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Lost my wife and had twin babies to raise.
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I want to thank my anonymous editor for making my story a much better read.

I receive a lot of comments on my stories and do my best to read them all. I was re-reading my story--'Valentine's Day Dinner'--and it kind of got to me. I've written about twins before but I got an e-mail from a reader who said that story reminded him of his life and family. He told me about it and I thought I'd share my version with you. This is a standalone story.

My name is Jim Russell and I grew up in Ohio. I have two brothers and three sisters. My brothers and one sister were older than I was. My other sisters were two and three years younger than I was.

My story begins when I took an old childhood friend, Mary Jane, to our prom. I was eighteen at the time. I cared for her but we really never went steady or dated much. Her parents were rather strict but did let her go to our prom. We had a wonderful time and ended up kissing at the end of the evening. I had feelings for her but she would be going to Michigan to college. She wanted to be a teacher. And I was going to West Virginia on a football scholarship for the next four years.

Before I left, I attended her graduation party and told her how much I would miss her. We kissed a number of times and she admitted she always had a crush on me. I left three weeks later to college. I heard from others how long-distance relationships rarely worked out, so I accepted that we wouldn't be a couple.

I tried to see her whenever I went home but she was never there at the same time. Three years later, her parents moved. By this time, my brothers and my oldest sister were out of college and trade school and were married. They had families of their own. My oldest brother worked in manufacturing, my other brother was an electrician, and my oldest sister became a nurse.


One of my younger sisters just started community college. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do with her life. My other sister joined the work force and got a job at Kohl's. She liked talking to people and was happy with her life. They both still lived at home.

I dated a few girls in college and by my senior year, I had sex with many of them. I met Veronica at a party and she was the sexiest woman I had ever been with. We began having sex on a regular basis after I heard she broke up with her boyfriend. When we first got together, I always used condoms. Veronica told me she was on the pill and eventually I stopped using them. Two months before graduation she told me she was pregnant.

I cared for her but I wasn't sure if I loved her. However, I wanted to do the right thing so I asked her to marry me. We got married shortly after I graduated. I can't say my family was happy about it but they knew I was doing the right thing. Veronica went to the doctor and when she came home, she said she was having twins. I started crying. I was going to be a father of not just one baby but two!

Veronica grew up in foster homes and was only in her second year of college. She dropped out at the end of the semester but mentioned she might go back after having the babies. We didn't want a big wedding so we went to a justice of the peace. Veronica had no family to come to a wedding however my parents threw us a nice reception and all the family attended. We went away for the weekend and spent some time looking around Amish country and spending our nights in a motel. When we returned, we rented an older three-bedroom house that was more than big enough for us but something we could afford.

I had received my Bachelor's in Business Administration and my dad got me in at the warehouse he managed. He told me I would have to learn several positions there before I could become a supervisor. I made good money but I had to put in a lot of hours.

A couple of months after we married, Veronica seemed to change. She wasn't happy. We hardly ever had sex and she was always complaining. I just figured it was mood swings from being pregnant. Mom told me she thought Veronica was hiding something. She asked me if I was sure they were my babies. It was easy to see she was worried about me.

My mom and my sisters stopped at our house whenever they could to help Veronica out. When it was time for the delivery, mom called me at work and I left for the hospital. I was in the delivery room with Veronica. My mom and sister stayed in the waiting room. My dad showed up later. We ended up having two baby girls. We named them Tracy and Lacy. They were so tiny. I was scared just holding them. Mom called my other siblings to tell them the good news.

When the babies were born, I had the hospital run a DNA test. I didn't mention it to Veronica. I didn't want her to think I didn't believe her until I found out for sure. I really hoped they were mine. Seeing their birth really got to me. When I received the DNA results, I sat down and cried. I loved those two little girls. Now I had proof they were mine.

After we got the girls home, Veronica said she couldn't handle the stress of the babies always crying. I did my best and did almost everything for them when I was home. Mom went over and helped her during the daytime. She said Veronica didn't take care of the girls much. Instead, she spent most of her time on the phone.

It bothered me because she said she didn't know anyone. One day when the girls were about three months old, Veronica said she needed to get out. Hours passed and I hadn't heard from her. Ten o'clock that evening a sheriff deputy came to my door.

"Are you Mr. James Russell?" he asked.

"I am. Is there a problem officer?"

"Are you married to a Veronica Russell?"

"Yes sir, she's my wife. Is everything all right?"

"I'm sorry to inform you that your wife was killed in an auto accident this evening. We need you to come down to the station."

"My god! What happened?"

"Everything will be explained to you at the station," replied the officer.

I called my mom and told her the horrible news. She offered to come over and watch the babies while I went to the police station. Once there, the officer said Veronica had died instantly of a broken neck. Apparently she wasn't in her car but was a passenger in a car driven by a man named Dale Wilson. He died too. I explained to the officer that I had never heard of the man. I had no idea who he was.

My wife's car was at his apartment. Since I didn't know where that was, the officer offered to have someone bring it to me. They had already checked it out for any information. I went home and explained everything to my mom and two sisters. My dad was also at the house. I told everyone the police would have more information in a couple of days. All they knew was that the man was from West Virginia.

Right now, I had a big problem. I had two sweet three-month-old baby girls who no longer had a mother.

Mom said she would take care of the babies while I was at work. My sister Beth said she would move in with me temporarily to help out if I wanted her to. She would be there for her nieces whenever she wasn't in school. So that was our immediate plan. Abby also stopped in to help when she could. I had the best family anyone could ask for.

After the funeral, things seemed to be going along pretty good. We got notice from the police department that my wife and Dale Wilson had dated in college. According to his relatives, they got in an argument and she moved to Ohio. They claimed she was pregnant with his child so he went after her to track her down. I showed the officers the DNA results and it pretty much closed their case.

Life went on and I spent all my free time with my two girls. (What free time? It was all my time.) They were growing up so fast. With the help of my sisters and mother, the girls were well loved and wanted for nothing. All my relatives either stopped by or called to check on us. Every night I went home and they would crawl all over me. They were getting so big and smart.

When they turned one, we threw them a birthday party. If you saw one of them, you were sure to see the other. They did everything together. Beth lived with us for two years, splitting her time between watching the twins and attending college. When the girls turned three, she graduated from college with a degree in Business Administration. She had a fiancée and told me she would be moving out. Abby had gotten married the year before.

Mom was at my house or I took the twins to her house while I worked. I knew it was hard on mom but she loved the girls. We talked and decided to send them to day care a couple of days a week. It would give mom some alone time.

I stopped by the day care center to sign the girls up and one of the workers took me on a tour and told me what they expected of me. The place was huge and they had over twelve instructors. They had been in business for six years and had a high rating. The new plan was that I would get the twins dressed and dropped them off on my way to work. Mom picked them up in the afternoon. We ate dinner with mom and dad once I got there.

A lot of people said my girls needed a mother but I wasn't going to just marry someone for that reason. Besides, the arrangements my family had for helping me with them was working out quite well.

After the first week, my daughters said they loved the place and showed me their drawings and pictures. The instructor said they were both smart. I told her my mom and sisters often worked with them.

However, my mom was worried about me. She told me I should consider dating once in a while since all I did was work and take care of the girls. But they were my life. I wanted to be with them all the time. I went out on a few dates but it wasn't even once a month. I just couldn't get serious about another woman.

About my third week taking the girls to day care, the director asked if I could stop by after work. The owner of the business liked to meet the parents of the kids in day care. I made an appointment for five thirty and let my mom know I would be picking the kids up.

I showed up on time and one of the workers took me to the owner's office. I couldn't believe who it was and she couldn't believe it was me.

"Oh my god, is it really you, Mary Jane?" I asked.

"Jim! I just saw your admission papers this week and wondered if it was the Jimmy Russell I grew up with."

She came around from her desk and we hugged. She felt so good.

"Jimmy, I saw the cutest set of twin girls out there and asked whose they were. The staff told me they belonged to a Jim Russell. I couldn't believe it when I heard that. I just had to see if it was you. I read your application and it said you are a widower. Is that true?"

"Yes, my wife passed away when the girls were three months old. Someday I'll tell you the story if you like. What about you? Are you married, single, have a family? I figured you graduated seeing you own the day care center."

"I went to college, dated some but never found the person I wanted to spend my life with. After graduation, I started this business. I've always loved kids. So I'm still Mary Jane Moore."

"Mary, would you like to go out and talk about old times this Saturday? I'm sure mom will watch the twins."

"Jimmy, I'd love to go."

She gave me her business card and wrote down her address and cell phone number. We walked out and my little girls came running to me. They had seen Mary Jane before, of course. And they really weren't old enough to question how I knew her. But as I guessed they did other days, they gave her a hug. Then, they gave me the pictures they drew that day. We said bye to Mary and headed over to moms for dinner.

Mom said I looked very happy and asked me why. I told her I met the owner of the day care and it was Mary Jane Moore. She never had gotten married and I had a date with her this Saturday if I could find someone to watch the girls. Mom laughed since I knew she would take the twins.

On Thursday, my girls told me that Mary came over to them and colored pictures with them. They told me they really liked her. She even took them out on the playground and pushed them on the swings. It made me feel good.

On Saturday, I picked her up and she looked beautiful. She was dressed in a white blouse and black skirt. I opened her car door and saw quite a lot of leg when she got in. I asked her if the Olive Garden was okay to go to and she said anywhere was fine. I asked for a booth toward the back so we could have more privacy.

"Mary, I can't believe you're not married. In our school I always considered you to be the pick of the litter, so to speak."

She laughed. "Jimmy, you sure don't have a way with words. I was the pick of the litter?"

I thought about what I had said. "I'm sorry, Mary. I didn't mean that like in animals but that you were the best looking and most intelligent girl in school."

"I guess that sounds a little better," replied Mary, but with a smile on her face. "Jimmy, I'll be honest with you. I dated in college and kind of fell for one guy pretty hard. We dated for over two years before he asked me to marry him. To make a long story short, I caught him in bed with one of my best friends. I ended it right then and walked out on them both.

"He called me a dozen times making every excuse he could think up. He even tried to say it was a mistake. I found out he had cheated with my friend for months. Anyway, we broke up for good. I had to laugh when I found out the girl, my ex-girlfriend, was pregnant. I think they might have gotten married but I never really cared. So I started my day care center and never looked back. I struggled to trust any man. I've gone on a few dates but nothing serious."

We had a wonderful dinner and a couple of drinks. I didn't want the evening to end so we went to a lounge that had music and danced for the next couple of hours. I took her back to her apartment and we kissed several times. She had tears in her eyes when she pulled away.

"Jimmy, we're moving much too fast. We both need time to think."

She was the only person I ever let call me Jimmy. I knew she was right and asked her if we could take my girls somewhere the following Saturday. She agreed and said she would love to.

We spent the next six Saturdays together. We took the girls with us on four of them. We kissed and even cuddled a little but never made love. Mary called me on a Monday evening and asked if I could be her plus-one at a friend's wedding the following Saturday. Of course, I said yes and my parents offered to watch the kids overnight so I wouldn't have to come by late to pick them up.

I might mention here that my girls loved Mary and I could tell she felt the same about them. The one problem I had is that they would always call her mum. I tried to correct them but they were so young and it was hard for them to say Ms. Mary instead of mum. Mary finally said she loved it when they called her mum, so I let it go.

We went to the wedding and Mary was even prettier then the bride, who was actually her cousin. So there I was meeting all of Mary's relatives. She introduced me to her mom and dad as the date she had for her prom. Most of her other relatives asked if we were a couple and if we had any plans for the future. Mary just laughed, said time would tell, and told them they could just stay tuned.

I met Mary's siblings. She had an older brother who was married. His wife Jane worked for Mary. They had a son who was six years old. Mary had a younger sister who also worked at the day care. She was with her fiancé and would be getting married in a couple of months.

We were asked tons of questions but didn't answer most of them. We had a wonderful dinner and danced every slow dance. I danced with the bride and Mary's mother while she danced with her father. As we left the wedding, we said goodbye to many of her relatives and especially her parents. They seemed very happy to see us together.

When we arrived at her apartment, she invited me in. As I stepped inside the door, she kissed me.

"Jimmy, it's about time you made love to me. I'm ready if you are."

I didn't have to be asked twice. I slipped off my sports jacket and undid my tie. I unzipped the back of Mary's dress and let it fall. I picked in up and set it on the chair. As Mary took off her pantyhose, I slipped off my shirt and pants and they joined her dress.

All Mary had on was a bra and panties. I stood in my briefs. I moved toward where Mary lay in the middle of the bed and the first thing I did was pick up her leg and rub her feet. I got her body lotion and began rubbing it all over them, one foot and then the other. She smiled at me and said it felt so good since she had been standing so much that day. I put more lotion on her legs and rubbed it in half way up her thighs.

I then moved to the head of the bed and kissed her. I worked my way down to her breasts. She had a front latch on her bra, which I undid so I could suck on her nipples. I worked my way down to her belly button and pulled off her panties. I slid them down as she lifted up her butt to help me. Then I tossed them onto the floor and planted my mouth on her pussy. I kissed and sucked on her for a good ten minutes. My cock was hard and I quickly slipped off my briefs.

I rubbed my cock up and down her opening.

"Jimmy! Make love to me, please."

I slowly pushed my cock into her warm center. She kept making a number of sounds. Once I was all the way in, I started a slow in and out motion until I couldn't hold back any longer. Mary had already come at least once and came again with me.

For those wondering about birth control, Mary had told me she had been on the pill for a while. We got up to take a break and I got Mary a wine cooler and a beer for myself.

"Mary, I'm falling in love with you and I'm not quite sure what to do."

"Jimmy, you know I'm in love with you and have been for quite some time. Your girls are the most precious kids I know. I wish they were mine."

"Mary, would you want to marry me? My daughters are a major part of the package. They may be young but they told me they love you."

"If that was a marriage proposal then the answer is yes. I want to be your wife. Tracy and Lacy will be my daughters. I truly love you, Jimmy Russell."

We went back to bed and made love again. We tried a few different positions and eventually went to sleep. The next morning we showered and got dressed and went over to pick up my little girls.

Mary came with me to my parents' home. We called my mom and dad into the room and of course, the twins came running in. I sat on the floor and told the girls I had something to ask them. Mary sat forward on the couch.

"Girls, Mary and I are thinking of getting married. That would mean she would become your mommy."

My mom put her hands over her mouth and started crying. It was tears of joy. Mary also had tears in her eyes. My girls may be young but they knew what I was saying. They both got up to hug her and asked if they could call her mommy. That brought tears to my eyes.

After everything settled down, we told my mom that we were going to take the twins to Mary's parents' house to let them know about getting married and to set a date. It was be the first time for them to meet the twins.

Mary's parents weren't overly surprised that we were getting married, and loved my twin babies. They wanted to know if we planned a date for our wedding because their other daughter was getting married in two months.

We explained to them that we just decided on getting married and as of right then, we still needed to talk about it all. We didn't even know if we wanted a big wedding. After we left her parents' house, we decided to take the twins to the zoo. I pushed the stroller as we talked about getting married.

"Jimmy, I don't need a big wedding. I would be happy with going to a judge or a justice of the peace. I really don't want to wait until after my younger sister gets married."


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