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Twerk, Little Sister Pt. 05

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Tiffany has a setback, but she plans on fucking Scott soon.
3.4k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/27/2016
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Tiffany awoke to the sound of someone singing "Uptown Funk". It wasn't Mark Ronson or Bruno Mars. It wasn't even someone who had a good enough voice to be a singer. As she gained clarity, she realized that it wasn't on the radio; the person was right there, singing to her. She could feel someone holding her hand. She opened her eyes and saw Scott standing over her. It was his hand and his voice. "You're awake!" he said excitedly but at a normal conversational level. He repeated himself, more loudly, "She's awa-," but he stopped himself.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"You were in a car wreck, and you've been in a coma for the past two months," Scott explained. He thought he heard some commotion at the nurses' station. "I have to be quick, so listen carefully. You'd just been to a clinic to find out if you were pregnant, and you were going to tell me the results when I got home from work. They couldn't tell me, 'cause I'm not the next of kin. I couldn't even ask, because if you are, they'd have to tell Mom and Dad. You're the only one who can ask. Okay?"

Tiffany gripped his hand and said, "Okay." Scott leaned down and kissed her just as a female doctor and a male nurse entered the room. He told the doctor, "Dr. Hazlitt, she's awake!"

Dr. Hazlitt turned to the nurse and said, "You were right, Kyle."

Scott looked at the nurse. He didn't have to say anything. Kyle explained, "Her vitals picked up. I figured it was either very good news or very bad news. I would have called Dr. Hazlitt either way, but I heard you just enough to suspect it was good."

Scott excused himself. "I need to tell Mom and Dad." He walked down the corridor to the recreation room. Both parents were at work, and he called them each separately to give them the good news.

When he walked back into the room, Dr. Hazlitt was talking to Tiffany. "This is HIPAA-type information," he told her. "Is it okay for me to tell you in front of your brother?"

"Yeah," she said.

"Probably not, but there's no way to know," Dr. Hazlitt said apologetically. "I can tell you that you aren't now. A day or two after they brought you in-I'd have to check records that aren't here at the moment-you shed your uterine lining. There was a lot of blood. Since no one had reason to believe that you were pregnant, we wrote it off as either a heavy period or a normal one complicated by the accident. If you'd been conscious, you could have told us what your periods are normally like. If you were pregnant and miscarried, it could easily have presented the same way. So, I'm sorry to say, we don't know whether you were pregnant when you came in."

Scott was standing behind the doctor. He gave Tiffany a look that showed that he was as disappointed in the non-result as she was. "Thanks, Doctor," he said. Dr. Hazlitt turned around. "Before the accident, she'd confided in me that she thought she might be pregnant, but I knew you couldn't tell me, and I was worried you'd have to tell our parents."

"If the answer had been no, I could probably have concealed the information from them with no one the wiser. If it were yes, I'd be obliged to share it in case it had any bearing on her treatment."

"Thanks for your honesty," Scott said. He went back to Tiffany, who was sitting up, and hugged her. "You're awake! Oh, thank God, you're finally awake."

Scott, Tiffany and the staff talked about different things for an hour before their parents arrived, Mom about fifteen minutes ahead of Dad. Dad told her that she'd have to make up her classes and graduate in December, but the two colleges she'd talked about were willing to let her start in January. Scott was overjoyed that his sister was okay, but it pained him that they couldn't talk about other, confidential matters. The staff was efficient and got Tiffany a solid meal for supper, no more IV's. Dad told Scott, "You've been here long enough. We'll stay a while." He reached into his wallet and handed Scott a credit card. "Get some dinner for us on the way home. Your mom and I will eat later." Scott wanted to stay, but decided it was better to go and not give away what had been happening before the accident.

Scott came in the next afternoon to see Tiffany. He'd only been in her room a few minutes when Dr. Hazlitt arrived. The doctor closed the door and addressed them both. "Neither of you has to say anything to me. Just let me talk for a moment. We dispensed of your flow the same as we would have any other patient's menstrual flow, but if we'd had reason to believe that it contained an embryo, we would have been required to hold onto it. Add to that, it's unusual for a sister to confide in her brother when she suspects a pregnancy that she's concealing from her parents. Usually, that's an indication that he's the father. I'm a mandated reporter of abuse, and our state has a reputation for prosecuting incest, even when the participants are fully consenting adults. So, I'm just going to tell you that if that's what happened, being in a coma is the main thing that allows me plausible deniability in not reporting you." She left to go on her rounds.

Scott turned to Tiffany. "So, you told me you'll be in rehab for a couple months, but when I asked how you were feeling, we were interrupted before you could say anything. Any pain?"

Tiffany answered, "Not the kind they can help with." She whispered, "I'm horny."

"Can't you masturbate?" Scott asked.

"I can't move my right hand well enough, and you can see the problem on my left." She held it up. The cuts on her index and middle fingers were severe, and they'd gotten infected, so they were bandaged together. They were also in a cast because they were concerned that nerve damage would leave them curved in like a fist. When Scott had held her hand, he had to bend his index finger down.

Scott closed the door. "I can help," he told her. He lifted her gown. Apparently she was far enough between periods that she didn't need underwear. He put his palm over her crotch. He started by palming her pussy. On one of his downward strokes, he lightly touched her perineum with his middle finger.

"There's a better place for that," Tiffany told him. He drew it up further and separated her pussy lips. He bent over and kissed her on the mouth. "Inside," she said hoarsely. He got it in up to the first knuckle. "More," she insisted. He pulled back and added his index finger. He went back and forth a few times, and she coaxed him, "Faster." At first, he just went deeper and stroked her walls, but when he pulled back, he went faster and faster. "Oh, shit, yeah," she cooed. "I wish I could get your dick in me right now." She thought for a second and asked, "You didn't, did you?"

Scott pulled his fingers out. "God, no! How could you think that?"

"You're right. I'm sorry. You probably didn't have a chance even if you'd wanted to."

"Well, in theory, I could have."

"How? When?"

"Sometimes I visited at night."

"That's right. They told me you came to see me almost every day."

"When I wasn't working, I'd come by in the afternoon. When I did work, I'd come by afterward. The park stays open late, so I wouldn't usually get here till after midnight. If I'd timed it right, I could have. But that's crazy talk."

"Okay, gimme your fingers again." This time he didn't do a build-up. He inserted the same two fingers and started pumping.

"I love that look of bliss on your face, Tiffany. Do you want more?" She nodded. He added his ring finger. He wanted to add the pinky, but he couldn't position himself comfortably. He did manage to stroke her clit with his thumb at the same time, though. She was trying to arch her back, but her strength wasn't back yet. Soon his fingers were covered in her juices.

"I hear someone coming," Tiffany said. "Quick, wash your hands."

Scott went into the bathroom and did as she said. When he came out, a nurse had come to the room. "I saw that your pulse was racing," she said.

Tiffany motioned to the nurse to lean in. "I was pleasuring myself," she explained. The nurse grinned and left. "What's so funny?" Tiffany asked.

"I'm just picturing you and your rehab therapist working on your goals. 'I want enough range of motion in my hand so I can make myself come. Then I wanna be able to reach up and lick my fingers afterward.'" At that moment, he got a notification on his cell phone. He looked at the screen. "We're close to our data limit this month," he said.

Tiffany snapped her fingers. "Text notification! Next time you come in, bring my cell phone."

"I didn't think you could do that," Scott said.

"I may need you to press the buttons for me," she said.

"No, I mean snap your fingers."

"Oh, it's the arm that doesn't move enough. My fingers are okay. Well, the ones that aren't bandaged."

Before Scott left for work the next day, he found Tiffany's cell phone in her bedroom. He brought it with him when he went to see her afterward. "What did you want to check?" he asked.

"Go back to the day of the crash, and look at all my text messages."

Scott obliged. "A couple from Lizzie asking where you were. Those were at 6:20 and 7:30. A notification that you didn't win an online drawing. Nothing else that day."

"That was a Saturday. Check the next two days," Tiffany instructed.

"Your friend Pierce asked you to walk with him at graduation. Guess he hadn't heard yet. A bunch of people who did hear, telling you to get well. A couple of 'em said they'd pray for you. I did, too. An offer from Jack in the Box."

"Wait, what was that?"

"Two for one on a limited-time item. It's already off the menu."

"No, before that. The prayers."

Scott looked to Tiffany like he was trying to hide something. "The night of the accident, I was on my way here, but I was so upset, I pulled over to the side of the road." He started to break up. "I hadn't prayed since Mom and Dad pulled me out of parochial school. I just wanted you to be okay."

"Is that what you sounded like when you prayed?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah," he cried. He sniffed, and when he looked up, he saw that Tiffany was crying. He took her held. "I love you so much," he said between breaths.

Tiffany cried for another minute, then composed herself. "Keep checking," she said.

Scott looked at Monday's messages. "One here where there's no contact number. It just says, 'Negative.'"

"Lemme see it," Tiffany said. He showed it. "That's the clinic! I wasn't pregnant after all." She looked at Scott. "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"How do you feel about that?"

"I'm relieved." He saw the look of displeasure on his sister's face. "Not about being pregnant in general. Remember, I've had two months to think about this. When I heard about the wreck, I assumed it happened when you were on your way home from the clinic. Were you?"

"I don't remember."

"I figured if you were pregnant, then it was my fault you went to the clinic, so the accident was my fault too. Now I know it wasn't."

When Scott left, Tiffany went back to sleep. She realized that if they hadn't had sex, she wouldn't have thought she might be pregnant, so their activity still made the trip necessary. She decided not to burden Scott with that conclusion.

After two weeks, Tiffany was ready to finish her rehab at home, but she knew she'd be in a wheelchair for a month or so. Even though it was only two days before Scott went back to school, he helped move most of her things into a downstairs room. After their parents went to bed that night, Scott stayed downstairs with Tiffany. "Why are you looking at me that way?" he asked.

"I can't get over the fact that you prayed for me," Tiffany answered. "And you came to see me every day, even though I couldn't see or hear you. Then there's the fact that you did all this when you should have been getting your own things ready."

Scott thought for a second. "Wait, how are you going to get things back into your room?"

"Dad says I can move back upstairs when I'm able to move things back. Not my bed, that's still there." She paused. "Now what are you thinking?"

"I'm learning what my boundaries are. This year I've learned that I'm willing to fuck my sister. I'm not willing to fuck someone who's in a coma. I haven't figured out how I feel about fucking a cri-an inva-"

"A woman in a wheelchair?"


"I read that Stephen Hawking and his wife belong to a sex club. What does that tell you?"

Scott smiled. "That you're still fair game!"

Tiffany got up from the couch and leaned on the arm. She was steady enough to open her bathrobe, revealing that she was naked. "Come here! It may be the Special Bedroom Olympics instead of the regular bedroom olympics, but I know you'll get a gold medal."

Scott came over and put his hands under the robe. He rubbed her. "I've missed this ass so much," he said.

"How 'bout the rest of me?"

"Oh, yes. I've missed your lips. I've missed your neck. I've missed your shoulders and your arms. I've especially missed your tits." He kissed each body part in turn, but he licked and sucked on the nipples.

"They've missed you, too," Tiffany assured him. He kissed his way down her belly until he got to her pussy, and he backed off with a gag. "Sorry. I may be fair game, but I guess I'm kind of gamey down there."

There was no point in glossing over it. "A little, yeah."

"Then I need a shower. Good thing you and Mom cleaned up the spare bathroom."

Tiffany re-tied her robe. Scott took her arm and helped her walk to the bathroom. "Crap, we forgot the towels. I'll be right back."

Tiffany sat on the shower chair. "I'm not going anywhere," she assured him. Scott came back with two large towels. "Just one," she said apologetically. "I'm not ready for that. I just want to get cleaned up."

"Can I at least watch?"

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't," Tiffany said. He helped her out of her bathrobe. She had regained enough dexterity to start the shower herself.

The shower curtain wasn't transparent, but it was translucent, so Scott could see her sexy shape. "Ooh, I love the side view of your boob when you're washing your armpit," he told her.

"Boob? Just one?"

"I can only make one out," he said. She turned and washed the other armpit. "Okay, both boobs have sexy side views."

"Now for my legs and feet," she told him. When she separated her legs to wash her left thigh, Scott laughed. "What's so funny?" she asked.

"You haven't shaved down there since the accident. It didn't bother me, but I can actually see your bush in silhouette!"

She put the soap in the dish and picked up the body wash. She poured it over her pussy and lathered it up. She sniffed for a moment. "That should be much better," she said. She put the body wash back and finished her other thigh.

Scott had brought his cell phone and started playing songs that she used to dance to. "Dance, Little Sister!" he called. She steadied herself against the wall opposite the door and shook her ass as best she could remember. "Yeah, my sister's ass may be out of practice, but it's still sexy as hell!"

The force of her own motion took her toward the shower head, and her hair got wet. "As long as you're being candid, how's my hair?"

"It looked a little greasy," Scott replied.

"I kinda figured," Tiffany said. "Do you know which shampoo is mine?"

"The one in the blue bottle?"

"Yeah. Would you-?"

"I'm on it," Scott assured her. He went upstairs, checked that his parents were still asleep, and found the right bottle. When he came back down, he saw Tiffany's silhouette, and she was sitting down. He dropped the shampoo and opened the door. She was crying, but he thanked God she was at least awake.

"Help," she said. Scott reached in. He put one hand behind her back and one under her legs. She put her hand behind his back as well. He helped her up. "Don't leave me," she wailed.

"I have to. Classes start Monday."

"Then stay here right now," she said. She pulled him into the shower with her.

"Okay," he said, and he kissed her on the mouth.

Tiffany unbuckled his pants and pushed them halfway down his bottom. He took them off along with his underwear and tossed them out of the way. She steadied herself against the wall and lowered herself until her mouth was at the same level as his hard dick. He pulled her around and put his hands on her shoulders to keep them both steady. She formed an "o" with her mouth and took his dick inside. The fact that he still had his shirt on, soaked, turned her on. She closed her mouth and took his dick in an inch at a time until his balls were at her chin. She licked back and forth around it inside her mouth. He took his hands off her shoulders and eased forward to the wall opposite the temperature control. Tiffany bobbed back and forth, making sure that his cockhead was always at the roof of her mouth. Scott started thrusting his hips, and before long he was truly fucking her mouth. She said something that sounded like, "Let me know when."

"Now!" he murmured, and he gushed into her mouth.

Tiffany had barely taken one spurt in when she pushed him backward. He helped her up and moved her against the wall. "Oh, God, Scott, you're so strong." She found his dick again and pointed it toward her pussy, then got on her tiptoes. He slid it in. "Oh, fuck, I've missed that."

"Me, too," Scott said.

"Fuck me, Honey," she said.

"I guess we didn't learn our lesson last time," Scott noted.

"I don't care," Tiffany countered. "I just want my big, strong brother's cock in my cunt. Check that. I want my big brother, period."

"I want you, too," he said.

"Come in my cunt, Big Brother."

"Getting ready to!"

Tiffany could feel it, and it was more wonderful than any of the times they'd made love before. "Oh, yes. Fill me up. Oh, God." When he'd stopped coming, he turned the water off. He dried himself off. Tiffany tried, but she couldn't do her own back, so he did that for her, kissing her shoulders while he did it. "Carry me to the couch," she told him. He put his arms behind her and carried her. As he did, she hummed the wedding march. "I love having a big, strong brother," she repeated.

"I will do anything you need," he promised as he set her down.

Tiffany looked across the living room. "Hey, what's that under the cushion in the love seat?"

Scott picked up a pair of condoms still joined at the perforation. "I kinda figured we were headed this way," he acknowledged. "I just didn't count on it being in the shower."

"I love you for caring," Tiffany told him. "Next time we'll use them. Speaking of which, when is next time?"

"I'll be home for Labor Day," Scott answered.

"Great! In the meantime, I'll try to find out which dance clubs have the best handicap entrances. I plan on being back in twerking form by then."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Now this was a turn of events I did not expect, not that it was bad for it offered a quick and effective solution to most of the problems previous chapter left open. Now just to heal up and await dear brother to show up for the holidays.


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