Obey'!" she said, gesturing up and down both body and bright pink hair. "She will help you see sense, when it comes to a world of fem-female romance!" Louise cringed, although she wasn't sure whether it was the concept or the terrible rhyme she was trying to get away from. "She's got bottomless eyes, dark and sweet and blue-gray, and her stare will assist me in making you gay!"

Obey looked up at Louise, and she couldn't help it-she flinched. She looked up, down, anywhere but at the strange small woman's gaze. She had a sudden, irrational conviction that what Gigi said was absolutely true. As crazy as it all sounded, it wasn't really any crazier than pulling an impossible gun out of an impossible handbag, or opening a locked door, or any of the other weird things Gigi had done since she'd walked into Louise's apartment. Gigi might be crazy, but that didn't mean she was delusional.

Gigi reached down and stuffed a rag into Louise's mouth. It wasn't until the sound cut out that Louise realized she'd been screaming.

"And now you're done shouting," Gigi said in tones of calm practicality, "let me introduce 'Trust'." The blue-haired woman stepped forward, her smile radiating warmth. "And in 'Trust' you will trust-yes, you certainly must! Her fingers are pleasure, and her touch purest bliss. You'll give in to her hands and submit to her kiss!"

Louise tried to tell them to keep away, but the gag turned it into a series of muffled grunts and incoherent snarls of fury. "Now it's time to begin," Gigi said, ignoring Louise's garbled protests, "but there's one thing to do before Trust and Obey get their hooks into you. Submission is sexy, so as we turn you gay, you've got to be naked for both Trust and Obey!" Gigi opened the scissors wide to reveal another, smaller pair of blades inside them. That pair opened as well, to reveal a smaller pair yet, which opened to reveal another, and another, and on down to a tiny set of delicate shears no larger than a sunflower seed.

Gigi aimed them at Louise and closed them, causing them to leap out as if spring-loaded. With a thousand simultaneous, impossibly precise cuts, Louise's outfit simply disintegrated to leave her naked in the chair. "There we go!" she cheered, clapping her hands together carefully around the scissors. "There we are! Now the fun can begin! It's the Lesbian Game and we know you can't win! But it's so fun to lose that you'll happily play, with your new friend Lefoux and with Trust and Obey!"

Louise put her whole body into struggling against the streamers, rocking back and forth in the chair as she made one last desperate attempt to escape. As soon as Obey came into her field of vision, she clenched her eyes tightly shut, terrified of what the other woman's stare might do. But she could still hear...and she could still feel. Trust's warm, soft hand caressed her thigh with a lover's intimacy, whispering up and down her skin and causing Louise to wriggle her body for entirely different reasons.

"Is that bad?" whispered Gigi in her ear as Trust's fingers brushed up one leg and down the other. "No, it's not! It's decidedly good! It's a soft gentle touch touching just as it should! You can't resist pleasure, so please-don't even try. Just give in to her touch with a soft, helpless sigh."

Louise couldn't help it-she did let out a tiny sigh as Trust skated those amazing hands up over her hips and along her belly before tracing lines back down her thighs. She felt Gigi pull the gag out, and she tried to remind herself that she should be screaming now, shouting 'Police!' or 'Fire' or something to attract help, but then those delicate fingers slid along the inside of her leg once again, teasing just above her mound as they looped back to the other leg, and she lost track of the thought once more.

"That's the touch of a girl that's caressing you now," Gigi said, tracing her own fingers along Louise's jawline. It didn't feel as magical as Trust's searching, probing touch that seemed to know just how to drive Louise wild with pleasure, but it had its own charms. "And does it feel awful? No! No way and no how! It's the kind of a touch that a girl can't resist! Soon she'll kiss you the way that you want to be kissed..."

Louise felt it then, soft lips pressing everywhere that fingers had been just moments ago. Louise's legs fell open all on their own as Trust kissed her way up Louise's thighs, even as Trust's busy fingers found entirely new places to touch. Louise whimpered softly as she felt Trust brushing up and down along her labia, tiny butterfly caresses that found slick, slippery flesh everywhere they touched. Louise had never felt so wet. She'd never imagined being so wet.

"And you can't help but think, 'Is this what sex is like? When it's lesbian sex with a hot, sexy dyke?'" Gigi continued, stroking Louise's face and hair as she talked. "You're thinking of pussies, and soft pillowy tits, of soft rounded buttocks and of slick, throbbing clits. It all seems so normal, you can't help but be gay when you listen to me and to Trust and Obey."

Louise wanted to deny it, but she had to admit that she'd never been touched like this before. Trust's lips felt like they were everywhere, nuzzling her inner thighs with kitten licks that made her pussy drip with arousal, and her fingers teased the entrance to her cunt with relentless pleasure. She felt like she was losing track of the world around her, like everything had been reduced to pure sensation and all she could do was let it wash over her. Was this what Juliette fantasized about at night? Did she imagine herself where Trust was, pleasuring Louise with this same devotion? The idea didn't seem to bother Louise anymore.

"And now that you trust us," Gigi cooed seductively, "you can open your eyes, and see who's licking licks in between your slick thighs." Louise's eyelids slowly fluttered open, glassy with pleasure. She expected to look down and see Trust's head between her legs, but the view was blocked. By Obey.

She was standing on the arms of the chair, entirely naked, her legs lewdly spread to reveal a pussy with its own tuft of cotton-candy pink pubic hair. Louise barely had time to notice before her eyes locked onto the glittering, blue-gray stare that was mere inches away from her face, and she felt her thoughts simply fall away.

She could still feel the pleasure of Trust's touch as her tongue circled Louise's clit with maddening precision, and she could still hear Gigi saying, "Oh, silly old duffer! Forgetful old Gigi! Obey's in the way of your view of Between-Knee! Her eyes hold you helpless, her stare locks your brain down-you hear only my words, your mind is my playground." She just couldn't really think about them anymore. She couldn't think about anything anymore.

Gigi continued remorselessly, "And you know it is true when you hear what I say, you're a lesbian slut who is helplessly gay. You can't help but agree, and you cannot gainsay, for you know you trust Trust and you obey Obey."

Louise heard her own voice repeating tonelessly, "I know I trust Trust and I obey Obey." She felt Obey reaching down to fondle her breasts, tugging at her nipples and intensifying the pleasant ache that Trust's kisses and caresses created. Her mind felt like an endless, echoing void of pure ecstasy now, without a single thought except for the ones that Gigi was putting inside it. She'd never imagined how erotic that would feel.

"And soon you'll be cumming, your quim will be gushing with pleasure, arousal and pussy-juice rushing," Gigi said, her words sinking deep into Louise's blank mind as she shook with desire. "This orgasm locks in your new slut dyke feeling, and Juliette's face sends your slut dyke heart reeling. You cannot resist her, her touch echoes freely Trust's magical touches of pleasure ideally. Now give in to pleasure and scream like a banshee, as you cum by my will and you submit to me."

As Gigi spoke the last words, Trust leaned in and flicked her tongue right across Louise's clit. Obey strummed her thumbs up and down Louise's nipples. And Louise lost it. All of it. Her resistance, her will, her inhibitions, her sexual orientation, and a torrent of sticky fluid that gushed out of her hot, wet pussy as she came hard all over Trust's face. She practically vibrated in the chair, her every muscle quivering with pleasure as the endless wave of ecstasy lashed through her, locking in every last word of her programming and leaving her a spent, exhausted, utterly blissful lesbian mess in the chair.

She didn't know how long she spent lying there, in a fog of bliss. She was vaguely aware of Gigi using some sort of absurd giant feather duster to clean the chair, reassemble her clothes, and even restore her light bulbs to their original color, but since Trust and Obey didn't stop fucking her until it was all over, she couldn't really bring herself to care about any of it. The last thing she was aware of was Obey gently pressing her eyelids shut with two fingers, sending her sinking down into a spiral of drowsy oblivion.


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