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Twins: Sports, Sex & Trouble Ch. 04

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They play the naked version of Spin the Bottle.
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Joan and Evan left the party to go to their grandfather's place. Their grandfather, Abraham, owned 20 acres in the hills on the outskirts of town. The property held a collection of houses and other buildings. It was also a source of oil and natural gas. The money from these resources made their grandfather a wealthy man.

Abraham thought of himself as a prophet, a true man of God. His flock consisted of anyone he could convince to follow his personal view of Christianity. That was a short list. His congregation was made up of poor family member he had under his thumb and strays that could not live in normal society.

He called his place "The Colony". He touted it as a place for a new understanding of God. Jo and Evan called the isolated, barbed wire camp "The Compound" because he ran it with an iron hand. His word was law. After all, he was God's messenger. The poor, the weak and those without options submitted to his rule. People he could not dominate were run off or worse.

Joan and Evan's widowed mothers were part of Abraham's congregation. The cousins were too by default.

As Jo was driving to "The Compound". She pulled off the road in a secluded spot. She and Evan got out.

Evan said, "It was a good idea to bring a change of clothes." Evan took off his swimming clothes.

"Yeah. I had a feeling we might be pressed for time."

Without the slightest hesitation, Jo stripped naked in front of her cousin. She stepped away from Evan, squatted and peed.

"Ahh ."

Evan laughed and said, "Look at you go like the proverbial race horse."

"Get me a tissue. There 's a box in the trunk."

Evan helped his cousin out. Jo used the Kleenex to wipe her pussy and tossed it aside. Then Jo put on a plain white bra and no frill white panties. Over this she put on a plaid knee length skirt and a white high collared blouse buttoned to her chin. Evan was dressing equally respectable in a polo shirt, pleated khakis and brown loafers.

Evan said, "What do you think we are in for, Brother Love or Reverend Brimstone?"

"Who knows," Jo responded.


Amicable cries of "Hey", "Hi", and "Hello Jane" cascaded down on Jane when she stepped in the locker-room the next morning. It surprised her. All the players who had been ignoring her were now openly friendly.

Sam said, "Jane, those were two great parties this week-end, huh? "


Giselle said, "Are you and Evan making a go of it? He's so handsome."

"We've just started dating."

"It was nice to see Jo hanging out with your brother, " Emma said. "She and her boyfriend, Alan, decided to end it when he went off to college. Long distance relationships never last. I'm glad she has found someone so nice."

"Her last boyfriend was also a receiver on the football team. I guess Jo likes guys with good hands, " Jazmin said and giggled.

"Big dicks more likely," Sam said knowingly.

Giselle said, "Alan was nice and all, but I never could date him. His dad's my family doctor. Can you imagine getting undressed and examined by your boyfriend's father? Ewe!"

"Giselle darling," Sam said, "You are forgetting one big bonus that comes from dating a doctor's son."


"Pharmaceutical grade drugs," Sam answered.

Jo came in late. She said a quick hello, changed and then ran out to practice.

After Coach Troutman ran the girls through various drills, she said,

"Number 1 offense take the field against the number 1 defense. Wilson, play right forward today. Okay lots of hustle."

Troutman was worried. All of her forwards were right-footed. This was a problem because most through ball passes come from the center of the field. The outside strikers needed to catch the ball on their inside foot. If you were lucky enough to have a "lefty" on your team, you put her at right forward. This gave your team the ability to mount a strong attack from the right side of the field.

Left-footed players were rare so most high school coaches just accepted the fact that they will have trouble attacking from the right flank. Of course the opponents know this and they concentrate their defense in the center and the left side of the field.

Coach Troutman wondered, "The new kid, Jane, is good. Is her left foot good enough to give us a balanced attack? It's time to find out. I hope this works otherwise our attacks will be so predictable."

Jo fed Jane pass after pass and Jane put on a clinic. Jane was able to catch and control the ball effectively with her left foot. She also was capable of getting enough pace on her shots to score using her left foot. Jane drove the ball to the near post, the far post, high and low scoring seemingly at will.

Jo began mixing in passes to the left side to Sam. She also put the ball in the net. Joan then faked making a pass to the outside strikers and she took the shot. She too scored. The defense was totally confused. They were not used to seeing effective shots on goal from the left, right and center. They were helpless to stop the all-out assault.

"That's what I'm talking about! Great feed Lyon. Way to drive the ball with authority, Wilson. Good job. I think we are going to cause a lot of defenses problems this year. Okay hit the showers girls," Coach Troutman shouted dismissing the team.

Jane had never been happier. Practice could not have gone better. She met up with Jo in the locker- room.

"Jo, we made quite the duo today."

"Yes," Jo said flatly. She was hurrying to go home. Joan skipped the showers, turned her back to Jane and tried to dress quickly. Jane circled her. Jane was happy and excited and wanted to talk to Jo. When she finally got in front of Jo, Jane exclaimed,

"Jo . . .oh my! What happened to you? Where did you get those bruises? Is that a cigarette burn?"

Jo had a circular burn and bruises on thighs. Jo said,

"Ahh . . . I fell and I had an accident last night with a candle. Got to run. " Jo kissed Jane on the cheek and bolted out of locker room.

The week passed quickly with two practices a day for the twins. Jane and Jimmy were doing great. Their teams were shaping up. Evan was able to join the football team. He struggled because his injuries had prevented him from working out so he was not in football shape. The whole soccer team was nice to Jane. What a difference that made in Jane's life.

The only downside for Jane was she didn't have much time to be with Evan. They talked on the phone and saw each other after practice. They planned to go to a movie on Friday night. Saturday afternoon each team had a scrimmage. On Saturday night there was another big party scheduled.

Another thing that made the week better for the twins was that their father was home. They all enjoyed their time together as a family.

"Dad," Jane asked, "Do you think you will be around on Saturday? I have a game."

"Jane, you have a scrimmage and so do I," her brother corrected. "Why would he go see yours and not mine?"

"Because he loves me more," Jane teased. She threw a sofa pillow at Jimmy.

"I will go to both games. Hey, how about a cook-out on Friday night? Why don't you two invite a friend over, maybe the ones you talk to on the phone every night?"


"Evan and Jo, this is my father, Colonel Wilson. Dad this is Evan and Joan Lyons," Jimmy said handling the introductions

Jo said, Hi." She batted her eyes and flipped her long blonde hair.

Evan said. "Nice to meet you Colonel. Thank you for your service."

Colonel Wilson shook hands with Evan. The teenager had a limp handshake and he didn't look Jane's dad in the eye. The Colonel gave Evan poor marks for his deportment. The Colonel said,

"Thank you, Evan. Tonight I'm just Jimmy and Jane's Dad. Are you two brother and sister?"

"Cousins," Evan replied.

"Why don't you kids have a seat. The grill's ready. Jane, can you bring out the hamburgers and hot dogs?"

"Sure, Dad."

"I'll give you a hand," Joan said.

The girls quickly returned with the food. Joan led the way. She bent at the waist as she placed the hot dogs on Col. Wilson's prep table. Her cowl neck top fell away exposing a wide expanse of breasts. Jo paused holding the position so Jimmy's dad did not miss the show.

"Col. Wilson is this is okay?" she said innocently.

The Colonel turned to her. The sexually precocious teenager shook her shoulders causing her breasts to jiggle provocatively. It was impossible for him to miss the display of her abundant charms. It was so inappropriate.

The Colonel quickly re-directed his eyes off her tanned bosom. In his mind he said, "For God's sake, she is supposed to be my son's girlfriend."

The colonel looked Joan in the eyes. He barked out an order.

"Joan, stand up straight."

Jo responded to his authoritarian tone. She straightened up and ended the display. Joan was surprised. Her experience had been males of any age enjoyed looking at her tits. She often showed them to men to curry favor or just to be liked.

In a regular voice the Colonel said, "Yes, Joan, you can place the food on the prep table. You too Jane. Thanks."

Mr. Wilson asked, "Joan, tell me about your father."

"He died when I was very young."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that."

The Colonel was not surprised to learn that Joan had grown up without a father. That would explain her inappropriate behavior. The Colonel had a good grasp of basic psychology. As an officer, it was important that he knew what made people tick and how best to motivate them.

"Promiscuity and boundary issues are more often seen in girls who grow up without a father," the Colonel said to himself adding "Jimmy and I are going to have a conversation about this poor girl."

"Evan, what about your family?" Mr. Wilson asked.

"It's just my mom and me. My dad was killed in an industrial accident."

"I see. Son that's terrible."

Again, Mr. Wilson found an explanation for the boy's behavior. Mr. Wilson felt the need to address them all,

"Kids, no one gets through life unscathed. Everyone encounters bad luck, bad people and bad events. Some get more than others. All of you have lost a parent. It's tough for kids to grow up without both parents, but you can still be the good adults your parents wanted you to be. Sometimes it helps to know what the pitfall are."

"Children who grow up without a father often don't learn proper standards. Joan, one trap for girls can occur when they discover that males enjoy a flash of leg or a peek of your breasts. A young girl or one without high standards can be exploited to expose her body just to hear some shallow praise or receive some undesirable attention."

"What I am saying is, do things because they are the right thing or because you want too. Do it for love. Don't do something just because others want you to. I want you to be in charge of your life. Have high standards. Anyone that makes you feel like you have to apologize for them is probably trying to take advantage of you."

The Colonel planned to expound more on values and parents. However, Mr. Wilson was interrupted by a phone call.

"Wilson here."

The Colonel had a brief phone conversation and then announced. "Kids, something has come up. I'm sorry I have to go immediately. I may be gone for a few days. If you need anything contact my aid."

The Colonel grabbed his "go bag" and left quickly. Jimmy took over at the grill. Evan went to his car and got an ice chest full of beer.

Jane said, "Evan! My dad will kill us if he catches us drinking beer."

"You heard him, he said he'd be gone for a couple of days."

Jane fretted, "Yes, but can you hide them until we finish dinner in case he forgot something and comes back home?"

Evan put the beer back in the car. The four teen-agers ate dinner on the patio. Over dinner the kids discussed their day at the river. Jimmy kept remembering seeing Joan topless yesterday. He so enjoyed looking at her big, tanned breasts.

"Jo you have a great tan. Is it a full body tan?" Jimmy asked playfully.

"Why yes."

Jane asked shyly, "Um . . . Evan how is it you also have a full tan?"

Evan said playfully, "Would you be surprised if we told you we were nudist?"

"You're kidding," Jimmy replied. He had never known a nudist.

Jo laughed and said, "No, Evan was kidding, but it's not far off."

Evan said, "Grandpa is very religious. He is also the pastor of our church. A couple of years ago he gave a sermon about how Jesus is the Son of God and what a great gift to all people that was. Then he told everyone that the sun was also a wonderful gift from God. He said we cannot reject either gift. So on Sundays when is warm enough and the sun is shining, we have our church service outside naked. As our grandfather says, "We need to accept God's glorious gifts: the Son and the sun."

The twins sat there with their mouths open. They were surprised by the tale. That wasn't how things were done at their church.

Joan hadn't forgotten Jimmy's question. She decided to answer it with a demonstration. She got up, unbuttoned her shorts and bared a tanned ass-cheek. She said,

"Grandpa has some different ideas. This one is the reason Evan and I have an all-over tan."

Jimmy thought how great it would be to see Jo nude. He blurted out, "I think I want to go to your church."

Jane teased him, "Why? Do you want to see my mother and aunts naked?"

Jimmy's excitement turned to embarrassment. He shook his head "No".

Jane took a moment to consider what she had just heard. "That is kind of weird," she thought "But harmless".

Jane said, "That is different, but I guess no more strange than circumcision or some of the Hindu gods."

The kids moved on to other topics.

When Col. Wilson did not return, Evan brought the beer back out. They all enjoyed a cold one.

Evan said, "Ready for a game of beer pong?"

"Sure," Jimmy said. "What are the teams?"

"How about the Lyons cousins versus the Wilson twins?" Joan suggested.

Jane asked, "Any special rules?"

Jo wanted to make sure Jane got tipsy tonight. She said, "If one of the boys makes the shot, the other guy drinks. If a girl makes the shot, the other girl has to down the beer. Okay?"

"Bring it on," Jimmy said.

Evan and Jimmy set up the game. They grabbed two small patio tables and set them eight feet apart. Jimmy won the 'rock, paper, scissors' game and earned the right to go first. Jimmy's pitch sailed long. Jane's ball found a cup. Jo drank the beer. Jane's next toss missed.

Evan and Joan throws were successful. Jimmy and Jane chugged a cup and gave the balls back to the cousins for another turn. Jo sunk her shot. Evan's hit a rim and bounced away. Jane drank another cup of beer.

The teams talked smack. The game continued. Each had their moments of triumph and failure. It was a fun and spirited game. Jimmy had a chance to win the game, but his toss was woefully short.

Jo said, "Nice shot Alice. Let the pros show you how to come through under pressure."

Evan and Jo both made a perfect toss. Now each team had one beer left. The twins returned the balls to the cousins.

Jo asked, "May I have the honor?"

"Go for it cousin."

Joan lofted a high toss. It plunked down in the center of the beer causing a slight splash. The twins groaned. Evan cheered.

"Beautiful toss, Jo". Evan kissed Jo on the lips. They shared a swipe of the tongue.

"Drink up, bitch!" Jo shouted good naturedly to Jane.

Jane drained another beer. She staggered a bit.

"Congraaad . . . Congratulations." Jane slurred her response.

Jane took the empty cup and placed it upside down on her brother's head.

"Thanks for nothing bro."

Jimmy shrugged his shoulders and smiled weakly.

"Sorry sis."

Everyone returned to the chairs around the circular patio table. Evan took the last pull on his bottle. The beer bottle fell over when he went to place it on the table.

Jimmy said, "Ready for another?"

Jimmy reached for the empty bottle.

Evan said, "Yea".

Jo reached for Jimmy's hand and said, "Leave it. I've got an idea. Let's play "Spin the Bottle". Jimmy get us all another round of beers."

The group was agreeable to Joan's idea. The boys hoped to get some action. Jane was a little intoxicated. The prospect of playing a kissing game with Evan appealed to her.

Jo said,

"This is the adult version of the game. If the bottle points at you, you must do one of four things, but you can only choose each punishment once. You can strip naked or kiss the spinner. "

Joan paused and look from person to person to be sure they understood the rules. Everyone nodded. Joan continued,

"Option three is you perform a sexual act with the person who spun the bottle that pointed at you. Or number four, you can say "Truth" and the spinner gets to ask a question. Sound like fun?"

Evan and Jimmy responded immediately.



Jane had some concerns and she hesitated. However, the beers Joan had gotten Jane to drink did what Jo had hoped. The alcohol lowered Jane's inhibitions.

When the others looked to her the beer made it easier for Jane to agree. She said,

"Sure. Ahh . . . Who goes first?"

Joan grabbed the bottle and spun it. She said,

"Whoever it points at gets to go first."

The bottle pointed at Evan. He smiled and spun it. The bottle pointed at Jimmy.

"Ah oh," Jimmy said no longer smiling.

Joan grinned at his embarrassment.

"Jimmy you don't have to have kiss or have sex with Evan. You have two outs: strip or do truth."

Jimmy was relieved. He said, "Truth."

Evan asked him,

"Not counting when you were kids, have you seen Jane naked?"

"Ahh . . ."

"Tell the truth," Joan taunted.

"Yes," Jimmy croaked.


"Do I have to give details?"

"Yes," Joan answered.

Jimmy was uncomfortable, embarrassed. He glanced over at his sister. She was too.

"Ahh . . . well . . ." Jimmy began.

Jane rescued him. "Jimmy and I share a bathroom. Recently he saw me bathing and getting out of the tub."

Jane's heart beat faster remembering that day. She felt flushed and her face reddened.

Evan smiled at the story and their embarrassment. He slid the bottle to his right and Joan gave it a spin. The bottle pointed at herself. Instead of re-spinning, Joan accepted the verdict. Joan stood and began to dance. She did a sexy striptease until she was completely naked. Her tight body was indeed tan all-over. She had hard erect nipples and a shaved crotch.

The boys cheered her. Jane wished that she had the confidence Joan showed.

"Of course, having those boobs and beautiful long blonde hair probably helps," Jane thought.

Jimmy spun next. The bottle pointed to Jane. Jane was suddenly nervous. She had a deer in the headlights look on her face. What was she supposed to do. Kiss or have sex with her brother? Strip? Certainly not after the erotic performance Joan had just given. Jane was sure her effort would come across as clumsy, not sexy and she cringed at the thought of her body being compared to Jo's.

Joan reached across the table and held her hand.

"Any choice you make is okay. If you have to French kiss my boyfriend or suck his cock, I will understand." Joan snickered.

Evan laughed. Jimmy's mind went blank "What?" he thought. Jane made her decision. She chose the safest route.

"I choose truth."

Jimmy was now on the spot. He knew the others expected a sexy or embarrassing question. He could not do that to his sister. He asked,

"Is Evan the best boyfriend you've had?"


Evan smiled. Joan cooed,

"Awe, that's sweet . . .both of you." She flashed Jimmy an understanding smile.

Jane took her turn. The bottle pointed at Evan.

"What do you want me to do?" Evan asked Jane.

Shyly she responded. "It's your choice."

Evan stood and started to remove his shirt. Everyone thought he was going to strip. Evan paused and walked over to Jane. He cradled her face in his hands and gave her a long, sensual kiss. Jane was seeing stars when he was finished.


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