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Turning Innocence

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Turkish woman seeks vengeance.
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In a way she was caught in a time warp. She certainly wasn't a traditional Turkish daughter. Nor was she your typical Australian girl. At school she had mixed with other girls from her Turkish community. Some of the teachers had tried to point out that there was another way, but faced with the overwhelming pressure from her family, they merely tantalized her with a lifestyle she could never have.

Reeva was eighteen when she left school and what made her different was her beauty. Her face was exotic, pale, framed by black slightly wavy long hair. Her figure was full yet tight, youthful and firm. By any standards she was physically alluring. A sweet and innocent demeanor completed a picture of perfection.

That his daughter was so beautiful was the cause of her father's greatest joy and greatest anguish. She was everything to him but still she worried him. What was he to do about his daughter's future? In the end he fell back on the traditional values and sought her a husband. He did however realise that so special was his daughter that she should have, and indeed could attract, only the best. So certain was he, and so desperate to help his family, that he sought help from an unusual source.

His younger sister Katina was the black sheep of the family. She had the families stunning good looks, now so evident in his daughter, but had none of her gentle obedient ways. Younger than he by fifteen years, she had driven her parents to distraction. In desperation they married her to a well off family back in Turkey. Rather than dutiful and happy to be a wife she had left her husband of two years causing great scandal. She now lived between Australia and Turkey and visited only on family occasions - arguments usually the norm after only a few days. Because of her connections in the homeland it was to her that Reeva's father turned.

Katina was glad that her brother had come to her. She had little love for her family but enjoyed the recognition that she was important. Indeed she also saw this as an opportunity to repay a few debts. On the one hand the marriage of her beautiful obedient little niece to her ex-husbands cousin Dimitri would help heal some of the rifts which still worried her. Reeva was a mouse and would be a perfect bride for the demanding Dimitri. On the other hand Dimitri's money and status would pay back a little of the hurt she had caused her brother and her parents.

In a perverse way there was also a pay back for all the hurt they had caused her. Dimitri would be strict with Reeva, traditional even cruel. Lastly there was the ultimate insult and ultimate pleasure; Katina would sample a little of Reeva's charms herself. Put her through the hoops. No one but Reeva and she would ever know but knowing was enough. Her brother would never again be the superior one because she would have the knowledge to destroy him. In an equally strange way Katina, who had suffered through the humiliation and restrictions of an arranged marriage to one of the new Sultan's and suffered a vicious separation, did not believe that Reeva would mind or be hurt by her plans. She would be dutiful and would not feel the shackles Katina felt so strongly.

Advice on how to please a man like Dimitri would help Reeva. Lastly the small pleasures Katina would bring her would hold her in good stead for the times ahead. Give her an alternative to a traditional Turkish mans demands. But most importantly it would allow Katina to inflict upon Reeva, and through her, her family, some of the physical pain the end of her marriage brought her. She was, she secretly admitted to herself, somewhat perverted in her tastes. The end of her marriage had been partly responsible but also the fast moneyed people she had mixed with since. They had introduced her to group sex, homosexuality, and even rape, of men and girls by men and girls. Nothing was deemed unacceptable in their world, and her shaken mind had grasped the life style to her bosom.

So pleased was Reeva's father with the suggested match he lost all sense of responsibility. It was agreed that the wedding would take place in Turkey. An indication of the groom's wealth was that he would fly Reeva's family out for the wedding. Reeva's parents and immediate family, brother's sisters and even first cousins. Reeva herself would leave with her aunt and spend the two months prior to the wedding getting used to her new home and learning the ways of a Turkish wife from her aunt.


Katina started her work their first night in Turkey. Reeva tired, jet lagged, very disorientated and a little frightened of her new surroundings. They sat together, both in sleepwear on Reeva's bed.

Katina wearing a transparent black negligee but with an opaque bodice and worn with a matching black G-string. The effect was one of suggested nakedness but only the buttocks were on view. Reeva on the other hand wore a simple white cotton shift.

"All that goes on in this house will be our secret Reeva. No-one not even your husband will ever know. These are women's things. Do you understand?"

"Of course Aunt Katina."

"First point Reeva, just Katina. Yes?"

"Yes ... Katina."

"Good. We are good friends, and what we have to share if I am to help you be a good wife, are intimate. Too intimate for you to learn from an Aunt. Now tell me are you a virgin?"

"Of course."

"Not of course. You lived in Australia. The girls there are very sexually active. Have you kissed a boy?"

"Yes, at a school social."

"Did he touch you or you him?"


"Have you ever made yourself come?"


"Never? Why not? Surly the girls at that damned private school my brother sent you to discussed masturbation."

"Not my friends - the school had many Turkish girls."

"But what about the other girls, the Australians?"

"Yes but, well I think they did more than talk, you know, but I always felt that I shouldn't listen, that what they spoke of wasn't ... not nice."

"Oh no my dear it is very nice and very, very normal. You must learn how and do it often. Not only for the pleasure it will bring you but also for the pleasure your husband will gain. He may want to watch or it can simply relieve him from the pressure of having to make you come thus easing his burden and making sex more enjoyable for him. Of course you would never do it in front of him unless he asked you too. And then only after a little protest. Men like to feel that only they can really satisfy a woman. So tonight's lesson is your first orgasm."

Reeva looked both shocked and scared.

"I'll help you tonight like a good friend and teacher. Would you like this?"

"I don't know. Should you?"

"Yes I should. Now slip under the covers and take off your nightdress. I'll get the light."

Katina switched off the light then, still in her nightdress, slipped under the covers next to the now naked Reeva. She slipped her arm under Reeva's head and whispered to get comfortable.

"Now bend your knees a little and spread your legs just a little more. I'll get you started then you can learn."

Katina wet two fingers in her mouth and began to transfer the moisture to Reeva's still dry sex. The first contact made the young girl start but the insistent fingers soon had moisture a plenty to rub over the hardening clitoris. Katina noted the thickness and spread of Reeva's pubis hair - a mini jungle that would have to go. Reeva was distressed both at the intimacy and the sensations the intimacy was causing. The sounds she made were a mixture of shame, confusion and lust.

"Relax Reeva. You like me. Trust me. Enjoy the pleasure another woman can bring you."

"But the girls at school ... there were jokes about two girls."

"Of course there were. But you also heard whispered stories of girls together at school didn't you?"

"Yes ... but ... "

Reeva began to breath heavily and thrust her hips as the orgasm overtook her. Afterward Katina held her gently until she fell into a deep sleep.

Katina awoke before Reeva and slipped back the covers to look at the naked sleeping girl. She was on her back full breasts a little flat but still so firm that gravity was hardly winning. Her nipples where dark, mocha, and large. The cooler air from the sheets removal had semi hardened the nubs showing their length and fullness. Once again Katina noted the richness of Reeva's pubic growth. The black shinning hair almost totally hiding the full and slightly open lips beneath.

The beauty of the girl brought a lump to Katina's throat. She was, she told herself, not truly bi-sexual. Rather she was a heterosexual but one who could, under the right circumstances, with a really beautiful woman or girl, find pleasure giving and receiving sexual love. Reeva was just such a girl. Katina had still sought no relief for her own desires but was in no hurry. Never before had she seduced a girl. True she had slept with other women but it had always been understood or had been arranged by another. Further she didn't want to frighten her. She would stay dressed and seek only to give pleasure.

When Reeva awoke, Katina wanted her already on her way to her next orgasm so that the jet lag and the lust would combine to give Katina time. Time to talk to her, reassure her ... interest her. Katina slipped down the bed, raised herself over Reeva and began to slowly lick her slightly open pussy lips. Reeva was awake almost instantly but seemed unable to orientate herself. As her still sleepy eyes flicked about the room her hips began, of their own volition, to undulate and thrust gently against Katrina's tongue. Already the woman licking her niece so thoroughly could taste the flow of juices. Reeva took a huge breath and her eyes grew large and round when she finally saw that it was not fingers but a mouth bringing her pleasure, but she made no attempt to stop the ministrations. Slowly Reeva's eyes closed, her breasts began to swell and her hands grasped at the bed sheet below her. Several minutes later she began to twist on the bed, her hips at first pushing themselves onto the hardness of the tongue lashing her clitoris, and then pulling away looking for relief and the hardness of her own fingers thrust between her legs.

"Katina? ... I .."

Katina, who had drawn herself alongside Reeva and was gently nuzzling her breasts, sighed and smiled. "Yes?"

"I feel ... funny about all this. It's not right."

"You are not the first girl ... woman, I have made love to Reeva. Sophisticated people are not bound by normal morality."

"But Aunt Katina I'm not sophisticated. I'm marrying Dimitri and ... I don't want you to make love to me anymore."

"Just Katina. And you have little choice about how I instruct you. Believe me when I say to you that I do know best. Have I hurt you? Have I done anything but bring you pleasure? Am I so ugly that you feel ill at my attentions? Well?"

"Oh no Au... Katina. You've been wonderful and your so pretty and a really beautiful figure but ... I just feel uncomfortable."

"No. Strange perhaps. This is all so new to you but not I hope uncomfortable. Besides there is so much of your sexuality that I have to teach you. So many changes to your appearance."


Katina laughed and sat up. "Come." She took Reeva's hand and led her across the room to a full-length mirror. "Well? What differences can you see between us?"

"I ... well, you're taller, you've got clothes on ..."

"You call these clothes? Alright I'll take them off." Katina slipped the negligee and G-string off and stood next to her niece. The mirror reflected the obvious family connection. True Katina was taller by a few inches but both women had the olive complexion, clear smooth skin, large firm darkly tipped breasts, slim legs and gently flared hips. "Well Reeva?"

Reeva's eyes looked closely at the two naked women reflected in front of her. A smile played across her lips. The situation, jet lag, surroundings and glow of her orgasms gave everything a dream like quality. "As I said you're taller. Let's see. You wear makeup. Your hair is shorter, no ... just styled."

"Is that all? What about my other hair?"

Reeva laughed. "That's defiantly shorter. In fact its almost not there. I can see your lips..."

"You sound shocked? What about our tans?"

"Do sophisticated women shave themselves there. Reveal their lips?"

"Smart ones do. Now our tans?"

"We're both tanned. Oh I see. You've no tan lines. You sun-bake in the nude?"

"Of course. When a woman presents herself nude to a man he shouldn't be distracted by what style of bathing costume she prefers. Though by the same token there are some men who prefer to see tan lines. It makes the woman more naked. I don't know which Dimitri prefers but I'll find out and you can comply. As for the other changes? That thatch of hair between your legs must go - totally I think. All the concubines and wives of the Turkish Sultans harem were shaved you know, ALL body hair. I don't think that extreme will be necessary but on your wedding night a gesture towards the tradition might be nice. Make up ... no. I think your beauty needs no help and the innocence is enhanced. However a little styling of the hair would not go astray. Well what do you think?"

Katina led Reeva back to the bed and sat next to her.

"Do you think I should? I mean you know, shave down there?"

"Yes in fact I'll do it for you, and now."

Katina moved Reeva to a chair she pulled up in front of the dressing table mirror. Then taking scissors from the draw began to cut the springy yet soft curls from between her legs. Within a few minutes Reeva pubic thatch was reduced to a longish stubble covering her lips and lower belly. Katina left her niece sat in the chair, her legs spread and her feet upon the dressing table, when she went to the bathroom for hot water, soap, towel and a razor. She returned to find Reeva still looking at herself as she ran her hands over her exposed sex. Katina put down her tray of shaving gear and moved to a position behind the girl.

"You look beautiful Reeva. Are you happy?"

"Yes. But everything is so different here. I feel different, I act differently. Home seems so far away. I'm more than a little frightened. I've never been with anyone before, you know, sexually. Now there's you and soon Dimitri - and I've never even met him. I had a crush on one of my teachers once, she knew it and I think didn't mind but ... well no-one ever really does anything do they."

"I have, we have." Katina ran her hand down the girls arm and took her hand. Then as Reeva, mouth open and breathing quickly, watched in the mirror she placed the hand onto her breast. "Is this also a first for you? Or have you touched another girls breast before?"

As Reeva fondled the breast and felt the nipple harden she nodded in the negative. "Once my room mate held my hand to her chest to feel her heart. I think she wanted me to feel her breasts."

"So your school was not all innocence as you would of had me believe last night."

"But no-one actually did anything. Well not amongst my friends"

"Fine, now let me finish what I have started." With that Katina lathered up Reeva's sex and with sure purposeful strokes removed all hair leaving a smooth bald pussy. She then had Reeva kneel in the chair, her knees spread, and foam then razor was applied to her ass until no hair grew anywhere between her legs. Satisfied with her work, and with Reeva still kneeling, Katina sank to the floor behind her and licked her to orgasm.

" Enjoy that my love?"

"Mmm ... thankyou."

Katina picked up her discarded G-string and slipped it on. "When I think your ready I'll let you thank me properly but until then you have much to learn."

"But I am ready and I want to make love to you."

"Yes making love with you will be nice but that is not the only way you can thank me Reeva, and I'll decide when your ready. For a start I want you to keep yourself perfectly shaved from now on. Not only will it be a symbol of your obedience towards your husband and his ancestry, but also it will be an acknowledgement that you are my lover and you are ever ready for my tongue. Oh, and if I ever find even the hint of stubble I will spank you. And Reeva, I'll enjoy that too."

"Yes Aunt Katina ... Sorry Katina. When you're stern I forget."

"That's alright darling. I'll try not to be too stern too often."


Reeva's schooling was not all pleasure, Katina reflected. There was much the child had to learn about her role as wife, soon no doubt mother and housekeeper. All this of course in a strange country though, thanks to her family, not a strange culture. And there were of course the arrangements for the wedding its self. The introduction to Dimitri and his family had been strained but all had been pleased including Reeva in the darkly handsome Dimitri.

However the highlight was still the nights and mornings, and occasional afternoon, when Katina partook of the pleasures Reeva now so willingly offered. Reeva was totally smitten with the older woman who was able so easily to bring out the suppressed desires of Reeva's all-girl schooling. For five days now Katina had resisted the urge to let her niece make love to her, in fact to even see her nude again. She had uncovered a nipple on one occasion and allowed Reeva to suck on it as she fingered her to orgasm but other than that the young girl was always the recipient. On one occasion, not satisfied with the smoothness of her pubis, she had spanked her and had enjoyed it. Reeva seemed not too, but came very quickly afterward so who could tell. Always Katina had been in charge and had told Reeva to strip, or lie, or kneel, and the girl had done so without question.

"Reeva do you love me?" This early one evening on the sixth day of her instruction. They were lying on the bed clothed with Reeva snuggled up to her aunt.

"Yes, I always will."

"No I think you'll forget me when you are married to Dimitri."

"No, you promised you'd visit."

"And I will. Shall we seal a bargain you and I?"

"Yes anything."

"If you love me as you say then you ought to make love to me yes?"

"Oh please."

"Good, but I want something in return. Something I won't order you to give me, something you must ask me to take."


"I want your virginity. Before Dimitri."

"But how?"

"I want to put my hand inside you, make a fist and fuck you. Will you ask me to do that?"

"Will it hurt?"

"No I'll open you gently, slowly but if it were, would you refuse me?"

"No. I'm just frightened."

"No need my darling." As Katina drew the girl up into her arms she kissed her chastely as she had done many times before, except that instead of breaking away, this time her tongue opened the girls mouth and they shared their first kiss of passion. Reeva mewed into her aunt's mouth and explored the other mouth with her tongue, as she pressed her body into that of the other woman. "So my sweet?" Breaking the kiss.

"Oh yes. I love you and want to make love to you and give you my virginity - even if it does hurt."

"Good. So tonight will be a special night. Your night. So tonight you can make the arrangements. What do you want?"

"After dinner we'll come back here then I'll undress you, I can still remember what you look like, then you can do as I ask as I love you."

"And then?"

"Then you can have me ... and do what you like to me. O.K.?"

"Yes ... and there will be more Reeva, much more."


After the meal they walked arm in arm back to their apartment. Once inside the younger girl began to hold and exchange deep kisses with her Aunt. Reeva broke the kissing, and out of habit, began to prepare only herself by removing her clothes whilst her Aunt stood watching amused. When Reeva looked up and saw the smile on her aunt's lips she giggled. "Oh Katina I've forgotten that tonight its your turn. Should I undress you or do you want to do it yourself?"


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