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Twins - Sports, Sex & Trouble

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A bath brings the twins closer.
5.1k words

Part 1 of the 23 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 07/26/2008
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All characters are over 18. This will be a multi-part story that will cross categories - exhibitionist, incest, non-consent, group sex, etc... Please be patient with this 1st chapter and allow me time to introduce the characters. The subsequent chapters will have more action.


Jo dribbled the soccer ball confidently across the midfield line. She glanced over to check that Samantha, the right forward, was in position. Jane, the opposing mid-fielder, took advantage of this moment and sprinted toward Jo. Jane executed a devastating slide tackle on Jo.

Jo was a skilled center forward. Her speed and play making ability caused most defenders to give her a big cushion in the open field. This aggressive play by the new kid caught Jo by surprise.

To make matters worse, Jane popped up quickly and stole the ball. Jane then drove towards the goal. As the defenders came out to challenge Jane, she paused and made a lovely floating pass over their heads. The ball landed softly near the right touchline. The backspin on the ball caused it to check up nicely. The ball was perfectly positioned for the right forward on Jane's team. Unfortunately, that girl never even made a play on the ball. She was unprepared because rarely did anyone steal the ball from Jo and the feed from Jane was such an incredible effort. It was a play you saw made at Old Trafford stadium, not on a High School soccer field.

"Ahhh!" Jane screamed in frustration. The forward on Jane's team would have had a rare one-on-one shot against the goalie. Jane's brilliant play had caught the opposing defenders completely flatfooted, if only her teammate had trusted that Jane would find a way to get her the ball.

"Tweet" the coach's whistle sounded shrilly.

"Good practice girls. Hit the showers," Mrs. Troutman shouted.

"Wheh," Jane exhaled forcefully.

She put her hands on her hips and took a deep breathe. She then brushed a few stray hairs out of her eyes. She looked about and saw the others players gathering with their friends and walking off the field.

Jane was smelly and sweaty for a good reason. She had just finished her first soccer practice at William Taft High School. It went as well as you would imagine when a new girl shows up in her senior year and joins a team where all the other players had been playing together since the 9th grade. It was a disaster. There were many missed passes and a few missed assignments.

Today Jane had often sprinted to an open space expecting, but not receiving a leading pass. Jane was used to playing a wide open type of soccer. The other girls on the team were used to playing in a very structure system. They were unprepared for Jane's "Let's take advantage when we have an advantage" approach to the game. Needless to say, Jane was out of sync with the other girls.

After practice, Giselle said to her friends, "Who IS this new girl?"

Emma answered, "Yeah and why is she trying to join our team? We don't need anyone. We were district champions last year."

Jo the blonde haired captain of the squad said, "She's cocky ... a real show off."

Jo disliked Jane from the moment she saw her. As center forward, Jo had the most to lose from this newcomer who showed speed, agility and excellent ball handling skills. Jo fanned her friends' initial poor opinion of Jane by added,

"She's not one of us. Do what you can to make her feel unwelcome."

The girls agreed to give Jane a hard time.

Jane walked by herself to the locker room. She said out loud to herself,

"Here you are again the new kid in town."

Being alone and without friends was not a new situation for Jane. When your mother is dead and your Dad's in the military, you are often alone. Her dad's career had caused the family to move a lot. Jane had often been the new kid in school. This fact made Jane thankful for her twin brother Jimmy.

Jane thought, "I wonder how Jimmy is making out?"

Jimmy was on another field. It was his first day at football practice. He was having a much better experience than his sister.

Jane stripped off her dirty, foul smelling clothes and hit the showers. She gave the other girls a quick peek as she adjusted the temperature of her shower. A dozen nude girls were in the common shower room. They were all fit. Many were like Jane and had muscular thighs a by-product of all sprinting they did. Others were gazelle-like, slender light bodies built for speed and running.

Most of the players had small breasts. The boobs on display ranged from bee stings to tits that would just fill a champagne glass. The low body fat of soccer players made big breasts a rarity.

There was a great variety in the color and shape of the girls' nipples. Their nipples ran the full spectrum of color ranging from pale pink to dark brown. The shapes varied too. Some players had tiny nips and little auroras while others had nipples as big as silver dollars with peaks that protruded over a half inch in length.

Jane had been a late developer. She had been flat chested when she entered the 10thgrade. When she did blossom, it was a disappointingly slow process. For a long time Jane wondered if she'd ever buy a bra that didn't say A cup.

Emma tried to shame her friend Samantha. "Girls, look at Sam. No tan lines ... Someone has been sunbathing in the nude. Did your hunky brother join you?"

Sam was impossible to embarrass. She calmly replied, "No. Didn't you recognize the man I was with by his big hairy dick? It was your father."

"Oohh," The crowd responded.

Giselle added, "Score one for Sam."

Emma threw her loofah at Sam. Everyone laughed. Jane glanced down at her body. She had well defined tan lines. No one would ever accuse her of parading around outside naked.

"Ahh!" Jane sighed. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of the hot water pounded on her sore muscles. Her sensitive nipples harden due to the streams of water stimulating her breasts. She heard the other girls whispering and giggling. Then Emma called out,

"Wow! The new girl could use some serious grooming!"

Giselle piled on adding, "Jane, the 1970's called. It wants its full bush back."

Jane opened her eyes and looked at the naked girls in the shower. Most had shaved off all their pubic hair. A few sported a landing strip. Jane was the only one who had a full untrimmed triangle of hair covering her lower abdomen and vulva. She ran her fingers through her thick pelt and said,

"Girls, this is what a woman looks like. I've never had a lover complain."

Jane had been taught not to lie. She figured this statement was in tune with her beliefs. She had never had a lover so it was truthful to say no one had ever complain. Jane turned her back to the mean girls and returned to her scrubbing the grim off her body.

Jo got in the last dig.

"Jane, this woman's body you are talking about, are you getting it on some kind of installment plan? I see you have the full lady garden and extra wide child bearing hips ... when do you get some tits?"

Again the crowd murmured, "Oohh!"

Jane turned and her eyes flashed daggers at Jo. Jo stood her ground nude and defiant. Girls like Jo who have long blonde hair, blue eyes and full C cup breasts, can intimidate other girls. Jane, like most teenage girls, wished her chest was bigger. Her hips were another sensitive area for Jane. Jane knew she had a broad beam and she wished her hips were smaller. An angry, upset Jane took a menacing step towards Jo.

"Hold it you two!" Announced Jazmin.

Jazmin was the only black girl on the team. The physically imposing woman stepped in between the combatants. Jazmin was built like an Amazon. She was 5' 10" tall and had large tits and a big bubble butt. Both features were so firm they jutted straight out from her body seemingly defying gravity. It only took one of Jazmin's hands to halt Jane's forward progress. Jazmin's stare was enough to cause Jo and her posse to leave the shower area.

"Thanks, but I can fight my own battles," Jane said curtly knocking Jazmin's hand off her chest.

"Calm down. I suspect you could easily give a few of those bitches a black eye, but it takes 11 players to field a team. I can't have you putting people on the injured/unavailable to play list."

As Jazmin spoke, Jane found her eyes were focused on the black girl's bountiful breasts. The sight of them caused Jane to have a flashback. Suddenly she was six years old. Jane and her mother were bathing together. Little Jane splashed about and then said,

"Mommy, why does Dad sometimes call you Dee Dee?"

"Ah ... Dear it's a nick name my family gave me."

"But your name is Elizabeth."

"Yes. My brother was not always nice. Sometimes he called me Dee Dee. He thought it was funny to tease me when I was young and had no boobs. DD is a bra size for women with big breasts. Well the joke is on him now because my chest grew into real double D's. Some people still use my childhood nickname, but now it is used it as a term of endearment. Not everyone knows how I acquired the nickname so let's keep that part of the story secret, okay?"

"Okay Mommy," little Jane responded.

Jane awoke from her daydream and found herself staring at Jazmin's big black breasts. Sheepishly she averted her eyes and said,

"My name's Jane. Pardon me for staring but you have breasts like my mom had . I was just remembering a special time we shared.

"The way you were studying my boobs, I thought you were going to hit on me. I'm Jazmin by the way. "

"Ah ... no. God no! Sorry. I'm straight ... I'm sorry. Jo's comment upset me. You know, there are times when a girl needs her mom. My mother has passed away. You reminded me of her. As I said, you have the same impressive rack she had. Sorry I spaced out for a bit."

Embarrassed, Jane blushed a deep red.

"You don't have to apologize to me. I can't imagine my life without my mom . If we're sharing info on our sexual orientation, I'm bi. And if we are trading compliments, you have great hair. It's the thickest hair - top and bottom - I've ever seen."

"Thanks," Jane laughed and then added, "Hair this thick is not always a blessing. It takes forever to wash and dry my hair. And ... "

Jane paused and looked around to make sure they were alone. Satisfied that they could have a private conversation she said in a smaller voice,

"My bush is not a statement of Girl Power. I'm not brave enough to try waxing and when I've tried to shave it, I end up with many painful ingrown hairs. The sight of all those pimples would make you think I had some horrible STD."

"Girl, you didn't have to share all that with me. That was real. I can tell you and I are going to be good friends," Jazmin said with a big smile.

While Jane was talking to Jazmin, Jo held a meeting with her posse in the locker room. Jo said,

"I don't like that new girl. Who does she think she is? I want you to freeze her out while I decide what to do about her. The championship is ours to win. We don't need some Janey-come-lately to barge in and take a piece of the prize we have been working on for years. I want you to mess with her ... mess with her game."

The cadre of sycophants surrounding Jo readily agreed.

Samantha said, "I hear she has a twin brother. Should we treat him the same?"

"Interesting." Jo paused and thought a moment. The she said,

"No. No ... Be nice to him. I think he's about to become my next boyfriend."

"Really?" Sam asked. "You haven't even seen him!"

Jo gave Sam a knowing look and said,

"Think of the trouble I could cause by getting between Jane and her brother."


Jimmy's experienced that day was the polar opposite of his sister. He was embraced by his teammates. Jim was trying out as a receiver and a safety. The teams' all district wide receiver had graduated and the guy that was the starting safety last year had gotten hurt over the summer. The team had a void at both positions. The other seniors welcomed him when Jimmy showed he had the ability to play both positions well.

When Jimmy made a bone crushing tackle, Coach Thomas shouted, "That a boy, Wilson. Team, that's how to deliver a blow."

On offense, Jimmy was equally impressive. He was fast. He got separation. He was quick in and out of his cuts and the ball appeared to adhere to his hands. He caught everything.

"Great catch Wilson," the coach shouted. "Jenkins, with a receiver like this, you could be All-State this year."

Coach Thomas laughed. He was giddy thinking that he finally had the right players to run the high power offense he'd been dreaming about.


After their practices the twins met up. Jimmy was smiling and cheery. Jane was quiet and pensive. Practice hadn't gone as well as she had hoped and she missed her mom.

"How'd practice go, Sis? Make any friends?" Jimmy asked.

Jane ignored his questions. She got in the car and slammed the door. The look on her face told Jimmy she did not want to talk. He said in an exaggerated manner,

"Okaayy ... "

As they walked into the house Jimmy said, "I'll sorry you had a bad day. Dad's out. I'll cook dinner tonight. Why don't you soak in the tub? That always makes you feel better."

Jane's mood brightened a little as she realized what a nice, caring person her brother was. She was lucky to have someone that kind and that caring in her life. Jane said,

"A bath would be nice. I didn't get around to washing my hair after practice. Let's eat first though. I'm starving.

Jimmy grilled some chicken while Jane made a nice salad. They ate on the patio. Jane finally opened up.

"Today was terrible. I had a horrible practice."

Jane told her brother about her mistakes and how she didn't fit in with the team. Jimmy listened. He offered a few words of encouragement. They did not appear to re-assure Jane. At the end of the meal Jimmy said,

"Go get in the tub. I'll do the dishes."

Jane sluggishly headed towards her room. Her melancholy had returned. She took off her clothes except for her panties, dropping the discarded clothes on the floor of her bedroom. She sat topless on the edge of the tub as she ran the water and poured in her favorite bath oil. Then she peeled off her panties and seconds later was submerged up to her chin in a sea of warm bubbles. She started to cry soon she was sobbing.

When Jimmy entered his room he heard his sister bawling. He knocked on the door leading to the Jack and Jill bathroom that separated their bedrooms. He asked with concern,

"Are you all right?"

He didn't like her response: more weeping. He cracked open the door and said,

"Jane I'm coming in."

Jimmy slowly entered the room giving her time to cover up. Jane had tears streaming down her face. Her body was hidden under a thick blanket of snowy white bubbles. The bathroom smelled of sweet wild flowers. Jimmy closed the lid on the toilet and sat down. He asked,

"What's really the matter? We both know you're a very good soccer player and it will take a little time for you and the other players to gel."

"How well did you mesh with the football team?" Jane asked in an accusatory manner.

Jimmy ignored her question and said,

"Come on open up. This isn't about practice."

Jane wiped away her tears and answered,

"The other girls were mean to me. They make me look bad in practice. Later when we were in the shower, they made fun of my boobs. I would have gotten into a fight if Jazmin hadn't stepped in. She helped me, but she is also partially responsible for sending me into this gloomy funk. She reminded me of Mom. She and Mom have ... had ... they both deserve to be called "Dee Dee" because of their great boobs."

Jimmy felt his face warm and blushed red at the mention of his mother's nickname. No boy was comfortable talking about his mom's bosom. But now atleast he understood why his sister was glum. The loss of their mother was a terrible blow to everyone in the family. Jane took it the hardest.

"I miss Mom too," Jimmy said.

The kids were quiet for some time lost in their thoughts. Then Jane said,

"Remember when we were little how much fun we had when she'd throw us in the tub after dinner? After we started bathing separately, there were times when Mom would shampoo my hair. I loved that."

Jane paused remembering many special moments she had spent with her mother. Her mom always made Jane feel loved.

"Jimmy, would you shampoo my hair like Mom used too?"

"Sure, sis."

Jane dunked her head under the water and sat up a little taller. Jimmy could now see the tanned tops of his sister's breasts. He moved to the end of the tub and lathered the shampoo into her shoulder length black hair.

"Ahhh," Jane sighed as Jimmy worked the shampoo into her thick hair. It felt so good. The warm water, a full stomach and a little pampering was exactly what Jane needed to get in a better frame of mind.

"Tell me about your day?" Jane asked realizing that in the midst of all her drama she had neglected to ask Jimmy about his practice.

As Jimmy washed her hair, he told her everything : about the coach, the practice, the scheme they ran, some of the guys on the team and how well he was fitting in. Jimmy then asked,

"Did you make any friends?"

"One. Her name is Jazmin. I mentioned her earlier. She's the black girl with the gigantic boobs. Am I correct remembering that every Thanksgivings you eat the dark meat and tell me how much better it tastes? Maybe I should introduce you," Jane said and then had a giggle fit.

Jimmy blushed. Jane saw the color rush to his face and laughed out loud. Then she announced,

"I'm in a better mood now."

Jane went on to tell Jimmy about her day. How most of the girls were standoffish, how the coach seemed okay and how her style of play didn't suit the offense that the team used.

Jimmy knew how mean girls could be to one another. He wanted to be sure that she was not obsessing over the negative comments some had made about her body. He said,

"You know you are really pretty. I'm sure other girls would kill to have your thick raven hair and your long legs that are perfect for short skirts. You can't let mean people get you down."

"Really?" Jane looked up to her brother lapping up his compliments. Then she said,

"I mean I know. I was tired and a little frustrated by my play. I let a couple of derogatory comments get under my skin. Normally I'd let them roll off my back."

Jimmy was pleased. It seemed Jane had her perspective back. He asked,

"Ready for the rinse?"

Jane nodded. Jimmy got the remove-able shower head going at a comfortable temperature. Jane sat up straight and flipped her hair forward. Jimmy combed his fingers through her hair and he gently rinsed the shampoo out. Jane's boobs were now completely out of the water. Her dark nipples puckered into hard blunt tips.

Jimmy noticed. Jane knew her brother could see her breasts. Her stomach was doing somersaults, but she soldiered on. After today's discouraging remarks about her un-womanly breasts she was looking for some re-assurance.

Seeing his sister's nipples made Jimmy nervous. Hesitantly, he said,

"Ahhh ... Jane. I can see your... breasts. "

"I know. Are they ... okay?"

What Jane really wanted to asked was "Are my breasts pretty? Are they sexy? Will boys like them?"

Nervously Jimmy responded, "I don't know. I mean yes... I mean I've never seen a real live boob before. I really like how hard your nipples are."

"I've never shown them to a boy before. My heart is racing, but I need to know are they ok? Not too small?"

Jimmy stared at her breasts. His penis grew hard. He worried that his sister would notice and get angry. Jimmy answered her honestly,

"They're good. Very pretty. They are the right size. You know you can't compare yourself to photos on the internet. Most of those women have implants."

Jane looked down at her chest. She cupped one breast. She was pleased with Jimmy's comments


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