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Uncle Bill's Halloween Whore

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Brenda gets mistaken for a prostitute.
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Thank you PennLady for your help with editing! All mistakes are mine and mine alone. She cannot be held responsible for a dumbass like me!


Brenda gets mistaken for a Prostitute, and ends up loving being Uncle Bill's trick and treat!

Uncle Bill was his usual disgusting self, again, Brenda thought. It was his birthday, and Brenda's mom, Bill's sister, had thrown him a little party. She'd made him a cake and bought a couple of presents, and gathered the family. It was too bad that his birthday was on Halloween. It kind of ruined the holiday.

Brenda went through the motions, even eating a piece of cake with them. It wouldn't have been so bad, but Uncle Bill was always so rude, loud and obnoxious, making off-color jokes filled with sexual innuendo. Brenda just didn't like him. Her mother and father were quiet, neat people, whereas her uncle was like a frat boy who had never grown up. Sure, Brenda had a wild side, but she preferred things neat, tidy, clean and organized, just like her parents.

Uncle Bill owned his own plumbing company, and true to form, when he bent down to hug Brenda's two little sisters goodbye, he displayed the requisite plumber's crack. He still had greasy stains on his work shirt, which was too short and rode up over his fat belly every time he reached up for anything.

Brenda shuddered in anticipation of the hug he was sure to give her before he left. He was dirty, fat, balding, greasy and usually sweaty. Worse, though, were the little glances that he kept making at Brenda's chest.

After graduating high school, her breasts had grown to epic proportions. She knew she carried a little extra weight, and that her tummy was a little too flabby, but her large breasts made up for it. She didn't mind guys glancing at them, but it was creepy when Uncle Bill did it. He was family.

Brenda wasn't a virgin, but she'd only been with one guy. It was her first true love and she still missed him. His name was Nathaniel and he'd moved away just several months ago. She'd been thinking about him all day and had been in a horrible funk. Instead of retreating to her room, like she'd been planning, she'd been forced to attend Uncle Bill's birthday party. Being around people today hadn't been on the agenda.

Uncle Bill came over to her before he left. He'd already said goodbye to the rest of the family and everyone else was in the kitchen getting a second piece of cake. "Hey Brenda," he said.

"Hey, Uncle Bill. Happy Birthday," she said, trying to sound like she meant it.

"Thanks," he said, leaning in.

Brenda saw him quickly glance down at her chest and then he had her in a tight hug, mashing her big breasts between them. As usual, the hug lasted way too long.

"I'm heading out. The guys are throwing a party for me too. We're probably going to get really fucked up. Don't tell your mom I said that." He laughed softly. "I'm dressing up like Thor and I'm going to get hammered." He chuckled. "Get it?"

"Okay," Brenda said, not looking at him...not wanting to frown at his horrible joke.

"You look pretty down in the dumps, Brenda."

"Yeah, I'm not having a good day. Sorry if I'm ruining your birthday."

"No. Listen. I don't let other people ruin my days. I do what I want, when I want. I don't let nothing get me down. You're not ruining nothing. Here," he said, smiling and handing her a small bottle.

"What's this?"

"It's a pint of Irish whisky and it will take the blues away. If you get caught though, you didn't get it from me."

Brenda's opinion of her uncle went up considerably, for the moment. "Well now I feel bad," she said putting it in her jacket pocket.

"Don't. The fellas probably have so much alcohol at my house, that I could swim in it. Enjoy, and don't do anything stupid and don't get caught. See you later," he said giving her chest one more admiring look before heading out the door.

Brenda's mother came up behind her, catching her by surprise. "Ha, did I scare you?"

"A little."

"What were you two talking about?"

"I just apologized for being such a downer on his birthday."

"Honey, it's okay. He understands. I thought you were going to the harvest festival and then spending the night at Sara's house?"

"I was," Brenda started. "But..."

"But nothing," her mom interrupted. "Grab your bag and head over. You'll feel better and I'll see you in the morning."

Twenty minutes later, Brenda was walking alone in the park with her small overnight bag over her shoulder, taking little sips of the Irish whisky. It didn't take her long to start feeling a buzz.

She wasn't sure what she was going to do. She didn't feel like going to the harvest festival or going over to her friend's house. She didn't want to go home. She was sure that was probably what she would do though. She would head home after everyone in the house was already asleep and after she had a good buzz on. Right now, she just wanted to drink alone.

Brenda found a lonely bench on an isolated path in the park and finished her little bottle of whisky. She was feeling lightheaded and buzzed when she drained the last of it. Standing up too quickly, she teetered and stumbled almost doing a face plant beside the path.

She giggled. "Definitely drunk!" she said to herself, regaining her balance.

It was dark and cold and the wind was picking up. Her short leather jacket was no match for it. She was wearing a tight black, long sleeved blouse that was too thin for the wind. And her matching black skirt was too short for this time of year, or at least to be hanging out in the park after dark in.

Brenda decided to walk home, thinking that her parents had already headed to bed... She stumbled along the path. "Shit," she exclaimed, tripping over her feet and giggling again. She regained her balance and stopped. In the path ahead, about twenty yards away, two men were standing, blocking her way. Brenda suddenly felt incredibly uneasy. Even in her drunken state, she remembered her self-defense training and her instructor's words; "Trust your instincts. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't right."

Brenda spun around and started to walk quickly in the opposite direction. She thought she heard two pairs of footsteps following her down the path. She quickened her pace, stumbling along and veering to the left at a fork in the path. She was too afraid to look back. What if they were gaining on her?

The path wound around a thick copse of trees. Brenda left the path, winding her way through the trees. On the other side was a small open field, which she made her way across, as fast as she could. Then she worked her way through another stand of trees. She came out onto the edge of the park, realizing that she had no idea where she was.

She tried to find a street sign or a recognizable landmark or building. She just couldn't think straight. The good thing was that there were cars on this street and it was well lit. She turned right on the sidewalk and kept moving. The wind was really picking up now and Brenda was freezing. She followed the street to the first intersection, straining to read the sign.

"Archetype Road."

"I know someone on this road," Brenda mumbled. She knew that street name. "Yes! Uncle Bill!" she exclaimed. He lived on Archetype Road.

She had only been over there a couple of times before, but she thought she would recognize his house if she saw it. Brenda looked over her shoulder and thought she saw two dark figures emerge from the park.

"Fuck," she muttered, turned, and hurried down the street.

Brenda stumbled down the sidewalk, still feeling thickheaded, and now extremely thirsty. She was deathly afraid that she was being pursued and kept on going. Her legs were so tired. She was almost ready to collapse and start crying, but then she saw Uncle Bill's van. His company logo and slogan splashed across the side: "Laying the pipe since 1999!"

"What a dumbass," Brenda muttered, but smiling with relief. She'd never been so happy to see his stupid slogan before in her life. She ran up to the front door. It was ajar, so she went in. Music was blaring and the lights were bright. Brenda had to blink her eyes a few times to see.

"You're late," said a voice from beside her. "And you need one of these. We thought you'd be in Black Widow. I'm Iron Man." He gestured to the red plastic armor he was adorned with.

Iron Man looked like one of her uncle's helpers. He walked closer to Brenda, offering her a little cheap Halloween mask. She blinked at him. He definitely didn't recognize her and she was struggling to remember his name.

"It's all here, but you can count it. We thought you were going to be blonde too." He handed her a thick envelope.

Brenda took the envelope, wondering what was in it. It was really thick. She frowned at him. "Oh...uh...I mean its okay that you're not blonde. You've got a really nice rack!" he said happily. "Bill's going to be really happy."

"Thirsty," Brenda croaked, still shivering from the cold. Her heart was still beating a mile a minute. She'd figure out what he was talking about after she had something to drink and after she warmed up a little... She stuffed the envelope into her jacket pocket and slipped on the mask. Not much of a costume but she wasn't feeling very Halloweenish this year. It was perfect.

"Gotcha," the young man said, rushing down the hall to the kitchen.

Brenda heard hurried talking in the kitchen. She saw a small group of people drinking in one of the rooms off to the side. The young man ran back down towards her.

"Here," he said, handing her a cold beer and a shot glass full of something dark. "You're early," he said beckoning her to follow him up the stairs. "We weren't quite ready for you, but that's okay."

They were expecting her? Brenda was too exhausted and buzzed to follow what he was saying. She took the two drinks from his hands, and followed the young man up the stairs.

"We really thought you were going to be blonde and taller," he said laughing.

Brenda giggled. "Okay. You already told me that...I can't change who I am," she said as he led her into one of the bedrooms. It looked like someone had puked up the 1970s all over it. It was brightly decorated and amazingly tacky, right down to the matching lava lamps on the bedside tables, and a disco ball hanging off the ceiling.

"Oh my god," Brenda gasped, stifling another giggle. There were mirrors everywhere.

"Yeah, Bill's quite an operator," the young man said, a little too seriously.

Brenda put her overnight bag on the floor, peeled off her jacket and sat on the edge of the bed. She drained the shot glass and took a big swig of the beer. She drank half the bottle in one go. "Can I have another one, please?"

The young man was gazing at her chest and snapped it up to her eyes, when Brenda spoke. She didn't mind. He was really cute and muscular. He got back to business.

"Sure! I'll be right back. You can change in the bathroom if you need to. Bill had to run to the store. We rolled dice and...uh...I'm first. So..." he was looking around nervously as he spoke.

Brenda giggled. "What's your name?"

"John," he said.

Brenda did recognize him now. He was John Barrow, and he worked for Uncle Bill. He had been a football player with a full scholarship to Stanford before he blew out his knee. She always had the biggest crush on him and now he seemed like he didn't even recognize her and she had no idea what he was blabbering about.

"Thanks, John." Maybe he did recognize her. Maybe John was trying to get lucky with her and maybe she would let him, but not in Uncle Bill's room.

He left the room to fetch another beer or whatever. Brenda went in and used her uncle's bathroom to pee and freshen up, and then she went and sprawled out on Uncle Bill's king-sized bed. She finished her beer and laid her head back on his oversized pillows. They smelled like him and that was when she decided that he actually didn't smell too bad.

Now that she was out of danger, she realized how extremely horny she was. If she was home, she would be up in her bedroom masturbating furiously. She was going to ask Uncle Bill or John for a ride home. John didn't seem like he was drunk, but he did seem nervous. The room started to spin.

"Shit," Brenda mumbled and sat up, just as the door opened and John walked in, shutting it behind him.

"Hi, again," Brenda said, grabbing the bed covers to stop the room from spinning. She focused on John standing by the door. It worked. She still felt hot but the room wasn't spinning. She shook her head to clear it. John was just standing there staring at her.

"What do we do first?" he asked.

Brenda wasn't sure. "You could bring that beer over here," she said. She was still very thirsty.

John came over and sat on the bed next to Brenda handing her the beer. She took a big gulp of it. She felt much better. She couldn't believe that she was sitting all alone on a bed with one of her biggest crushes. He was four or five years older than she was and had almost been a star quarterback at Stanford.

"Take this, please," she said, handing him the beer. He placed it on the bedside table and then leaned in and kissed Brenda on the lips. She stiffened for a moment, stunned. She had no idea he liked her too, and he was just what she needed to get over Nathaniel.

He pulled away. "Shit! Sorry...sorry. I know the rules. I didn't mean to."

Brenda grabbed his hand. She wasn't sorry that he had kissed her. She had just been shocked. She wasn't sure what he was blabbering about rules. Her uncle's rules? She put her hand on his leg.

"I'm not sorry." Then she kissed him. He kissed her back, hard, his hand roaming up the front of her blouse and grabbing one big tit, and squeezing it roughly. "Uh!" She grunted and then sucked his tongue into her mouth.

John pushed Brenda back onto the bed, now using both hands on her massive breasts as he kissed her. He sat back, taking his plastic armor and his shirt off and revealing a still muscular body beneath it.

"Wow!" Brenda exclaimed.

John blushed in pride. "You must see lots of guys with better bodies than mine. Can I see yours?"

"What about Bill?" Brenda said looking at the door, sitting up and pulling her tight black shirt over her head.

"He'll wait his turn," John said cryptically. "You've got an amazing rack. Will you let me suck your nipples?" he asked, now standing up and pulling his jeans off.

This was starting to go a little too fast for Brenda. "Yeah?" she said unsure, but she pulled her bra off anyway.

John, clad only in his boxers, pushed Brenda back on the bed again and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth as he roughly pawed her breasts.

"Oh, John!" Brenda cried at as he assaulted her nipples. His mouth on her nipples was amazing. She was so wet now, but she didn't want him to think that she was a slut. This was as far as she would go.

John moved onto the bed with Brenda, making out with her, hands all over her body. He shifted against her and she felt his erection against her thigh.

"Oh, shit!" Brenda giggled. "Did I do that?"

"Yes, you did." John smiled down at her. He stood up and pulled his boxers down, letting his cock spring free. It jiggled obscenely. "I've got the rubbers. Take your skirt off," he said, reaching down to his jeans.

Brenda slid her skirt and panties off and scooted up the bed. Fuck it, she thought. She decided that she just didn't give a fuck, as watched John roll the condom onto his cock and then crawl on the bed over top of her.

"I'm nervous," he said.

Brenda thought that was cute. The big football player was nervous to be with her. "I want this," she said, trying to allay his fears, realizing that she was beyond wanting. She needed this.

John pushed forward; his cock pressing against the folds of her pussy.

"Oh..." she gasped, pulling his head down for another kiss.

John slowly pushed his cock into her, inch by luxurious inch. "I hope I can last long enough. I want to get my money's worth with you." Then he began to fuck her with long, hard strokes.

Brenda raised her legs up against his sides, urging him deeper. "I needed this," she whimpered into his neck. "Uh!"

John fucked her for a very long time, but Brenda couldn't cum. He had her close a couple of times but she couldn't get over the hump and apparently neither could he. "Shit! Times almost up," he said, looking over at Bill's alarm clock. "Can we try another position? Doggie style?"

"Yeah," Brenda croaked in disappointment as he pulled his cock out of her.

"Against the side," John said, as Brenda got on her hands and knees and backed up to the side of the bed. "I'll stand on the floor."

"Fuck!" Brenda shrieked, as John rammed into her. He was so deep. "God!"

John was fucking her furiously. He had some good leverage, gripping her plump thighs as he plowed into her again and again. Brenda glanced over at one of Bill's mirrors, watching John slam into her again and again.

Brenda zoned out, lost in the bliss of his fucking her. She didn't hear the bedroom door open or notice her uncle's other partner, Randy, walk over and undress. She didn't notice when Randy climbed on the bed in front of her. She vaguely herd a slap as Randy and John high-fived each other. She DID notice when someone pressed a cock against her lips.

"What?" she asked. She was very confused. She grunted as John continued to slam into her from behind. "Oh God...Uh...Uh..."

"Two on one..." John grunted from behind. "In the contract..."

Contract? What the fuck was Johnny Football blabbering about now? Brenda opened her mouth to dispute whatever was going on, but Randy took that opportunity to slide his cock into it.

"Mmmmrgggrf..." she protested around the thick cock stuffed between her lips. There was some precum on the tip of Randy's cock. It was salty and delicious. John was still hammering her from behind. It felt so good that for a moment she didn't even care that there was someone else's cock in her mouth.

Eventually, she tried to lift a hand up to pull the shaft out of her mouth, but John pumped her hard from behind making Brenda lose her balance, falling forward and causing Randy's cock to go deeper, almost against the back of her throat. She stopped resisting and let both men use her as they would. It took a moment but she got into the rhythm of both men. She would have been lying of she said she wasn't enjoying this.

It was all so fucking hot, she thought. Being skewered, like this, between two hard cocks. It was a dark, slutty fantasy of hers. One she would never have acted on before now.

The two men fucked her like this for a long while. One plowing into her from behind, thrusting against her plump ass and another pumping his cock between her full lips. They had her so close to cumming but, again, she couldn't get over the hump. It was the same problem she had had with Nathaniel. She could never cum from intercourse.

Her jaw was starting to ache. She opened her eyes and looked up at Randy, He had his eyes closed, not looking at her at all. He was an older man, about fifty or so, balding and missing half of his teeth.

"Fuck," Brenda thought, "Uncle Bill would kill Randy if he knew he was in my mouth!" Her jaw was really starting to hurt, and she needed him to be done soon, so she decided to try to get him to cum quicker. She applied as much suction as she could on his cock. He grunted in pleasure at the change in sensation.

"Oh, you're good," he grunted. "You got such a sweet, sweet mouth." He grabbed two big handfuls of her hair and started to fuck her mouth with more urgency. He was getting close. Brenda could tell.

Then John suddenly tensed up behind her. She could feel his cock spasm inside her. He was cumming. She was glad that he had the forethought to put on a condom. Brenda wasn't on the pill and she sure didn't need to get pregnant at this point in her life. When John finished cumming, he pulled out of her and fell back against the wall. "Shit, that was good!" he moaned. "Well worth it."


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