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Trying to Get Along with My Sister

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Brother and Sister find themselves roommates in their 40's.
7.9k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/25/2024
Created 06/27/2023
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2020 was a hard year on a lot of people, but it was particularly bad for my sister, and it started right off the bat. The guy Kelly had been having a multiyear affair with lived in their suburban, gated community and was therefore invited to their New Years Eve party. Her side piece had way too much to drink and got so jealous seeing my sister kiss her husband at midnight that he punched a hole in a wall and proceeded to make an epic scene.

Everybody at the party was able to piece together what was going on, despite most of them being in the bag at that point. That meant that both of their marriages pretty much imploded before all the confetti had landed in Times Square. What was bad for him was way worse for my sister though. The guy she was cheating with owned his own contracting company and, while he was headed for a divorce, at least he was still employed.

Kelly's father-in-law was the pastor at their mega-church and she worked for her mother-in-law at a company that was an offshoot of the church. As soon as her affair was public knowledge her world got really small, really fast. By the end of January, it was obvious that her mother-in-law was working towards firing her. After years of positive employee evaluations, they began to find fault with everything she did.

By the end of February, she had not only gotten her pink slip, but her husband had given her an ultimatum to move out of the house or face a much messier divorce. It was a bold move on his part, mostly because Kelly knew for a fact that Wayne was a closeted gay man. He had as much, if not more, to lose than she did, but if he had cheated, he had done a better job of keeping it quiet and in their insular community that's all that really mattered.

On March 10th of 2020 they jointly filed for divorce and put forth an "agreed upon" custody agreement for Reagan, their 16-year-old daughter who hadn't even spoken to Kelly since New Years Day. Kelly was unemployed, homeless, and essentially shunned by everyone in her life. To make things go more smoothly the Reverend had advised Wayne to essentially pay Kelly off, so while she had nowhere to lay her head, she did have Almost $83,000 in a newly opened solo bank account. It was way less than she probably could have gotten if she had gone into a Texas court with proof that her husband hadn't touched her in almost a decade, and that he had troves of gay porn stashed on hard drives that she had uncovered.

Despite all of this, when I talked to her on the phone on the morning of March 11th, she sounded up beat. She had a flight out of Houston later that afternoon to come visit our mother in Maryland and she said she'd even make the trip into the big, bad city to visit her little brother while she was in the area.

"What's your long-term plan?" I asked, actually curious and not needling her.

"I have no idea. I sure as hell didn't think I'd be starting over at 42, so I never really put any time into thinking about it. I thought Wayne and I would go on playing like we were the good little Christain couple for years to come."

"Well don't rush it. You've been through a lot and I'm sure you'll figure it out. You've always been the smart one in the family."

"Now I'm the slut of the family. Mom actually said 'Oh Kelly, how will we ever live this down?' as if she's ever going to visit The Stables or North Pointe any time soon."

"I always forget, is The Stables the name of the church, or your hoity-toity gated community?"

"Wise ass."

"Sorry, I never really understood how you stood it there."

"In the beginning I convinced myself I was happy. Wayne was a lot of fun to be around in college, and even for the first few years of our marriage."

"Until he started sucking cock" I interjected, as a little good-natured ribbing, hoping it would come off that way.

"Allegedly. You've got to say allegedly. If the good pastor is tapping my phone, I could lose my "windfall" because of the NDA I signed."

"I was just joking Kel. But I'll be more careful on the phone." I said, actually contrite.

"Shit, I must be more screwed than I realized if you thought I was being serious. I'm sure they're happy to be done with me and won't spend much more time thinking about me."

As it turned out Kelly's bigger problem (aside from her truly awful timing) was our own mother. They were always going to end up at each other's throats staying together for a few days, but then COVID hit and shut everything down and it turned into almost a month.

By the start of April, she was already telling me she had to get out of there and on the 10th, I got a call from her begging me to come get her. Ever the good brother (and son, since my mom was also complaining to me about Kelly overstaying her welcome) I drove to my childhood home and picked my sister up.

The was the extent of the plan.

As we drove back over the Bay Bridge to my apartment in Baltimore, we joked about who was a bigger disappointment to Mom. Sure, I was twice divorced and childless fast approaching my 40th birthday, but at least I had a job I could do from home so I was still employed. Kelly was divorced, unemployed, and had managed to alienate my mother's only grandbaby.

When we walked into my apartment I said "it's really no problem Kel. Stay for as long as you need." and I meant it.

We settled into a routine very quickly which not only shocked our mother, who predicted we'd be at each other's throats after two days, but also would have shocked our younger selves. We fought quite a bit as kids, so much so that the happiest day for all of us had been when Kelly left for her freshman year of college, and then opted to stay down there for the summers after she met Wayne. I got to live out my last two years of high school without being in a fight every day, and mom never had to referee again.

I could see that Kelly was sad and a bit lost. I'm sure she missed Reagan even though she tried to play tough. She would read, write, do yoga, or ride my exercise bike while I worked, and, even though I told her she didn't have to, she also made me lunch and braved the crazy COVID shopping trips. I'd cook dinner and when we were done eating, we'd watch all our favorite 90's movies while having wine or smoking a joint.

At the end of the night, I'd head to my room and Kelly would bunk down on the couch which seemed like a fine set up at first. Right until the first time I heard a very distinct moan coming from my living room. Coming from my couch. Coming from my sister... coming. I'm certainly not saying there is anything wrong with grown woman rubbing one out, especially one who just got out of a sexless marriage but it's the last thing a guy wants to hear from his sister.

I didn't say anything about it the next morning, but I guess I was being short with her because she asked me what was wrong. I played it off as a work issue and that seemed to settle it for the time being, but then I was awoken by a yelp and panting that night. I decided that I had to say something so I opened the door and yelled out into my dark living room "hey, keep it down! Some of us have to work in the morning you know!"

But there was no response which really pissed me off since I thought we were well past the silent treatment of our childhood. I took a step further and from the improved angle I could see Kelly's face lit up by her screen and I understood what was going on. Also illuminated by her screen were her noise-canceling headphones. I thought for a minute of turning on the lights and scaring the shit out of her, but I decided instead to just turn my box fan on to drown out the sounds of her pleasure so I could get some sleep.

All this thinking passed through my brain in just a few seconds, but that was long enough for Kelly to bring her fingers to her mouth and suck them quickly before returning them back down out of my sight. I shook my head and turned for my room, frankly madder that she was getting off than that she was keeping me up.

I was never a fan of jerking off looking at a smart phone or a laptop. My usual routine was to close the blinds in my living room and plop down on my couch (the one Kelly was currently inhabiting) and cast to my big screen so I could jerk off as a single man should: with 98 inches of 4K screen! But I had only been able to do that once during her stay when Kelly was out for a run, and the whole time I was worried she'd pop through the front door before I could finish.

So, I went into my bedroom determined to bust a satisfying nut before going to bed that night. I opened my laptop and browsed around a few of my favorite sites till I found a big titted teen scene that looked like it was going to work for me. Naturally, my headphones were on my desk in the dining room so I put my laptop on the pillow next to me and started jerking off with the sound off.

Have you ever tried that? It's awful. My second wife abhorred porn so I often had to do it that way during our marriage and I really resented Kelly for putting me back in that position. As this plump teen was getting railed from behind and her tits were swaying, I noticed that she was talking quite a bit, and I really wanted to know what she was saying.

So, I turned the volume up to 10 and with the fan going I still couldn't make out the words. I was going to have to be sure to bring headphones in from now on! I raised the volume up to 50, hoping Kelly still had her noise canceling headphones on and finally I could hear the porn star's dirty talk. I rewound to take in the whole tableau: swinging tits, hair being pulled, slapping of pelvis on ass and the chick saying stuff like "I'm your good little whore. Use my cunt to please yourself, I'm just a cock-sleeve for you to fuck."

This was just the type of thing I needed. I turned the volume up to 80 and watched the remaining 20 minutes of the scene before erupting with my first truly satisfying orgasm in weeks. I cleaned up, hit my en suite bathroom and got a great night of sleep. So great that I didn't even say anything to Kelly in the morning about keeping it down during her "alone time" at night.

That night I did take my headphones into my bedroom and I was just about to try and find more videos with the big titted, dirty talker from the night before when I quite clearly heard Kelly talking out in the living room. I put my ear to the door and I could hear her clear as a bell.

"Oh fuck that's hot. She looks so fucking hot all filled up with cock like that. Oh god I want three cocks at once." she was practically shouting.

What the fuck was she doing? She had to know that I could hear her, didn't she? I know noise canceling headphones cause people to speak louder than they think they are but this was ridiculous. I grabbed my phone intending to text her "Hey can you keep it down" but as I was typing, she seemed to hit a crescendo.

"Fuck yes. Cover her in come!!! Come on her face and her tits and her ass. Yes, yes yes." she screamed before trailing off to just whimpers and moans.

I was livid. She had to be doing that on purpose.

I threw my headphones back on my dresser and cranked my volume to 100. I racked my brain for a second trying to think of a porn performer who I knew was really verbal before realizing that search bars existed for a reason. I typed "loud slut screams while getting pounded" into the search bar and although I shouldn't have been surprised, I got quite a few options to choose from.

I clicked on one with an alluring thumbnail and pulled my cock out and started stroking. Not only did the starlet in the scene scream, moan and talk dirty, but both guys fucking her kept up a non-stop barrage of insulting talk as well. In the end they all seemed to agree that she too was a worthless slut only good for taking come.

I honestly didn't love the scene, but I guess sibling rivalry never really goes away and I felt like I had the high ground since it was, after all, my place. I came much harder than I was expecting to while watching a scene that was more aimed at getting back at my couch surfing sister than turning me on. I thought it best not to spend too much time tugging at that particular string of thought and cleaned up for bed.

Just before I feel asleep, in a moment of post nut clarity, I was dreading the fight coming between Kelly and I the next day. Mom was right, it hadn't taken long for us to fall out.

The whole next day we were both very short with each other. After listening to my side of a conference call she said that my work sounded "made up" to which I responded by saying "At least I'm getting a check." I was mad at her, but I kind of regretted that as soon as I said it, but it still didn't lead to a full blown fight.

A band we both liked was doing one of those COVID streaming shows where they were all playing from their own beautifully appointed home studios so we sat there silently on the couch watching until I mumbled "good night" and headed for my room.

I wasn't even in my room for two minutes before I heard full volume porn coming from the living room. Kelly always could escalate a fight with the best of them! With the benefit of my sound bar I could hear more than moans and dirty talk, I could hear wet pussy sounds too. I'm sure my neighbors were gonna love that.

I opened my bedroom door to yell at her and she was sitting in my leather chair with her legs over the sides and a plug-in vibrator between her legs. She had even gotten an extension cord so it would stretch all the way to the chair. I was starting to understand why she had been kicked out of her last two places.

I turned to head back to my room and was just about to slam my door when I instead gave into my childish instinct to escalate. I turned on all the lights in my bedroom and sat on the edge of my bed stroking my cock while watching the same scene Kelly had on the big screen. It was amazing how clear everything was in 98 inches of 4K, even at that distance.

The scene wrapped up with a dripping cream pie and Kelly started scrolling the "you might also like" menu to pick what to put on next. She went right past a scene with the big titted porn star from the scene I watched the night this whole thing started. Without even thinking I said "hey go back to that one, I like her" like we were scrolling Netflix trying to choose with of our 90's movies to watch.

"This one? With this thick girl?" she screamed back over the sound of her Hitachi.

"Yeah, just put it on. She's good" I said, still stroking.

"Oh Pat, I didn't think you like them plump! Joan and Ellen were both ironing boards." she cackled, invoking my two very slender ex-wives.

"Whatever. My house my choice" I shot back as if we were having a regular fight between siblings not both openly masturbating in full view of one another.

"Fine." She said putting the controller down and licking her fingers again like she had the first night I saw her.

I craned my neck to try and be able to see her fingers as she slipped them between her legs but the arms of the chair blocked my view. Kelly's eyes were still locked on the TV, but she must have seen me watching through her peripheral vision. She pushed her pelvis up so it rose above the chair's arm and I could see that she had her middle and ring fingers buried in her hairy pussy while she held the Hitachi on her clit.

After a few moments of showing off her yoga core strength she slipped her ass back down in the seat without ever taking her eyes off the screen. And then we both just sat there 20 feet apart masturbating until that scene ended with a huge load on the starlet's tits.

"You're right. She was really good. I like how vocal she was." Kelly said while scrolling for more scenes with that porn star. She settled on a thumbnail that had four guys all standing in a circle around her while she was on her knees.

"Do you like blow bangs bro?" Kelly asked calling me bro for the first time in decades.

"Yeah, put it on." I said before adding "Sis!"

Kelly snorted like she used to when our father told a dumb dad-joke back in the day, and then added "Are you almost done? I'm getting tired and I don't know how much longer I can hold off."

"I'm ready to pop, let's do this" I said more enthusiastically than I intended to.

"If we're both close, I'm gonna skip ahead to the come shots, ok?"

"Yeah, do it"

And then the shot from the thumbnail was playing out on my big screen. The four guys were all standing over her as she begged to be coated with their come. The first guy popped and the first jet blasted her in the right eye before the subsequent ones fell across her nose and mouth. The second guy turned her face and he too coated her face from forehead to chin.

"Somebody come on those tits! Please!" Kelly groaned.

"Right?" I agreed.

Finally, guy number three took aim at her big, beautiful tits and while he was still coming the fourth guy joined in spraying truly massive amounts of come on her chest. I laid back on my bed and shot a rather prodigious load myself, with the first spurt flying over my own head and on to the bedspread before the next few fell on my chest, stomach, and pubic hair.

As I sat up, I heard Kelly shuddering through an orgasm of her own and saw her legs pointed straight up in the air. She had mercy on my neighbors and muted the tv and suddenly the apartment was quiet except for the sound of two middle aged siblings panting after an hour-long mutual edging session.

I was going to call out good night, or say something snarky about cleaning up my chair but I was suddenly mortified at what we had just done. Instead, I got up and just silently closed my door before heading to my bathroom to clean up. I looked at myself in my mirror and realized that I had come way more than I had in a very long time, and that didn't even include the first bit that whizzed by my head.

I tried not to think about it as I used half a roll of scarce COVID era toilet paper cleaning myself up, but the guilt and shame didn't go away as I tried to sleep. I laid there awake for hours and hours and actually saw the sun come up, but eventually I did fall asleep.

I was awoken at 8:48, almost an hour after my start time, by Kelly with a knock on the door. "Hey, are you working today or what?" She shouted through my door.

I bolted out of bed and rushed to get dressed before pausing at my door with my hand on the knob for a for a few seconds, trying to work up the courage to face Kelly. When I opened the door, I was surprised to see her on the couch looking bright and rested, eating a bagel.

"Good morning bro, I got bagels." She said, calling me bro again in an obvious nod to the previous night's activity. She didn't seem to be struggling with it they way I was.

"Uh, thanks. I better get logged in... but I'll have one later." I said feeling so awkward.

I logged onto my workstation and saw that I had missed the start of a conference call. I started aiming my webcam to join the call and Kelly got the hint and moved out the line of site, as we had agreed for all my pervious calls. I was having a hard time concentrating on the call when my cell phone buzzed with a text from Kelly reading "You still like onion, toasted with butter instead of cream cheese?"

I started to wonder if I had dreamed the events of the last three nights. Was she really taking my bagel order right now? Mere hours after I saw her fingers in her pussy? I texted back "Yeah, thanks" and tried in vain to focus on a very boring call. My phone buzzed again and now she was asking if I wanted coffee.

What the fuck?

I messaged a coworker in Slack and said I had to drop off the call because I had an emergency and after double and triple checking that I was disconnected and my mic was muted I decided to bring this whole thing to a head.

"Kelly!" I yelled walking into the kitchen to find her brewing me coffee just as the bagel popped out of the toaster. "What the hell?" I demanded

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