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Twins: Sports, Sex & Trouble Ch. 08

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Jane's dreamy boyfriend becomes Trouble with a capital T.
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Notice to squeamish readers - Violence alert. If that is not your cup of tea, skip ahead to chapter 9.


The "Lyon Love-in" was over by noon. Joan crashed soon after. She was exhausted from servicing all her partners. Evan decided to visit his girlfriend. His time with Eve had whetted his appetite. He hungered for more.

Evan rang the doorbell. Jane opened the door. She was still braless in her tight pink top. She had pulled baggy sweatpants on over her comfortable high-cut briefs.

"This is a nice surprise. Come in," Jane said with a smile. She added,

"Excuse the outfit, I wasn't expecting company today."

"You're beautiful," Evan said as he gave her a kiss. He added,

"You look great in or out of clothes."

Jane blushed at his compliments. "What a wonderful boyfriend I have" Jane thought. She hugged him and kissed him again. Her nipples pebbled under her shirt.

"I thought I heard the bell ring. Hello Evan," Jimmy said.

"Hi. Our family meeting ended early. I hoped I could spend some time with my girl. I know this lovely spot along the river. Jane, I want to take you to my special place."

"That sounds great. Give me a minute to change." Jane ran to her room.

Jimmy asked, "Does that mean Joan is free?"

"Yes, but I would give her some time. She was more involved in the ceremony than I was. She said she was going to take a nap and call you later."

Jimmy nodded.


Evan drove Jane out to his special place. It was a secluded spot in the wood near the river.

Evan said, "It's a bit of a hike, but I have found it to be worth the effort."

Jane smiled. She was glad to be spending time with her beau. As long as they didn't go too far or too fast, she didn't expect she would have a problem. They chatted like love struck teen-agers as they walked.


Joan awoke feeling better after her nap. A gangbang takes a toll on you. She grabbed her cell phone. She was thinking of calling Jimmy, but first Jo pulled up her photos. She scrolled through the naked pictures she had taken of Jane. She paused on the one showing Evan's dick in Jane's pussy.

Instead of hitting the 'send' button that would have shared the photograph with the whole senor class, Jo hit 'delete'. The picture vanished. Joan said,

"There goes my plan to destroy her life."

She chided herself, "Jo, you are getting soft."

Jo no longer had the anger and venom in her heart to ruin the twins. She actually liked them.

"Well, now that Jane is the right striker, she's no threat to me," Joan said pretending she was making a logical decision, not one based on actually having feelings for someone.

"When did I last care about someone? I guess my dad. That was a long time ago."

After Joan lost her Dad, she was angry at the world. She grew up watching her grandfather taking advantage of people. She just accepted that that was the way things were. Her motto became "Use them before they use you". It was a lonely life, but no one in her family was happy. Joan grew up thinking happiness was another fairy tale told to little kids.

When she first met them, Jo thought the way Jane and Jimmy behaved was stupid. Now she didn't think so.

"I bet no one in Jane's family would make her have degrading sex with seven men."

Joan burst into tears. She grabbed her phone. She called the one person in the world that cared about her, Jimmy.

"Hello Joan. How are you feeling? Evan told me the ceremony this morning wore you out," Jimmy said.

"What?" Jo was suddenly nervous. "Does he know about the gangbang sex?" she worried.

"What . . . what did Evan tell you about the ceremony?"

"Just that you needed a nap afterwards."

"Oh. Yea. I feel better now. Ah . . . When did you see Evan?"

"He stopped by this afternoon. He picked up Jane and said he was taking her to his special place on the river. Pretty romantic move, huh?"

The words 'special place' hung in Jo's mind. Her mind started racing. She thought, "Evan only had one special place that she knew of. That's where he hurt and probably killed Stephanie."

"Joan, are you still there?"

"Yeah, sorry . . . I need to talk to you. Can we meet?"

"Sure," Jimmy said. He thought, "Funny, I was going to say the same thing to her".

"How about Shakey's Pizza in half an hour?"

"Okay. See you soon."

Jimmy hung up and said,

"Well, it looks like I will get that chance to have 'the talk' with Joan."


Evan and Jane lay together in the shade overlooking the river. Jane was having a good time. They had made out. Jane relished Evan's kisses. Today he was a little more insistent, hungry for her. She was okay with that. He didn't get too rough. Jane let him take her shirt and bra off. She was rewarded with more pleasure.

They took a break. Evan insisted she stayed topless.

"Keep your top off."

It was more of a demand than a request.

"Evan!" Jane said. "What if someone comes along? They will see me!"

Jane crossed both arms over her chest. Jane felt naughty. She was being playful. She was planning to let him have his wish. She wanted him to beg her to keep her clothes off. She wanted to hear him tell her she was sexy and beautiful. Instead Evan said,

"No one ever comes here."

He said it in such a stone cold manner that it startled Jane. She looked up at him. He laughed in a disturbing, some would say a maniacal manner.

"Ha ha hah!"

Jane thought it was a joke. He sounded like a villain in a bad horror movie. She looked at him oddly. Even when he pounced on her and pinned her to the ground, she thought he was playing with her. He dropped his head to her chest and his mouth enveloped one of her boobs. As his tongue licked her nipple he attempted to swallow her tit. Jane giggled. She said,

"Stop. That tickles."

Then she cried out in terror and in pain,

"Aaahhh. Stop!"

Evan had her breast in his mouth and he bite down forcefully. He squished her boob and drew blood. When he pulled away from the screaming girl, he left teeth marks on her tit. Blood dripped from his lips. He laughed in his evil way again,

"Ha ha hah."

He stared at Jane with dead eyes.


Jimmy pulled into the pizza parlor's parking lot. He got out of the car and headed to the shop. Joan called out to him.

"Jimmy, over here."

Jimmy saw Jo waving at him and walked her way. Joan was wearing jeans and a knit polo shirt. From the limited movement of her breasts Jimmy deduced she was wearing a bra for a change.

"Please get in. I want to talk to you in private," Jo said.

They got in her car.

"Wait. I need to talk to you." Jimmy blurted out. He was afraid if he didn't have his say right away he would lose his nerve. Joan's next words sent a chill down his spine.

"I think Jane is in danger."


"Please call her cell phone. I have not been able to reach her. Can you?"

Jimmy was confused, but he took out his phone and called his sister. She didn't answer. Jimmy said,

"That doesn't prove anything. She and Evan might be . . . busy."

An image of Evan screwing his sister flashed into his mind.

"Evan and I are not who you think we are. We are not good people. I don't have time to go into all the details now. "

Joan started her car and drove off.

"Time may be of the essence so let me tell you the story on the way. The short version is I am mean and vindictive. I was jealous of how good a soccer player Jane was. I wanted to get her to quit the team. I used you to achieve my goal."

Joan glanced at him. Jimmy's face expressed the shock he was feeling. It transitioned to one showing hurt.

"Jimmy, I know this is hard to accept. I say I am not a good person and then I ask you to believe everything I say. I am done with playing games and lying. I hope this confession will help you see that. "

"I organized all the girls on the team to be mean to Jane. When I learned she had a brother, I decided to try and date you. I thought it might allow me to cause her more trouble. I started dating you for all the wrong reasons. I've lied to you many times. I did not give you my virginity that ship sailed years ago."

"Look at these photos of you and Jane on my phone. I was going to blackmail Jane with them. Go ahead and delete them."

Jimmy was stunned. In one he was sucking his sister's boob and she was stroking his cock. In another he had his hand in her crotch. Jimmy stared at the photos. Jimmy deleted the photos, but not before he sent a copy to his phone.

Jo said, "What your dad said to me got me thinking about how I was living my life. I realized I was letting others, many who do not have my best interests in mind, set my values. I have been a terrible person. I am trying to turn that around."

"The reason I showed you the photos was to come clean. I hope if I admit my past transgressions, you will believe me now because Jane's life may be in danger."

Jo had 100% of Jimmy's attention now. She said,

"What I did to you and Jane was wrong. However, the worse thing I ever did was to ask Evan to help me in my scheme."


Jane was in pain. She scrambled to get away from Evan. He watched her naked backside as she scampered away. He smiled. He had to admit, she had a nice ass. Jane was a frightened girl desperately trying to escape. Evan let her think that she might get away and then he pounced on her. He tackled her and brought her to the ground hard.

"Ahhh," Jane exhaled quickly.

Evan had knocked the wind out of her. It took her a moment to gather enough oxygen so she could shout,

"Leave me alone!"

Evan turned her to face him and he shouted,

"Be quiet!"

Then he punched her on the chin knocking her unconscious.


Joan looked at Jimmy. She hoped she was getting through to him. She continued her declaration.

"Evan is a dangerous person. I have seen him hurt girls before. He may have kill Stephanie Glasgow. She's a girl that disappeared last year. The police never found her or her body. If Evan's with Jane, I am afraid she is in grave danger."

"If that's true then you should be calling the police, not driving aimlessly around with me," Jimmy said angrily.

"I have no proof to give the cops. I just have a bad feeling in my gut. You said Evan mentioned his 'special spot'. That's where we're going. It's where we took Stephanie. It's just a little bit further."


When Jane woke she discovered she was tied spread-eagle fashion between two stout trees. She was in a standing position with her ankles and wrist extended from her body. She was nude, defenseless and scared. She would have screamed, but her panties had been stuffed in her mouth.

Evan sat on a fallen tree in front of her playing with a large hunting knife.

"You know, not many people know how to sharpen a blade. I mean really sharpen a knife."

Evan rubbed the blade against his honing steel.

"The secret is to use one of these and to be sure you are going with the blade. A grinding wheel would ruin it."

Evan ran the blade lightly across his forearm drawing blood.

"See that, I put no pressure at all on the knife. It is so sharp it cut me. Can you imagine what I could do to you with his knife if I put some effort into it?"

Jane attempted to scream again. The sound went nowhere. She lost control of her bladder and peed herself. Evan chuckled enjoying the look of terror in her eyes. Evan walked up to her.

"It looks like you had a little accident. Oh dear, I don't have a tissue. Does this help?"

Evan stuck the knife between Jane's legs. He brought it up and rubbed the backside of the blade across her vagina. His action frightened Jane.

"You know one way to test how sharp a knife is? See if you can shave with it."

Evan pulled the instrument away from Jane. He started to shave the hair on his arm, but then stopped.

"Silly me, we have a much better test area than my arm. Let's see how it does on your wonderfully thick hair."

Evan grabbed a handful of her long black hair and hacked it off. Jane sobbed in terror. Evan grabbed a second handful of hair and sliced off another big chunk. Jane strained against her restrains. She feared for her life.

Then Evan knelt before her and pulled on her pubic hair. He cut some off dragging the blade across her skin. He repeated the process pulling and cutting. He gave her sex a rough shave.

Jane had found the process painful and extremely frightening. She was not able to keep still. He nicked her a few times and blood ran down her thighs. Evan liked that.

"Ugg,' Jane cried out as Evan shoved a finger inside her dry cunt.


"THERE!" Joan shouted. Up ahead they could see Evan's car parked beside the road. Jo pulled in next to it, got out of the car and started running.

"Follow me," she cried out.

Jimmy ran after her into the woods. There was no path. Jo moved forward recalling details from the last time she was here. She and Evan had dragged an unwilling Stephanie to his 'special spot'. Joan was giddy that time because she thought they would put a good scarce into Stephanie. They had talked about messing with her, stripping her and leaving her to make an embarrassing trip home naked and alone. Joan and Evan had worn Halloween masks to prevent her from identifying them.

Unbeknownst to Jo, Evan had darker plans. After they had molested and stripped Stephanie, Evan sent Jo on her way. He stayed behind under the pretense that he had left something behind. He returned to where they had loosely bound Stephanie. Jo suspected he killed her. All she knew is that no one ever saw Stephanie again.

As Jo got deeper in the woods she slowed down. She was having trouble finding her way. Jimmy followed in silence.


"Ha ha hah!"

Evan laughed as Jane pulled unsuccessfully against the ropes that held her. He walked up to her and suddenly punched her in the stomach. She folded in two and struggled to catch her breath. Tears streamed down her face. Jane was in pain.

"Sorry sweetheart. That's no way for me to treat the love of my life, the girl who gave me her virginity."

As he said 'virginity' he popped her in her sex. Jane hurt more and that blow caused her to see stars.

As she was bent over, Evan grabbed a chunk of hair from the back of her head and sliced it off. He tossed the thick black hair at her mocking her.

"Oops there goes more of your beautiful hair.

Evan stood her up straight. He pressed his knife against her shoulders, her breasts, her belly and her thighs. The cuts Evan inflicted were all superficial. Blood trickled down her body. Evan smiled at the sight. It excited him.

Evan dropped his pants and stepped in-between the strung up girl. He forced his hard dick inside her. Each thrust lifted her body and caused cries of pain. Evan grunted and again and again drove his prick into her pussy. He licked blood off Jane's breasts as her raped her.

Evan pulled away from Jane. He wasn't ready to come yet. There was so much still to do.

Evan walked about behind Jane. He slapped her bare ass.

"Nice ass."

He slapped her butt again. Jane tried to get away from him, but the ropes made that impossible. Evan leaned in and whispered in her ear,

"Jane, was I really your first?"

Jane was too frightened and hurt too much to respond to him.

"I think so. I saw blood on my cock. However, I think you are holding out on me. You still have a virginal hole don't you?"

Evan pushed her back forward with one hand and pulled her hips to him with the other. This made Jane bend over and made her butt more exposed. He took the blunt end of his knife and pressed it against her anus. Jane squirmed to get away. Evan's grip on her was tight and he did not allow her to escape.

Evan laughed,

"Ha ha hah!"

He pulled the knife away from her ass. He sloshed a finger in her pussy, retrieved some wetness and shoved that finger up her butt. Jane jumped as if she had been electrocuted. Evan worked his finger deeper into her ass. He then pulled on her sphincter muscle stretching her open.

Evan said, "Jane, you gave me your vaginal virginity. I am going to take your anal virginity."

He stepped up behind her, placed his dick against her anus and shoved hard. Her ass balked. It was too dry. Evan calmly sliced her ass cheek. He used her blood to lube her asshole and to wet his cock. He again shoved his prick into her butt. Her body yielded.

"Ha ha hah!"


Joan said, "I think we are getting close."

Jimmy looked around searching for his sister. His ears picked up a cartoon-like laugh and also a muffled cry. Jimmy ran off in the direction of the sounds. He broke through the underbrush and suddenly saw his sister strung-up between two trees. She was nude, bleeding and obviously in pain.

He saw Evan behind her. He was grunting and lunging into Jane.

"JANE!" Jimmy called out as he ran towards her.

Evan looked up. He was surprised to see Jimmy. He grabbed his knife and brought it up to Jane's neck.

"Stop right there, Jimmy or I'll kill her."

Jimmy skidded to a stop. He clenched his fists. He was angry and he felt impotent. How was he going to save his sister?

Evan and Jimmy heard a stick break. They turned towards the sound and saw Jo stroll into the opening.

"Hi Evan," Joan said calmly.

"I wondered how our hero found me. Why did you bring him up here?" Evan asked. He stopped humping Jane, but he kept his cock in her ass.

"So he could see you abuse his sister, "Jane pulled out a piece of cloth and continued, "And then plant evidence to blame her death on him."

Jane waved the cloth around showing it to both boys.

"Jimmy, you remember the first blow job I gave you? Of course you do. It was the first one you'd ever received. Remember how I took all your cum in my mouth? I swallowed most of it. The rest I spit out on this cloth so if I ever wanted to say, have the police find your DNA at a crime scene, I'd have a ready sample."

"You bitch," Jimmy cried out. He took a step towards her.

"Uh uh," Evan said. "Behave. You sister's life depends on it."

Jo turned to Evan and said, "Evan, I hope you have a condom on."

The look on his face told Joan that he did not.

"No worries. I planned ahead." Jo pulled a condom out of her pocket and said,

"First things first, let me tie up our patsy."

Jo grabbed some of the rope Evan had brought and she restrained Jimmy. With a flourish, she bound him tight.

"There you go. You now have a front row seat to watch Evan and I molest your sister."

Jane struggled again against her restraints. She had been so happy to see her brother and now things looked hopeless for both of them.

Jo said, "Evan, pull your cock out of her and let me put this condom on you. We can't have the police finding your goo in this girl."

Evan did as instructed. Jo knelt at his feet. She licked her lips and said,

"Do you mind if I have a taste?"

Evan nodded. Jo took his tool into her mouth. She sucked him in deep. She did a few of her BJ tricks. She then joined her hands together and swung up as hard as she could. Joan clobbered Evan in the balls. Evan screamed and stumbled backwards. He dropped the knife. His hands clutched his throbbing nutsack.

Joan scooped up the blade and ran over to cut Jimmy free. Evan staggered about in pain. He tripped over a fallen log. Everyone heard him scream bloody murder a second time as Joan freed Jimmy. The two of them ran over to Evan expecting a battle.

Evan lay on the ground tossing and turning in pain. Jo and Jimmy saw a large timber rattlesnake moving away. Evan's hand had fang marks. He had reached down to stop his fall and found the snake.

"Jimmy, use the knife and cut your sister down."

Jo grabbed a large stick and waved it menacingly at Evan.

"Stay down! That was a pretty big snake you fell on. I bet his bite hurts like a bitch."

Jimmy freed Jane and pulled the gag out of her mouth.


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