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TV Son

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Sister and parents discover their son is a crossdresser.
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This fictional story includes cross dressing and incest. All participants are over 18 years old.


I hadn't heard my mother as she came up the stairs behind me. That was probably because I was so engrossed in what I was doing, watching my brother through his bedroom door, which was open a crack.

"Hi honey."

I turned around quickly and put my finger to my lips in a "Shush" gesture.

"And just what are you doing with your hand up your skirt like that?"

"Shush." I whispered, "Look at John - through the door, I don't think he knows we are here, or that we can see him."

My mother moved to peer through the small opening, and her mouth formed a perfectly round 'O' shape as she took in the scene.

"I see now why you are touching yourself, young lady, but you know you shouldn't."

"Oh, Mum, you know I do it, and you have to admit, watching him is kind of kinky."

"Let's go in my bedroom, then."

I wanted to stay and watch some more, but I also didn't want to upset Mum, or get caught both watching and wanking by my brother. I followed Mum into her bedroom.

"Now then, it looks like we both need to get off having seen that, so you carry on, while I try to catch you up." she whispers. As she does this, she slides her hand down the front of her leggings and I'm astonished to see she is now playing with herself, just like I was a minute ago.

"Come on, you were really going for it a few moments ago, so it can't be too hard to get back on it again." she says as I hesitate.

With her free hand she takes mine and places it where it matters. "Quick, or I'll get there first. It was certainly very kinky seeing him like that."

I can't believe what she is asking me to do, but at the same time I want to join her and continue touching myself.

"Think about what you've just seen, that will help."

"How could I forget that sight, Mum?" I ask.

"Well it was a bit unexpected. That was my bra he had on wasn't it?"

"Yes, and they were my pink panties, I think." I add, now getting quite into the heat of the moment again.

Just as we are about to reach a peak of some sort when the bedroom door opens and my father enters.

"Blimey - what the . . ."

"Shushhhh!" we both hiss at him.

"What are you doing? Wanking with my daughter? How could you?"

"Well if you'd seen what we just have, I think you'd be doing something like it. If John's door is still ajar, take a peek and see if he is still in front of his mirror. Don't open the door or make any noise though."

He goes off to look, and we continue touching ourselves, but for me it's more like treading water, just keeping myself on the boil so to speak.

He returns and says "I see what you mean. You're right, I might just have to join you. What a weird, disgusting and kinky sight?" He then proceeds to unbuckle his belt and flop out his semi erect cock. I've seen it before, but never when it has been interested, or even anything other than completely flaccid. I'm mesmerised by the sight, just as I had been by my brothers in his hand.

"Did you notice he was wearing my bra?" asks Mum.

"No, if he was I couldn't see it because he had your blue jersey dress on."

"What?" she almost shouts.

"Shushh!" we both go to her.

"Sorry, but I thought that was what you meant?"

"Well sort of, but when we saw him, he only had my bra and her panties on."

"Was he rubbing that enormous erection?"

"Yes, and it is big isn't it? I have to admit I'd like to have a feel of it, maybe even taste it." Says my mother.

"You can't, he's your son so you mustn't even think about it."

"So why are you tossing yourself along with your daughter, then?" She asks.

"Well it's because the sight of you two has me turned on."

"You weren't until you saw John and his erection."

"Maybe you're right, it was magnificent wasn't it?"

"Should we all go and surprise him while he's doing it?" I ask.

"No - I have a much better idea. Wait until later and we will see what happens then."

"Oh, I was hoping to see him in your dress."

"Later, dear, for now, just be satisfied to bring yourself off with us. Look, your father is just about to lose it. Do it on the towel, would you dear?"

As he ejaculates a large white globule of sperm onto the towel on the bed, I can't wait any longer and join him in my climax. I can just make out my mother grunting to keep her voice down as she joins in as well.

It's a half hour later, and all four of us are down in the kitchen.

"So you're still up for the picnic this afternoon, then?" Mum asks both of her children.

"Of course, I promised I would keep the day clear, and I have. " I reply.

"Me too, and it's a lovely day, we might see some nice bodies out on display, eh Dad?"

"I'm hoping so. That's the best bit of a picnic on the beach."

"Ah - slight change of plans, guys." Says Mum, "We are going to the country this time. I've a field in my sights and I'd like to see some of the other types of birds that are available there. The beach only has gulls."

"And gals." Says Dad.

"Well I'm sorry, but it was my idea, so I get to choose the venue."

I'm thinking 'This is strange, even last night it was an afternoon on the beach, Mum had her swimsuit out and washed especially.' Hey ho, I don't really care where it is as long as there's food, and sunshine.

Slightly grudgingly it is agreed that she gets to choose where, and we all pile in the car. There seem to be more than the usual number of bags and boxes in the boot for just an afternoon picnic, but who am I to judge, I've never had to organise one before.

We set off, and after about half an hour we are deep in the countryside.

"It's somewhere around here." Says Mum as she drives slowly along a narrow country lane. "Ah, just here. I hope it's just like I remember it."

"You've been here before then?" asks Dad.

"Oh - yes - quite a while back." she says airily. I'm thinking 'Doesn't sound like that to me, sounds more like last week the way she said that.'

She turns into the entrance to a field. It's wide enough that she can park the car and the farmer could still get a tractor past it and through the gate if he wanted to.

"There, we should be OK here for a couple of hours." She says. She proceeds to organise us into a collection of pack animals to carry the numerous bags and boxes, rugs and even a folding table while she locks the car.

"Right, see that footpath track, follow it up the hill to the top, then we can turn off it and go into the next field."

"You had this planned a while back, didn't you?" I ask as the other two are out of earshot.

"No actually. I did intend to come here at some point, but it wasn't going to be with you kids, just me and your father. After this morning's revelation, I decided it would be a good place to come today."

"Does that mean??"

"Just you wait and see young lady. Don't say a word, will you?"


It's a good way off the road to the top of the hill, and then she directs us though a gap in the hedging to a second field. From there we have to carry the bags over to the far side of this field so we cannot even see the place where we came in. We can't see anything in any direction. No houses, no roads, nothing where there may be people see us.

"Right. Spread out those rugs, and John, put those bags over there, we don't need those just yet."

"OK - What's in them, they're quite heavy?"

"Oh, just something for later, darling." she replies.

We set up the picnic, and start eating the masses of food Mum has prepared.

"So John?" says Mum as we are on to the second course. "Did you enjoy wearing my dress this morning?"

Poor thing, he nearly chokes on what he is chewing. We are all taken aback by her question. It was the last thing we expected just then.

"Erm." he manages to get out after getting his breath back.

"Come on, we saw you wearing my bra and her panties, and then Dad saw you in my dress. You seemed to be enjoying yourself both times as far as we could tell. I hope you cleaned up after yourself."


"Well, if you go and open that blue bag you carried up here, you'll find everything you need to dress up the same again. Go on, I'm sure you want to."


"Well if you don't, I'm sure your father will oblige us with what's in the green bag. I haven't left us out either dear," she says turning to me "there's a couple of dresses and things for us as well. Come on, chop chop, I want to see some nice long legs in short skirts walking about in less than five minutes."

She gets up and opens a bag. She pulls out various items of apparel, some of which I recognise as mine.

"Have you raided my wardrobe for those?"

"One or two, but most come from my wardrobe, even though they happen to be the same as yours. Sometimes I see what you've bought and just have to go and get the same for me to wear. Now come on, let's get changed."

She and I take the lead and strip down to our undies. Then she picks out a very short pink dress and passes it to me. That should suit you nicely." she says. "Take those off first, though." she adds, indicating my underwear.

"What, you want me with nothing under the dress?"

"Yes - the boys will need to wear bra's, but we don't. At least I don't, so I hope you don't either."

"Can't you fathom out how to work that bra, dear?" Mum asks John.

"I can, but I just wonder - what did I do?"

"Haven't you worked it out yet, we caught you wanking in my bra and your sisters panties this morning, then your father saw you in my blue dress. I decided then we should do something about it. So we are here and we all want to see you dressed up properly. Now, put that bra on, then I'll help you put the false breasts in it."

"The what?"

"False breasts. Make them look real for you."

"Where did you get them?"

"They are your fathers actually. He's been cross dressing for years, not that you kids knew anything about it I hope. Now come on, I'll help you dress up so you look and feel better than you could imagine."

Some cajoling and swearing later we are sat back on the rugs drinking beer and coffee, this time dressed slightly differently to before.

I've got a ridiculously short pink dress, which is very low cut with very thin shoulder straps. I've no bra or knickers on, and I'm trying to sit demurely so everything is hidden from view. Not that it is working, I'm sure all the others can see all my best bits. My nipples are like little rocks and as the dress caresses them I'm getting even more turned on.

Mum however, is sat with her legs apart a bit, with an equally short electric blue dress, also with shoestring straps and it is almost backless as well. Her high heels are very high, and she was having a bad time trying to walk on the rough ground of the grass in them.

Dad has a much more demure dress on. It is cut much higher at the front than ours, but still shows off a fair amount of flesh, along with bare arms. The skirt stops above the knee, but nowhere near as high as mine or Mum's. The high heels he has on make his legs look longer than usual. A short wig tops things off nicely. I get the impression he has done this before. He is sitting in a very girlie position with his legs drawn up under him. If I look at the right angle I can see the white knickers he has put on underneath.

John is less comfortable than Dad in what he has been given to wear. This is a pink V necked T-shirt, which is low in the front, and very low in the back, and a pleated pink mini skirt. A very mini skirt. Under these he has a pink bra, and pink panties, pink stockings and finally even pink high heels. He has a wig on as well, but this is a long one, which comes down almost to his backside when he stands up. Mum has gone to town on him and he has pink lipstick on. As he sits down I get a full on view up his skirt, and can see the bulge of his bits and pieces in the bright pink knickers.

I hate to say it, but I am getting incredibly horny seeing these three kinky people around me, and may very soon have to excuse myself to pretend to go to the loo, while in fact I would be giving myself a really good seeing to in the bushes. The trouble is the very thought of doing that hasn't helped at all, I really need to do it, right now.

"Right, time for something completely different." says Mum. "Would you like to take the lead dear?" she asks my father.

"What? Do you mean what I think? Here?"

"Yes - go on, get it out and let's all have a good look."

Without further ado, he lifts his skirt and rummages inside his knickers, extracting his half hard cock and then slowly rubbing it to make it harder. When I look around I see Mum has her hand on her crumpet and is playing with herself.

"Come on John, get it out. We all saw it this morning and we were rather impressed. Let's see what it's capable of." I say as I too start to frig myself, opening my legs to make things easier. I'm just too horny to worry about who is watching me. I need an orgasm, and I need a really, really big one - soon.

"I need a pee, first." he says.

"OK, stand up, lift up your skirt and do it in front of us. Don't be afraid, we all do it." Says mother.

Reluctantly he does as he is told, standing up and lifting his soft little knob out of his panties. Holding it gently he starts to pee, making a puddle off to the left of the rugs.

"Good girl." says Mum as he finishes. "Now, get it nice and hard for us."

It doesn't take long before he has a completely rigid member in his hand.

Standing up, Mum walks around and cuddles up behind him. "Do you like your new pink outfit? I think you look really sexy and girlie in that skirt. Does it make you want to play with yourself? It looks like it's getting really hard. I want to feel it, please let me feel it while it's that hard. Does it hurt to be that big?"

"Er - no, it's just hard."

"Have you ever? You know? Been with a girl?"

"How can you ask him a question like that?" Asks Dad holding his own knob and stroking it slowly. "It's as bad as asking her if she's been with a boy." indicating me.

"Alright, I'll rephrase the question, have you ever had it in? There, now he could have had it up either a girl or a boy. Satisfied?"

"Better, but I wasn't trying to imply he likes boys, I was just thinking it's an embarrassing question."

"Maybe so, but I just want to know if I'm going to be his first. I intend to have him inside me soon, and would like to know if I'm the first."

"Oh well, in that case, why don't you just get on with it, and ask him afterwards."

"Because I think it makes a difference. Have you? I'm not interested in who, just have you?"

"Yes - if you must know"

I'm thinking 'I know he has - he was in me loads of times two months ago while Mum and Dad were off on a jolly to the Lake District. Gosh I remember just how good that was, but he's a lot bigger now than he was then. I wonder what he's been doing to it to make it that big?'

"Come on darling, please lay on the rug." Mum says as she takes him by the hand and helps him lay down on the rug. Straddling him so she can ride him she slowly lowers herself down onto his enormous erection.

"I hope you don't mind, but when I saw you this morning wearing my bra I had this vision of you screwing me. When Dad said you were wearing my blue dress I made up my mind that it just had to be today, this afternoon. Are you alright down there?"

"Wonderful, I love you in that dress."

Good, 'cos you are likely to see me in it a lot more, especially at home when your father is out."

"Don't you dare." calls Dad, "You are mine, and while I don't mind you screwing him today, I don't want you shagging him on a regular basis."

"Spoilsport - I need a good shag at least twice a day, and you can only manage every other day."

"Bollocks, you keep telling me to leave you alone."

"Only because you only want a simple quickie. I want someone who will take the time to make me feel sensual, and then blow my brains out, not leave me wanting to jerk off afterwards."

"Oh thanks. That makes me feel really good."

"Well why don't you screw your daughter then?"

"I will - if she'll have me."

"Will I have you, try to stop me." I say, getting up and moving over to straddle him. Lifting up his dress I start to fondle his prick. "What a lovely stiffy you have, can I sit on like Mum?"

"Oh Yes, please do that. I'd love it if you would try to empty my testicles."

"I'll give it a try. Can I feel your tits. They are false aren't they? They don't look very false to me. How do they feel?"

"Well I don't know what it feels like to have real boobs, but when I have these stuck on properly, they feel heavy, they bounce quite well, and if someone fondles them it makes me feel wonderful. Doesn't it darling?"

"Yes" replies my mother, "You seem to like having a girls body, especially when I treat you like a girl and touch your tits and your fanny."

"That's it, give away all my secrets." He says.

"Ok, I will. Turn around so you are facing his feet. Let him scratch your back and while he's doing that scratch his balls very lightly. If you tickle him under the balls with one hand and scratch them with the other he'll shoot a huge load up you in about three seconds. Then he'll go flat. But if you just tickle his nuts, or let him feel your boobies, he'll sometimes keep on for ages. The other thing that works well are his padded panties. They are in the green bag, and we might need them later to get him hard again. I wonder how long John here will last if I tickle his nuts. Shall we find out?" she asks him.

"No - just keep doing what you are right now. I love it and I think I could last forever."

"Yea, right, like all men. They all think they can last for hours, and get hard again in three seconds, when in fact it's the other way round. Woah, here we go o o o o oh. Gosh, what a huge load that was. Now, let's see if I can keep you hard enough to stay up me for another go."

"You are disgusting." says Dad. "Would you mind shutting up while we get on with the task in hand?"

"Huh. As if you've ever managed to get hard again in less than an hour. Even when we first knew each other you couldn't manage it more than twice an hour."

"Shut up, you're making me lose it."

"OK - I can't let her miss out on a good humping just because I turn you off."

"John?" I ask.

"What, Sis?"

"Was it good shagging Mum?"

"I've never thought about doing it before, but Yes, I enjoyed it a lot."

"Better than me?"

"Pardon?" says Mum, "Did I just hear you ask if I was better then you?"


"So he's had you then?"

"Oh yes. When you were in Cumbria we had it almost every day, several times a day once we got started."

"I see. That explains why you seemed different when we came back."

"Yea - we were worn out." he says.

"Speak for yourself. I was glowing with the amount of your sperm I had in me. I felt great."

"I'll bet, I know what you mean. The effect of a good bonk on us girls is quite different to the men, isn't it?"

"I think so. Can I have Dad on loan occasionally. Just when I'm feeling frustrated."

"Which is just about all the time, isn't it?"

"Well right now, yes. If I can find a suitable man, maybe not."

"How about a suitable woman?"

"Eh? I'm not interested in women."

"Are you sure? You had a good one with me this morning. I was very tempted to give you a cuddle when we were in my bedroom and thinking about John in his room."

"Were you? Would you have liked to touch me then?"

"Definitely. It's ages since I've done things with a girl, and I used to enjoy it. Would you like to try?"

"I'm not sure, what would we do?"


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