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Tucker's Summer: Carla Macintyre

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Part 3 of Tucker's preposterous proportions and shenanigans.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 04/03/2014
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Some more craziness to kill a couple of minutes with. I want to thank the people who have liked this series, it makes writing it more enjoyable for me.


Rays of bright sunshine streamed into my room forcing me to squint as I crawled out of bed and pulled the curtains closed. The thick curtains that Mom had placed in all three upstairs bedrooms blocked enough of the light that I had to switch on my bedside lamp to see what I was doing. Mom had said the blackout curtains would keep the bedrooms cooler in the summer if we used them, something I hardly ever did. My alarm clock said it was almost ten o'clock. Glancing around for something to put on I discovered that I was down to just a dirty pair of jeans and the shirt I wore yesterday. Mom had made a rule; since both Julie and I were over eighteen we were responsible for doing our own laundry. Slipping into my bathrobe I grabbed the hamper and trudged down to the laundry room off the kitchen. We didn't have a basement.

With my clothes in the washer I made my way to the kitchen for something to eat. Half asleep, I spotted Julie standing at the sink staring out the window with her back to me still dressed in her pink nightshirt. There was no one else around. She seemed to be completely lost in thought and didn't hear me as I crept up behind her. When I was right behind her I slipped my hands under her arms to her front and cupped both her breasts, while pressing my groin into the softness of her ass. I was in pervert bliss when her nipples hardened instantly against the palms of my hands and she pushed backwards with her ass.

"Good morning sis," I whispered as I bent down and kissed the nape of her neck.

"TUCKER?" Mom shouted spinning around with a perplexed look on her face.

"MOM!" I shouted stumbling backwards, the tent in my robe dwindling fast.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? I thought it was your father groping me," she said red faced.

"I thought you were Julie," I stammered.

"And if I were? Do you always sneak up behind your sister and grab her boobs?"

Think fast moron my brain screamed at me.

"I...I...was just going to screw, I mean mess with her," I blubbered almost incoherently.

"Why on earth would you think I was your sister," she asked a little calmer now.

"Isn't that her nightshirt," I asked still shaking inside.

Looking down at herself Mom said, "Oh. Yes it is. I borrowed it from her this morning. She really needs to wash it though, it has a funny smell to it."

"That doesn't excuse you from trying to molest your sister though," Mom continued.

"It was just an impulse Mom. I thought it would get a rise out of her," I pleaded my case.

"You better watch those impulses young man," she said before walking away.

I watched her go; my palms still tingling where Mom's hard nipples had poked into them. Oh Dad, you lucky bastard you. Mom's nipples were definitely bigger than Julie's.

Right after my clothes were done Johnny Macintyre called and wanted to know if I wanted a rematch to the humiliating defeat he had slapped on me yesterday. Not really wanting to hang around here, understandably so, I told him sure. He said his Mom would make us sandwiches if we got hungry. I threw on some sweats and a Grateful Dead t-shirt and went to tell Mom what I was doing. I hadn't seen Dad or Julie since I had gotten up and Mom was in her bedroom. After rapping on her door and getting the come-in, I entered and told her where I was going. She was lying in bed reading, glasses perched on her nose, a romance novel held loosely in her hands. She still had Julie's nightshirt on.

"How long are you going to be gone," she asked, looking at me over the tops of her glasses.

"Not that long. Where's Dad and Julie?"

"They went to uncle Henry's and the store. Your Dad wants to barbeque this afternoon so don't be too long," she informed me.

Dad's idea of a barbeque meant burgers and hotdogs, and family time splashing around the pool. When I asked Mom if she planned on wearing her new swimsuit for Dad, she said she'd think about it. For some reason I hoped she didn't.

"I'm sorry about earlier Mom, although it was fun," I stupidly said.

"Get out of here and go have fun somewhere else," she said sweetly, a blush coming onto her face.

"Love ya."

"Love you too Tucker," she replied already engrossed in her book again.

I rode my bike the long way to Johnny's house so I could avoid going by the Ellison's place, no need to press my luck, old men can be crazy sometimes. Johnny answered and we went straight to gaming in the front room. Most people that know me wondered why I liked him. To them he was a strange Momma's boy who didn't seem to like the normal things an eighteen year old should. Even though he was a geek, I personally thought he was pretty cool. He was only about five-five and a hundred pounds soaking wet, but I've seen him take on guys much larger than himself and kick their asses. Somehow him and I had formed a bond between us in the ninth grade that still stood. I also knew he had a major crush on Julie, something I tormented him about as often as possible. His parents had split up when he was ten and his Mom had gotten one hell of a settlement in the divorce. I don't know how much, I just know that she didn't have to work to pay the bills. The one thing about him that did sort of creeped me out though was how clingy he was with his Mom, always hugging and kissing on her when he thought I wasn't looking. To each his own I figured.

"I passed by Cindy's yesterday on my way over here. You should have seen the look her old man gave me," I casually remarked, while trying to sneak up and shoot his game character in the back.

"I wouldn't worry about that. He just thinks you want to dick his precious little girl," he replied, his character swiftly spinning around and shooting mine in the face.

"You telling me he doesn't know about what his wife and I did?"

"No, he doesn't know about that," Johnny laughed. "For some ungodly reason he thinks you want to fuck that fat, pimple faced pig of a daughter of his. Shit man, I wouldn't touch that with someone else's dick."

While we rolled on the floor busting a gut, Carla Macintyre emerged from the hallway that leads to their bedrooms. She had on a short cotton housecoat that didn't quite reach to the middle of her thighs, her shapely pale legs contrasted nicely with the dark blue color. Her shoulder length black hair was done up in a French braid and I could smell jasmine coming from her direction.

"You smell nice Mrs. Macintyre," I told her, lying on my back on the floor.

"It's Carla, Tucker, and thank you. It's a new bath soap I'm trying out. You like it Johnny," she switched her dark brown eyes off me and onto her son.

"Smells really good Mom," Johnny said staring up at her affectionately.

"What were you two laughing so hard about," she asked, her hands on her hips.

"Tucker was under the impression that old man Ellison knew about him dumping uglys with Mrs. Ellison," Johnny spit out, damn near causing my heart to stop beating.

"What the hell Johnny," I squawked.

"Relax, Mom knows all about it," he informed me.

That didn't make me feel any better, especially when I saw the way Johnny's Mom was staring at my crotch with a big smile on her thin lips.

"It's okay Tucker. I'm not going to blab," she said, then stepped right over my head and went into the kitchen.

As she was stepping over me I could see right up between her legs. She wasn't wearing panties and I saw that her pussy was covered with a tangle of long black pubic hairs.

"Dude, I just saw your Mom's snatch," I teased Johnny.

"I've seen it too. Hairy ain't it," flooring me by saying that.

"You've seen her pussy," I asked stunned.

"If you swear not to tell anyone, I'll tell you what else I've done."

"I swear, cross my heart and hope to die. Now give," I pleaded.

Looking around as if we were conspirators, he leaned toward me and said, "I've touched it too."

"No fucking way!" I shouted.

"Way dude," he snickered.

"Tucker," Carla called from the kitchen, before I could call Johnny a big fat liar.

"OH. Sorry about the language Mrs. Macintyre," I apologized.

"Shit Tucker, I don't care if you cuss. I just need your help in here if you would be so kind," she shouted back.

Both Johnny and I scrambled to our feet and headed to the kitchen. When we got there Carla was pressed up against a counter looking up at a cupboard shelf. Her back was to us and her arms were stretched above her head as if she were trying to reach something. What caught our eyes immediately was the way the hem of her housecoat was now at her slender waist, her pale slim ass completely visible to our eyes. We looked at each other and I saw Johnny's eyebrows lift and lower several times at me; a shit-eating grin was plastered to his face.

"Hummm, looks like Mom wants to ride that bologny pony of yours," he whispered at me.

"What the hell dude, that's your Mother," I whispered back, my eyes glued to her ass and my cock swelling rapidly in my sweats.

"So. She's over twenty-one, she can do what or whomever she wants," he said nonchalantly.

"You going to help me," Carla asked looking over her shoulder at us.

"Uh, sure," I managed, heading over and standing behind her.

"I want that pitcher on the top shelf," she told me, lowering her arms but not moving out of my way.

Johnny came over and stood on her left. I noticed they were the same height and I also noticed that Johnny had one hand gliding over one of her ass cheeks. She didn't stop him, or get out of my way either. Leaving me no choice, I pressed into her back hoping her son's hand wouldn't touch my junk; it didn't. Stretching up I grabbed the pitcher she wanted and stepped back, my cock making my sweats tent out in front of me. Carla turned around giving me a big smile as her eyes roamed up and down my front.

"I thought I'd make you boys some sandwiches and lemonade," she almost purred.

"How about if we just made a sandwich out of you Mom," Johnny said quietly.

I was too stunned by Johnny's remark to say anything. I was even more stunned when Carla just stood there while her son slowly started unbuttoning the row of buttons down the front of her housecoat. What the hell was going on here I wondered? As if he'd done it thousands of times before, Johnny deftly popped the buttons through their eyelets until all of them were undone. When all of them were loose he took the pitcher from her hands and placed it on the countertop, then pushed the housedress off his Mother's shoulders. She was naked in front of me wearing only a smile as Johnny reached down and cupped her bushy mound. Two small boobs, with stiff upturned pink nipples, drooped slightly on her chest. My dick was as hard as it could possibly get.

"You want to make a sandwich out of me Tucker?" This time she did purr.

I gave her the only answer that I could give her. I tore off my shirt and dropped my sweats around my ankles. The beast pointed straight out at her stomach and was leaking an ungodly amount of pre-cum onto her kitchen floor. After getting over the initial shock of seeing such a large cock bobbing in front of her, Carla slowly sank to her knees right there and latched her lips around the head. Johnny wasted no time in shucking his clothes and pulling one of her hands toward his six-inch boner. She stroked both our cocks at the same time, while switching her mouth from one cock to the other for several minutes.

"Why don't we take this into the front room," she said then stood up.

I almost tripped over the wad of sweat pants bunched around my ankles in my haste to follow Carla and Johnny into the front room. They were already there by the time I removed my shoes and extricated myself from my pants. Carla had taken a seat on the ottoman by an overstuffed chair and was expertly administering oral sex to her son when I stumbled in. Watching, I could tell she was good at it. Very good. Johnny's cock was completely swallowed each time she leaned forward on it and was slick from saliva when she drew back. Her dark eyes followed my every move as I approached. When I was close enough, she reached out with the hand that wasn't cupping her son's balls and gripped the shaft of my penis firmly. Once more she began taking turns sucking our cocks, at least seven inches of mine would disappear while all of Johnny's sank into her hot mouth. After several minutes of his Mother sucking his cock Johnny began to tremble at the knees. Carla let go of my prick, placed both her hands on his ass and pulled him forward until his penis was stuffed in her throat, and her nose was buried in his pubic hair.


Other than seeing things like this in porn videos, I have never watched a guy shoot off into someone's mouth before. Especially not a son popping his load into his own Mother's mouth, I found the sight thoroughly arousing. Johnny's face was beet red and I assumed that he had been saving up for this moment, because as fast as Carla was swallowing, some of his spunk still dribbled out the corners of her mouth. Emptied, Johnny took one step back and fell ass first into the overstuffed chair, a look of total satisfaction pasted on his face. Carla turned her face up to look me in the eyes.

"Do you find it disgusting that a Mother would pleasure her own son," she asked.

"No, just curious as to why she would," I answered honestly.

She told me that when Johnny's father had left them it had created a need in both of them. For Johnny it had been the need of having a man to look up to and learn things from. For her it was the need to have a man to share intimate moments with. Finding another man to replace her husband with was out of the question as far as she was concerned. She vowed not to put herself or Johnny through the possibility of yet another man leaving them. So, with no other choices she had resorted to pleasuring herself manually to keep her overactive sex drive in check, all the while raising Johnny as best she could.

"Anyway, one night right after Johnny turned eighteen he had an awful dream," she was saying, all the while watching Johnny's face.

"Go ahead Mom, tell him," Johnny encouraged her.

"I let him sleep in my bed with me that night. Sometime during the night he had spooned up against me," her face was getting flushed as she talked.

"Go on," Johnny whispered, his breathing becoming shallow.

"I woke up with something poking me near my pussy. Johnny had gotten an erection and it had slid between my legs where it rubbed my crotch," she was panting now.

"Finish it Mom," Johnny implored her, his cock starting to inflate.

"As soon as I reached down between my legs and touched it I was consumed with the need to have it inside me. I pulled off my panties, pushed Johnny onto his back and mounted him," she continued.

"And...and...then what," I interrupted, absently stroking my rock hard cock.

"At first I think Johnny was scared by what I was doing to him. But the longer I rode him, the wilder he got, until he rolled me over onto my back," she had one hand fondling Johnny's now stiff prick and two fingers of the other hand buried deep into her hairy cunt.

"And..." I groaned.

"He gave me the best fucking I've ever had. Since then we make sure the other one's needs are taken care of," she finished, her small tits jiggled and her fingers were a blur as they sank in and out of her wet sounding pussy.

I had a newfound admiration for my little buddy. Dropping to my knees in front of her, I roughly yanked her fingers from her cunt, pushed her knees wider apart and buried my face in her pussy. Her upper half fell back onto Johnny's thighs, her head almost resting in his lap as I lapped her steamy slit. Her abundant pubic hair tickled my nose and cheeks each time I ran my tongue the length of her sopping crevice. Johnny leaned forward and began molesting Carla's pink, pointy nipples, until they stuck out majestically on her heaving chest. Her face contorted from the pleasure we were inflicting upon her.

"OH MY GOD! I'M CUMMMIIIINNNNNGGGGG," she screamed out after only five minutes of my tongue bathing her clit in saliva.

"Way to go Tucker, you the man. It takes real skill to get Mom to squeal that good," Johnny chortled.

"I aim to please," I breathed heavily, staring down at the wet matted mess of Carla's pubic hair laden puffy pussy.

When her breathing was under control Carla had Johnny stand and she pushed the ottoman up against the overstuffed chair. She then had him lye down on it with his butt near the edge while his shoulders and head rested on the chair's cushion. She bent over him and began gently stroking his dick until it was pointing straight up in the air. Standing behind her bent over body, her pale soft ass sticking out in my direction, it was almost impossible for me not to step forward and ram my tool into her from behind.

"It's sandwich time my little stud muffins," she cooed.

Holding Johnny's stiff pole up, she hocked a large wad of spit onto the head of it and turned around, switching hands in the process. With the one hand reaching between her legs holding him up, her legs straddling his outer thighs, she lowered herself until Johnny's slickened head was pushing at the ring of her tight anus. Carefully, her hands on his knees, she pushed down until the head popped in. She paused only long enough for her stretching hole to adjust before slowly feeding the rest of his meat into her ass. After her cheeks settled onto Johnny she placed her hands behind her knees and lay back onto his chest, raising her legs into the air at the same time.

"Now you Tucker. Poke that thing into my cunt, just make sure you go slow," she told me.

I wasn't too sure about this. What if Johnny's dick slipped out and touched mine? That thought didn't appeal to me very much. But on the other hand, I couldn't deny the allure of fucking Carla while her son was boffing her butt either. Johnny's dick was so far up her bunghole that I couldn't see any of it, and his balls looked as if they were being mashed under her weight. Straddling Johnny's thighs I inched my way up till the head of my cock touched the puffy outer folds of Carla's cunt. Lubricating the head by running it through her slit until it was coated with her juices I slowly started inserting it into the opening of her hot slick tunnel. The head slid in without too much effort and was followed by two more inches, then three. By the time six inches had found its way inside her expanding cunt walls she began to shudder.

Placing her ankles on my shoulders she dropped her hands onto my hips and pushed backwards. I pulled back an inch or so and she used her hands to pull me forward again. She repeated her pushing and pulling until I got the rhythm she wanted. In and out, in and out I sawed, all the while able to feel Johnny's dick through the thin membrane that separated our cocks. Johnny began to tweak his Mother's nipples and kiss the side of her neck. I wrapped my hands around her thighs as she started undulating her hips up and down, causing our cocks to push in and out of her tight holes.

"You okay Mom," Johnny asked as she increased the pace of her bucking hips.

"Oh yes baby, Mommy feels real good," she panted, sweat breaking out on her forehead.

Lightly running my hands up and down the front of her thighs, I watched with uncontrolled joy as both our cocks rocked back and forth into her silky smooth holes. The sight of my pole pushing through the dense forest of her cunt hairs into the heated depths of her snug channel caused the tenseness in my balls to increase. I knew it wouldn't be much longer before I blasted a tremendous load against the back of her clinging cunt. Johnny reached nirvana first.


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