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Tyler’s Misadventures Pt. 01

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Two guys have a Halloween costume wardrobe malfunction.
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Tyler's Misadventures - Part 1

[This series involves mostly-straight college guys embarrassed to be accidentally naked in public, exposed in front of women and/or gay men. The stories will usually involve fairly homoerotic situations and sometimes gay sex between reluctant but willing straight guys. If that's not your cup of tea, this is not the right story for you. The characters in this story are all over 18 but the main characters are under 21. A small amount of underage drinking occurs.]

Tyler was struggling with the zipper on his cheap Spider-Man costume when the doorbell rang. How was anyone supposed to zip up the back without help?

His friend Christian was at the door, along with Bonnie and Anne. While Anne had joined in on the superhero/supervillain theme with a skin-tight leather Catwoman costume, complete with a whip, both Christian and Bonnie had failed with the theme. Bonnie was dressed as a sexy cop, with tiny police-blue bootie shorts, a cop shirt unbuttoned to her navel to expose a black lace bra, with a fake plastic gun in a holster on the one side and sunglasses perched on top of her wavy brown hair.

Her left wrist and Christian's right were handcuffed together. The cuffs weren't cheap plastic toys handcuffs, nor the novelty cuffs with a switch that allowed them to open without the key. They looked sturdy and real.

"Where's your Captain America costume?" Tyler asked.

"Didn't come in time," Christian said, stepping into the room. The two girls followed him.

"I'm Inspector Gordon -- Jane Gordon," Bonnie said. At least her costume loosely fit the superhero theme. But Christian's? He was shirtless and in flip-flops, with a white towel wrapped his waist and another one draped over his neck. He was carrying a fake soap-on-a-rope that Tyler later discovered turned out to be a plastic, zippered pouch containing Christian's cell phone, ID, and cash.

"I had to improvise," Christian said. "I'm a bad guy. Catwoman's henchman, I guess. And Bonnie -- Inspector Gordon -- arrested me while I was taking a shower."

Bonnie wasn't exactly Christian's girlfriend, not yet at least, but they had gone on a few dates together. Anne was her best friend. Tyler was hoping that by the end of the evening, he and Anne would get to know each other much better.

"Help me with this zipper," Tyler said, turning around.

Anne obliged, and then started laughing. "Tyler, your underwear is bunching up."

He looked down. The Spider-Man costume was form-fitting and showed an unsightly bundle around his waist.

"Just go commando," Christian suggested.

"Oh, hell no!"

"Oh, come on," Anne wheedled. "That costume is so tight, you look silly bulging out like that. And your ankles, too."

Tyler looked down at his feet. He had kept his socks on under the suit's spandex feet.

"I'm going commando under this towel," Christian said.

"Bet you're not!" Tyler said, reach out and lifting Christian's towel up. Sure enough, his friend was lying. He was wearing board shorts under the towel, with the black waistband of his boxer-brief underwear peeking out.

"Okay, guys, we'll make you a deal," Bonnie said. "If you guys both go commando, Anne and I will make out later tonight."

"Deal!" Christian said before Tyler could object.

What was it with guys wanting to see two girls make out?

"Come on, I'll help you," Anne said, grabbing Tyler by the hand and leading him to the stairs, where she presumed his bedroom was.

He guided her to his room, one hand holding hers while the other held on to the detachable facemask and shut the door. Roomies were out and Christian and Bonnie were still downstairs, but still.

"Turn around," he told Anne after she unzipped him. She laughed and complied. Tyler turned around, too, and shimmied out of the spandex. He dropped his briefs and started to step back into the suit.

"Socks, too," Anne said.

Tyler glance back to see if she was looking, but her back was turned. Just a reminder. He took his socks off and for a second realized he was totally naked standing in his bedroom with Anne. Anne, with the long, black hair. Anne, who he had fantasized about so many times. Lovely Anne.

He slipped his bare feet back into the footed legs of the spandex Spider-Man costume. The footed bottoms had a sort of canvass material on the bottom. They'd protect his feet inside, but he planned to wear tennis shoes anyway. He pulled the rest of the suit on.

"Can you zip me?" he asked.

Anne laughed and came over. Before she zipped him up, she peeked inside the suit to see his bare ass. "Nice tush," she said, zipping him up and then slapping his ass.

As they were walking out the door to go back downstairs, Tyler noticed the narrow full-length mirror he had forgotten about on the back on his bedroom door. Where was Anne standing when he was undressing? Could she see him naked? How was he positioned? Could she see his front in the mirror or just his bare ass?

He decided not to ask her.

Downstairs, Christian and Bonnie were no longer cuffed together. He saw Christian's board shorts and black briefs on the coffee table, along with the big safety pins he had used to keep his towel fastened. "Bonnie dared me to leave them behind," he told Tyler.

Tyler wondered what Bonnie had promised in return. He suspected the towel would slip at least once when they were out dancing. Bonnie would make sure of that.

"Let's go!" Bonnie said, leading them out to her car. Christian's was in the shop again, and Tyler didn't have one. Tyler grabbed a plastic bag with a spider-webbing designed on it. It had his wallet and cell phone, and hopefully didn't look like a purse. Despite being the end of October and the middle of autumn, it was a rather balmy night. None of them bothered with jackets.

Anne joined Tyler in the back seat while Christian took the passenger seat next to Bonnie.

As Bonnie drove them to the warehouse party, Anne reached over and rubbed her hand on Tyler's spandexed crotch. Oh my God! His dick started to swell. The cheap spandex mostly kept everything in place, but his excitement was probably pretty obvious to anyone who could see his crotch.

The warehouse district was largely abandoned after the town's industrial business collapsed. In one section, many of the warehouses had been converted into wineries where grapes brought in from vineyards mile away could be fermented. But that was on the other end. On this end, many of the warehouses had been converted into storage companies, but a few had been retrofitted to be event spaces. And this one, The Lair, catered to event for college students.

That meant the party was mixed, with an under-21 license. Different colored wristbands were provided: an orange band for guests who were 18 to 20 years old, and a green one for those 21 and over who could drink. Tyler and his friend were still under 21, but Bonnie had a plan for that.

The parking lot was pretty crowded, but Bonnie was able to find a patch of grass on the far end of the lot.

"Leave your shoes in the car," Anne said. "They look silly."

Tyler kicked off his tennis shoes. There was enough canvas on the costume's soles that his feet were fine crossing the parking lot. Anne had thigh-high, high-heeled black leather boots. Bonnie had black stilettos on. Didn't make sense for a cop, but then, neither did the rest of the costume. And Christian, of course, was clacking across the parking lot in his flip-flops.

Bonnie bypassed the line and sidled up to the bouncer. "Hey Adam," she said.

Adam cocked his head. "These your friends?" he asked.


"Just the four of you, right?"

"Yeah, just us four."

"I dunno..."

Bonnie grabbed Anne and pulled her in for a kiss. As they made out, she grabbed Anne's hand and put it inside her lace bra, and then pulled down her bra so only Anne's hand was covering her tit.

The security guard's eyes widened.

"Who knows how naughty I might get once I've had a few cocktails?" Bonnie said.

The guard motioned the four of them to step inside and pulled out four wristbands. Green, for 21-and-over.

After a pit-stop at the bar, Bonnie pulled them all onto the dance floor. Tyler sipped his beer. What if he had to pee? Would Christian have to help him unzip and rezip in the men's room? Would he have to come out unzipped -- with no underwear, and his ass possibly exposed -- so Anne could help him?

Anne was doing her part to keep Tyler revved up, caressing her fingernails down his chest covered by the thinnest layer of plastic threads, and grinding up against him while cupping his ass. Thankfully, the lighting was dim; otherwise, anyone could probably see his prominent bulge.

Bonnie, for her part, was teasing Christian to no end. Caressing his chest, licking one of his nipples, even reaching her hand under his towel a few times.

Oh God, both of them were going to get lucky tonight, weren't they?

After a few hours of dancing and several more beers, they peeled off to one of the lounges.

"I'm looking forward to you two making out," Christian said.

Bonnie laughed and rolled her eyes. "We already did, silly. When we got in. That was Adam's condition for letting us skip the line and the cover, and get the green bands."

"But I didn't get to see," Christian whined. "Not very well."

"Wait," Tyler chimed in, "you knew all along you were going to kiss anyway? You got us to go commando even though you were going to kiss anyway?"

"It got you in, didn't it?" Bonnie said. "With a green band. That's worth losing your undies."

"It's just kissing," Anne said, rolling her eyes.

"Then kiss each other right now," Christian suggested.

Bonnie laughed again.

"Why don't you guys kiss?" she asked.

"No way!" the guys said in unison.

"Tell you what," Anne said, reaching her hand down to massage Tyler's cock through his suit. "If Anne and I make out again, right here and now, you guys either have to make out, or do something else."

"Pick something else," Christian said.

"Okay," Anne said, thinking about it for a moment. "How about, Bonnie gets to handcuff you guys together, and you guys have to stay handcuffed together until midnight."

It was at least two more hours until midnight.

Christian seemed to be thinking it over, but Tyler shook his head.

Bonnie upped the ante. "How about, Anne and I will make out now, and after you've stayed cuffed together until midnight, we'll make out again. In the parking lot. Topless."

Tyler gasped.

"Topless, dude!" Christian said. "And we just have to be cuffed. No gay shit, just handcuffed."

Tyler reluctantly agreed, and let his left hand get cuffed to Christian's right.

It was pretty funny trying to navigate around the bar that way. Paying for drinks at the bar. Dancing side by side with their arms forced to move together. Sitting next to each other while Anne sat on Tyler's lap and Bonnie sat on Christian's.

But having all that weight on their laps was probably a mistake. After resisting all night, Now Tyler really had to pee, and so did Christian.

They made their way to the men's room, and Anne unzipped the back of Tyler's costume. She reached her hand inside the back and cupped his bare ass. Tyler froze. She leaned in and whispered, "I can't wait until later -- maybe I can take this off you and get a better look at your dick."

She had seen him naked when he was changing. The front side, too.

Well, no matter. If things went as well as they seemed to be, he'd be seeing Anne naked, too. And they'd be doing naked things together. Reluctantly, he pulled away from her. He really had to pee.

That turned out to be much more awkward than he realized. Despite their pleas, Bonnie refused to uncuff them. He wanted to go into a stall, but Christian adamantly refused. Two guys in one stall? People would assume they were having sex.

But the urinals weren't much better. At first, they thought they could go to urinals that were side by side, their cuffed wrists lifted up over the divider. But Christian discovered when his towel slipped and dropped to the floor -- leaving him fully naked in the bathroom for a moment -- that he couldn't hold his dick to pee and keep the towel in place with just one hand. And Tyler couldn't pee without peeling down the entire Spider-Man suit to below his waist.

They finally compromised. Tyler went to the urinal first while Christian did his best to block his buddy's body with his own. He pulled the suit down to below his waist and was essentially naked in the crowded men's room while peeing, his best friend's body practically pressed up against him in a futile attempt to keep other guys from seeing his nudity.

Of course they saw. And commented. And laughed.

"Didn't think through those handcuffs, did you," some guy said. Tyler didn't know the guy, but Christian seemed to.

"It's a bet," Christian said.

"Payoff better be worth it," the guy said.

Now it was Christian's turn to pee. But rather than have Tyler hold the towel in place, which would have forced his friend to get awfully close to touching his bare skin, Christian just whipped the towel off and stood at the urinal completely naked except for flip-flops. Tyler took the towel that had been around Christian's waist as well as the other one draped around Christian's neck and tried to hold them up as a barrier, but that forced Christian's right hand behind his back. Hiding Christian was futile: pretty much everyone in the bathroom could see Christian was fully nude while he peed.

Tyler was relieved (pun only partially intended) when they were done and could leave the restroom. Anne zipped Tyler up again, this time taking the opportunity to fondle both cheeks of his ass. For a second, Tyler's heart froze when the zipper seemed caught as she started to zip it up, but Anne managed to gently coax the zipper back on track.

They got another round of drinks and headed back to the dance floor.

It was about an hour later, and only twenty minutes to midnight when they could get uncuffed, that disaster struck.

As a guy costumed as a knight -- or maybe King Arthur? -- brushed by them on the dance floor, his chain mail snagged on Christian's towel, yanking it off. Christian was completely naked on the dance floor just as the bar's strobing lights all seemed to randomly focus on him for a moment, bathing him in a spotlight.

Christian lunged for the towel and managed to grab it back with his right hand -- the hand handcuffed to Tyler's left hand. Tyler felt himself jerked forward abruptly, and as he fell forward, bumping into Bonnie and knocking her purse onto the ground, he heard a sickening sound.


Something on his costume had ripped.

He felt Anna's hands on his bare back as she tried to help him up, her beer sloshing onto his bare back. His bare back. The stitching holding the zipper in place on his cheap costume had come undone, and once it started to unravel, it quickly came undone all the way up. The entire back of his costume was open, from the top of his butt crack all the way up to his neck.

He didn't notice that he had dropped his mask or his bag with his cell phone and wallet when he snatched Christian's extra towel off his neck and wrapped it around his waist. As he rushed off the dance floor dragging Christian along with him, he could feel the threads of the cheap nylon costume continue to unravel. By the time he was off and out of the way, the rip was down to his foot. He couldn't even keep on just the tights of the costume. The whole thing practically fell off his body. He stepped out of it, his now bare feet on the cold warehouse floor. Thank God for Christian's extra towel, which was now literally the only shred of "clothing" he had on. And thank God he had managed to wrap it around his waist before his Spider-Man costume had finished unraveling.

Christian's own towel was safely back around his waist, and he was holding it shut with his free hand to avoid another wardrobe malfunction. But like Tyler, he was also barefoot, his flip-flops falling off and getting lost on the dance floor when they dashed off.

Anne followed them off the dance floor, and Bonnie followed once she had scooped up the contents of her spilled purse.

"Get this damn thing off me!" Tyler said, holding up his left hand, involuntarily raising Christian's right had in the process. It was going to be hard enough keeping the towel around his otherwise naked body without trying to do it one-handed.

Bonnie fumbled in her purse.

"I can't find the key!" she said.

"What the hell, Bonnie!" Tyler snapped.

Christian tried to calm his friend down. "Let's move over to that door where there's a little extra light from the exit sign."

They moved over, but even with the extra light, she couldn't find it.

"I must have missed it when everything fell out of my purse," she said.

"Don't worry, she left the spare key in her car's glove box," Christian said.

Tyler pushed his way through the exit door, yanking Christian after him. But he failed to notice the "Emergency Exit Only" sign on the door, which immediately set off alarms and flashing lights. Christian wheeled around to go back inside but Tyler, startled, fell over, pulling Christian on top of him. They were outside, but Christian's towel had once again snagged on something. It was left inside as the door slammed shut behind them.

Two guys, naked, with just one towel to cover up the both of them.

They each grabbed an end of Tyler's towel and held it close in front of themselves, pressing their bare hips together as their bare asses pushed against the concrete wall of the warehouse. They fully expected Bonnie and Anne to push through the door, but after a few moments, the guys realized that they must have been prevented from doing so. The alarm stopped; security must have reset it and must have stopped the girls from going through to join them.

"They'll come out the front and come around," Tyler said.

"You sure?" Christian asked. "Bonnie has terrible direction sense. Maybe we should meet them back at the car?"

"Call them," Tyler said, realizing that the spider-bag with his phone was missing. That's when he noticed that Christian's fake "soap on a rope" pouch was gone, too. Neither of them had a cell phone, ID, cash, or credit cards. Nothing except one single towel to share.

That meant leaving the protection of the concrete wall, of course. And to wrap one towel around two bodies, it meant that their naked bodies would have to be pressed up against one another. Since Tyler's left wrist was cuffed to Christian's right, it would be easiest for them to either face other (dick mashed against dick as their faces were awkwardly inches apart), or they could flip around and press their buns together. Both were awkward, and neither facilitated walking.

In the end, Christian stretched his right arm behind his back so that they could both walk in the same direction. The single towel forced them to stay close together. Tyler felt his dick brush against Christian's ass, and the skin-on-skin contact caused it to twitch. No, shit no, don't get hard! he thought, but fortunately the uncomfortableness of his bare feet slapping against the pavement kept him from getting a full erection. Just a semi, embarrassing enough for Tyler but hopefully Christian wouldn't notice.

They rounded the bend of the building and scurried barefoot across the way-too-well-lighted parking lot, ducking behind cars whenever possible as they rushed to where Bonnie had parked.

Christian, who was in front, was the first to notice that Bonnie's car was gone.

"Shit, I knew we shouldn't have parked on the grass," he said.

They heard a commotion near the front of the club and whirled around -- Tyler nearly falling out of the towel in the process -- in time to see a tow truck with Bonnie's car pull out of the parking lot and drive off down the street. Someone in front of the club was shouting and swearing. Probably Bonnie.


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