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Try It, We Did

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Two couples try new things.
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I'm Kim. This happened when Jim and I were younger, before kids.

It started with an article in one of those women's magazine about a sex survey. Readers were supposed to fill it out and send it in. My friend Sandy and I were at the neighborhood pool and she started reading the questions on the questionnaire. She asked me each question; I would answer and then she would say what her answer was. We were soon laughing at questions about whether we masturbated (she did, I didn't very often), how many sex partners we'd had (two for her, one for me). We had to decide if the question meant to include current husbands or other partners. The survey went into lesbian sex, dildos, bondage, S&M, and a lot of other things, most of which we hadn't tried or even heard of. We both admitted we had vibrators that we used.

The questionnaire asked about cheating and then it got to swinging. It asked "Have you ever swapped spouses with another couple?" We both said no. The next question was "Would you consider swapping spouses?" She said yes, maybe. I was reluctant to answer but finally said yes, I might try it.

The set of questions about oral sex generated the most discussion. "Do you give oral sex to your partner?" I giggled and said yes. Sandy said yes. Neither of us would admit to swallowing, but when I said I didn't like the taste, it was obvious that I was not being truthful.

Then she said, "It's hard for me to picture you with a cock in your mouth."

I said, "When you mention it, I have the same thought. I'm trying to imagine what you'd look like with Paul's dick in your mouth." Paul was her husband. Jim is mine. Thinking of my friend naked or sucking a cock was hard to imagine.

She said, "I'm glad to hear you say that. I would be insulted if you thought you could imagine me with a cock stuffed in my mouth."

"I really can't picture that." I said.

She hesitated for a moment and said, "Would you like to see a photo?"

"Of what?"

"Me, with Paul's cock in my mouth." She said.

"You have a picture?"

"Paul took one. We have the same photos on our phones. I think I can find it. He has it hidden, thank goodness."

I asked, "What does he do with it. Does he show his friends?"

She said, "I don't know. He says not, but he probably has shown it to the guys."

"Of you sucking his cock?"

"I don't care as long as he just shows his friends."

I said, "Jim has promised me that he doesn't show anyone the photos of me."

She asked, "What photos of you?"

I had not intended to let her in on the secret that Jim had some nude photos of me on his phone. I said, "Jim has some of me."

"Sucking his dick?" She asked.

"No, just ones of me naked."

"You show me yours and I'll show you mine." She suggested.

I wasn't thrilled about showing nude photos of me, but Sandy had seen me naked a few times and I wanted to see the ones of her with Paul's cock in her mouth. I tapped the photos icon on my phone and went into the hidden albums section. There were many photos of me. I picked a relatively tame one of me standing in the bedroom topless. I showed it to her.

She said, "You have more pictures than that. Show me a nasty one."

I hesitated and looked through the album and found one of me lying on the bed with my legs spread a little bit. It showed my pubic hair and the slit of my vagina. I showed it to her.

She said, "I bet you have some that are even more explicit. Show me."

I swallowed and decided, why not. I found one of me sitting on park bench. I was wearing a dress, but my feet were on the bench on either side and my naked crotch was wide open. My pubic hair above my spread-open cunt was centered in the shot and my asshole was visible. I showed it to her.

She asked, "Would you send that to me?"

I said, "No way. Where is your photo?"

She fiddled with her phone and showed me a photo of her head from the side, with a cock in her mouth. I looked at it for a minute and was rethinking what I had imagined about my friend. I was looking at a photo of her sucking a cock.

I was a wise-ass and asked, "How do I know that is Paul's cock and not somebody else?"

She replied in mock anger, "Whose cock do you think it is?"

I said, "Well I don't recognize it." And laughed.

"I'm glad you don't recognize my husband's cock." She replied and looked for another photo. She brought up another one of her kneeling beside the lower torso of her husband (I assumed) with his hard dick while she was topless (maybe bottomless, the photo was cropped). "Doesn't that look like Paul?"

I said, "I guess so." Acting unsure which flustered her a little.

"Do you think I'd suck another man's cock?" she asked.

I said, "That's the next question on the survey, 'Have you ever given oral sex to someone other than your partner?'."

She giggled and said, "I refuse to answer. What about you?"

I said, "Well, before I met Jim, I did."

She persisted, "Did you let him come in your mouth?"

I said, "Just once. I hated the taste. You?"

She said, "I'm not answering that either."

"That's an answer." I concluded.

She said, "Okay, I did give oral sex to someone else."

I asked, "Since you've been married?"

She hesitated and said, "Promise you'll never tell anyone." I nodded. "I did it once with a guy I barely knew at a party."

I was surprised, but aroused by the naughty idea of a wife sucking another man's prick. "Tell me about it."

She told the story. "I stayed late at a party at my sister's house one night when Paul was out of town. I was drunk. One of her neighbors had been hitting on me all evening. He got me into a spare bedroom and pushed me to my knees." She paused and then with embarrassment said, "He didn't have to push that hard."

I laughed and she continued. "He got his prick out and I sucked it. I had to swallow his cum to keep from getting it all over me."

She said I needed to tell her about something I had done that was nasty.

I thought for a minute. "Jim's brother Stan got me topless one time."

"Go on." she insisted.

"We were at a pool party and it was late and dark. I had been drinking and Jim's brother unhooked my top in the water and threw it out of the pool. He had his hands on my boobs and was pinching my nipples. I squirmed away from him but had to go look for my top and a lot of people saw my tits."

"Were you embarrassed or turned-on?"

I said, "It actually excited me to have all those people see my tits without it being my doing."

"Was your husband pissed?"

I said, "No. He was turned on by it and we had a really good love session that night."

We went back to looking at our nude photos.

She asked, "Should we share the photos?"

I looked at her incredulous, "What would we do with them?"

She said, "I don't know. It would be daring to have dirty photos of each other."

I asked, "Would you show them to your husband?"

"Would you want me to?"

I slowly answered, "You have an evil mind."

We did it. We air-dropped photos to each other. I sent her the three she had seen and one of me posing nude in a creek, with water up to my knees. It was one of my favorites. She sent me the two of her with her husband's cock in her mouth and one of her lying on their bed, naked. Her pussy was shaved bald, so the photo showed all of her assets. He clitoris poked out between her pussy lips. I was turned-on just looking at it. I'd never been aroused by the sight of a woman's body before.

She asked, "To be fair, you should give me a photo of your husband's cock."

I said, "You should too, if you have one." I was implying that the cock in her mouth in the photo was not Paul's.

Then I said, "I don't have a photo of my husband's cock."

She said, "Why not. He's got explicit photos of your pussy. Why shouldn't we have photos of our men to show our friends."

We went back to the magazine survey. It asked about anal sex. She had never done it, she said. I admitted to have let Jim take me through the 'back door' a few times.

I said, "It felt weird at first, but after a few minutes, I really got into the feeling of having his prick jammed up inside me back there. We don't do it very often. You should try it."

There were questions about fantasies. Sandy asked me, "Do you fantasize about being with other men?"

I giggled and said, I'll never tell.

She said, "Who?" I wouldn't answer. "Have you ever fantasized about my husband?"

I giggled again.

She went on, "What about rape fantasies. Some women dream about being taken like that."

I said, "That does appeal to me in a dark way."

She asked, "Does thinking about a bunch of men gang-raping you turn you on?"

I was getting aroused by the nasty talk. I changed the subject. "Have you ever thought about fucking someone at work?"

She said, "I had a boss once who was like a dream. I would've let him fuck me if he wanted to."

I said, "My boss reached into my blouse and felt my tit at the Christmas party one year."

"Did you report him?"

"No, but he has always been very nice to me after that. He knew I could've ruined his career. We're still friends."

Our conversation led us back into the questions about swapping. Her sister had done it she said and had said it was fun. I had heard of such things, but didn't know of anyone who had swapped or done a threesome.

I told Sandy about another article about swapping in a magazine that I had read. I remembered what the article had said. It discussed why people liked it. "The comments about why women enjoyed it weren't about the man wanting to cheat or act like he was still a bachelor. The most interesting comments were from a number of women discussing the pros and cons. Mostly, the comments were about experiencing something different; having sex with another man without cheating; the excitement of expanding sexual experiences. One woman talked about how exciting it was to have more than one man wanting her, the feeling of a different cock, and the turn-on of having sex while their husband watched."

She said, "My sister has told me about fucking other guys. It weird to hear her talk about it so casually. Talking about that kind of stuff makes me horny."

I said, "Me too. Thinking about cheating is bad, but it is pretty hot to think about doing it with some other man."

Sandy said, "Maybe we should try it."

I didn't answer right away but asked if she was serious.

She said. "It's erotic to think about something like that, being made love to by another man. Paul likes to hear about my experiences. He gets turned on when I tell him about the guy I screwed while in college, before I met Paul. He really comes after me when I tell him stuff like that. Sometimes I make up stories to get him excited."

I asked, "Did you tell him about blowing your sister's neighbor?"

"I did, but changed the names to protect the guilty and told him it was just a fantasy."

"What did he do to you?" I was egging her on, seeing if she would reveal some intimate details.

She giggled and said, "He ate my pussy until I begged him to come up and fuck me."

Then she asked, "Would you like to fuck Paul?"

I said I hadn't thought about it, which wasn't true and she knew it. I said he was a really nice guy and I guess I could imagine it if he weren't the husband of my best friend. I then asked her if she would like to fuck my husband, Jim.

She hesitated and said, "Maybe. Only if it was okay with you."

We left it at that.

But over the next few days at home, I hinted things to Jim. I embellished a story about a guy feeling me up when I was in college and it turned him on. I asked if he ever fantasized about fucking my friends. He was smart enough to say no. I persisted, asking him if he would fuck Debbie (another friend) or Sandy if he had the chance. He protested that he took his wedding vows seriously and would never cheat on me.

I asked, "What if it was okay with me? Paul could be doing me while you fuck Sandy." That stunned him to silence. I continued, "You could watch me fuck another man. Would you like that? (I knew that he thought about things like that.) You like to watch dirty moves where the couples swap and you like the scenes where the husband watches other men fuck his wife."

"Where did this come from?" He asked.

"Sandy and I were talking about a survey in a magazine and talked about our fantasies."

"So, you ladies fantasize about fucking each-other's husbands." He said.

I had to be careful. "Not really, just talk."

"Would like to fuck Paul?" He put the question directly.

I wasn't sure what to say. "What would you think about something like that. Would you like to see me do that?"

Jim looked at me, unsure of where the conversation was going. "Do you fantasize about screwing other guys when you are fucking me?"

I said, "I think all girls do. Don't you guys?" I was trying to make it sound like it was a normal thing.

He thought I was kidding, but he had a nice hard prick.

Then I brought up the subject of photos. "I don't have a photo of your cock."

He said, "So?"

"I'd like one."

"What for?"

"The same reason you have photos of me naked. You look at them and show them to your friends." I was probing to see how he'd react.

He didn't react to the statement about showing my photos to his friends. He asked, "Would you want to show a photo of my cock to your friends?"

"Sandy has one of her husband's cock."

"Have you seen it?"

"I have a copy of it."

"Can I see it?"

"Only if I get some of you first."

We left it at that, but when we were in bed that night, I got amorous with him and pulled off his underwear and played with his cock. I sucked it and got him hard. He was sitting in the bed, naked, with his hard prick in front of him. I took a photo with my phone. It took some persistence to get him to move his hands to uncover his dick. Then I got bolder and took a selfie of me sucking his cock and another of me smiling with his cock in my hand beside my face.

"What are those for?"

I said, "To show my friends."

Then, I went to my photos in the phone and pulled up the ones of Sandy with Paul's cock in her mouth. I showed them to Jim and he grabbed my phone to look at them closely. He found the one of Sandy on the bed, naked. "Damn, that's hot." He was rubbing his cock and soon spurted cum onto his leg. He had come looking at photos of my friend naked and sucking her husband's cock. Wow!

When Sandy and I got together again, she volunteered that Paul had fucked her senseless when she talked to him about possibly fucking me. It was an unusual and ego-boosting feeling to know that somebody else's husband fantasized about me. I started to get a little wet in my pussy. I asked her if she had shown him the photos of me and she had.

I told her that Jim had reacted much in the same way. She blushed when I told her that he came when I showed him the photo of her sucking her husband's cock. "That is if it really was his cock." I added.

She said, "Well it's more than you showed me."

I got my phone and moved into the photo albums. I pulled up the three photos I had taken, one of Jim sitting on the bed with a hard-on, one with his cock in my mouth and the one of me with his cock beside my face.

She seemed to be fixated on the one with Jim on the bed with his hard cock. She wanted a copy, but I wanted something from her. She promised to get a photo of her husband naked with a hard-on.

She air-dropped a couple of photos of her with her legs spread. They were very nasty, I could see her entire vagina, including her pussy lips, her clit, her shaved pussy and her shadow-covered asshole.

She said, "Why don't you show me what you've got."

"I don't have a photo like that." I said.

"Then show me the real thing."

She wanted to see my pussy. I had always been embarrassed and shy about being naked in front of other people, but Sandy was a friend and we were being naughty. So, I did it. I stood and pulled off my shorts and panties. I sat on the couch and spread my legs, letting Sandy look at my cunt. I spread open more so she could see my tight little asshole. Without asking, she put her finger on my clit. I was surprised and jerked away. She licked her finger and smiled at me. I put my clothes on. We were both too scared to do anything more.

I sent her the photos of me and my husband's prick.

"Let's get something nastier." She proposed.

I wondered what could be nastier. "Like what?"

She said, "Like your husband's cock in your cunt."

We just looked at each other. It was a challenge.

That night I told Jim about my conversation with Sandy. He asked about what pictures we had shared. I told him. "She really seemed to focus on your prick. I think she'd like to see it in the flesh."

He said was embarrassed that I had shared a photo of him with a hard-on.

"Why?" I asked. "Should I be embarrassed that you show photos of me to your friends? Who have you shared them with?" Again, I was probing to see what he would say.

"Well, David (a friend of his) and I swapped a few."

"Who else has seen them?"

"I don't know. We sometimes pass the phones around when we get drinking or playing cards. One time, the poker pot included forwarding nude photos of the losers' wife to the winner."

"Did you lose?" I asked.

He just looked away, again it was an answer. I was beginning to wonder how many men had seen or copied nude photos of me. I wondered if I would think of that every-time I saw one of our friends or when one of Jim's buddies smiled at me. I was both angry and aroused by the thought. Having guys see photos of my naked body without me knowing was one of my turn-ons. I imagined talking to his friend David with David knowing what I looked like naked. Wow again!

"I want a photo of you fucking me." I proposed to my husband.

"Wow. I never thought you would agree to that." He was surprised.

"No faces, just your cock in my cunt." I suggested and we agreed.

We did it. Jim took the selfies of us. He entered me from behind while we were lying on our sides, with my leg raised to expose his cock poking into my cunt. Once we had done it, we really made passionate love that escalated to vigorous fucking. We were both thinking about the photos being shared with others. I woke up thinking about it and went after my husband's cock. I gave him one of my best blow-jobs. He was lucky that I didn't bite off and swallow his dick.

Two days later, I had lunch with Sandy again. We were at her house.

After talking about other things, she asked, "Do you have any more photos?"

I showed her the one of my husband's cock in my cunt. She had one of her husband mounting her from behind. It only showed their bodies and not their genitals.

"You'll have to do better. I want to see all of you." I told her and she laughed and agreed.

A half-hour later, Sandy's husband Paul came home from work unexpectedly. He had gotten frustrated with something and had taken the afternoon off.

"Hello ladies. Sorry to interrupt." He said as he walked through the living room and went to the kitchen to get a drink.

We kept talking and he came back in the room. I had trouble making eye-contact with him, remembering the photos he had seen of me. Sandy knew it and kept him involved in the conversation anyway.

Finally, she brought up the topic, "Kim brought some new photos."

I looked at her sharply, why was she doing this?

He said, "Oh, hi Kim. I didn't recognize you when I came in."

His wife added, "She has clothes on, that's why." Paul nodded. They were messing with me. I was embarrassed, but aroused too.

Sandy went on, "Paul enjoys your pictures."

I was sitting there knowing that Paul had seen intimate photos of me. I hadn't thought of the consequences when we had been exchanging photos. He was looking at me, knowing what my breasts looked like. His eyes were focused on my crotch. couplings/i feel your cock throbing between my thighs"literotica lesbian"sex story,bbc,my sissy ,ooooh yesss fuck me harderkristenarchivecheating"bdsm library"newsexstories cum in mom and aunt pink pussies during lockdownSon put handcuff and shackles on his mother bondage litertica"literotica text with audio"literptica kelsey"gay incest stories"frat bro given to sorority literoica"cum dump"you grope your cock between my ass.i feel it so hot in my ass/erotic couplings/"literotica strip"literticaPrincess Fairpeach Meets the Goblin tailor literotica storiesJessica rabbit raped by jabba"literotica gay"indian wife period litterotica"try not to cum"RED LIPSTICK PRINCESS EROTIC STORYlesbian seduces her lovers daughter litterotic"literotica" bbc shared gf"family incest sex stories"Taboo Upskirt fuck storiesnonconsent spread eagle tickling stories"literotica audio"Chad and his grandmother night visit taboo sexstoriesincest sibling living together in love forever story"granny literotica""college sex party"the preacher wife asstr"lingam massage"Babysitter in handcuff and shackles litertica /s/bad-bad-girlsuuny blue litorica tagXxx stories our distinctivestory Hütte erregt"xxx sex stories"lyricsmaster crouded train"shemale gangbang"Girl teasing carpet installers"cfnm literotica"छातीचोली लग चोद चोदीtransgender feminization literoticanewsexstories cum in mom and aunt pink pussies during lockdownlliteroticapinoy taboo munting tinigSon found his mother`s key to her chastity belt bondage literticaerotic couplings crying wolfSeduce grandfather storiesdragon tribute gay Literoticawife pussy eaten in theater storymom night visit taboo sexstoriesliterotica train of thoughthusbandms boss literoca"big milkers" literotica nonconsent"literotica incest""literotica daughter"Cripplled granma.incest storieswriters like klrxocfnm trapped literoicavantyaakJACK AND JILL PARALLEL WORLD SEX STORIESliterotica naked and not aloneliterotca ass worshiperrantzebrabreath denial literoica"naked moms"forced hypnosis by panties story -youtubemoving to San Diego sexstories"erotica stories"literotida christmas with my brother"porn fiction"