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Twins: Sports, Sex & Trouble Ch. 11

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The twins finally do it!
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Finally the twins do it!

Thanks to my editor Chadman95 for lending a hand.


At two in the morning, Jimmy was roused by a loud noise. At first he thought it was his sister having another bad dream. Then he heard the doorbell. Jane too had been awakened by the clamor. They met in the hallway. Jimmy was shirtless and stepping into his jeans.

Jane, dressed in a soft tee shirt and panties, asked, "Who could that be at this hour?"

"I don't know. You stay here. I'll go check."

Jane disregarded her brother's instructions and followed him to the front door.

"Who is it?" Jimmy called out. No one answered, but the twins could hear someone crying. It sounded like some girl was bawling. Finally they heard a voice call out, "It's Joan. . . Joan Lyon."

Jimmy opened the door. He found Joan sobbing on the front porch. She had a large black trash bag in each hand.

"What's the matter?" Jane asked with concern. When she noticed that Joan's cheek was bruised and swollen she quickly added, "What happened to your face?"

Joan was too distraught to speak. She just stood at the door and sobbed.

"Come in," Jimmy beckoned. Jane went to her and put a comforting arm around her shoulder and led her into the house. Jimmy gathered up her makeshift luggage and dragged it into the foyer.

Jane led the shaken girl into the family room. The girls sat together on the sofa. The twins were quiet. They gave Joan time to compose herself. She blew her nose and dried her tears. Then she took a deep breath and started talking.

"Grandpa caught me trying to convince my mother to leave "The Colony". He and I got into a big argument. He said I had to go and I could never return. I cursed him and said he was only mad because he knew he was never going to fuck me again. That's when he slapped me."

The twins had been listening intently to her story, and her appalling admission given so casually surprised and shocked them. It showed on their faces. Joan had expected that reaction. She purposely made the horrible disclosure because she felt the need to come clean with them. After so many years of lying she was ready to tell the whole truth. How could she hope for absolution if she did not tell the whole truth, no matter how ugly?

She confessed, "Yes I've fucked my grandfather and every other male at "The Colony". I told you I wasn't a good person. I'm ashamed of my actions now, but when I was doing it, it didn't seem like a big deal."

Joan looked at Jimmy and Jane. She saw looks of astonishment. Joan continued:

"Aren't there things that you grew up with that you accept as true because everyone around you did? The Earth is round. You eat lunch at noon. Well, at "The Colony", Grandpa would announce that we were having a "love-in" and the adults would all have sex. No one ever questioned it or gave it a second thought."

Silently Jane prayed, "Thank you God for my parents". Out loud she said with authority, "You're staying with us."

"Oh thank you. I was hoping you would say that. I don't have any real friends. The girls that hang with me do so because I party hard and I have good drugs. They don't like me for me. I don't blame them, I don't like the "old me". I want to be a different person."

"You can stay as long as you like. I'm sure my dad will agree when he returns," Jimmy added.

The Wilson's lived in a three bedroom rancher. Their father slept in the master bedroom and the kids each had a small bedroom with a shared bathroom. Each of their rooms only had a twin bed, which was too small to have two people share easily.

Jimmy said, "Joan, you can sleep in my bedroom. I'll use the couch in the family room."

"I don't want to put you out . . ."

"No Joan. Its okay," Jimmy assured her.

Jane asked, "Joan, do you want to go to bed? Or talk? Are you hungry? Do you need something to drink?"

"I'm too wound up to go to sleep. Something to drink and someone to talk to would be nice."

"Jimmy, go make us some hot chocolate," Jane said. "Don't forget the little marshmallows."

Jane turned to Joan and gave her a reassuring look as she said, "So Joan, your mother refused to leave "The Colony"?"

Joan released a sad sigh and said, "Yes. She said she can't make it on the outside. Grandpa then gave me five minutes to leave, so I grabbed what I could and threw it in these trash bags. I'm alone Jane. My mom and all my relatives are under Grandpa's spell."

Joan cried. Jane hugged her and then said, "You're not alone. We are your friends. You will stay with us. "

"Are you sure? I was so mean to you." She sniffled and added, "I think I acted that way because I didn't like myself. I felt empty inside. Do you ever feel empty? Like your life lacks meaning?"

"Sometimes, but I have my father and Jimmy. I have my church and my goals. Oh, at times I have my doubts and struggles, but I do believe there is a purpose to my life."

Jane said sincerely, "That's what I want!"

Jimmy returned and handed out mugs. He also put a plate of oatmeal raisin cookies on the table. He sat beside his sister on the sofa. Everyone sipped their hot chocolate and then Joan continued. "I want to be a better person. I need to surround myself with people who will support and encourage the new me. That's why I came to your house."

Joan took a drink. She looked at them hopefully. She had never been so honest with anyone before. She felt vulnerable. Her heart raced. When Jane and Jimmy did not reject her or object to her seeking them out, she continued.

"I also feel that I have to atone for my bad acts."

Joan turned to face Jane and then said, "Please accept my apology for the many horrible things I did."

"Joan, I forgive you. You are also the girl that saved my life."

Jane hugged Joan tight. It was a warm, loving embrace. Joan felt it. She lay limp in Jane's arms absorbing the friendship and the acceptance that she so badly needed at this moment.

When their embrace ended, Joan turned to Jimmy and said, "I am sorry for how I treated you too. I was dishonest, manipulating . . ."

Jimmy interrupted her and said, "It's okay, Joan. When it counted, you did the right thing."

The girls talked for another hour. Jimmy fell asleep on the couch.

Finally Joan said, "Oh, you must think I'm the most self-centered girl in the world! I haven't said a word about your hair. I love what you've done. It looks great on you! No one will ever guess that you did it because you had to, it looks so good people will assume you did it because it makes you look so hot."

"Thanks for the compliment. The real praise should go to Susie, Susie Baker, it was her idea and she cut it for me."

"Well congrats to Susie. I'll consult her when I need a new look."

The girls talked a bit more. Jane yawned. Joan said, "I'm sorry. I should let you go to bed. Gosh! It is after four."

Jane woke her brother. The twins got Joan settled in Jimmy's room. Jimmy grabbed some sheets and made a bed on the sofa. Everyone turned in.


Joan could not sleep. She was tossing and turning. She felt good that she and Jane had made up. Joan had apologized and saved her life. But with Jimmy she had only offered words, no deeds.

Joan thought, "I used Jimmy. Everything I did with Jimmy, including the sex, was false. Well, I can change that."

She got out of bed, stripped and went into the family room. She saw Jimmy lying on his back sleeping. She got on her hands and knees and crawled under the sheet. She found his cock and took it in her mouth.

Joan told herself, "This time I'm doing it for real. Not to manipulate him or as part of some underhanded scheme. I'm sucking his cock solely to give him pleasure."

Jimmy woke to find someone giving him a blowjob. In his hazy state he mumbled, "Oh Jane, that feels so good. Deep-throat me again will you?"

"Huh?" Joan thought. "Did I hear that right? What should I do?"

Joan decided to stay under the covers and not reveal her identity. She was a talented, experienced cock-sucker, but she did not know how to deep-throat a guy. She just focused on pleasing Jimmy. She gave him her best effort. It was a heck of a BJ. Soon Jimmy moaned and gushed into her mouth.

Joan swallowed all he had to give and then crawled up his body. Jimmy was surprised to see the hot blonde haired girl pop out from under the sheet.

"Joan?" he cried out in surprise. "Err . . . Wow."

Jimmy was caught off guard. He struggled to recover. "Err . . . Gosh. I thought I was having a dream."

Joan chuckled, "Well I've been told I can make any boy's dream come true."

She straddled his hips and lifted herself up. Her big bare tits were on full display. Joan said, "I apologized to your sister for my bad behavior. Please accept this BJ as my apology to you. This is the first time I've had sex with you because I wanted to be with you. I'm sorry for using sex to manipulate you in the past."

Jane too was having trouble sleeping. She had finally admitted to herself that she was in love with her brother. He had said as much to her, but she had not reciprocated. That fact distressed her now. She had said nothing to him even though he had in word and deed shown that he loved her and desired her. Jane got out of bed and went into the family room. She was not going to wait a second longer. She would tell him right now.

Jane stepped into the family room and saw that Joan was naked and on top of her brother. She stopped short. She couldn't heard what they were saying, but the scene before her was very intimate. Joan had her big, beautiful breasts up in Jimmy's face.

Jane turned on her heels and returned to her room. She told herself, "What made me think that any boy would choose me?" She threw herself on her bed and cried herself to sleep.

Jimmy and Joan did not see Jane pop into the room. However, they did hear her bedroom door close. That made Jimmy nervous. He worried that Jane had walked in and saw him with a nude girl on top of him. His expression of feelings for her must seem pretty shallow now.

"Oh God what must Jane think of me?" he asked himself. He was at a loss as what to do.

Joan noticed that Jimmy was being unusually quiet especially for a boy who had just had a major league blowjob. Also it was a rare thing that a male who had such unfettered access wasn't all over her boobs. He looked distracted deep in thought.

She wasn't upset with him. She said, "You know a girl can tell when a guy is not into her."



Jimmy was confused. He said, "Sorry, what did you say?"

"Jimmy, you're a good guy. I heard you call out Jane's name when I was sucking your dick. You thought I was Jane. You wanted it to be your sister."

"Err . . . no. No. you must be mistaken," Jimmy lied.

"It's okay. Love is love. I'm not jealous. I'm happy for you. Jane is a great person. Does she know how you feel?"

Jimmy decided to be honest with her. Cautiously he said, "I've tried to make it clear to her. I've said and done some things to let her know, but she hasn't responded."

"Okay. Listen, she saw us together. She will be too upset now to listen to any protestations of your innocence. Give her time to calm down, and I'll explain it to her tomorrow. I'll tell her how this was all my idea and that you didn't encourage me in any manner. I'll straighten it out."

Joan gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek, hopped up and went to her bed. Jimmy stared at her beautiful naked ass as she walked out of the room. He thought about what she said. He decided to follow her advice, and hoped that she could convince his sister that he hadn't instigated a hook up with Joan.


The teenagers slept in. Joan woke up at 9:30 A.M. She glanced at the clock and said, "I'm so tired. Ah oh, now I'm late for school." She covered her head with her pillow, and then forced herself to crawl out of bed. She slowly made her way to the bathroom to use the toilet. She opened the door to find Jimmy brushing his teeth.

"Hi, I'm just finishing up," he said. "In a minute the bathroom will be all yours. Jane is still asleep by the way." He hesitated. "Don't take this the wrong way, but you look like you could do with some more sleep. You can. I've already called the school and told them that all of us would be absent today. I hope that's all right?"

"Oh? Yeah. Good. I'm so tired. I can miss school today. As long as I'm at school Thursday and Friday I can play in Friday's game."

Jimmy gave her the room. She took care of business and returned to bed. She slept a couple more hours.


Jimmy checked in on his sister a little before noon. She was awake, but not out of bed. Jimmy announced, "Lunch in five minutes." There was no response.

Jimmy tapped on Joan's door and delivered the same message. He got a verbal reply this time. "Okay," Joan sang out.

Lunch was a quiet affair. Jane's sour mood dampened the atmosphere for everyone. At the end of the meal Jimmy said, "Jane, I'll clean up. Why don't you do as Susie suggested and lay out in the sun for a bit?"

The idea of resting in the warm sunshine appealed to Jane. She went outside and took off her robe. She stripped off her sleeping shirt and panties. Then she stretched out on a lounge. The sun warmed her body and began to improve her mood.

"Joan, I will clean up," Jimmy said. "Jane seems kind of down today. Would you mind keeping her company? Maybe you could explain . . . about last night?"


Joan got up from the kitchen table and headed to the sliding door. She saw that Jane was naked and said over her shoulder to Jimmy, "You didn't tell me you were running a nudist colony."

Jimmy glanced out the window at his sister. His eyes were drawn to her firm breasts and hairless vagina. Jimmy was transfixed. He stood and stared. His limp cock stirred.

Joan noticed that he had zoned out and said, "She is a beautiful girl."

It was as if hearing her voice broke the spell and that brought him back. He was uneasy having been caught staring at his sister. He sputtered, "Ah. Err . . . Susie suggested Jane get some sun. You know, to help her cuts heal." He turned around and went back to the sink.

Joan went outside and said cheerfully, "You look so beautiful. I love your new hair style. The bare beaver is a good look on you too. Congrats on entering our millennium. Do you mind if I join you?"

Jane didn't say anything, she just shrugged her shoulders. Joan thought, "She didn't tell me to get the hell out of here," so she peeled off her clothes and joined Jane. The two nude females quietly enjoyed the sunshine.

A little while later Jimmy popped out. "You two may need this." He tossed a bottle of suntan lotion to Joan. His sister still ignored him. He returned inside the house.

Joan with her all over tan was not as susceptible as Jane to sunburn, but she popped the top and rubbed some lotion on her ample chest. She moved towards Jane and said, "Let me do your untanned areas. Take it from one who has been there? having sunburned nipples is a bitch. I couldn't wear a bra for days."

Joan knelt beside her and cupped both of her breasts. She thoroughly spread the lotion all over her pale boobs. She lingered and massaged the lotion into her mounds. The attention caused Jane's nipples to harden. Joan gently pulled on them. Her actions caused Jane to squirm.

"There's only one place worse to get sunburned."

Joan got another helping of sunscreen. She coated the girl's newly shaved, white-as-snow lower abdomen. She slavered on more lotion and her hand dove between Jane's thighs. She said, "You know you need it."

Jane acknowledged the point by spreading her legs. She allowed Joan access to her nether region. Joan was not shy, touching and coating every crease, every crevice. At the completion of her task, Joan hovered over her clit. Joan unashamedly strummed the other girl's clitoris.

Jane sighed, "Emmm." She moved her hips into the magic fingers.

"Oh. Good. So I finally got you to utter a sound," Joan chuckled. "Now that the silent treatment is over, I have something important to tell you. I know you saw Jimmy and me last night. I know what you think you saw. Let me tell you the real story."

Joan sat on the chair so she could face Jane.

"Every time I've had sex with your brother it was to play him. It was never done with any regard to his feeling. Last night I had apologized for my bad behavior, but they were only words. I decided that was not enough. I thought that to truly atone for my previous behavior I should for once have sex with Jimmy and focus on his pleasure."

"You see last night was all my idea. I snuck under his blanket while he was sleeping. He woke to discover a girl's lips around his dick. He thought it was you. He called out your name. He was disappointed to discover it was me giving him the blowjob. Afterwards we talked. I explained to him why I did what I did, but mostly we talked about you."

Jane's eyes widened upon hearing that.

"Yes. He loves you. He told me so. He says he has told you. He is heart broken that you have not responded," Joan paused expecting a response.

She didn't get one. She did see fear in the trouble girl's eyes. She said, "Some people would say it's wrong for a brother and a sister to be together, but I don't. I think love isn't something you find, it's something that finds you and completes you. He is that piece of your soul that you didn't realize was missing, right?"

The dam burst and tears streamed down Jane's face. She was so relieved, so happy. Someone understood. She was overwhelmed with emotion and couldn't speak so she nodded. Joan nodded back. She smiled as she saw all the tension the turmoil had caused leave Jane's body.

She was glad her talk had helped. Joan said, "I think you need to tell him."

"Yes, when the moment is right."

"Good." Her work done, Joan moved back to her lounge.

A few minutes later, Jimmy headed to the patio. He paused before opening the door and looked at the two nude teenagers. It was quite a beautiful, erotic sight. His dick began to tent his shorts.

Joan was on her back with her legs spread. Jimmy absorbed the view of her tanned, shaven sex. Her nipples were hard. They were the perfect accessory to her wonderfully full tits. Jane was lying on her stomach. Jimmy checked out her side boob and then focused on her ass. It was full and plump without being too big. It looked like a great cushion to absorb a frantic pounding. Jimmy was fully erect now. How he wished he could open the door and plow into his sister.

Jimmy opened the door and said, "Jane, sun time is up. Get dressed. We are going to the free clinic."

Joan asked, "Clinic?"

"Yes," Jimmy responded. "Susie recommended Jane get tested for STD's at the clinic because of Evan."

"Mind if I join you? I probably should be checked after the orgies I've been through."

"Oh." Jimmy exclaimed, suddenly concerned about himself.

Joan apologized. "I'm sorry Jimmy. I've had quite a few partners. You should probably get tested too."

The trio went off to the free clinic. They all donated blood and urine. The results for most of the test would be available in two days, but the clinic used a rapid HIV test which could supply results in 20 minutes. They all walked out of there relieved that at least they were HIV free.

When the kids returned home, Joan suggested, "Jane, Jimmy, how about a nice run? We all have a game on Friday."

"Great idea," Jimmy said enthusiastically. His sister had been down in the dumps all day. Jimmy and Joan hoped exercising would change her mood.

"Sure." Jane's response was blasé. She had done very little physical activity since the rape. She added, "It is time to get off my ass."

Jane went to her room to change into her running gear. Jimmy went to his room. Joan sheepishly followed him. Jimmy pulled off his shirt. He was removing his pants when Joan walked in. He said, "Hey Joan, I'll just grab what I need and leave."

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