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Tsunami: Dark Resurrection

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Continuation and aftermath of original story - Tsunami
15.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 04/23/2014
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After many complaints and negative comments concerning the ending of my previous submission of this story; I relent and submit humbly to your wishes with a new ending.

~ ~ ~

Tsunami: Dark Resurrection (Re-write)

After a couple of months traveling the Gulf Coast and searching for suitable properties, Crystal and Royce had narrowed it down.

"The lakeside resort is an established business with main house, cabins, restaurant, potential clients for the survival camp, and we wouldn't have to start from scratch," Crystal said, and then asked, "What do you think?"

"I like the idea of something with an immediate income and room for expansion. Before we shut down the main house long enough for much-needed renovation, I suggest remodeling the cabins, live in one and keep the others available for clients," Royce answered.

"That's a good idea. You're so smart!" Crystal piped.

"Thank you, my dear, but you are the brains of this endeavor, and about my idea, frugal would be more accurate," Royce retorted.

"Are you comfortable enough with making an offer," Crystal enquired?

"The owners are asking for 2.2 million. We'll go in low at 1.7 and cap it at 2.0, sound reasonable to you?" Royce asked, and Crystal agreed.

Seven weeks later and 1.95 million payment, they became the proud owners of the newly named, Chapman Properties Resort.


The resorts staff, 16 in all, gathered inside the restaurant to meet the new owners. The recently promoted property manager, Karen Martel, made the introductions, "Ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to present the new owners, Royce and Crystal Chapman."

Royce stood, cleared his throat, and said smiling, "I'd like to introduce my partner, in life, and this exciting business opportunity, Crystal Chapman." Crystal stood, nodded at the crowd and sat back down. Royce continued, "First, for those of you with concerns. You all still have a job and will be treated fairly and with respect." The crowd visibly relaxed and Royce smiled inwardly, knowing he had won a small portion of their loyalty, and then continued, "Crystal and I, new to this kind of business, will depend heavily upon your invaluable knowledge and support. We believe in an open-door policy. Feel free to approach Karen, Crystal or I with any ideas you may have, they are welcomed and appreciated.

There will be extensive renovations, starting with the cabins. Once they are completed, the main house and restaurant will be next, followed by outbuildings and landscaping. We encourage all staff to participate in the renovations with any light construction, painting, and cleanup, according to your experience and abilities. Any questions?" Several hands flew up, and Royce pointed toward a woman in the front row and asked her name.

"My name is Joyce. When will the renovations begin and what are your plans for the cabins," she asked?

"This being the start of the slow season, cabin renovation will start immediately. As for plans, I'll let Crystal answer that," Royce turned to Crystal and asked her to stand.

"New roof, siding and upgraded furnishings, each with a small screened in deck and patio furniture, outdoor grill and improved parking to start," she said with authority.

Royce pointed to what he assumed to be the maintenance man and said, "And your question Sir?"

"My name is Carl, and welcome to the business. The emergency generator is on its last leg. Do you plan on repairing or replacing it?"

"After my initial inspection, I think replacing it would be the best option. I can't see soaking more money into an outdated generator. Would you agree," Royce asked?

Carl smiled and nodded his agreement.

Crystal pointed at a woman, she stood and said, "My name is Maxine, and I'm the cook. Pardon me for being so bold, but the kitchen must've been designed by a gorilla," and the room exploded into laughter. Once everyone calmed down, she continued, "Are we going to be able to help in the design layout?"

Crystal answered, saying, "After that statement, how could we refuse?"

Another woman stood, and said, "My name is Renée. Could you tell us a little about yourselves?"

Crystal gave Royce a quick glance, smiled at the woman, and answered saying, "Growing up in the same neighborhood; we have known each other and been close friends since childhood. I had no idea how much I would miss him when he joined the military, and once he returned, our relationship quickly developed into a lifelong partnership."

Looking directly at Royce, she took his hand and continued smiling, "He can be gruff, and at times, even cranky. However, inside, he's a protective teddy bear and has a heart of gold. Let me know if he ever gives you any shit, I think I can handle him!" Royce rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at her, causing the crowd to laugh.

Royce took the opportunity to change the subject, by saying, "We all now know whose boss, and if you don't believe me, just ask her." Throughout the crowd, there was quiet laughter. "Crews should arrive next week to start renovations. Any cabin guests will be moved to the main house, and for the remainder of their reservations, receive a complimentary, all-inclusive, free stay for any inconvenience." At that moment, the restaurant doors opened and trays of catered food were delivered to the surprise of the staff.

Crystal spoke up and said, "I don't know about anybody else, but I'm starved! Let's eat!"

After filling their plates and taking their seats, Crystal whispered in Royce's ear, "I think that went well. And I'm impressed with your masterful tact at changing the subject, thank you."

"You're welcome, my love," he responded, "Remind me to tip the caterers. Their timing was perfect!"

"Couldn't have been better and this food is delicious," she said.

"Knowing what's underneath, you make that dress look amazing!"

"Royce, you can say the sweetest things," she said as her eyes sparkled.

"I plan to make it a habit, although, it's a work in progress," he said smiling.

Crystal leaned over and pecked him on the cheek, quietly saying, "Everything is a work in progress around here. Our future, the resort and," pausing for effect, "our baby."

Stunned, Royce stared at Crystal wide-eyed for a moment and then, slowly, a massive grin spread across his face. Without warning, he stood, scooping her up in his arms and spun her around the room, waltzing across the floor. Those present, watched in amazement as the new owners laughed with joy.

Refusing her request to be put back down, Royce looked at the crowd and simply said, "She's pregnant," as everyone applauded and cheers filled the room, he spun her around the floor, one more time.

Eventually, Royce placed her on her feet, kissed her and then asked the catering staff to bring in the champagne. They quickly returned, and after filling everyone's stemmed crystal glasses, Royce said.

"I ordered champagne, originally intending to make a toast to Crystal, the staff and new beginnings regarding the resort, and now, have another reason for celebration." Royce lifted his glass high over his head, everyone following suit, and he shouted, "TO THE BABY!" He touched his glass to Crystals and with arms locked, staring into each other's eyes, they drank the chilled liquid.


Later that night, snuggled on the sofa, in their temporary cabin residence, Royce asked, "When did you find this out and how far along are you?"

"Yesterday, while Karen and I pretended to go shopping for furnishings, I saw the doctor. He told me, approximately 11 weeks, which was no surprise, since I missed my last three monthly cycles."

Royce thought for a moment and said, "That puts the baby due in six months, springtime!"

"Yes, the end of April," she said smiling.

"Have you thought about names," Royce asked?

"I've been on cloud nine and haven't got that far," Crystal said and then added, "I was a little worried what you might think about the pregnancy."

Crystal was sitting, leaning back against his chest, her head resting on his shoulder, as was their usual custom since stranded on the island. He pushed her to a sitting position, turned her to face him, searching her face and mentally noting each feature.

Her long brown hair, falling in waves over her shoulders, framed her exquisitely flawless skin. Eyebrows that arched and tapered gently to accent her mesmerizing blue eyes, and able to peer into one's soul. High cheekbones separated by a slender, yet angular nose, and lips that begged to be kissed. He felt she had never looked so beautifully radiant and captured his heart all over again.

Royce took a deep breath and then said, "I'm past thinking about you as my sister. We have the same last name, everyone believes we're married and have no reason for blood tests or a piece of paper saying so. You're my reason for living, and from here on, you are my loving wife, Mrs. Crystal Chapman."

Crystal started to speak, but Royce placed a finger to her lips and continued, "I share in the joy and knowledge, you will be a great mother. Our child will be raised in a stable and nurturing home, loved by its parents and taught to be the same."

"Jesse," Crystal interjected.

"What?" Royce said confused.

"Boy or girl, Jesse will be our baby's name," Crystal said beaming.

Royce returned her smile, and then said, "Jesse it is!"


The next five months were very busy and hectic. Dealing with contractors and performing renovations took most of Royce's time. Karen handled the staff and Crystal, now showing, kept the resort guests satisfied. Everyone did their part, becoming one big extended family.

"I have my eight-month appointment, next Tuesday. Did you want to take me, or should I ask Karen," Crystal asked?

"I'd love to, but the landscapers are arriving then, and I really need to be here. You should ask Karen," Royce answered, and then added, "You've been a tremendous help, and I'll be glad when this construction is over. We'll be able to spend quieter time together. I've really missed that."

"In case you haven't noticed, I'll be having a baby in a few weeks, and 'quiet time' will be erased from our vocabulary," she said laughing, then adding, "long nights, up every two hours feeding the little one, changing diapers and rocking our Angel in-between."

Royce grinned and said, "I can't wait. Although, I can easily envision you being a mother, I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around the thought of me as a father."

"With your natural instinct to be protector and provider, you'll be a wonderful father," Crystal replied.

Tuesday rolled around, and Karen drove Crystal to the doctor while Royce consulted with the landscaping foreman. Unknown to Crystal, Royce had decided to include a fenced-in playground with all the usual equipment; swings, slide, sea-saws, monkey bars, merry-go-round, etc. Guest children could take advantage right away, and eventually, their own child could join in the fun.

While eating lunch on the outdoor patio, attached to the newly renovated restaurant, Royce noticed a state trooper pulling up to the main house office. Once the trooper got out of the car, Royce called out and waved him toward the patio.

As the officer approached, Royce said, "Care to join me in some lunch officer?"

"No thank you, I appreciate the offer. I'm looking for the husband of Crystal Chapman," the trooper said.

"That would be me, Royce Chapman. Is anything wrong?"

"I'm afraid so, Mr. Chapman. There's been a terrible accident. Your wife is undergoing emergency surgery at Mercy Hospital," the officer said sadly.

"Is she going to be okay, and what about the baby," Royce asked?

"That's for the doctors to say. I'm here to escort you to the hospital, get in your vehicle and follow me," the officer commanded, then turned toward his squad car and walked away.

Royce ran to his truck and followed the patrol car; lights flashing, siren wailing and blowing through intersections at breakneck speeds, until he screeched to a stop at the emergency-room entrance.

Jumping from his truck, Royce ran inside, and at the admitting desk gave his name and inquired about Crystal. The clerk said she would inform the surgeon that he was here and directed him to a small private waiting room. A short while later, a doctor still dressed in surgery garb, mask hanging about his neck, entered the room and asked, "Are you the husband?"

"Yes, my name is Royce, Royce Chapman," he answered shakily.

"Mr. Chapman, it's my regrettable duty to inform you, your wife passed away during an emergency C-section, her injuries were too great to overcome."

His world collapsed around him, struggling to remain on his feet, and quell the unwanted visions flooding his mind, Royce managed to ask, "And the baby?"

"Protected by the abiotic fluid, the baby survived with no apparent injuries. It's a girl," the doctor stated flatly.

"What about Karen, she was driving."

"She was pronounced dead at the scene," the doctor answered.

"Can I see Crystal, and baby," Royce asked?

"Mr. Chapman, your wife was pretty banged up, are you sure you want to see her in this condition," the doctor asked.

Royce thought for a moment, wondering if this was a good idea, and then said, "Yes, I need to make a positive ID it's her, and determine if there should or shouldn't be an open casket."

The doctor nodded his head, and then said, "Please wait here, and I'll have one of the medical staff escort you. I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. Chapman."


While mechanically placing one foot in front of the other, Royce silently followed a female orderly through the hospital corridors. His mind spiraled into pandemonium and raged with questions that could not be answered.

How can this be? First, Mom and Dad, and now, Crystal? Am I being punished for my unspeakable crimes against mankind, doomed to a life of loss by a heartless and cruel entity?

The all-too-familiar feelings of dreadful darkness reared its ugly head and peered at him from the abyss of the eternally damned. It's cold, dead, and hungry eyes threatening to consume him once again.

The young female orderly led him through two large stainless-steel doors, entering the hospital morgue. The doors were cold at the touch, mysteriously seeming to draw the remaining heat from his body.

The female spoke to the male attendant, and he approached a small freezer like hatch. He opened it and pulled the body tray halfway out. Stepping to the side, he pulled the white cloth down far enough to expose her face.

A large, deep gash ran across a destroyed and hollow socket where her left eye should have been, with multiple lacerations from shattered glass, she was barely recognizable. Royce's eyes filled with tears, as his soul screamed in quiet torment. Leaning forward, he gently kissed her forehead, and softly whispered, "Good-bye my love." Nodding to the morgue attendant, he could only stare, as the cloth was replaced and her body returned to the temporary tomb.

Oblivious to the world around him, Royce didn't know how long he had been standing in front of the observation window, or how he got there.

The female escort repeated, "Mr. Chapman? Are you going to be okay?"

Royce nodded and focused his eyes on a pink index card labeled, Chapman. Shifting his gaze, he looked upon the wonderful, and last gift from Crystal, his newborn daughter, Jesse.


The following days, Royce struggled with his grief while making the necessary funeral arrangements, and always found time for extended visits holding, rocking, and talking to his daughter. He told her how beautiful and wonderful her mother was, and how she knew him better than he knew himself. Always able to see past his faults and love him unconditionally. He told her how her eyes sparkled, and made his heart take wing with her laughter.

One of the nursery nurses recommended he contact a nanny service and provided a list of reputable agencies. He thanked her for her thoughtfulness and said he would take her suggestion to heart. She smiled and left him alone with his infant daughter.


Early the next week, Crystal was buried near a bluff overlooking the lake and resort property. It was a private service that included the resort staff, while Jesse, born prematurely, remained at the hospital. Karen Martel was buried elsewhere, as per her family's wishes, the following day. Royce attended her funeral as well.

One week later, he contacted the listed nanny agencies with his desired requirements. Within hours, he was contacted by two agencies with possible prospects, and arranged for phone interviews right away.

The first call was with a woman named Susan; 38 years of age, no children, well-qualified and certified. Although her credentials fit his needs, she seemed a little cold with regard to her personality, a definite red flag! The call ended on a cordial note, but doubt lingered at the back of his mind.

His second call, an international call to Great Britain, was with a charming woman named Beatrice; 29 years old, no children, well-educated, certified, and impeccable references.

When he asked about why she considered being a nanny for a child in America, she answered by saying, "Mr. Chapman, I've always dreamed about your wonderful country, and all it has to offer. I've considered moving there many times, so in truth, I'm not looking for a job, I'm looking for a home. Unable to have children myself, I desire someplace where I'm truly needed, and not just a convenience to parents who ignore their spoiled children," pausing briefly, she continued, "I hope that doesn't sound callous, or rude. Please forgive me."

Royce openly laughed, and told her, "That was a perfect answer," and then continued, "I would like you to fly to the states, spend a week at the resort, then determine if you think you'd like to call this home. All expenses paid, of course."

"I'm agreeable with that, Mr. Chapman" Beatrice answered.

"Good, when can you leave?"

"At any time, I have nothing holding me here," she answered.

"I'll make travel arrangements immediately. I need your address for the cab and will contact you shortly with an itinerary," he wrote down her address, and then added, "It's been pleasant talking with you, Beatrice," Royce said, ending the conversation.

Two hours later, he called her back, saying, "You leave tonight from Heathrow Airport at midnight, a cab will pick you up by 9:30 PM, London time; it's a nine-hour flight, and you'll arrive at Atlanta International Airport by 4 AM, Georgia time. I'll be waiting at customs holding a sign that says Chapman, from there, it's a two-hour ride to the resort. I'll have your room prepared during your flight. Any questions?"

"None that can't wait until later, thank you for this opportunity Mr. Chapman," she replied.

"No thanks needed, I have a good feeling about this, and enjoy your flight," Royce told her, and hung up.


Royce, holding his sign, watched the passengers as they passed through customs. Young and old, they paraded by looking at his sign, until a strikingly beautiful woman approached. Her long blonde hair was braided, and hanging around her slender neck, terminating just below her more than ample breasts. Her hips swayed with an aura of sexual confidence turning the heads of men near her. Dressed in, what appeared to be, an hourglass, form fitting, blue striped, business jacket, and a matching skirt ending just above her knees. Dark nylons covered her shapely legs, and her heels clicked softly, while she walked across the terminal tiles.

Extending her hand, she said, "I'm Beatrice Woolford. You must be Mr. Chapman. It's a pleasure to meet you sir."

"The pleasure is all mine, and please, call me Royce," he said smiling while shaking her hand, and then asked, "How was your flight?"

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