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Twin Sisters Play Spin The Bottle

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A new take on an old game.
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"Tina is coming over tonight," Brandy announced to her husband Ryan when he got home from work.

"Ah, the crazy twin," Ryan replied with a grin. "Is she also bringing her latest boyfriend?" he asked.

"She's no crazier than me," Brandy retorted. "She didn't say, but she usually does. Why do you think she's so crazy?" she asked.

"Well, she changes boyfriends like most people change underwear," Ryan replied.

"That doesn't make her crazy," Brandy observed. "She just hasn't been as lucky as me to find the right guy yet."

"I'd say I was the lucky one," Ryan said, taking her in his arms, his hands dropping to cup her perfect ass.

"Better save it," Brandy said, twisting out of his grasp. "They'll be here any minute."

"Just my luck," Ryan replied ruefully.

"Hi, Brandy!" Tina said as the door opened. "God, you look great," she said as they hugged.

"So do you," Brandy replied as they both laughed at the old joke.

"This is Jimmy," Tina said, introducing the good-looking black man with her.

"Hi, Jimmy," Brandy said, shaking his hand. "Welcome. Please, come in."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'd never have believed it," Jimmy said. "You do look exactly alike."

"You know how it is," Tina said. "Nobody understands what an identical twin is until they see them."

"At least you're wearing different outfits so that I can tell you apart," Jimmy said.

"This is Ryan, my husband," Brandy introduced.

"Hi, Jimmy," Ryan said, shaking hands. "Hi, Tina," he said as she melted into him in a fierce hug. "You look..."

"Like Brandy, I know," Tina said with a laugh.

Everyone sat and chatted for a bit, catching up until it was time to eat. Dinner was relaxed, the two sisters always being happiest when they were together. By the time the third bottle of wine was opened, nobody was feeling any pain.

"Yes, sometimes we played tricks on people," Brandy admitted. "It was fun to see their reaction when they realized that they were talking to the wrong twin."

"It was fun freaking our boyfriends out," Tina said with a laugh. "They'd never know how to behave if they made a mistake."

"Isn't there any way to tell you apart physically?" Jimmy asked.

"Can you see any difference?" Tina asked.

Jimmy looked at them both, long and hard. They were both 5'2" tall with the exact same short blonde hair and blue eyes. They always went to the hairdresser together to make sure their hair was the same.

"I can't see any difference," Jimmy admitted. "Even your freckles seem to be the same. Can you tell the difference?" he asked Ryan.

"Not really," Ryan admitted. "Sometimes by what one of them says, the way they say it, but never by just looking at them."

"Let's test them," Tina said, clapping her hands. "It will be just like the old days."

"Oh, god," Brandy said, shaking her head.

"Come on," Tina said, getting to her feet as she drained her glass of wine. "You guys open another bottle. We'll be right back."

"Is this a test?" Jimmy asked when they had gone.

"No, just them having fun," Ryan replied.

"What if I guess wrong?" Jimmy asked.

"Then they'll be even happier," Ryan assured him. "They love to be able to fool and confuse people. They seem to get off on it."

"Hello," the two sisters said at the same moment as they returned.

"Oh, shit," Jimmy said, staring at them.

They were both wearing the exact same t-shirt and shorts with no shoes.

"So, which one am I?" one of them asked.

"I have no idea," Jimmy replied, shaking his head. "This is totally freaky."

"Come on, you have to figure it out," one of the girls said.

"Short of kissing each of you, I can't imagine being able to tell the difference," Jimmy said.

"Why do you think that would help?" one of the sisters asked.

"Everyone kisses differently," Jimmy replied.

"We got caught out that way once," one of the sisters said. "So we started kissing together, practicing until we kissed exactly the same. I don't think that's going to help you."

"Everyone kisses differently," Jimmy insisted.

"Come on, we can prove it," one of them replied.

"What?" Ryan and Jimmy said at once.

"This will do perfectly," one of them said, picking up an empty wine bottle.

"What do you mean?" Jimmy asked, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"We'll play spin the bottle until someone figures it out," she replied.

"Are you serious?" Ryan asked.

"Not up to the challenge?" the other sister replied.

"You're serious?" Ryan asked.

The two sisters looked at each other, then turned back and replied together, "Yes."

"Are they serious?" Jimmy asked Ryan.

"Probably," Ryan answered.

"Exactly how does this work?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, we played this a few times when we were younger," one of them replied. "After the bottle is spun, you kiss whoever it points to. Then you have to guess who you're kissing. If you're right, then we each have to take one piece of clothing off. If you're wrong, the two of you have to take something off."

"Wow!" Jimmy exclaimed, looking from one to the other. "You okay with this?" he asked Ryan.

"I've learned not to get in their way," Ryan replied with a sigh.

"Oh, this is going to be fun," one of the sisters said. "We haven't played this since we were in college."

They all settled on the floor in the living room, the empty wine bottle in the middle, all of their glasses now refilled.

"Since you're so sure, you can start," one of the sisters said to Jimmy. "Go ahead, spin the bottle."

"What the hell," Jimmy said, reaching forward and spinning the bottle, which spun rapidly, then slowed, stopping with the open end more or less pointing at one of the sisters. "Now what?" he asked a bit nervously.

"Now you have to kiss me," she said, a big grin on her face, "and then guess which one I am."

"This is amazing," Jimmy said with a laugh. "We're adults, not teenagers."

"And this is adult spin the bottle," the other sister commented. "Go ahead, kiss her and then guess."

"Okay," Jimmy said, moving to the center of their circle, meeting the sister to be kissed in the middle.

Jimmy was tentative, keeping his hands to himself as he leaned forward and his lips met hers. Then the kiss developed, getting deeper, until finally they were really getting into it, their arms wrapped tightly around each other until they broke off the kiss, a bit of a sheepish look on Jimmy's face.

"So, who am I?" the sister who had been kissed asked breathlessly.

"You're Tina," Jimmy said emphatically. "I'd know your mouth anywhere."

The other sister burst out laughing, rolling on the floor until tears ran down her cheeks.

"I'm Tina," she said as she stopped laughing and sat up. "That's Brandy. You lose. Now you both have to take something off."

"I can't believe that," Jimmy said. "How do I know you're not lying?"

"They're not," Ryan interjected, shaking his head. "They take too much pleasure in fooling people."

"Well, I'll be damned," Jimmy said, staring at Brandy. "I could have sworn..."

"Time to pay up," Tina said.

Ryan pulled his shirt off over his head and Jimmy followed suit, revealing a sculpted upper body.

"We'll be right back," Tina said, getting to her feet. "We need to shuffle the deck."

"I can't believe that I was wrong," Jimmy said when they left the room, only to almost instantly reappear and take the empty spaces as they sat down.

"Your turn, Ryan," one of them said, a smile on both of their faces.

Ryan spun the bottle and it stopped, pointing at one of the sisters. They met in the middle and shared a long, wet, passionate kiss before separating, both of their faces flushed.

"So, who am I?" she asked.

"You're Brandy," Ryan replied.

"How did you know?" she asked, her face dropping in dismay.

"I'll be damned if I'm going to tell you my secrets," Ryan replied with a grin. "I believe you lost. Time to pay up."

"You did something wrong," Tina said as she pulled her t-shirt off over her head, leaving her topless, her naked breasts swaying in front of her, her nipples hard little nubbins on the end.

"He probably just guessed lucky," Brandy replied, following suit.

"God, they still look exactly alike," Jimmy said, looking from one to the other, trying to see some difference.

"I told you so," Tina said as she got to her feet and left the room with Brandy, to immediately return and take seats.

"Okay, your turn," one of the sisters said to Jimmy.

Jimmy spun the bottle and it stopped, pointing at Ryan.

"What now?" he asked.

"Ryan gets to choose which one of us you kiss," one of them replied.

"Then I choose you," Ryan said, smiling at her.

Once again they met in the middle and began to kiss, this time their naked chests rubbing against each other. The kiss went on for a long time before they came up for air, both breathing hard, their faces flushed.

"Which one am I?" the sister asked breathlessly.

"Tina," Jimmy replied.

"That's not fair," she replied. "How did you know?"

"I'll keep my own secrets," Jimmy replied with a grin as Ryan laughed. "You lose. Pay up."

"I guess you did something wrong this time," Brandy said, laughing at the look on Tina's face.

"He was just lucky," Tina grumbled, pulling her shorts off, leaving her in just a tiny translucent wisp of a G-string. The slit of her pussy was clearly visible.

"Man, there's just no difference," Jimmy said when Brandy peeled her shorts off to reveal the exact same G-string.

"We need to talk about this," Tina said as she led Brandy from the room.

"How did you know?" Ryan asked softly.

"I guessed," Jimmy replied, grinning at him. "Just lucky."

"Okay, Ryan, your turn," one of them said when they returned and sat down.

"This is thirsty work," Ryan said, gulping down half of his glass of wine before spinning the bottle.

This time it landed squarely on one of the sisters and she met Ryan in the center for a long, deep, wet kiss. At one point she pulled Ryan's arms down until his hands were on her naked ass cheeks, then they finally broke the kiss."

"So, who am I?" she asked, grinning at him.

"You're Tina," Ryan declared to the immediate howls of laughter from both sisters. "You're kidding?" Ryan said, staring at his wife.

"I can't believe you didn't know my ass," Brandy said, laughing at him. "I thought for sure that would give it away. But you lose, so pay up."

Ruefully, the two men stripped their pants off, leaving them in their underwear. Neither Ryan nor Brenda could fail to notice the huge bulge in Jimmy's tight-fitting briefs.

"We'll be right back," Tina said, leaving the room with Brenda. "Open another bottle, will you?"

"Man, this is one crazy game," Jimmy said as Ryan opened another bottle. "You sure you're okay with this?"

"Like I said, I've learned not to get in their way when they've got their minds made up," Ryan replied as he filled their glasses.

"Okay, Jimmy, time to put up or shut up," one of the sisters said as they re-entered the room.

"What do I do now?" Jimmy asked in a perplexed tone as the bottle stopped, pointing right at him.

"Choose," one of the sisters replied, a grin on her face.

"Okay," Jimmy said, going for the other sister.

They met in the center again, but she intercepted his hands before they would wrap around her and guided them to her breasts as they began to kiss, another long, deep, wet kiss, during which Jimmy massaged her breasts, pinching and pulling on her nipples until they finally broke the kiss.

"So, who am I?" she asked breathlessly.

"Tina," Jimmy replied emphatically, his face falling almost immediately as the two sisters burst out laughing.

"You lose, time to pay up," Brandy said with a laugh, turning to quickly kiss Ryan as he stared at her ruefully.

"He has nice hands, doesn't he?" Tina asked Brandy as the two men slowly peeled their underwear off.

Ryan had a good-sized cock, but Jimmy's was really large, and fat, and very black.

"Isn't that gorgeous?" Tina asked, staring at Jimmy's cock in admiration.

"God, Tina," Brandy said, shaking her head and getting to her feet.

Tina followed her out of the room and they immediately returned. Ryan spun the bottle and it pointed squarely at one of the sisters when it stopped. She and Ryan met in the middle and began to kiss, one of Ryan's hands on her ass, the other on her breasts.

"Oh, yes, go for it," the other sister called out when she saw her sister lower a hand to wrap around Ryan's cock and jack him while they kissed.

"So, who am I?" she asked when they broke their kiss, but still kept her hand wrapped around his cock.

"Tina," Ryan said immediately, smiling when he saw the smile on her face fall into a frown of dismay. "It looks like you lose, so time to pay up," he said.

"Well, I'll be damned," Jimmy said when the girls had stripped their G-strings off and were totally naked.

Both sisters had shaved pussies with long inner lips that furled outside of their outer lips. They looked exactly the same.

"What now?" Jimmy asked when they returned from leaving the room.

"Now, the one of us who isn't picked sets the method of trying to figure out which one of us is which," one of them replied.

"You've played this before," Ryan said.

"Long before either of us knew either of you," the other sister replied.

"I'm game," Jimmy said, looking at the two naked sisters.

"Spin the bottle, then," the other said.

Jimmy spun the bottle and it stopped, pointing mostly at one of the sisters.

"Now what?" Jimmy asked.

"I think you should eat her pussy," the other sister said, laughing when she saw the look on his face.

"Are you serious?" he asked.

"Of course," she replied. "In fact, make it a 69, you on top. That way if you can't tell by the taste of her pussy, you might be able to tell by the way she sucks your cock."

"What the hell," Jimmy said, crawling over to the other sister who was already laying on her back, her legs spread.

She wrapped both hands around the shaft of his huge black cock as he lowered it into her mouth, while at the same time hooking her legs behind his arms and spreading her pussy wide open. She moaned around his cock in her mouth as Jimmy speared his tongue into her already gooey, juicy pussy, then fastened his mouth on her and began to drink, feasting upon her.

"Oh, that is hot, really hot," the sister observing said as Jimmy's huge black cock slowly but surely disappeared into her sister's mouth until his balls were resting on her eyes. "Don't you think it's hot to watch?" she asked, moving to sit right next to Ryan, her hand reaching into his lap to wrap around his cock, confirming in his mind which one was which.

"Of course it is," Ryan replied, watching as Jimmy slowed pumped his cock in and out of 'Tina's' mouth while he continued to feast on her pussy.

"What do you like the best?" 'Brandy' asked, slowly jacking his cock. "Seeing him eat her pussy - it looks just like mine, doesn't it? - or that huge black cock of his disappearing into her mouth?"

"Jeezus!" Ryan exclaimed as his cock throbbed in her hand while he watched her sister in a 69 right in front of him.

"How long do we..." Jimmy asked, looking up, 'Tina's' spread pussy staring at us.

"Has she cum yet?" 'Brandy' asked.

"Yeah," Jimmy replied with a chuckle and a grin. "Almost non-stop."

"That's my sister," 'Brandy' said with a laugh while I thought that that was actually also a good description of her. "Have you cum?" she asked.

"Me!?" Jimmy exclaimed, his jaw dropping.

"How else are you going to be certain?" 'Brandy' asked. "I'm sure you know how 'Tina' sucks a cock and deals with a mouthful of cum, don't you?"

"Well, yeah," Jimmy replied.

"Then you need to be sure, don't you?" 'Brandy' asked, her grip on my cock tightening.

"Are you sure you want..." I started to ask.

"Don't you want to see him cum in her mouth?" 'Brandy' asked, jacking my cock.

'Tina' had both hands wrapped around the shaft of Jimmy's cock, jacking it furiously while her mouth and tongue went crazy on the head. Jimmy's face was screwed up as the tension built until he finally cried out and we watched his cock start pumping shot after shot of thick white cum onto 'Tina's' tongue before she locked her lips around the head and her cheeks hollowed as she sucked on him, her throat convulsing as she gulped down the load of cum filling her mouth. Even with her cheeks billowing and her throat convulsing as she swallowed, thick white cum seeped from the corners of her mouth as Jimmy continued to empty his balls.

I thought I was going to cum myself as I watched, 'Brandy's' hand on my cock. Finally Jimmy gave a big sigh and I saw his cock disappear entirely into 'Tina's' mouth as she milked the last of his cum with her entire mouth and throat.

"God damn!" I exclaimed sotto voce as Jimmy lifted himself off of 'Tina', his huge black cock hanging just above her face as she lay gasping for breath, scraping the cum that had seeped down her cheeks to her chin into her mouth with a finger.

"So, you think you know which one she is?" 'Brandy' asked, her hand still wrapped around my cock. "100%?"

"Pretty much," Jimmy replied with a grin as he pushed to his knees, the head of his cock laying on 'Tina's' forehead.

"Hmm, pretty much isn't 100%, though, is it?" 'Brandy' asked.

"Well, I mean..." Jimmy stuttered. "100%?"

"If you're not 100% sure, this is the last test," 'Brandy' replied. "No holding back. I guess that means you need to fuck her, see if that tells you anything. Don't you agree?" she asked, giving my cock an extra-firm squeeze.

"Definitely," I agreed, "fucking is definitely next."

"You just want to watch him fucking her, don't you?" 'Brandy' said, slapping my shoulder. "Pervert."

"That's okay," 'Tina' said as she encouraged Jimmy around and between her legs. "Whatever you're putting us through, you get to do it next," she said as Jimmy placed her legs on his shoulders and rubbed the head of his huge black cock up and down between her spread pussy lips before sliding it into her.

"Oh, yeah!" 'Tina' sighed as Jimmy slid his cock home, all of it disappearing into her tiny-appearing pussy.

"Mmm, that looks so good," 'Brandy' sighed next to me after a couple of minutes of incredible fucking. "Are you ready to put on a show, too?" she asked as I turned my head to look at her, a big smile splitting her face. "I like the idea of being watched, don't you?"

"You are both nuts," I replied, to which she laughed.

"Okay, let's see some doggy now," 'Brandy' called out.

Jimmy leaned back, his huge black cock glistening with 'Tina's' pussy juices as it slid out of her. 'Tina' rolled onto her stomach, pushing up onto her knees with her face and chest remaining on the floor. Her pussy was split open, gaping slightly from the pounding it had just received.

Jimmy grabbed her by the hips and speared his cock into her, eliciting a moan of delight as he filled her pussy.

"I want to watch real close," 'Brandy' said, even though we were only 3 feet away.

She crawled over and leaned on her sister's back, her face just inches from where Jimmy's cock was sliding in and out of her pussy.

"God, I haven't seen you getting fucked like this since...well, it's been years, hasn't it," 'Brandy' said, staring at Jimmy's huge black cock sliding in and out of 'Tina's' pussy. "Come on, you, you've just got to see this up close," she said, waving me over.

"So you've done this before?" I asked as I crawled over to the other side of 'Tina', fascinated in spite of myself to see her getting fucked up close.

"We used to share everything," 'Brandy' replied. "100% yet?" she asked, looking up at Jimmy's straining face.

"Uh, well, uh," he grunted, not stopping his pistoning of his cock in and out of 'Tina's' pussy.

"Then try her ass, I guess," 'Brandy' said, intercepting Jimmy's cock as he pulled back, wrapping her hand around the slippery, gooey shaft and unceremoniously pulling it from her sister's pussy.


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