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Ultimate Phone Sex

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Wife and girlfriend have unexpected adventures.
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This story is specially dedicated to a new and dear friend, for being a constant source of inspiration. BIG SMOOCHES FOR YOU!


“Bouncing Betty” Rogers was the rather demeaning nickname I’ve been trying to overcome since college. It’s been over twenty-five years since under-the-bleacher-blowjobs, wet T-shirt contests and naked table dancing at frat houses. Now I was a respectable, conservative mother of two college kids with a devoted husband and a good job. As business administrator at the regional office of a national organization for almost twenty years, I had gained the respect of my peers and employees alike.

“So Betty, I suppose David will be joining you for the Minneapolis conference, with it being your wedding anniversary? Asked Tina, my closest friend.

Her given name was Christine, but I’ve known my favorite co-worker as Tina for fifteen of those twenty years. That little gleam in her eye tells me she probably knows me too well.

“Yes Tina, I believe my husband plans on coming with me to Minneapolis. Is that a problem?” I returned with a raised eyebrow.

“No, no problem! It’s just that well, there’ll be so many sexy, available guys from the company there…” She started and brushed back her long brunette hair.

“Hey Tina, that’s YOUR department! Remember, I’m the happily married mother of two. You’re the divorced, horny old lady doing the window shipping!” I reminded her.

“What do you mean OLD! I may be horny, but I’m not old!” She snapped back defensively.


I knew better than to give her grief about the age thing. She was still ten years younger than I. Considering we both worked out together, I knew her petite 40-year-old body was every bit as toned as that of a healthy 30-year-old. She is always on the prowl for some young stud, to keep her feeling young, I suppose. Actually, it’s been my secret pastime to observe her sexual exploits over the years. Her many relationships with 20 and 30-year-old men/boys never last very long, but her expertise in the art of seduction is intriguing to witness.

But enough about Tina’s boy-toys, I’ve got to concentrate on making myself sexy for my Honey. With only a matter of days before our trip, I wanted to find something special to celebrate our anniversary in style. Fumbling through racks of flimsy nightgowns and assorted lingerie, I settled on a long, black, transparent negligee.

“That’s nice Betty; here’s something to put on underneath it,” whispered Tina, holding up a black bustier and garter belt.

“Oh God, Tina! I could never…”

“Never what? Never gave your man what every man REALLY wants? My Lord, you’re in Victoria’s Secret! Here, try it on,” she demanded.

“But, it’s a 34 and I wear a 36,” I countered, searching for any excuse to get out of trying it on.

“Perfect! You want it to be nice and tight, so those big tits of yours are aching to fall out –trust me,” she said, with her all-knowing stare.

Reluctantly I opted to appease Tina and headed to the dressing room. There was indeed some latent urge inside me that wanted to see how I would look in something so risqué. Standing naked in front of the full-length mirror, I zipped up the tight bustier and pulled it around to shove my tits in the too small cups. Fixing the catches on the garter belt, I slowly stood back and looked up. I must have alerted the entire store with my hoots of laughter at that point. My God, do I look like an over-the-hill whore, or what? The super-tight garment made it hard to breathe, as my laughter subsided. I did admire the slimming effect of the black bustier, even if it only served to luridly draw attention to my ample tits and pussy.

Playing with my newfound self-image, I posed like so many Playboy centerfolds and was delightfully amused at how sexy my body still was. Oh, I couldn’t ignore my wide hips and dimpled thighs, but clearly the sexy outfit emphasized my more dominant and alluring attributes. I tried the long black negligee over it, and my mind’s eye flashed back to an earlier time. A time before the constraints of marriage, kids and my job dictated the direction my life would take. Suddenly I didn’t see the ripples and wrinkles of age, only the sleek body of a born seducer. I recalled how proudly I used to display my sexy self back then; how every man’s attention was drawn to my skimpy mini-skirts and billowing tube tops. A tear formed in my eye, and fell down my cheek, as reality set in. I had never required such garments to accentuate my assets back then; it never even occurred to me that they were necessary. “Well, old girl, there’s no going back. If its tits and ass my husband needs, then this should do the trick!” I said out loud, and struck my Wonder Woman pose.

“You about done in there, Betty?” Yelled Tina.

“Yeah Tina, I’ll be right out!” I answered and wiped away one final sniffle.

“Well, so, what do you think? Was I right, or not?” Tina nodded.

“OK, OK I admit it. You were right, but now I have to find the perfect dress and shoes,” I snickered.

“Betty’s gonna be a SL-UT! Betty’s gonna be a SLUT!” Tina announced, loud enough to turn the heads of the other shoppers.

“Shhh! Shut up, you crazy bitch,” I muttered and dragged her hooting from the shop.

“Remember now, the dress has to be apropos for business functions,” I told Tina, as my blushing face returned to its normal color.

“Oh I know JUST the place. It’s the same shop I get all my formals.”

“God help us,” I thought, recalling several of Tina’s stylish, but revealing ensembles.

In no time, we were perusing through the most outlandish dresses Mr. Gino’s had to offer. Tina oohed and aahed, as she tore several startling numbers from the petite racks. I couldn’t see even one dress or gown that I would even half-way consider conservative. This was definitely not my kind of store. A young salesgirl approached me.

“Is there something special you have in mind?” She asked politely.

“I’m afraid, they’re all a little too “showy” for me,” I admitted.

“I’ll bet you’re looking for something more conservative, perhaps?” She offered.

I nodded and she motioned for me to follow her. As we made our way through a maze of colorful racks, she asked if I’d ever seen the movie, “True Lies”. I said, “Yes”, as she brought us to a rack of black dresses. Pulling a size ten from the rack, she held it up to me.

“We call this one, the “Jamie Lee”,” she smiled.

It was a darling little black shift, with sheer black netting that covered the shoulders and the length of each arm. The 3-inch hem was a ruffle made from the same transparent netting. It definitely fulfilled the conservative requirement, but was still quite attractive. I smiled and took it from her to try on.

In the dressing room, I squeezed myself into the dress. I was delighted at how well it fit me, in all the right places. This will be great for dinner and dancing, and long enough to hide the special lingerie I had picked out. I was so happy to find it, I stepped outside to look in the three way mirror at myself.

“This is wonderful!” I remarked to the salesgirl. “I can’t get over how stylish and yet conservative it is, I mean compared to your other dresses,” I said, admiring myself. “I don’t recall seeing the dress in the movie though. I must have missed that scene.”

“Hummm,” the salesgirl thought. “It was a pretty major scene in the movie. Maybe you recall it more like this,” she said, and tore the hem off. The top netting was also fastened with velcro and easily tore away to reveal my bare shoulders and arms.

“OH, THAT DRESS!” I screamed, still shocked from her unexpected unraveling.

Instantly I recalled Jamie Lee Curtis’ clumsy, but very sexy dance, as I gaped at the now revealing garment. Hell, I still looked good in it! Maybe 70 degrees hotter, but I looked GOOD! Tina was off in her own world, so I told the sales girl not to comment on the dress, as we reattached the extra parts.

“Oh Ma’am, there are other features to the dress…” the girl started, but was interrupted by Tina.

“So did you find something? Let me see!” Begged Tina.

“No, I think I’ll keep it a surprise, until Minneapolis,” I said smugly.

“OK then, I won’t show you mine either!” Pouted Tina, dying to show off her new purchase.

The salesgirl never did get a chance to tell me more about the dress, but I figured it couldn’t be that important anyway. At another store, I picked up a pair of black leather patent spiked pumps and a couple pair of black hose for the garter belt. I felt a devilish delight, knowing that David would be the only one aware of my secret dress and sexy lingerie. And, even he wouldn’t know, until then. Packing my new goodies deep in the suitcase, I eagerly anticipated our departure date.

The next few days were a blur of extra office work, preparing company presentations and arranging for the trip. I was glad to have all my outfits packed. I still had errands to run the final afternoon before we were to leave, so I made one more email check that morning.

URGENT MESSAGE FROM CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: Due to unexpected, but necessary cutbacks in travel and lodging, spouses expenses will not be covered for the upcoming conference. Since many couples cannot afford the extra expense, we feel it’s only fair to request that all spouses not attend. We regret the timing of this communiqué and any inconvenience this may cause, so on and so on…

I immediately fell back into my chair, stunned beyond belief. A huge sigh of disgust resonated like a wave through the office. How can I ever explain this to David?

“Well, that’s a major kick in the crotch!” Exclaimed Tina, seeing my tear-filled eyes. “Oh, screw the bosses Betty! You and I can share a room. We’ll get drunk every night, if you want? Huh, what do ya say?”

“I’m sorry Tina. I’ve got to figure out how to break this to David,” I said, trying to regain my professional composure.

Surprisingly, David wasn’t nearly as upset as I had expected. He agreed, the bad news was rather untimely, but we could still celebrate our anniversary when I returned. In the meantime, he joked that I could call him and we could have phone sex. I assured him that I would definitely call regularly, but with Tina in the room, I doubted phone sex would ever happen.

Tina and I flew out the next day, as scheduled. Soaring at 20,000 feet, I was finally able to lay back and relax. The last few days had been so frustrating, with last minute changes and all, that it was nice just to rest my eyes.

“So, was David awfully pissed off, when you gave him the news?” Asked Tina, not letting me rest for long.

“No. Actually, he was very understanding,” I remarked, with eyes shut.

“Too bad you won’t have a chance to show off your new slutty outfit!” She quipped.


“What…what’s wrong, Betty?”

“I forgot all about that! I didn’t repack anything else to wear for the formal dinner,” I said, biting my lower lip.

“And dancing –don’t forget that!” Added Tina.

“Don’t think I’ll be doing any dancing, without David,” I surmised.

“Oh nonsense, I’m going dancing and you know I’ll need a chaperone!” She cried and squeezed my arm. “C’mon Betty, after two days of company bullshit, you’ll be aching to down a few stiff ones and cut-a-rug?” She pleaded.

“Well, I doubt it, but we’ll see,” I said sadly.

“Besides, you promised to model your new outfit for me, remember?” She added.

A sinking feeling of utter loneliness hit me, as I dosed off. David and I love to go dancing. Nodding off, my mind raced with blurred visions of older days, when my husband and I would make a night of it. Drinking, dancing, flirting and necking like school kids. We would both get wasted and end up in a cornfield somewhere. I never thought twice about stripping down and taking a cockfull of his hot cum in my mouth or pussy. Come to think of it, it’s amazing we never got caught, considering how blatant we were.

In my semi-sleep I recalled each one of those sweet episodes for the balance of the flight. By the time we reached Minneapolis, I had to shift in my seat a few times to accommodate for the wetness between my legs. I gave up smoking years ago, but boy, I needed one then. We made our way from the airport and got settled in our room at the Hyatt Regency.

“At least the company didn’t skimp on the room!” Noted Tina, as she stripped out of her power suit.

Modesty was not one of Tina’s strong points. Though it wasn’t uncommon for me to see her in the buff, as I had so many times at the gym, somehow it felt odd seeing her do it in a hotel room. It seemed to take on an even weirder connotation, when her naked self casually sauntered up beside me and took hold of blazer lapels. I froze in fear, as she slowly pulled my arms out. She tossed the blazer on the bed and started for my blouse buttons.

“TINA! What ARE you doing?” I shouted, and pulled her hands away.

“Oh Betty, don’t be such a prude! I’m just playing with you,” she winked and dropped her hands to my hips. “Just trying to take you mind off David, silly,” she smiled and pulled my blouse out of my skirt.

“Well, there’s other ways you can do that, without coming on to me!” I suggested and moved her hands away again.

“I’m sorry Honey. I certainly didn’t mean any harm. Just playing, ya know?” she said pouting.

I knew Tina wasn’t into girls, so I smiled at her pouting lips and took her hands in mine. “Oh you funny girl. I never know if you’re kidding or not! What should we do now? How about a swim?” I laughed and brought our hands together in front of us, which inadvertently squished her c-cup tits together. My eyes were immediately drawn to her nipples; they were hard as can be. “So, how about that swim? Does that sound good?” I repeated, trying to divert my attention from her boobs.

“Sure. A swim sounds good,” she continued and caught my lingering glance. “Or I could just rip off your skirt and go down on you right here and now!” She whispered and ran my hands across her taunt nipples. My expression of indignation and surprise at her words and actions brought an immediate response, “JUST KIDDING!!!” She yelled and let go of my hands.

I smiled smugly, rolled my eyes and shook my head, while she retreated to her suitcase for a bikini. Realizing she had probably downed at least two drinks on the plane, which accounted for her crazy behavior, I stripped down and squirmed into my one-piece swimsuit. Stuffing my 36D’s into the suit, I caught her glaring at me and licking her lips.

“Now cut it out, Tina,” I blushed, and grabbed my bathrobe.

She laughed at my embarrassment. She was still chuckling when we got on the elevator, while I murmured ineffective reprimands. The elevator stopped on the seventh floor for new passengers –all men. I couldn’t help but notice a tall, handsome dark-haired young man in swimming trunks and towel draped around his neck, as the men each gave us the once-over and stepped inside.

“Charlie? Charlie Barett… is that you?” Screeched Tina.

When she belted out his name, it dawned on me he was that cute freshman salesman we met last year. His broad dimpled smile formed, as he recognized Tina.

“Christine Lambert and Betty Rogers right?” He asked, as his brown eyes undressed each of us.

“Gosh Charlie, what a good memory you have,” said Tina, batting her eyes and pulling back her long brunette tresses.

“How could I EVER forget the two most desirable babes this company has to offer?” He remarked charmingly.

Yes, he was a charmer. Even at the tender age of 23, he was every bit a charmer. At last year’s conference Tina hit on him, with both guns ablaze. The two of them danced up a storm until the wee hours, but I don’t think Tina took him to bed. She would have told me, I’m sure.

“Why not join us for some hot tub action, you big stud?” Winked Tina, as the elevator stopped on the lower level.

He had to agree, when she dragged him by the hand from the elevator. I followed at a safe distance, as the two locked arms and giggled in front of me. We got in the large whirlpool and Tina made a quick escape to get us a round of drinks. Young Charlie edged his way over to me. He was uncomfortably close, actually, and spread his arm behind me.

“So, no spouses this year?” He said seductively.

“Yep, that’s right Charlie,” I answered glibly.

“Suppose that means I can ask you for a dance this year?” He teased and ran his fingers under my shoulder strap.

It was such a cheesy come-on, but he was undeniably attractive. I decided to play along. I turned and stared him dead in the eyes and ran my hand over his hairy chest and toyed with his nipple.

“Hmmm. I suppose you could ASK –no harm in asking is there?” I purred and rolled his nipple through my fingers.

I felt his pulse quicken, as I watched him pull my strap over my shoulder. Feeling his hand on my other shoulder, I turned to watch his fingers pull down my other strap.

“You realize Charlie, I’m old enough to be your mother,” I stated.

“I’ve got a THING for older women,” he said, pulling my straps down further to display my deep cleavage.

“And what kind of thing is that?” I asked and dropped my hand under the water to his trunks.

My hand was met by a mammoth sized cock, apparently with a life all its own. How else could it have escaped his trunks? I mean, this sucker was HUGE and thick. I gripped it as best as I could under the large circumcised head and started yanking on it.

“A big thing, and it’s just for you, Betty,” he said, blinking his eyes in rhythm to my jerks.

“Tell you what handsome. If you can keep from cuming, maybe I’ll dance with you –maybe,” I teased and jacked him faster and harder.

He reluctantly nodded and tensed up, while I tugged on his tool like crazy. Lowering my other hand, I two-fisted his 11-inch monster until it was a mass of throbbing veins ready to explode. Just then, I caught sight of Tina with our drinks. A few hard, fast jerks and I had to release him. I fixed my suit straps back in place, and smiled at Charlie’s altered face. He was as red as a beet and in definite need of oxygen, as Tina approached.

“You two having a good time, without me?” She said, handing us our drinks. “Why Charlie, you’re face is as red as a fire engine!”

“I think Charlie got a little over-heated,” I said, laughing and standing to make my exit.

“Betty, where are you going? Hope it wasn’t something I said?” Asked Tina rhetorically.

“No, no problem here,” I smiled and chuckled at Charlie’s condition. “I should really give David a call. You guys have a good time and I’ll catch up with you later.”

After a cold shower back at our room, I realized that besides being lonely, now I was horny as hell. With the room to myself, I opted to dry off au natural. Spreading my naked body across the bed, I reached for the phone.

“David, yeah it’s me. How are YOU doing? God, Honey I miss you!”

“Are you OK? You sound a little anxious,” he noticed.

“Oh I’m OK, really –just kind of horny,” I admitted.

“Hummm, how’d you get that way?”

“You wouldn’t believe me, if I told you,” I began.

“So try me,” he prodded.

“Well first, you know I’ve never been into that lesbian stuff…”

“Yes, go on,” he begged, anxious for details.

“Tina had a few too many drinks on the plane I think, cause she stripped down naked as soon as we got here and pretended to make a play for me.”


“Oh, don’t get all hot and bothered –nothing happened. She said she was just kidding, but her behavior did kind of make me wonder. I’ll have to keep an eye on her!”

“So you’re not going to give me any juicy details?” He pleaded.

“Why you old pervert! Jesus, you probably have your hard cock in hand already, don’t you?”

“You guessed it! Well, what do you expect? That was the first thing; what’s number two?” David asked, excitedly.

Hearing my husband’s sexy voice and knowing what his hand was up to got my juices flowing. Running my hand across my naked thigh, I spread my legs and felt my wet lips.

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