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Try Me Too Pt. 03

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Anthony introduces Scott to Kate Upton for a threesome.
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Author's Note: This story is completely fictional and did not happen. All characters and names are fictional and were made up. I do not make money from these stories. Please do not copy and plagiarize my work.

This story was written for Galva82 and is dedicated to him.


Nassau, Bahamas

"I still can't believe this. I swear, you've got to be the luckiest mother fucker I've ever met in my life. What is up with you, man? How do you get so lucky?"

Anthony let out a frustrated sigh as he listened to Scott's words. The Wednesday afternoon hours had come through with him back in uniform, on the clock working at the hotel. For lunch break, he joined his friend, ready to tell the tale of his ongoing affair with Kate Upton across the resort. It was a funny moment to witness that shocked expression across Scott's goofy face. As if he couldn't believe it for a moment, but then told Anthony that he had looked over the check-in log and saw the name Kate Verlander. The two men sat together in the fast food restaurant connected within the Rosewood Baha Mar hotel. Facing one another as they sipped on drinks and ate fries with their burgers. Anthony was slightly embarrassed to see the expressions on Scott's face.

He may not have known it, but he always had this silly look on his face when he heard shocking news. His blue eyes would become enlarged and a long time ago, Anthony may have considered his face punch-able. Scott's orange hair was still the same, short and curly. Through time, they had become friends and now had a stronger bond after the affair they shared together with another model who had checked into the hotel. It didn't take long for Scott begin bragging about that day when they both had fun with Kelly Brook together. Embarrassed, but unable to hold back the grin, Anthony nodded back to his friend before they carried on talking about Kate. There was a reason Anthony was only now sharing this news to Scott. He wanted to see first if his friend could guess why. Between stuffing his fat face with fries and slurping down soda from the straw of his plastic cup.

"I'm serious. I'd love to figure out how you manage to be so lucky in life with hot babes. Did you sell your soul to the devil when you lived back home in the States?"

Shaking his head, Anthony tried to change the subject of luck back to Kate.

"Scott, listen to me..."

"No, dude I'm serious! How are you so lucky in life? Here I was thinking we're both the same. We're stuck in the Bahamas, working this damn job where we live. But you-"

"Would you shut the fuck up for five seconds and listen to what I'm trying to say!?"

Anthony's voice elevated to the point that it caused random people around his table to turn their heads and gaze at both men sitting there. An old couple who were seated further down the room began to stare, causing Scott to glance around and become embarrassed. Anthony wasn't bothered by creating commotion around them. Once he had Scott's attention looking back at him, he carried on speaking.

"What I'm trying to explain to you is, I can introduce you to Kate. I already hinted to her something about this last night."

Taking a moment to sip on his straw again, Scott waited before responding. He was done eating after having enough wandering eyes gazing in his direction.

"Hinted at what? The same thing we did with Kelly?"

A soft smile ran across Anthony's lips as he went silent. They were both done eating by now and the time had come to talk the real business over Kate. Last night, Anthony had hinted to Kate the possibility of another man entering the picture for their next fuck session. He didn't expect her to reveal to him that she had indulged herself in threesomes in the past. There was no one else Anthony would've wanted alongside him besides Scott. It didn't matter that he was annoying at times, a friend was better than a stranger. Slowly nodding back at his friend, Anthony spoke.

"Yeah... She told me about this time she had a threesome in Miami. Two guys. A father and son out at a pool. The father was this club manager or something."

Scott sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Are you shitting me, Anthony? She's a married woman with a family out on the job. She's only fucking you cause you have the looks. You probably remind her of someone she used to see on the down low a long time ago. Why in the hell would a woman like that take two looks at someone like me?"

Shaking his head at Scott's words, Anthony grabbed a napkin to wipe his fingertips.

"Come on, man. You hit it off with Kelly, you don't think you could have some luck with Kate too?"

For a moment, Scott gave Anthony a dirty look. Who did he think he was? Deep down, Scott doubted Anthony. With his clean cut looks, short blonde hair and fit body. They couldn't be anymore of opposites in appearance. It aggravated Anthony, but Scott truly believed the man had some kind of luck and charm that went along with his good looks. Rising up from where he was seated at the table, Scott looked down at his chubby stomach contained within his work uniform and then shook his head at Anthony.

"I'm not stupid. She'll take one look at me and move on."

"You don't know that though. You haven't met her yet! Think about this, Scott!"

He began to walk off towards the restroom, leaving Anthony there at the table to dispose of their trash. It was easy for him to understand Scott's point of view. Indeed, he did not know Kate but Anthony believed if Kelly Brook could see something special in him, then perhaps Kate would. Then again, they were likely two different kind of women when it came to taste in men. Kelly came off to Anthony like a true seductress, while Kate seemed to be a woman in her prime of life trying to recapture some old magic from affairs in the past. Getting up from the table, he took the tray and dumped the leftovers and drinks into the trash. There was a hand sanitizer dispenser close by the trash. Anthony pressed it, filling his free hand with the liquid substance to rub together. As he was busy scrubbing his hands, Scott had left the bathroom, stepping his way over to his friend with a soft smile.

"You know, the more I think about it..."

Stopping for a moment, Scott scratched the back of his head. It was impossible for him to hold back the goofy grin on his face.

"You're the luckiest guy I know. If you think she'll say yes and meet me, I'll take your offer."

Anthony nodded.

"I've got her room number. You could be the one to go up and visit her if she calls for service. You know, like when you walked on me with Kelly a while back."

Scott laughed, blushing as Anthony was now picking on him about that specific incident from a while back. It helped that they were both working on the same shifts for the day. Anthony had yet to hear from Kate, but she was the only individual he expected to be ringing his phone with text messages later during the afternoon. Together, Scott and Anthony stepped out of the restaurant, crossing near the shopping mall that was on the lobby floor of the main building connecting the massive resort. As they walked, Anthony thought about the conversation he had with Kate last night. She had told him a tale of her desires. A threesome with two men was something she had experience with. It was quite something to hear her explain why she preferred that kind of threesome over sharing a guy with another woman. Anthony knew Kate wanted all the focus attention on her. That was apparent with how she talked about having two men watch her every move.

"Mmmmmmmm, sometimes you just need more than one cock to satisfy the urge. If I told you all the things I used to do before I got married, you wouldn't believe the kind of games I used to play with guys like you". Thinking about her words made his heart race as he walked alongside Scott. Before they had lunch together, Anthony was already telling him about Kate. Now he was trying to think of what would be the best way to introduce his friend to her. There was always the possibility that Kate wouldn't like him. He understood Scott feeling that a rejection was on the horizon due to his looks. Then again, Anthony remembered what Kelly had told him regarding the man. Maybe it had more to do with what was on the inside with a person, rather than their appearance. Through time, he had many thoughts over Kelly's words leading him to pursue a stronger friendship with Scott. For his next meeting with Kate, he was going to need his friend to tame that wild woman, or else he would get worn out by her a second time.



Beyond several service doors with a black sticker stating 'Employees Only', Anthony and Scott had found themselves carrying out their afternoon duties on the job. It was a lucky break for Anthony that he was on a shift with his friend, but it didn't take away from the many small jobs that required their attention. Room service was where they found themselves. Cleaning out the beds and working through rooms that were recently checked out by guests leaving. For what he had done the past few days, Anthony knew it wasn't fair to start complaining as he was stuck on his hands and knees scrubbing up spilled drinks and other aggravating messes left behind from guests. Scott did other rooms across the floor, leaving the two of them alone to clean a room one by one. The most frustrating job of the day was pushing the janitorial cart up and down the hall and through the doors of the guest rooms.

So far, Anthony had the misfortune of mopping up three separate bathroom floors. On a day like this, he couldn't help but think of the utter disrespect maintenance workers and janitors received from guests in a job like this. There was no glory with having to scrub the floors, toilets and showers. He kept his mind on Kate Upton rather than thinking about the disgusting line of work he was stuck in. Perhaps this was the price he had to pay for spending the last two days fucking Kate. If that was so, then it was well worth it. Anthony was thinking of having another day with Kate as some great reward for getting stuck in an awful job of the day. Once he finished with another room and began to push his cart out of the door, his phone began to vibrate within his pocket. He stopped, pulling the phone out and then seeing Kate's name flash across the screen. Anthony didn't hesitate to answer her.


"Hey there, lover boy. Miss me yet?"

He blushed as she replied back in a soft but seductive tone. Anthony smiled to himself as he faced the open doorway, still pushing his cart out into the hall.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about you while I'm at work."

Kate giggled into the phone.

"Oh really? All work and no play for Mr. Anthony today."

"I guess you can say that, right now I'm kinda busy."

"Too busy to talk to me?"

"No, of course not!"

She laughed again into the phone.

"Mmmmmm, good to hear. I've been thinking about you all day too. Remember what you asked me last night regarding a threesome?"

"Yeah, you thinking about that?"


Kate paused, leaving Anthony to consider if now was the time to tell her about Scott. He thought for a few passing seconds and then replied back to her on the phone.

"I've got my friend working with me right now. We're doing room service, I can send him up to meet you."

"Ohhhhhhh, listen to you... want to share me with a friend of yours, huh? I didn't take you as the kind of man that shares."

He blushed, still holding the phone up to his ear.

"Well, maybe I just have a little fantasy after our talk last night."

Again, she hesitated to reply, leaving Anthony standing there with his mind racing if Kate was going to reject this offer. After hearing some noise in the background, she replied.

"Tell your friend to bring me a bottle of wine and some fresh ice."

She hung up on Anthony without giving him time to respond. Letting out a sigh, he glanced down the hall to see if Scott was coming out of another guest room. Turning the wheels of his maintenance cart, Anthony pushed it out into the hall and then shut the door to the room he was exiting. Pushing the cart a little more, he watched a door come open and there was Scott himself, stepping backwards out of the door to pull his cart out. Anthony whistled to capture the attention of his friend. When Scott turned his head to look in his direction, Anthony smiled and spoke.

"Guess who I just got off the phone with!"

"Our supervisor? I guess they want us to go clean another floor, huh?"

"No, man! Kate just called me!"

Scott's eyes became enlarged as he gave a shocked expression, then smiled with his full teeth.

"Oh shit! Really!?"

Anthony nodded at him, unable to hold back his smile.

"I told her about you. She wants you to bring her a bottle of wine."

"Are you for real!?"

Again, Anthony nodded.

"Yeah, this is your big chance to meet her. She wants a bottle of wine and a bucket of ice. She's up in room seven-four-three."

Rolling his eyes, Scott let out a frustrating sigh.

"Oh, that's just great. I gotta go all the way up to the seventh floor."

Seeing this reaction from Scott had almost angered Anthony. He pointed down the hall at the elevator.

"Are you fucking serious? You're gonna bitch and moan about having to ride an elevator up to the seventh floor to see Kate Upton of all people on this earth? Shut up and move your fat ass!"

Scott was shaking his head at Anthony's comments, then waved his hand at him while pulling the maintenance cart out of the room. Anthony spoke again.

"Dude, fucking go! Room seven-four-three! Don't keep that woman waiting!"

"What about my cart? You gonna push it around with yours?"

"Yeah sure, what the fuck ever. It's just a cart, I'll take it to the back room."

For the love of God, he could not be serious, Anthony thought to himself. Here was one of the most beautiful women on earth waiting in her suite room and Scott was worried about the cart. Standing there, Anthony watched his friend stomp forward down the hall and towards the elevator where he treated himself to pushing a button. The last glimpse Anthony had was of Scott's silly grin across his face as the metal doors to the elevator closed shut. Now he was left with two carts to push down the opposite end of the hallway and re-enter the employee's only door for all housekeeping duties. It wasn't much of a hassle for Anthony. The last thing he wanted to do was keep Kate waiting, but he couldn't help but wish he was in Scott's shoes right now. The first time he served Kate for a request, it was wine. Anthony was now thinking about the past two days as he slowly pushed Scott's cart behind his.

Taking his time pushing the carts side by side, it was easy to begin daydreaming of Kate. For the past two days, Anthony had her body all to himself. Would Kate find him somewhat attractive like Kelly did months ago? Was Kate even into a guy like him? Pointless questions he didn't have the answers to. Letting out a sigh, he continued to push the carts until he got through the door marked for employees only. This time around, Scott was the one leaving his work post unattended to go bring service to Kate. Once again, Anthony couldn't get the thought of his head. He checked his phone, noticing that over fifteen minutes had passed by the time he was done with the carts and wandered into a bathroom. He took a moment to relieve himself beyond the closed door of a stall. Exhaling, he could hear his own breathing from the quietness of the white colored bathroom.

Twenty minutes had passed since the phone call. Anthony decided to remain locked in the bathroom stall after he finished urinating into the open bowl. He sat down the toilet after buttoning his pants back up and thought of calling Kate to interrupt Scott's meeting with her. As he sat there clutching his phone in both hands, it vibrated from a picture sent through the text messages. Anthony had to do a double-take, blinking his eyes at the sight of Scott's goofy face pushed between the famous boobs of Kate Upton. It looked as if she had tilted the phone at length with where her head was, aiming down to capture this image of Scott's face smothered between those tits. Kate then sent a text message: 'This BIG BOY sure loves my BIG TITS', capitalizing specific words and adding heart emojis. Anthony couldn't help but blush.

He was tempted to fire back a tweet at Kate how she had only met Scott thirty minutes ago and now he was getting lucky, but then another text message followed. "He wants to try me too. Where are you?". There was no chance for him to reply when a third text followed, along with a photo of Scott with his mouth wide open and Kate standing next to him topless. Her hair was fixed up in a towel as she was holding up two fingers with her free hand. After the photo was sent, Kate had another text message for Anthony. "Not 1, but 2. I'm waiting for you, lover boy." As if the photos of Scott's silly face near her boobs weren't enough, now Kate was taunting Anthony. From seeing her hair wrapped up, he could only guess that she must have been sitting in the bath tub when she called him earlier. Maybe Scott went up to her door and knocked as she was getting out, all to greet him in a bath robe.

The job at hand no longer was of any concern to Anthony. He left his post, not caring whatsoever that he was still on the clock and about to go missing from work. Kate got her message across loud and clear as he left the bathroom, washed his hands and then began to dash his way out of the employees room. Anthony was ready to run to the elevator, not caring whatsoever the people he brushed past or if any co-workers had noticed him leaving his job post. His next step was the seventh floor and then to give Kate's door a good knocking. Time seemed to be moving so fast as he stood in the elevator and punched the button up to the seventh floor. To think that Scott was already having fun with her, that only made Anthony more impatient. As he stood there in the elevator, another text message was sent. The notification caused the phone to vibrate within the right side pocket of his pants. Ignoring that feeling, Anthony waited for the elevator to stop.

When those doors came sliding open, he was tempted to check his phone but it wasn't worth it now. Not with Kate's room in walking distance. A couple were stepping their way towards the elevator as Anthony rudely brushed past them. He wasn't concerned one bit as the man and woman turned to glance in his direction. Yet another text message was sent to his phone, causing more vibrations within his pants pocket. Ignoring that feeling again, Anthony made his way to Kate's room and took a deep breath. He had to exhale for a moment in a desperate attempt to contain his excitement and knowing that when he stepped through the door, he would be walking into something of a lustful fantasy. He raised his right hand and began to knock on the door, then shoved his right ear up against the door. Maybe he would be able to hear them inside he thought to himself. Knocking a second time, Anthony could hear laughter and then a voice calling.

"Oh my god, he's finally here!"

That was the sound of Kate calling out, then a muffled incoherent reply from Scott's voice.

"Come in and take your clothes off, Anthony!"

It was Kate's voice calling out again, followed by more hysterical laughter. Anthony clutched onto the door knob, turning it and stepping through. What he had witnessed in front of him was not something he was prepared to see with his eyes. The door slammed shut behind him as his jaw dropped at the sight of Kate standing naked. The towel had been removed from her hair, allowing those long golden locks to flow beyond her shoulders. She was glancing down, giggling as Scott was naked and leaned over, his lips embedded over her left nipple. Kate had her left hand cradling the back of his head while her right hand was lifting up the wine bottle just above her left breast. Anthony swallowed his breath, watching as the dark red liquid substance poured out and streamed down Kate's skin before falling to her nipple where Scott hungrily slurped it up while sucking on her tits.

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