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Twins' Deception

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Identical twins secretly exchange husbands.
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From the files of Cleo: Thanks to the twins for their story.

I'm one of identical twin sisters, age 28. Let me emphasis "identical," even to the tiny mole under our left breast. As children, our mother could tell the difference most of the time, but after we reached the teens we even managed to fool her occasionally. I'm Cass and my "baby sister" born a few minutes later, is Tess. As twins usually are, we are very close. Maybe closer even than most twins. When she's sad, I'm sad, when she's happy, well . . . you can see how it goes.

It physically pains me to see her unhappy and I know she feels the same about me. We share everything, and we have since we were old enough to know how. We even share husbands now, but they are blissfully unaware of it. My story is about how we arrived at this point in our lives.

It started in high school, the identity-switching thing, I mean. I excel at Physical Ed and Math, while Tess stinks in both. She glides through science and biology subjects, and I struggle in home economics and the sciences. I'm probably a smidgen more mature than Tess. I have a slightly cooler demeanor and am certainly more adventurous than my sister, but we can mimic each other for extended periods of time without falling out of character.

Our high school was a large establishment of intercity learning, with lots of rules. One rule was that family members weren't allowed to attend the same classes simultaneously, so Tess and I were required to stagger our classes - a constant source of stress and irritation for us both. Although we'd experimented with fooling people about who we were a few times, it'd mostly been done in fun.

That changed when Tess freaked-out about a looming math test, for which she was totally unprepared. She'd been upset for nearly a week, and I'd rigorously groomed her for it but with little improvement. I caught her sobbing the previous afternoon in the gym.

"Tessie! What's wrong? If someone hurt you I'll . . ."

"No, Sis. Nobody hurt me. It's that stupid midterm tomorrow. I can't do it! If I blow my grade-point average on this, I'll just . . . kill myself!" she sobbed dramatically.

Occasionally, Tess had a tendency to be a drama queen, but I could sense real anguish in her tone this time. I held her against my breasts, letting cry it out, trying to formulate a plan to help her. Finally, I said, "Don't worry about it, baby sister. I'll take it for you."

"Do . . . do you . . .? Oh Cassie, I love you."

I took her math test the next day, and needless to say she maxed it. I have to admit, when it came time for me to take my Biology exam I made an "A" too, thanks to Tess's repayment of the favor. We continued doing that all year and no one ever caught on. In our senior year we double-dated a lot, and sometimes switched places right in the middle of the evening without our dates noticing.

Neither of us was promiscuous, never going farther than French-kissing and letting a guy feel a nipple once in a while. We vowed early-on that we'd remain virgins until our weddings, which we planned would be a double wedding. We decided the perfect situation would be if we married twins. That wasn't to be however, but I'm getting ahead of my story.

After high school, Tess and I attended the same university, lucky enough to room together in the same dorm. We'd filled out nicely and knew we looked good, as guys seemed to beat a path to our doors. We laughingly agreed they were probably just intrigued by doing "the dirty deed" with a set of twins. That wasn't going to happen, we vowed. We still double-dated a lot, but sometimes went on our own dates alone, after first renewing our vow to remain virgins.

During our sophomore year we met two guys we instantly knew we'd someday marry. I won't go into all the boring details but they were cousins and best friends, and the four of us were like the Musketeers, never far away from the others. Erick, the boy I feel in love with was tall, blond, athletic and extremely handsome in a Nordic fashion - his parents being Scandinavian. He was a central sports figure at our university, playing football, basketball and baseball.

His cousin, Martian, had an Italian dad and was darker, shorter and barrel-chested. He was a little wild and impulsive, which complimented Erick's coolness. Marty wrestled for our school wrestling team, and went to State competition twice. Tess was smitten with him immediately.

We secretly admitted to each other that we could've fallen in love with either man, because there was that much attraction. We also had the impression that our guys felt the same. There were no secrets between Tess and me about our feelings for these two guys or about our activities on dates with them - no matter how heated things got.

We knew every time the other one let one of the guys pinch their nipple, or, when petting sessions got so hot we let them slip a finger inside our smoldering virgin pussies. With our raging hormones fighting for control everything seemed new and exciting, and we explored - up to a point.

As things progressed, we also told each other about the dry- humps we'd given the guys because they'd gotten so worked up while kissing us that they suffered from "blue-balls." Although we sympathized with their discomfort and we'd readily admitted to each other that we wanted it just as much as the guys did, we none-the-less vowed we'd hold off until after we were married. Mere months went by until we were both asked to marry the loves of our lives as soon as we graduated. A double wedding was planned, just as we'd always envisioned. We were on cloud nine!

By the end of our sophomore year, we'd both progressed to frequent hand-jobs to keep our guys sane. It was fun discussing our guys' obvious endowments with each other, as well as exploring the exciting prospects of them taking our virginities. We discussed it often, admitting it was sexually frustrating as hell, but we were committed to our celibacy vow!

Lying in our beds in our dark dorm room late one night, Tess blurted out, "Martian is hung like a can of Red Bull. The crown on his penis is as big as a light bulb! I don't know how he'd even get that thing inside me! When he cums he shoots all over the place like a water hose! It's sticky and I have to wash my hands immediately. Once, some of it even shot up into my hair and on my face! It was icky! "

I lifted up on my elbows staring in her direction in the darkened room. I couldn't see her face, but I didn't need to. I knew her expression. "He's circumcised, Tess?"

"Yes. And the head on his . . . thing . . . is . . . enormous!" She giggled softly. "Feels really good in my hands though. Until it gets all messy."

Later near sleep while envisioning what she'd told me I mentally compared the description of Martian's endowments to Erick's. Erick wasn't circumcised and his foreskin fascinated me. I'd played with his penis numerous times by then, enjoying it tremendously each time I felt it throbbing and pulsating against my palm as it spurted his copious seed.

He always kept a box of tissues in the rear floorboard of his truck, for that purpose. He made quite a mess when he ejaculated too, warm and sticky surges that smelled faintly like bleach, inexplicably exciting me. I hadn't found it icky at all! In fact, I secretly wished we'd do it during the daylight sometime so I could see when he released.

Based upon Tessie's description of Marty's oversized penis I was a little surprised to learn that maybe every man wasn't exactly the same size, after all. While Erick wasn't as "thick as a can of Red Bull," he was still quite hefty and certainly longer than that!

Tess's remark made me think about how it'd feel to have that large thing pummeling me, the warm sticky fluid he expelled shooting deep inside me instead of being wasted on a tissue. As I contemplated it, my hand sneaked under the covers to touch my swollen clit. I thought I heard Tess breathing rather heavily, too, and smiled.

A few weeks later we were going on one of our rare split-dates because Martian had somehow obtained two tickets for a Beastie Boys concert, and Erick was taking me to an exclusive roof-top restaurant for dinner. I loved concerts and Tess loved dining out, so the decision came natural to us after a while. Tess was the first to offer it up for discussion.

"Why don't you go to the concert with Marty and I'll have the lobster?" she said, half-joking. Suddenly, we stared at each other like it was just too obvious. We talked about it late into the night, doing all the "what-ifs."

"What about kissing?" I finally asked. "You know the guys are going to want to make-out afterwards. They'll want hand-jobs at the least, after all money they're going to spend on us."

Tess giggled, covering her mouth, embarrassed. "You mean I'll finally get to see that super-long dong you keep saying Erick has?"

We finally agreed that kissing, tit-groping and hand-jobs would be okay. We reaffirmed our chastity vows and went to sleep.

When Martian showed up for his "date," Tess wore a short black dress, her hair piled high on top her head and large looping earrings. I wore a pony-tail, t-shirt and shorts. Dressed that way, it was easy for him to assume I was Tess, on my way to a concert. Martian just walked up and gave me a big wet kiss, his tongue darting between my lips for just an instant, letting me have some clue of what might follow later. I glanced at Tess, my face burning.

She smiled, looking a little uncertain as I left with Martian without the reassurance I'd wanted from her. I knew she and Erick would be doing the same kissing thing later, but I found I wasn't as jealous as I probably should've been. If it'd been anyone but Tessie I'd have scratched her eyes out.

The concert was wild and exciting, people screaming and acting a little nuts and my heart pounding the entire time. At some point Martian moved behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me tightly against him. With all the jostling, pushing and shoving going on around us it wasn't long before the inevitable happened - Martian had an erection, poking insistently against my butt.

Unnoticed by the rowdy crowd around us, his hands slowly slid under my t-shirt, cupping my breasts. I had to admit, he was pretty good with titties. My nipples grew hard as my breathing grew shorter under his masterful manipulations.

What the hell, I thought. Tess is probably doing the same thing with Erick right now. I let my body relax a little, leaning back against him, my hips swaying with the music. He groaned softly in my ear, giving some indication what my ass was doing to him. I could tell that Tess had been right about the size of Martian's penis. It felt like a fence post rubbing up against me.

That insistent poking, along with the music and the crowd going wild, was very exciting! I could feel how wet I'd become, my panties sticking to my vagina lips. Marty started slowly dry-humping me and I just let him, one hand sliding down my thigh, a finger searching under one loose leg of my shorts, finding my soggy panties.

It was so packed around us that no one could see a thing we were doing. I felt Marty's breath on my neck, and then his lips against it. I lay my head back on his shoulder just letting him enjoy himself. I loved Erick, but this was just so damned erotic and Marty kept me lingering on the verge of a climax during the entire show, but never quite let me reach an orgasm. It was all I could do to keep from screaming with frustration!

As the final encore winded down, we sprinted for the exit to beat the parking lot crowd. Arriving where we'd left the car, Marty opened my door and just before I hopped inside pulled me against him and swallowed my mouth. After a couple straight hours of constant stimulation, I swear I almost came.

As he drove, I found that Marty was funny, too. He had me laughing all the way to the overlook, a place where lovers go to make-out. It was still early but I saw several cars already there, the lights of the city shining brightly below. There was a moon out and the whole thing seemed so romantic. He slammed the car into park and immediately reached for me, swallowing my willing tongue again as I stuck it into his mouth.

"Come on, let's get in the back seat," he whispered hoarsely.

He was already out his side of the car before I could reply. I followed but with a little hesitation, wondering just how far Tess had previously let him go. A hand job was my limit! No way was he getting my cherry! That belonged to Erick! I have to admit though I was pretty tempted by then.

I'll say this. Marty was a great kisser! I was so hot from him kissing me that I just wanted him to devoir me with his mouth. As he licked my lips, sucking and biting on them, my hands reached unconsciously to the budge in his jeans to unzip his pants! I heard him catch his breath as my fingers made it inside his fly, wrapping half-way around his thick penis. I was so used to doing this for Erick that I hadn't even realized I was doing it until I felt his warm hardness in my hand.

Tess had said his cock was extremely thick, but I think I actually gasped aloud when I first felt it! I knew how this would end - with Marty shooting his seed all over the place! I hastily searched the floorboard with my other hand, not finding the usual box of tissues.

I didn't care. By then I frantically wanted to feel him shooting into my hands. I forced myself to slow down a bit, letting him reach under my shirt and pinch my nipples as we both gasped fro breath. I was trembling so hard I was shuddering uncontrollably. My nipples are my weak spot, touch them and I immediately gush, and I was already feeling a climax start to build. Erick knew this and did it every chance he got, and I always loved it! I wondered if Tess was the same way or if my overactive libido would blow my cover.

I could not recall a time when I'd ever been so sexually aroused, so ravenous, so impulsive - so hot! It'd gotten hot between Erick and I often, but this time I knew I was almost out of control, and that scared me. Mesmerized I stared down at the thickness of the cock throbbing in my hand, its warm and sticky leakage tantalizing me. Unlike the distaste Tess had expressed about sperm, I liked the feel of it in my hands. Its smell and substance fascinated me, the slight odor excitingly nasty. This is where babies came from, I thought, shivering with anticipation of the unknown.

Not even planning to do so, I suddenly leaned down and took the bloated head into my mouth, sliding my tongue around it as I gently sucked on the spongy crown. Not expecting anything like that, Marty grunted loudly, his body growing ridged under me, his thighs tightening with effort, his nuts drawing up in my hand. I felt like smiling. Boys were so predictable. It was the first cock I'd ever tasted, surprised to find it musky, warm and - delicious.

I forced as much of his meaty cock down my throat as I could stand without choking, working my tongue and sucking the wide crown, alternately massaging his balls and the thick base of it with my hand. Marty was breathing faster now and I knew he was getting close to shooting. Tess had said he had a lot of sperm and that it'd gone all over the place, even into her face and hair. There was no tissue box either. That didn't bother me for some reason, and as soon as I'd taken it into my mouth I knew I wanted to sample that sticky stuff.

There was a skinny girl I'd seen around the campus several times. Erick had pointed her out, saying all the guys talked about how she sucked them off, commenting on how much she said she liked doing it. She'd told a couple of the football team that she simply loved the taste of cum! He confided that they called her the "campus cock-sucker," and that she didn't mind at all. I vaguely rationalized that the same thing probably applied to me too. All thoughts vaporized as I tasted a little spray of Marty's cum, then more of it leaking into my mouth in tiny spurts, almost humming with the pleasure it brought me.

I didn't know then that it was only pre-cum and not yet his full ejaculation. All I knew was how much I loved it, almost in ecstasy it began flowing more rapidly down my throat.

Marty's fingers suddenly tightened in my hair, insistently pushing against my head as if he wanted me to stop sucking him. Whimpering in protest, I fought back, letting my tongue loll

around his cock.

"Tess, you better stop. I'm going to . . ."

I forced my mouth all the way down on it, licking the thick vein underneath, sucking harder, moaning in protest until he stopped pushing against my head. Finally relaxing his grip, he suddenly grunted, wrapping his fingers in my hair as his body stiffened, arched upward and trembled all over.

Then groaning even louder, he released it all! I felt the first of several long streams shooting into my throat! Tess had been right about the amount! I swallowed frantically, savoring it as it coated my mouth and tongue, sliding down my working throat. I simply loved it!

I mouthed his sticky hardness, sliding my loose lips around the cock-head until long after it'd grown soft, immensely enjoying the transition from hard to limp. After a while I sat up, suddenly embarrassed now that it was over, turning my face out the other window so I wouldn't have to face him. He forced my head around, looking deep into my eyes, and then kissed me tenderly.

"I love you, Tess. More than anything. I can't wait until we're married and I can show you just how much."

I let him kiss me for a while, and I said, "I have to get back. School tomorrow."

Tess came in after I was almost asleep so we didn't talk much about our "dates," just saying something like it was, ". . . about the same as dating my own guy."

Oddly, we didn't discuss it later either; me, mostly out of guilt for what I had done to Marty, and I assumed Tess, because she was embarrassed. The next weekend when I went out with Erick, the evening ended horribly and I demanded to be taken home early. In a huff, I left him sitting out front of my dorm in his car.

I was still steaming when Tess came back from her date with Marty. She also looked somewhat upset, instinctively seeming to know I was too. She went in to shower, while I pretended to read my study assignment, staring unseeing at the same page for a long time. Tess came out with a towel wrapped around her and sat on her bed.

"You okay?" she asked.


After a moment, she said, "Trouble with Erick?"

I lay the book aside, sighing deeply. "Erick and I had a fight," I said softly, looking at

her. "He was upset because I wouldn't let him fuck me again tonight . . . like I did on our last date. I believe he said, 'Your cherry is gone now so what is the big deal?'"

Tess looked horrified. She had that deer in the headlight look someone gets when they've just been busted. "I . . . I'm so sorry . . . sorry, Cassie. I . . ."

I cut her off. "You fucked my boyfriend, Tess! My future husband! He thinks he got my cherry! What the fuck were you thinking?"

I don't think she'd ever heard those words come out of my mouth before, as she shrank back against the headboard, drawing up her knees as if seeking some sort of protection against my blunt words. "I . . . I didn't think, Cass. I want to explain, please."

I didn't reply, just stared at her. It was the first time I could remember that we were angry at the other. I didn't like the feeling. It was almost like being angry with myself.

"After we ate this fabulous meal we went down by the river. We got out of the cab of his truck and into the back seat. I assumed that's where he takes you - the river instead of the overlook - and that you were okay with the back seat thing. He started kissing me. Erick is just so sexy. I won't lie, I liked it. You told me you do a hand job for him sometimes if he gets too horny. I wanted to be like you so he wouldn't know it was me . . . and I just . . . did it. I was really turned on, Sis."


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