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Tumultuous Times At St.Thomas Ch. 03

Story Info
Manny gets a girlfriend.
10.9k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/07/2003
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Chapter 3 - Girlfriends

Sunday was slow and quiet, which was just fine for Manny, after the fevered pitch of the last few days.

He woke up late, and found the house quiet - his Dad was out golfing, his sister Betty out for the day as well, while his Mom was gardening in the backyard. He quickly got a big glass of milk and toasted up some Pop-Tarts, and ran back up to his room to sit in front of his computer.

Pouring over the backup tapes from Principal Cole's computer, he hoped that his time away might have jarred something, but he still didn't notice anything exceptional. Following too many dead ends, he finally decided to put it away and get to the schoolwork he'd been neglecting.

Hours later, crouched over his biology textbook, an idea struck Manny, and he jumped over to his computer. He set up a comparison of the school database backups on Mrs. Cole's computer, against the similar school databases that were on backed up from other computers. Since they should have all been synchronized at the end of the school year, they should theoretically be the same. Manny waited.

"A-ha" he muttered under his breath.

That was followed by a grumble. The search did find some extra information in Mrs. Cole's files, but it didn't reveal anything spectacular.

Manny looked further.

The anomalies were all on records pertaining to girls that had graduated from school last year. Where the standard record just had some basic information about the name of the college or university, Mrs. Cole's records had an extra line of information for about a third of the female students - a name. No indication of what the name meant, but it looked like some sort of contact.

This is strange, Manny thought, as he looked further, every single record with a contact name is for some school far away...and they seem so obscure, I've never heard of any of them. And the same contact for each school, and sometimes the same contact for different ones, that might be geographically close. There were no addresses. The other girls, a lot of them are going to school in the city, or somewhere relatively close.

So what do I have now? Just a list of names that for some reason aren't on any other student records. When in doubt, check the 'net.

It took some diligence to look through the results for each name, knowing that pouring through these results was like checking for a needle in a million haystacks.

It was evening when Manny came up with something interesting. One of the names, 'Roger E. Latham', turned up a website for a Nevada brothel, among other results. Mr. Latham was on the 'about us' page, apparently involved somehow in business administration. In a combination of boredom and puerile interest, Manny clicked through and browsed around a bit.

There. That face.

One of the pictures of the 'new girls' working at the brothel looked familiar. He'd seen her, seen her around school. Though of course that that time her name wasn't 'Suzy Sweetheart' like the website proclaimed now.

Manny jumped back to the database, and scrolled through the entries. Oh yeah, that was her name. I thought I remembered from some assembly presentation. And on record as going to something called, 'Mountain Plains College', and beside that the name of the mysterious Mr. Roger E. Latham.

Hmmm, Manny browsed further, measurements, hours...does groups up to three, men and women. Cool.


When his sister came back later that evening, he knocked on her bedroom door, "Hey, Betty, can I come in?"

She sounded exasperated, "Aaargh, I guess. What do you want to bug me about?"

"Well, I was just thinking about our choices for next year. Made up your mind about where you're going?"

"Um," she looked up into the air, trying to grasp some thought. "Not exactly, but I know I'm going away. The school has these great little independent colleges they have ties with, very exclusive, that they can set you up with if you work real hard. That's what I'm aiming for. Girls only though."

Manny raised an eyebrow, "Girls only?"

"That's right, jerk-off." She chuckled. "How about you?"

"Uh, no idea. Yet," he replied, truthfully.

"Well, unless I can help you right now with your soul-searching, do you mind fucking off? I was in the middle of something."

Manny left her room. He decided to roll up some of the pot he had left over from Saturday night, and go for a walk, think, and smoke.

This is so bizarre, he thought. The school sending off...selling? Gotta be big money involved somewhere. Skimming off a good third of the females of the graduating class...and no one protests? For...well, I guess it's pretty obvious what for. The eternal demand.

And now I'm tied up in it. This is so fucked-up.


Biology class was Manny's first on Monday morning. A knock came on the classroom door.

"Hey there, is Manny in class today? Can I borrow him?" It was Mr. Anderson, one of the primary figures in the Phys. Ed. department, as usual walking around with a smile and a grin and a jump in his step no matter how early in the day it was, and showing off his tanned muscles underneath a golf shirt with the school logo. "You might as well take your books with you Manny, I don't know if you'll make it back by the time the period ends. No, no, nothing bad."

They walked together down the hallway, and then down the staircase to the main floor.

Manny asked, "What's this about, Mr. Anderson?"

Mr. Anderson looked around and lowered his voice. "Well, I'm not going to elaborate here in the open, but let's just say Mrs. Cole is busy and asked me to take care of a few things for you? C'mon, I'll show you in a few moments."

As they walked along, Mr. Anderson spoke up, "You always struck me as a unique student Manny, someone with a good head on his shoulders, combined with an understanding of how the world really works. I'm glad you're in the know."

Manny just stayed quiet until Mr. Anderson led him to the Phys. Ed. offices, where he introduced him to Melissa, who was just starting out at St. Thomas this year, assisting the teachers with gym classes, along with handling some administrative duties in the office.

Melissa was skinny and short, when she stood up to greet them her head was at about chest-level to the two males. She wore thin-rimmed glasses, and her dark hair seemed long, but was currently tied up behind her head so it didn't fall below her neck. She was dressed practically, in dark slacks and a golf shirt with the school logo, with several top buttons undone, and worn tight enough to the skin that Manny thought he could make out several details of her sports bra underneath.

Mr. Anderson introduced him, "This is Manny."

She extended her hand, and there was a mischievous glitter in her eye, "Charmed. I sure wish nice-looking boys like you would come by more often. Give me some reprieve from old geezers like Mr. Anderson here." She winked at both of them as she turned away.

She led them to a side-office that didn't seem to contain much except for a few chairs and a computer, and then closed and locked the door once they had all entered.

"The first order of business," Mr. Anderson said, "is your salary. Mrs. Cole was able to allocate a hundred thousand dollars a year, to put you on the payroll. We thought we'd set it up on the front like a freelance consulting job, might be easier to explain to people, since you won't actually be doing anything?"

"A hundred thousand?" Manny hoped he was surprised enough so that his shock sounded like grudging acceptance. "On the payroll?"

Mr. Anderson smiled, "For being so nice as to not say anything, of course.

"We've got your bank account info from various payments made by and received by the school, over your time here, so that's all done, right?

"Secondly, we all think it's high time you got a girlfriend. Melissa, can you fire that program up?

"Now here's the deal," Mr. Anderson explained to Manny, "We'll give you one girl. Every single one we'll display to you here has been in this school from the start, undergoing slow training. So we think we can augment that with a short intense programming session, and she'll be fine!"

Manny looked over to Melissa. She didn't seem to pay any attention, just focusing on the computer. She hopped up. "Done! Alright Manny, all you gotta do is scroll through the records and find a girl you like and let us know, k?"

"Uh, k."

Looking through the list, Manny understood. Here was a list of a lot of the girls in his grade, graduating this year. A lot of fine ones too. But this database was much more detailed than the one he had at home. Measurements, menstrual cycles, full-color pictures, etc.

Hmmm, Manny thought, Cath is in this. My sister Betty too?!? I guess there's some mistake, or they just didn't customize the database for my viewing.

Manny heard something, and looked over. Mr. Anderson was sitting in an office chair, and in front of him petite Melissa knelt down, unbuckling his pants.

As she drew his half-hard cock into her mouth, Mr. Anderson looked over with a sheepish grin, "Oh yeah, one more thing to tell you." He took a piece of folded-over paper out of his shirt pocket and handed it to Manny.

Manny unfolded it, and saw a list of names, male and female, many of which he recognized as people working in the school. Mostly younger, either new teachers or assistants.

"The Operation thought it would be good to have some people around that could take care of us. Let off a little steam during the day. You'll find Melissa's name there." To emphasize, he pushed Melissa's head down on his cock. She'd been tonguing the head, but now the gym teacher pumped his shaft into her mouth.

Manny watched them for a while; the teacher that he'd known for a while, leaning back in a chair, pants around his ankles, and the little teaching assistant he'd just met, kneeling in front of him, using one hand to pump his shaft and the other to massage his balls, sometimes lifting her head off his cock and letting a string of saliva stretch out. The sounds filled the small room.

"You can have some now, if you want," Mr. Anderson told Manny. "Or, do you want to concentrate on your pick?"

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'll take care of this first." Manny turned and intently scanned through his choices, the slurping and grunting beside him somewhat distracting but not entirely unpleasant.

In time, he made his decision. Dorothy. He knew her well. He'd watched her for a long time. She was even part of his lab group for biology, though that was entirely due to teacher-assignment. Tall with straight blonde hair, Manny recalled her impressive breasts, and an ass that would always send her kilt swinging in a cock-stiffening way. Above all that, he always liked her personality. She never condescended to him, and even seemed to have a streak of compassion and intelligence that sometimes showed up in class, but Manny guessed was ignored by the stuck-up, preppie crowd she hung out with.

Manny told them he'd made his choice. Mr. Anderson looked over and grinned, "Excellent choice. She's a hot one. And rich too, did you know? Parents are loaded.

"Not a little stick figure either. Nice rack with some junk in the trunk.."

Melissa pulled her head off Mr. Anderson's cock with a slurp and under heavy breaths said, "Great, now get your dick out and give it to me."

The two men sat in chairs side-by-side, pants off and legs spread, watching Melissa stroke each shaft with a petite hand, while moving her mouth back and forth from one cock to another.

Melissa leaned back. "Spit on it," she said to Manny.


She nodded to Mr. Anderson's dick, "Just fuckin' spit on it."

Manny hesitated, "Um..."

Melissa kept pumping Mr. Anderson's cock, but painfully pushed downward on Manny's swollen member. "Just spit on it! You spit on the ground, what the fuck's the difference?"

Manny leaned over, positioned his head about a foot over Mr. Anderson's cock, and let a thick stream of spit descend. He quickly straightened up again.

Melissa pumped faster, "Oh yeah! Now you Mr. Anderson! Spit on his dick." Manny saw the other man's head move over his crotch, and felt wetness come down on his swollen head, helping lubricate Melissa's fist.

"Yeah!" she growled, "Yeah-yeah-yeah! Now you again Manny!" Manny didn't hesitate this time, getting over Mr. Anderson's cock and letting copious saliva drip down to where Melissa's hand pumped up and down the hardened shaft. Mr. Anderson returned the favour, letting Manny watch another man's saliva slip down his cockhead and coat his shaft.

"Yeah, I love my job! Got two beautiful, big thick cocks to stroke! Don't you think his cock is beautiful, Manny?"

Manny was afraid to say anything. Melissa cradled Mr. Anderson's throbbing, slick shaft in one hand, displaying it to Manny. "C'mon, it's so nice and big and thick. Nothing wrong with saying it's beautiful."

Manny was still silent, and Melissa had a playful look of exasperation on her face. She turned her attention to stroking Manny's cock. "What about you, Mr. Anderson? Do you think Manny has a beautiful cock.?"

Mr. Anderson was breathing heavily from the stimulation, but managed to say, "Yeah. He's got a real nice cock."

"A beautiful cock?"

"A beautiful cock."

"Well now Manny," she fixed him with a coy look from behind her glasses, "You can't even return the compliment?"

"Uuuh...He's got a really beautiful cock too."

Melissa chuckled, then stood up, giving each cock a slightly painful twist. "What a couple of fuckin' homophobes. Here, why don't you both get on the floor. I'll get you two off good."

She arranged them so that they lay on their backs on the floor, heads pointing in opposite directions, legs interlocked like scissors. She brought them together so that the undersides of their cocks were rubbing against each other, using both her hands to push the two cocks together and pump them up and down. She moved her mouth over the two bumping heads as well, drawing as much cock as she could into her mouth.

"Oooh!" Manny grunted.

Melissa pumped expertly, and as the two cocks rubbed their undersides together in her hands and in her mouth, she expertly brought them off together.

As she cleaned them up, Melissa looked up mischievously at Manny, and traced a finger around his chest, "I do hope you'll show up again sometime. There's so much more I'd like to try with you. Oh, and a lot of plain-old fucking too."


Dinner at Manny's house that night was quiet and sombre. Manny had trouble remembering when it had descended to this level of tedious routine.

He was considering keeping the whole thing secret, but didn't think he would be able to explain himself if he started spending more money on things. A half-truth was better than totally lying, he thought. He took a deep breath, "I, uh...I got a job. Computer consulting. Freelance. It's pretty good because it's the sort of thing I can do around my schoolwork. And when I have free time, like in the summer, I can take on more work."

Manny looked over to his father, but his father was still just looking down at his plate, chewing. Manny's father was a thin, wiry man, with close-cut greying hair and thick horn-rimmed glasses. He still wore his short-sleeved pale blue shirt from work, with pens and pencils in the pocket protector.

"That's great news, Manny," his Mom spoke up. "How much are they paying you?" He looked over to his mom, at the other end of the table. She wore her long red hair up and clipped back.

"Um...pretty good. Y'know, a lot better than any other type of job I could get," Manny said

"Don't worry," his sister Betty added, sitting across from him. "I'm sure as soon as they take a look at your work they'll realize they hired the wrong guy." She saw Manny's stare and chuckled.

"Well, you're still going to go to college, right dear? I mean, jobs come and go, but education is important. Very important. You can't survive without it." His mom said.

Manny knew that tone. It was the 'serious, totally serious, don't break my heart' type speech his mother always gave him, whenever he was thinking of doing something she might not totally approve of. He still had trouble breaking its grasp. "Yeah...Yeah, sure, college. Definitely," he said.

"Well," his mom raised her voice and directed it at her husband, who was slowly, quietly eating, "what do you think of this? Don't you have anything to say to your son?"

"Yeah Manny, that's nice. I guess." Manny's father rose, and picked up his plate of half-finished food. He spoke quietly, his attention somewhere else, "Um, I'm going to finish this in the garage. Got a lot of woodworking I've meant to get done, that's piling up. I'll probably work into the night, so nobody disturb me, please."

Manny felt a chill in the air as the others quickly finished their dinners and excused themselves. He was happy to get back to his room.


There were interesting rumors spreading through St. Thomas Catholic High School, concerning the disappearance of Dorothy. Manny overheard a lot of them, especially when he was near some of the groups of chatty girls.

"I haven't seen Dorothy since Monday, have you?"

"Nope, I tried to call her, but her cell phone just goes to voicemail. And when I called her at home, her parents just said she wouldn't be around for a few days. Didn't answer anything else I tried to ask. Bit rude, if you ask me."

"Maybe she's got some sort of disease?"

"Broken leg?"

"I heard she got raped by a bunch of guys from Central High, and now she's pregnant, and is gonna move to California!"

Even a teacher chimed in, addressing the class after being beleaguered by questions and hearing odd speculations. "Now, some of you may have noticed Dorothy hasn't been around the last few days. I can't get into more detail, because it's personal, but rest assured she's okay and will be back. No, I can't say exactly when. I'm...I'm sure some of you guys have had like a grandparent die, or maybe the flu where you didn't even want to talk on the phone? So just relax, alright? Now that that's cleared up, can we get to work? People?"

On Friday morning Manny was early to Biology class, and took the free time, while the other students filed in, to stare down at his desk with half-lidded eyes and give the early-morning sleepiness a little more time to rule his system. He heard a murmur in the class, but didn't look up.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, "Hey Manny, how are you doing?" His head darted up to look. Dorothy was sitting at the desk beside him, looking stunningly alive and beautiful, wide eyes fixed entirely on him.

Barney, one of the punkish kids that usually sat with Manny at the back of the class, walked up to Dorothy. "Hey, you're sitting in my seat," he said in a matter-of-fact way.

Dorothy quickly turned and spit out, "You can find another seat, can't you? Look, there's one there! And there! There! What's the problem?!"

Having shooed the boy away, she fixed her attention on Manny again. "You know, I've been thinking about you all week." She ran her hand across Manny's shoulders.

Manny didn't know what to say, so he just took in the view. Dorothy was in her school uniform, a kilt, ending well above the knees, and white blouse. She wore patent black leather platform shoes, and her legs were encased in black nylon. Straight blonde hair ran past her shoulders, framing a face that had a minimal amount of makeup. Manny looked at the curves of her body, the way her breasts pushed out on the blouse, and how the curve of her back became the swelling of her butt.

The bell rang and the teacher began addressing the class, but though Manny turned his head forward, every time he looked out of the corner of his eye Dorothy was staring at him. She took her hand and entwined the fingers with his. After a few moments she pulled both their hands onto her leg, below where her kilt ended but above her knee, and made sure that Manny could feel her leg with the back of his hand.

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