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Trust in Me (The Python Song)

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A mature woman hugs a young lover until he sleeps
2.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/19/2023
Created 10/06/2022
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Trust in Me (The Python Song)

##### Copyright © 2023. This is a copyrighted work. Unauthorized use is prohibited. All rights reserved by the author.

My contribution to "Karaoke 2023" Author Challenge.

Warning: NON-EROTIC category. If you are looking for fast-triggering steaming hot sex, there are many more steamy-erotic tales other than this of mine, in the Lit site.

I apologize to the fans of Hypnosis, who might wish for a more perverse use of this song with Reluctant or Non-consensual partners. Perhaps someone (more skilled than I) can write it now.

This is a narrative of pure fiction without any reference to real people. Yet toxic relationships exist as a fact, and anyone should discern wisely (from actions rather than mere words).

English is not my mother tongue, please forgive my mistakes. #####


Is there anything sweeter than sleeping together? Those who never do it out of love, but only out of habit, are in danger of forgetting how magical it is.

Cinema and television have turned this expression into just a banal euphemism for not saying 'those two fuck together': they 'sleep' together - while every viewer understands that the two will dance the horizontal Charleston but sleep little or nothing.

Instead, it is beautiful to sleep together. It is so beautiful that some people adopt a cat or a dog specifically to have a living being to hug while they sleep.

Each person is born alone, dies alone, and throughout adolescence sleeps alone. Then suddenly, the first night it happens, your lover cannot get out of bed to leave. Without knowing what spell you are going to spell on both of them, you tell him "Stay and sleep with me."

Over the centuries, poor and aristocrats have always slept together, at least until the late 18th century. What was a bed? It was a rectangular box of wooden planks, covered with hay and a few blankets. There were no radiators or stoves: the heat from the only fireplace, in the kitchen, served to warm the rooms, but the real warmth came from the presence of human bodies.

Each queen slept with her own 'lady-in-waiting', which served to keep her warm at night. Forget the 'levée' rhetoric of some monarch at Versailles: it was all pro-realist propaganda. The historical reality is that on the wedding night, the royal couple had to perform the conjugal act in front of the Court, with relatives, witnesses, the notary, and the bishop checking that the act was performed with all the legal and geopolitical consequences.

Each peasant slept in the same room with his wife, sisters, and sisters-in-law. It was not an orgy: it was simply the only way to stay warm at night. And, speaking of weddings: the 'proof' that the bride was once a virgin was not waved out of the window like a stained sheet but was witnessed in person by the Best Man, the Bridesmaids, and the two mothers-in-law who had arranged the affair.

The respectable, bourgeois writers of the 19th century, like Rudyard Kipling, deluded us into thinking that it was normal for every couple to sleep separately from everyone else. And that every teenager slept alone until marriage. Then, however, mental delusions, sociopaths, and serial killers soared.

Hugging, however, is not a harmless verb. Everyone knows that some snakes kill their prey with venom. Other snakes (the larger ones) prefer to crush them, causing circulatory arrest: among them, are the South American Boa Constrictor (Latin: he who crushes) and the Python of India, which can reach a length of 33 feet and swallow a gibbon or a human being with sufficiently slender shoulders whole.


Once upon a time...


Let us move from the general to the particular. A fable.

Once upon a time... there was a Planet Earth. Zooming in, we can see a continent, a country, a city. Zoom in further, we can see a neighborhood, then just a few houses, then a single house. A father and daughter, arguing bitterly, drive away in a car. We zoom in further: in the only room with dim, dim lighting, a mature woman and a 19-year-old boy (just dumped by his cheating girlfriend) look at each other, incredulous, in the flickering candlelight.

She was the age of his mother. He was, until a few hours earlier, the boyfriend of her daughter.

But the daughter had proved to be an insufferable slut, nymphomaniac and incestuous.

Thunderstruck by the truth, Deedee's husband and daughter left home and never returned.

All four had drunk a 'Potion of Sincerity' from a magic vial (it's a fable!).

Sean revealed to Deedee that he was in love with her.

"But I am old!" protested Deedee, who for too many years - whole decades had been neglected by her husband. She had always had grey eyes: her hair had turned grey because she felt ugly and unworthy of being looked at by a man. Only Sean had managed to ignite in her a glimmer of hope for the future, and to warm her heart... and set her pussy on fire in limitless orgasms.

"And I'm uselessly young!" roared the acerbic little cub of a lion, who was secretly in love with his future mother-in-law: but now that the ex-girlfriend was gone forever, no legal obstacle could stop him. It wasn't even incest! Before the law, the two were not even distantly related.

She had never accepted cosmetics as a lying technique.

When her blonde hair had turned grey, she had refused to dye it.

When she had a breast removed, plastic surgeons had proposed a prosthesis, but she had refused, saying she did not want to hide the truth.

But Sean had vowed that he would always love that breast, where he could only lick one tit and one nipple. Because he was in love with her heart, not her breasts or the scar that furrowed the skin in front of her heart.

After several orgasms, Deedee took him into her arms. He was exhausted and needed to sleep.

In the afternoon, while preparing dinner, Deedee had heard on the radio a very seductive female cover of an old song from the 60s, which she had learned as a child without understanding the meaning of the words.

The original was sung by a male voice, and as a child, it scared her very much, although she did not know why. Deedee feared that some man might hypnotize her and then... eat her, swallowing her in one bite! Like, according to an urban legend she had never checked (maybe it was just rumors or fake news), giant pythons in India could swallow whole men with the shoulders of a farmer and the ribcage of a Hercules. Those reptiles would show no mercy to a little girl who weighed less than 50 kg and had shoulders as thin as plastic straws!

Ironically, or India's joke of karma, a real reptile had swallowed her: her husband, that serial cheater pig. And for years Deedee had swallowed every evidence of his cheating, and every insult of the neglect he flaunted against her.

Without thinking, Deedee caught herself cradling her young lover. She didn't want to sing him a children's lullaby, so as not to offend male pride: he already weighed the age difference, and he would surely be irritated if she sang "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" or "When You Wish Upon a Star".

But the movement of her shoulders triggered an instinctive urgency in her voice: her lungs claimed the right to sing a lullaby. Why could arms have their fun, and lungs not? Lungs have their feelings too!

Her mouth smiled: "Dear old lungs! After all the screams and moans of pleasure this evening, after all the orgasms that made me scream, now you still want to sing? All right, though, on my terms: low voice and calm breathing."

The lungs somehow nodded. It had been a long time since they had been on friendly terms with the mouth, and it was not the case that they should fight today. Sure, the lungs had done an extraordinary job today compared to the weekdays of weeks (months and years) past. But as they say, appetite comes with eating: the lungs were thrilled that they could still help both the Heart and Brain.

In a hoarse voice after her many deep orgasms, Deedee began to sing very slowly. She was aware that she was not as beautiful and sexy as the actress singing that cover in 2004. But she took courage, thinking that they had both had surgeons for some "breast reduction", in some way.

Two different elements could be recognized in the cover: protection but also threat. They were separated by a very thin, slender thread. And the sound on which the distinction hinged was the pronunciation of the letter "S" when it was hissed, like that of a snake.

According to some civilizations, the Serpent is the symbol of Evil: it eats children, slaughters livestock, and poisons drinking water (even!). According to other civilizations, the Serpent is the symbol of Wisdom: it is long-lived, it changes its skin over time (just as wise people change their minds when the situation changes), it glides sinuously like a river giving drinking water for fruit plantations and cattle herds.

At the beginning of the evening, Deedee feared becoming a burden to Sean. She feared being a problem and a threat. By the end of the evening, she only wanted to protect and support him: to help him and love him, and above all, to have sex all the time.

She began to sing, hissing every single "S". There was no threat in her voice: only wisdom and a solid will to put that troubled boy to sleep.

"Trussst in me, jussst in me...ssshut your eyesss and trussst in me."

Sean moved his neck to try to kiss her, but she pushed him down by gently resting his ear on her tit. She told him, "Hold ssstill, pleassse!"

Sean closed his eyes, smiling.

"You can sssleep... sssafe and sssound... knowing I... am around."

A tear moistened her eye. Her husband, now ex-husband to be, that swine was never around: he disappeared on every pretext and never returned in time. He was like a fox, always chasing young chicks. But now the loneliness was over: Deedee would always be there for Sean.

"Ssslip into sssilent ssslumber. Sssail on a sssilver missst. Sslowly and sssurely your sssensesss will csseassse to resssissst!"

The last word froze Deedee's hot blood. Panic. Thoughts were chasing each other so fast in her mind, her grey eyes barred. "What if I was suffocating him? What if my embrace was deadly, like that of a Boa Constrictor or an Indian Python? What if the grip of my muscles is so strong, that it stops his heart, and when it stops beating, it never starts again? I'm panicking: I can't breathe. What if unconsciously, I was taking advantage of the naivety of a poor, penniless boy, still a student at the university where right now I am the respected and established chemistry professor from a rich and aristocratic family? What if being seen together, hand on hand, hand on gland, on the street by others made him look... too weak or too ambitious? Or manipulated, blackmailed, harassed!? Panic. I don't know what to do... I don't know what to think... Tonight's orgasms gave me incredible joy, but now I'm trembling with fear..."

As in a famous poem ("Tabaqueria") composed by the Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa under the pseudonym Alvaro de Campos, all bad thoughts are swept away by a simple sound of real life.

Naked and helpless, Sean had already collapsed in her arms, sleeping like a kitten. But the cats purred, while he emitted a low snore through his nose.

Deedee couldn't help herself from noting aloud, "You're... sssnoring!"

Without waking up, Sean replied on autopilot, "Sorry..."

Smiling, Deedee stroked a tuft of hair on the young lover's sweaty forehead. Her fingers traced an "S". That letter could have meant dozens of things. Sean. Sorry. Snoring. Smile. Star. Snake. Serpent. Stay. Suck my nipple! Starving. Slip Silent Slumber. Sleep Safe 'n Sound. But Deedee knew that letter meant only one thing: "Sincertity".

How long had it been since Deedee had held a newborn in her arms? Since she had given birth to Mary, twenty years ago. "The difference is huge: every newborn trusts in adults because they have no other choice, whereas Sean trusts in me because he has consciously chosen to do so. Mary snored too: but she never said Sorry. Sean is free to snore and to apologize, and he will be free to dump me, as soon as he wants to, because we are both adults, and I am not smothering him. No more panicking for me."

Deedee guessed that there was an easy way to test whether Sean was really in love with her, or whether he would choose another woman if he had the chance. And the Book Club Girls was what she needed. But that was another story.

Looking at Sean asleep, Deedee breathed a sigh of relief. She had spoken out of surprise, and only the presence of an "S" had allowed her to re-enter role-playing! Fortunately, the young lover had not woken up. Confident, she began to sing again, still lowering the volume, almost whispering.

"Trussst in me, jussst in me... ssshut your eyesss and trussst in me."

Deedee repeated the chorus twice and trice. Then ten, then twelve dozen times. A hundred, a thousand times.

Finally, at last, her ears heard what her mouth said. "Deedee, Trust in ME, Deedee".

Deedee, was Deedee the one who had to trust Deedee! Twenty years of living with an ex-husband in a toxic relationship had poisoned her: but she could, nay, she had to find the strength to start trusting herself again. "It was my fault: I knew, but I kept silent, I lied like him, I denied reality to my friends. Never again."

As in a hallucination, she saw her own brain as a large assembly, with all the citizens gathered in City Hall as seen in "Gilmore Girls" or "The Simpsons".

All were unanimous in hoping for a peaceful future full of orgasms, except for a single young girl, wearing an orange dress, who wanted to ask a countercurrent question: "But how can you trust this young man? Even if he's cute, he's still a MAN!"

Deedee smiled. "I recognize you, little Deedee, acting as Hades even though you are now disguised as Liza Simpsons. I know I can trust this so-called "youngster" because I know for sure that he is sincere. The magic filter inside the vial is a chemical compound we developed in my lab, and I am one hundred percent sure he is sincere... AND so am I. That's enough for me.".


A little spoiler about the future.

Their relationship lasted a lifetime, and she never forgot the heartwarming feeling. You too, dear reader, never underestimate the feeling of having your lover fall asleep in your arms while he completely trusts in you.

Once upon a time they they started to be completely sincere with each other (yes it is just a fable) then they lived happily ever after.

The END.


##### Copyright © 2023. This is a copyrighted work. Unauthorized use is prohibited. All rights reserved by the author.

My contribution to Literotica Event "Karaoke" 2023.

Warning: NON-EROTIC category. If you are looking for fast-triggering steaming hot sex, there are many more steamy-erotic tales other than this of mine, in the Lit site.

I apologize to the fans of Hypnosis, who might wish for a more perverse use of this song with Reluctant or Non-consensual partners. Perhaps someone (more skilled than I) can write it, starting now.

This is a narrative of pure fiction without any reference to real people. Yet toxic relationships exist as a fact, and anyone should discern wisely (from actions rather than mere words).

English is not my mother tongue, please forgive my mistakes. #####

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chytownchytown8 months ago

***Thanks for the read.

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