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Twins: Sports, Sex & Trouble Ch. 09

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Little Susie proves she is a sexual dynamo.
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Little Susie proves she is a sexual dynamo

All characters are over 18.


Jimmy drove his injured sister home. Joan stayed with her cousin. Evan was suffering mightily from the bite of the eight foot long rattlesnake. He was experiencing severe pain, swelling and nausea. He lay curled up in the fetal position. He was not going anywhere.

"Joan, help me," Evan pleaded.

"I am. I will help you find peace."

Joan canvased the area. She picked up the rope that had bound Jimmy and Jane. She put it in a pile along with Evan's backpack and the DNA cloth she had been waving around. Jo covered the items with dry sticks and leaves and set it on fire.

"I don't want to have to explain that stuff. We were just kids out on a hike. Right, Evan? How are you feeling?"

"Fuck you," he wheezed.


Jimmy helped Jane through the door. She was weak and light headed. She was exhausted from having been raped and tortured by Evan.

Jimmy asked, "Jane, what should we do first?"

Jane was embarrassed. She said softly, "A bath. I peed myself."

Jimmy took her to their bathroom and ran the water. Jane removed her clothes slowly. Jimmy glanced over at her. His sister seemed distracted, out of it. He put it down to the traumatic ordeal she had just been through. Actually Jane was deep in thought.

Jane gave voice to her thoughts.

"How did I not see it?"

Jimmy was confused. He said, "See what?"

"Evan. I loved him. I thought he was sweet and kind. I gladly gave him my love and my virginity."

Jane started crying. Jimmy did not answer her because he had no answer. He had not suspected that Evan was capable of such a viscous attack either. Jimmy did the only thing he could. He held her. Her bare boobs squished against his thin tee shirt. He could feel every inch of her supple, pliant breasts as they were crushed against his body.

Jane found comfort in his embrace. After a few minutes she said with a giggle, "I feel so safe in your arms, but God I need to pee."

Jane used the toilet. As she walked towards the tub, Jane looked at herself in the mirror. She was a wreck. Her hair was frightful. Evan had hacked great chunks of it off her head. She was dirty, sweaty and covered with dried blood. She also was tired and haggard from her ordeal and it showed on her face.

"My hair!" Jane cried out in a voice filled with sadness. "My beautiful hair has been destroyed!"

Jimmy hugged her again for a longer time. Jane cried on his shoulder. She was overwhelmed from the destruction of her beautiful hair, the painful injuries she had suffered and the whole scary ordeal. She was comforted by her brother's presence. She would have loved nothing more than to stay in her brother's arms forever.

Jimmy consoled her saying, "Jane, you're alive. I will take care of you."

He started to gentle stroke her hair. Jimmy stopped when he realized that it's ruination was one of the causes of her grief. He moved his hand lower. Jimmy rubbed her back. He cursed himself when his hand dropped further and caressed the top of her butt.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked himself. "Isn't it bad enough you have a throbbing hard-on while you're holding your poor injured sister? Do you have to grope her naked ass too?"

Jimmy stepped away. He was embarrassed by his actions. He held up her bath oil and asked,

"Should I add a bit of this?"

"No bubbles. I want you to be able to see all the places where I am hurt and to clean them good."

Jane got into the tub. Jimmy found her nakedness erotic. His eyes bounced from her delightful breasts to her roughly shaved sex. It made his dick doubly hard. Seeing her weakened state brought out a strong sense of protectiveness in Jimmy. The bruises and cuts he saw made him angry and sad at the same time.

"Jimmy, can you hand me my phone?"

Jimmy gave her the phone. Jane made a call.

"Hello," Susie said into her phone.

"Hi Susie. It's Jane Wilson. Are you busy?"

"Yes," she joked." I'm trying to come up with a date for the Science Club banquet. It's a herculean task. I'm studying a long list of potential candidates . . . "

Jane interrupted Susie. "If you come over to my house right now and help me, my brother will be your date."

Jimmy looked up mouthing "What?"

Jane had been thinking that maybe she and Jimmy were becoming too close. If Jimmy had a girlfriend, she thought she would be better able to resist the urge that told her that she and her brother were destined to be together. Jane knew that Susie was not the most compelling candidate, but she was available and a real nice girl.

"Really?" Susie asked surprised. She became suspicious and asked, "What do you need from me?"

"I'm a little battered. I need your medical skills, your discretion and your friendship."

Jane's answer re-assured Suzie. Suzie said, "Give me the address and I'm on the way."

Jane gave Susie the necessary information. When she hung up, she found her brother staring at her.

"What have you gotten me into?" jimmy asked.

"Susie's a nice girl. I know she's not the prettiest, but it would mean the world to her and it would be good for you too. You need to get out there. You know, start seeing other girls. Don't let what Joan did sour you on dating."

"Yeah, but . . . "

"Do it for me. I need her help. She's doing a big favor for me. Please return the favor and escort her to her banquet. And . . . give her a nice kiss goodnight. Even if you never go out with her again, it will mean a lot to her."


Evan's condition continued to deteriorate. The swelling and nausea increased as the toxin worked its way through his body. He was sweating profusely. He vomited.

Joan stomped out the fire. She scattered the ashes.

"Gosh," she teased him. "It looks like you're getting worse. Anything you want to confess before you meet your maker?"

Evan stared at her. Drool spilled out of his mouth.

"Did you kill Stephanie?" Jo asked.


"I'm exhausted," Jane said.

She closed her eyes and lay in bathtub. Jimmy didn't want to fight with or unnecessarily fatigue his sister so he didn't raise any objections to going out with Susie. It was only a couple hours after all.

Jimmy grabbed the soap and a wash cloth. He gently washed his sister's battered body. He started with one hand and went up and down her body.

"Oh," Jane moaned more than once as he touched her injuries. She closed her eyes and endured the painful, but necessary cleansing of her wounds.

He cried silent tears as he bathed her. Tears weren't his only response. His dick pulsed when he touched her breasts and her shaved sex. Once he had finished washing her body, Jimmy shampooed her butchered hair.

The doorbell rang. Jane said,

"If that's Suzie bring her in here. Don't say anything about Joan or Evan. This was done by an unknown attacker, got it?"

"Yes sis."

Jimmy brought Suzie into the bathroom.

"Oh My god! What happened to you?"

Jane answered slowly,

"I was attacked. I don't know who did it. The guy beat me, cut me and raped me."

"You shouldn't have taken a bath," Susie said. "You have compromised the evidence . . . "

Jane interrupted her. "I'm not involving the police. I just want to forget the whole thing. I don't have anything to tell the police. I never saw his face. He wore a mask. He used a condom and he also wore gloves."

Jimmy said, "Susie, Jane has made up her mind. We are thankful she is alive. We don't think she was seriously hurt, bit will you check her out?"

Susie thought it over. She knew many rape victims never reported their attacks. Susie said,

"Okay. I respect your decision. I'll help you, but you have to promise to go to the hospital if I tell you to or if you get worse. "

Jane nodded and said, "Thanks, Susie."


Evan's breathing had slowed. It sounded labored now. He knew his death was not far off.

"Jo, I'll be dead soon . . . I can feel it like a shadow coming over me. . . I'm not sorry to be leaving this fucked up world . . . Mostly all I experienced was pain and pain is what I dished out. . . I killed Stephanie and if you hadn't showed up, I would have killed Jane. . . I can't undo what I've done and I won't ask for forgiveness."

Evan breathed one last heavy breathe and died. Joan cried,

"I told myself I wouldn't shed any tears for you, but . . ."

After giving herself a minute to cry over her dead cousin, Joan kicked Evan's body with her foot. Convinced that he had expired, she left the woods.

The police accepted her story. The official report listed 'accident' as the cause of Evan's death.


Jane got out of tub. Jimmy and Susie dried her off gently. Susie couldn't help but notice the healthy bulge in Jimmy's pants.

Susie asked Jane many questions and examined her body.

"All things considered, you don't appear to be badly hurt. With rest and some over-the-counter medicines your cuts and scrapes will heal. The bruises too will go away with time."

Suzie and Jimmy tended to the cuts. They worked side-by-side. Susie couldn't stop herself from brushing up against Jimmy's erection. Refocusing on the task at hand, Susie said,

"I know you said he didn't cum in you, but you should take the morning after pill just to be safe. And you have to go to the free clinic and get tested for STD's and HIV. You can do that anonymously. "

"Sure. That's a good idea," Jane said.

Susie could see Jane's anus and vagina were inflamed and injured.

"Jimmy," Susie said, "Why don't you run to the drugstore. Get more Band-Aids and the morning after pill. "

While Jimmy was out of the house, Susie did an internal exam on Jane. Jane was hurt, but not in a life threatening way.

"Jane, you are damaged, but it does not look severe. If you see blood or develop a fever, you have to go to the hospital. Understand?"

Susie stripped off her gloves and put her instruments away. She looked at the poor battered girl and said softly,

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No. Thanks for asking, but I don't want to think about, talk about it or let it interfere with my life in any way. It was one bad experience. I am putting it behind me."

Susie said with a kind smile, "Kind of like me when I lost my virginity."

"I'm grateful that you understand."

Susie helped Jane slip on a tee shirt and a pair of panties. Susie tucked her into bed.

"Is your brother still seeing Joan Lyons?"

"No. It did not work out for them."

Susie left Jane sleeping in her room. Jimmy returned and found Susie in the kitchen opening cabinets.

"I was looking for a glass."

Jimmy set his package down. He got out two glassed and poured them both a soda. They sat at the kitchen table. Susie said,

"Ah . . . You don't have to go to the banquet with me. I had no right . . ."

Jimmy smiled at the short, thin girl and said, "No, a deal is a deal. I am grateful for the help you have given my sister. When is it?'

"Tomorrow night at 7:00."

"It's a date. Give me your address and I pick you up at 6:30."

Susie scribbled her address and gave it to him. She looked at him with tears welling in her eyes and said,

"This will be my first date ever."

Jimmy sat quietly. He did not know how to respond.

Susie got up and hurried out of the house. She wanted to leave before she started crying. However, a thought occurred to her as she opened the door. She returned to the kitchen and said,

"You and I can help Jane heal, but she needs more. Her hair was her signature feature. I'm sure she is devastated by the shape it is in. How about if I come over tomorrow after soccer practice? I have some skill cutting hair. I could give her a hair style that will make her feel better.

"That's great. That would mean a lot to her," Jimmy said.

Jimmy was impressed. Susie was a nice caring girl. His hug crushed the petite girl. After Susie left, Jimmy checked in on Jane. She was sleeping. He watched some TV and went to bed.


At 2:00 in the morning, Jimmy woke to screams coming from his sister's room. He ran to her side.

"It's okay. You're safe. It was only a bad dream," he said consoling her.

Jane woke and clutched her brother.

"Stay with me," she begged.

Jimmy crawled into bed with his sister. She snuggled up against his body and drew his arm over her. Instantly she felt calmer, she felt safe. She returned to a more peaceful sleep. Her slumber was not disturbed by her brother's erection pressing up against her ass or when his hand slipped down and held her breast.

Jane woke around 6:00 am. She had found solace sleeping with her brother, but she desperately need to go to the bathroom. She left the warm bed and took care of her business. When she returned to bed, she lifted the sheet and looked at her sleeping brother. His dick tented his boxers. She pulled on his underwear causing his erection to poke through the opening.

She smiled looking at his firm cock. She studied its large crown and the big vein running the length of the iron rod.

"What a funny piece of equipment, "she mused. "One minute it's big and hard and the next it can be a soft tube of flesh two inches long. You are silly, but kind of cute."

Jane leaned in and gave her brother's dick a kiss. She glanced up at his face. Jimmy was still sleeping. Jane had a wicked thought. She bent down and took his penis in her mouth. She dared not do more. She was scared that Jimmy might awaken and catch her. Jane slipped under the covers and went back to sleep.

Jimmy awoke around eight. He untangled himself from his sister. He called the school and notified them that he and his sister had the flu and would not be attending today. They had a quiet day. Jane rested. She was uneasy when she was alone so Jimmy sat with and attended to her needs.

As Jane rested, she had disturbing flashbacks about the terrible things Evan had done to her. The memories troubled her, but not as much as the fact that Jane had fallen head over heels for the guy. She kept asking herself, "How could I have gotten it so wrong?"

Jane played back in her mind the time she had spent with Evan. He had been kind and attentive. He sang to her! His kisses were intoxicating. He made sweet love to her. Jane dozed off troubled by her inability to see the darker side of Evan.


While Jimmy made their lunch, he filled Jane in on everything Joan had told him the other day including her blackmail plan. Jane didn't say much she just let it all sink in.

At noon they turned the television on and saw a story about Evan.

"A local high school student on a hike in the woods has died from a rattlesnake bite. Unfortunately, he did not receive treatment soon enough."

Jimmy and Jane looked at one another. Jane said,

"The bastard got what he deserved."


Joan stopped by in the afternoon. The three sat outside on the patio. They made small talk. The conversation died out and everyone was quiet. They were remembering aspects of the previous day. After a long pause jimmy said,

"Thank you Jo for rescuing Jane and for taking care of Evan. I'm glad Evan is dead."

"It was for the best, " Joan said.

"Yes. Thank you for saving me, Joan. So you didn't get in trouble with the police?"

"No. It was clear Evan had died from a snake bite. I played the 'helpless hysterical girl' card. They believed me when I said I got lost in the woods and was delayed in getting help."

Jane asked quietly, "How did his mom take the news?"

"As well as could be expected. She cried, but she knew her boy. He wasn't the type destined to die of old age, if you know what I mean."

There was another long pause. Joan broke it this time.

"Jane, Jimmy, you really shouldn't be thanking me. We all know I am the cause of all this. I should apologize to you for all the mean and under-handed things I've done. I started it all and I'm responsible for Evan attacking you. I am sorry."

Joan got up to leave. Her body was shaking. She was distraught for having caused this nightmare. Jane saw how genuinely upset Joan was.

"Wait," Jane said. "You were a bitch to me and you deceived jimmy, but Evan is responsible for his actions. You came through in the clutch when it really matter. I think there is hope for you yet."

Jane held out a hand to Joan. Jo grasped it gratefully.

Jimmy said, "We may not be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore, but you saved my sister's life and that means a lot. I will never forget that."

The three of them hugged. Joan returned to "The Colony" feeling better.


The doorbell rang. Jimmy answered the door.

"Hello Susie. Thanks for coming over. This is so nice of you."

Jane walked over and said,

"What's so nice?"

"Not only was Susie kind enough to invite me to the science banquet, but she is here to help you with your hair."

"A doctor and a hair dresser? You are renaissance women," Jane teased.

She became serious and said, "Do you really think you can do something with me hair? I'm too ashamed to be seen in public the way it is."

Susie said, "Why don't we sit outside and discuss your options. If I have to trim your hair, it will make for an easier clean up."

The girls went outside. Susie showed Jane some photos. Jane looked at the pictures, but she couldn't focus on them. She put them down. She brought a hand to her forehead and said,

"Susie, I haven't been honest with you. It was Evan Lyons who attacked me."

"That son-of --a bitch. I saw on the news that he died."

"Yes. Joan Lyon saved me. During the rescue Evan was bitten by a snake. We let him die."

"Good. I mean it. After everything he did to you, he deserved to die. The world is a better place without him."

Jane asked, "How come I didn't know? Never in a million years would I have thought that Evan could do the things he did. It makes me doubt myself. How can I trust anyone again?"

"Jane, Evan was a psychopath. They can be very friendly and charismatic -- because they know it will help them get what they want. They are expert con artists. People are always amazed when they find out that someone they know is a psychopath because they're so amazingly effective at blending in."

Susie grabbed both of Jane's hands to emphasize her point.

"Psychopaths are very manipulative and can easily gain people's trust. They learn to mimic emotions, despite their inability to actually feel them. They appear normal. Jane there was no way for you to know."


"Yes, really."

Jane picked up the photos again. Susie decided it was best to change the subject. She didn't want Jane to wallow in self-doubt. Susie said,

"Hairstyles with side-shaves are the latest trend. We could keep the long hair you have and mix it with shaved areas. It would be funky and edgy. And more importantly it will negate the damage Evan did."

Jane held up pictures of Pink and Rihanna.

"What do you think?"

"I know you could do Pink's Mohawk. How well does your hair hold curls?"

"Not very, but I love the way Rihanna looks with all those curls. I better go with the Mohawk. It will work with my hair."

Susie got busy with her clipper and her scissors. She executed the style. She soon had Jane looking like a black haired version of Pink. Susie handed Jane a mirror. When she saw the results Jane said,

"You are a miracle worker. I love this."

"Thanks. Um . . . I not sure how I should put this, but I don't think we're finished."

Jane gave Susie a quizzical look.

"I'm just going to blurt this out. We need to shave your vagina. You are splotchy."


"Your pubic area is more of an eye-catching eyesore than your head was. You have short hair, long hair and patches of no hair down there. Don't you think the girls on the soccer team will notice and ask what the hell happened."

"Well, I guess . . . "

"If you shave it all off no one will question it. Half the girls on the team are already doing it."

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