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Uncle Karl

Story Info
Niece gets to know her long-lost uncle.
4.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 11/17/2006
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I came home from college one hot summer afternoon to find a big black BMW parked in the driveway and the front door open. Wondering if my Mum had visitors, I stepped inside and peeked into the living room. There was nobody there.

"Hello?" I said.

"We're in the kitchen!"

"Who's 'we'?" I shouted, walking through to the kitchen. I kicked off my shoes and took the clips out of my hair, letting it fall free.

I got my answer a second later when I arrived in the kitchen and saw my Mum there with an older man, both of them sitting down at the table where the hazy sunshine fell. The man was broad-chested, with short black hair, greying at the temples but still thick. He was wearing a dress shirt and slacks, and there was a pair of sunglasses in his chest pocket.

'Well, hello,' I thought to myself, smiling at him. I was instantly glad for the weather; it had been so hot that all I was wearing was a short denim skirt and a pink halterneck. It showed off my legs and my shoulders rather nicely, and I could see something in his eyes that told me he'd noticed.

"Hi," I said to them both, but mainly to him. I flicked my blonde hair back from my ear and fixed him with my killer stare.

"Hi, darling," said Mum. She grinned at me. "Can you guess who this is?"

I blinked and looked at the man. Suddenly I realised there was something familiar about him - the line of his jaw, and the way his nose was ever-so-crooked.

"Do I know you?" I said, narrowing my eyes.

He smiled suddenly, showing a perfect line of white teeth.

"You could say that." He showed me his profile, then winked at me.

I looked at him, shaking my head. I couldn't quite place him, but I really wished I could...

"The name 'Karl' doesn't ring any bells?" said Mum.


The penny dropped.

"Uncle Karl!" My mother's older brother, who lived in Spain and was in the car business. God. I hadn't recognised him. All of a sudden I was painfully aware of how I must have just come across: a flirty, skimpily dressed teenage fashion victim with nothing between my ears except fluff. Great - real classy, Britt.

"Hi," I said, feeling my cheeks pinking.

He laughed, looking me up and down. "Don't worry, I wouldn't have recognized you either. You've changed quite a bit in the many years?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"At least eight," Mum said. "You were there at Britt's tenth birthday. Remember?"

Uncle Karl shook his head, looking at me, eyes twinkling. "My little sister's girl is really eighteen? God, where does the time go?"

He really had the most wonderful eyes. I looked away and said "Shall we have a drink?"

"Sure," Mum said.

We sat whiling away the late afternoon, chatting and drinking wine. I could hardly take my eyes off Uncle Karl. I couldn't get over how good he looked. I suppose at the age of ten, which was when I'd last seen him, you don't really noticed those things. Well, I noticed them now.

"What are you doing back here?" I asked him.

"Just visiting. It's been so long since I've seen your mother here, and I had decided to take a few weeks holiday, so I just thought 'hey, why not?'"

"What about Aunt Julie? And the boys?" I said.

Karl shrugged. "They're at home. It does me good to get away every once in a while."

Mum laughed. "How I wish I could do that. Just up sticks and take off for a week or two."

"You always were more of a grown up than me."

I looked at them. They really were similar, I decided. Something in their faces. You could tell they were brother and sister. I wondered if people would notice the same thing about me and Uncle Karl - is it easy to spot an uncle and neice?

I finished off my wine and went to get another bottle from the fridge. While I did so I forced myself to stop thinking about Uncle Karl and his wonderful eyes.

By the time Dad came home we'd finished another bottle of wine between us and had already eaten dinner. I went to bed early and tossed and turned under the covers, my thoughts always turning to the same subject.


The next day was a Friday. I came back from college early and found Uncle Karl and Mum drinking more wine in the kitchen, with the cord-less phone on the table in front of them.

"Hi, Britt," Uncle Karl said, smiling.

"What's going on?" I said. Even though the previous night I'd told myself I should stop thinking about him and dress conservatively, for some reason after waking I'd impulsively put on a thin blue summer dress, shoulder-strapped and high on my thighs. I noticed his eyes ever-so-briefly linger on my legs, my chest...and told myself not to be so silly.

"We're organizing a barbeque!" said Mum. "We're calling up the whole family. Your grandparents, your cousins, your Dad's brothers. We're doing it tomorrow. Short notice, but it looks like everybody's coming."

"I'm everybody's favourite uncle," said Uncle Karl.

I giggled. 'You're certainly mine,' I thought.

"So keep your calender free, girl," said Mum. "No gadding about with your friends. It's family day tomorrow."

"Okay," I said. "Don't worry. I'm looking forward to it."

I caught Uncle Karl's eye and he winked at me, grinning.

I lay in bed later that night thinking about that wink, and that grin. No matter how wrong I knew it was, I just couldn't get it out of my mind...and what might come after. I put my hand between my legs and closed my eyes, thinking...


The sun was out in full; the sky broad and blue and clear. Perfect barbeque weather. We rushed around the house, getting everything ready.

"We haven't got enough red wine!" Mum suddenly realised, kneeling down by the wine rack and running her fingers through her hair. "And everyone's going to be here in an hour!"

"Isn't it 'bring your own'?" Dad shouted through from the garden, where he was setting up the barbeque.

"I'll go," Karl said. "How many do you want?"

"Would you?" Mum said. "Bring five or six."

Karl nodded. "Five or six. Tell me where the shop is, before I go. I'm new round here, remember?"

"I'll go!" I blurted out before I could stop myself. "With Uncle Karl, I mean." I looked at him. "I'll show him the way."

Karl nodded. "Problem solved."

"Thanks, darling," Mum said.

We got into his BMW.

"Nice car!" I said, cringing inwardly as soon as I'd opened my mouth. Way to sound like a pathetic groupy.

"Thanks," he said, starting the engine. He grinned at me and put on his sunglasses. Oh well. No chance to stare into his beautiful brown eyes, but at least I had the chance to be alone with him for a while. I was wearing a halterneck top that revealed the perfect amount of cleavage whenever I bent over, a sinfully short skirt, and strappy sandals - all the best to show off the tan I'd been working on the whole summer. It would be enough to drive him wild, I knew.

"So," he said, after we'd been driving. "Tell me what's been going on. I haven't spoken to you properly in eight years!"

I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. "What kind of thing do you want to know?"

"Oh," he said. "Well, what would a boring old farty Uncle usually want to know about his neice's life?"

I giggled. "Probably how college is getting on, and whether I was studying hard. And what I want to do after I graduate."

He nodded, grinning. "Well, what would a cool, hip, trendy Uncle want to know?"

I laughed. "He'd probably want to know if I was seeing anyone, and what kind of stuff I was into."

"What kind of stuff? What do you mean?"

"You know, music and sports, that kind of thing."

"Ah," he said, glancing at me. "So?"

It took me a second to realise what he meant. "Oh!" I said. "Well, yeah, I am kind of seeing this guy at college but it's not really serious." Truth was, I hadn't thought about Chris, my 'boyfriend', once in three days. "As for music I like dance stuff, and jazz, hip-hop, funk. That sort of thing."

He nodded. "And sports?"

"I play tennis a lot. That's why I have such fantastic legs," I said, risking a little flirting.

He chuckled. We pulled up at a set of traffic lights. "So, which way?" he said.

We made our way to the supermarket and loaded up on wine.

"Tell me about this boyfriend of yours, then," Uncle Karl said as we pushed the trolley towards the check-outs. He'd pushed his sunglasses up over his forehead, so everytime our eyes met I felt my knees go weak and my breath quicken. Now, I was starting to wish he would put them back on, so my heart rate could get back to normal.

"Oh, he's okay," I said.

He laughed. "Okay? That's the kind of thing you say about your teacher, or your brother. If your boyfriend's 'okay', that probably means he isn't."

"Well...he's sweet," I said.

He looked at me. "I think you need something more than 'sweet'."

God. I murmured something and bit my lip until my heart stopped thumping.


Back at the house, we took out the wine and found the barbeque had already started. My Dad's three brothers were there, with their wives and my cousins, and my Mum's family too. Maybe thirty people in all. Dad was behind the barbeque - in charge, of course. He's always in charge of barbeques.

We spent the next few hours doing what my family does best - eating, chatting, and above all, drinking. I talked with all of them at various stages, and played darts with my Dad's brothers. Every so often I would catch Uncle Karl's eye across the other side of the garden and smile.

"So tell me more about this boyfriend," he said at some point when we were finally alone together. The afternoon was slowly fading - the sun just edging towards the horizon and dusk. Around us was the noise and hubbub of the party.

"Oh," I said. "What's there to tell?"

I was deliciously drunk - just enough for me to feel that very warm glow in my veins, but not enough to lose control. The perfect pitch.

He shrugged, smiling. "I just want to make sure my favourite niece is happy."

"Favourite neice? Until two days ago you hadn't seen me in eight years." I looked at him over the rim of my glass.

He grinned. "I like what I've seen of you since then, though."

My pulse quickened as my eyes met his. "I bet you say that to all your nieces," I said, and winked. 'This is dangerous,' a voice inside me said. 'I don't care,' said another - much more powerful - one.

He chuckled. "Actually, you're my only neice. So I suppose that's true."

"Well that's not so flattering. You're saying I'm only your favourite because I'm the only one?" I said, taking another sip of wine and feeling it on my tongue. I twisted the stem of the glass between forefinger and thumb. I was sure he noticed.

He showed his teeth again. Beautiful teeth. "Yeah, you're only my favourite by default, I suppose."

"Meanie," I said, leaning forward to scratch my leg, letting him see my cleavage, staring up into his eyes. "I shouldn't just be a default. Not when I have so much to offer."

He met my gaze, never looking down, where he so obviously wanted to look. Those moments, when you have a man exactly where you want him...even if he is your uncle, and you absolutely shouldn't be thinking like that...

"Maybe I need to know you better then," he said, finishing his wine.

I leaned close to him. I could smell his aftershave. "Meet me up in the bathroom in a few minutes, then."

I turned and walked back into the house.

I waited for him in the bathroom, carefully checking how I looked in the mirror. I could feel my heart in my chest. 'Idiot,' I kept telling myself. 'What are you playing at?' But it didn't make much difference. And the die were cast now anyway.

Outside, the noise and murmer of the party was rose up in the air.

There was a knock on the door.

I opened it, and there he was. He slipped inside, and shut the door behind him, then locked it.

"Well," he said, standing facing me.

"Here we are," I said. "So now, how exactly do you propose to get to know me better?"

He stepped towards me. I had just enough time to register how beautiful he was like this, close against me, before his finger was under my chin, tilting my head back so he could lean down to kiss me.

My lips opened up around his. His tonguetip gently traced over the line of my mouth. His breath was warm and wine-scented and it mixed with mine as we pressed against each other.

I don't know how long we kissed for; only that it was too short and then he was turning my around so that my back was towards him.

"Let me see you take that top off," he said.

Breathing heavily, I reached up behind my head and untied my halterneck, let it fall away. His hands came up from behind me, cupped my breasts. I turned my head, kissing him over my shoulder.

"God," I said, when we broke the kiss. His palms brushed over my nipples. I pressed my hips back against him, and felt how hard he was underneath his pants.

"You're a bad niece, you know," he breathed into my ear as I rubbed against him.

"How so?" I said, smiling. His hands felt so good on my breasts. I was trembling.

"Letting your uncle do this to you in the bathroom while your parents are just outside in the garden." He teased my nipples between forefinger and thumb.

"Yeah," I said, sighing. "I suppose that makes me a bad niece."

He laughed. "I think you like it."

"You know I do."

His hands moved down over my belly. I turned my head, nibbling at his jaw before his lips met mine again.

And I did like it. For a moment all I could think about was my parents, and what they'd do if they saw me like this, with Uncle Karl...and a tremor ran through me.

Then his hands had reached my skirt and they ran over it down my thighs to the hem. He hitched my skirt up hard and fast around my hips, and then his hands were up underneath, on the skin of my upper-thighs...grasping for my panties...finding the elastic, pulling them down.

He stepped back after he'd pulled my panties down around my knees.

"Lean on the sink," he said softly.

I obeyed, putting my hands on the sink and leaning over it. I looked at myself in the mirror. Brazenly topless, my skirt crumpled up around my hips, my panties down to my knees.

Uncle Karl's hands were on my ass then, grabbing it...he leaned forward and kissed my shoulder.

Then his thumb was at my pussy, pressing against the lips.

"Oh God," I said. "Yes, Uncle Karl."

It slid into me, quick and easy. I was so wet, I heard it penetrate me, my uncle's thumb. He pushed it in and out again slowly. His other hand came around to grasp my breast from behind. I gasped for air as he started to thumb-fuck me...slowly, rhythmically...

His palm, his fingers rubbed against my clit.

I moaned.

"Careful," he said. "They might hear."

That only made my heart beat faster. "Fuck me," I whispered to him. "Fuck me, Uncle Karl."

His pace quickened. His thumb thrust in and out of me, hard and fast. I heard my pussy slurping, felt a trickle of my wetness runnng down the inside of my thigh.

"Yes," I sobbed.

"Are you going to come?" he said. "Are you going to come for me, with the whole family downstairs? You bad thing."

"Yes," I said.

His thumb hooked slightly, found that spot. My knees buckled. I bit my lip to keep from screaming. My orgasm exploded through me in a wave.

"Oh, God," I hissed through my teeth.

His hand pulled away from me. I was so wet down there. I turned and watched him suck his thumb clean.

"Now, what is my bad niece going to do?" he said.

I knelt on the bathroom floor before him, unzipped his fly and unbuttoned his trousers, and pulled them down around his ankles. His hardness came free and stood rigid and thick at eye level. My Uncle's cock. As beautiful as the rest of him.

I took the head between my lips and ran my tongue over it as I sucked it. Breathing hard, I wanted him to come, quick. I wanted to taste him. I slurped greedily, smelling the sweat on his crotch. My hand grasped his shaft and massaged it, firm, rythmical.

"Yes," he whispered. "Damn, Britt, that's good."

I looked up at him.

"Yes," he said. "Suck me. Yes."

I gulped on his cock obediently, sliding my hand up and down it, my wet lips tight around it. I listened to the chatter from the garden and imagined them all out there. I imagined how I looked, down on my knees in front of my gorgeous uncle, sucking his cock and loving it. The thought spurred me on. I licked and sucked on him, bobbing my head.

His hand, on the back of my head, clutched at my hair and I knew he was close. I relaxed and felt his come, my uncle's come, explode in my mouth. Thick and salty. I swallowed it, gulping.

I sucked and licked him dry.

"Well," he said, looking down at me. "I think I can safely say you're not just my favourite by default any more."

I grinned at him. "Good."

"I'd best get back," he said, buckling up. "Before they wonder where we've got to and put two and two together."

I nodded. "I'll see you down there."


I was eating breakfast the next day with Mum and Dad in the kitchen, thinking about him, and what we'd done. The fact that my parents were completely unaware of what I'd been up to just made everything that much more exciting. It didn't occur to me to regret it. I just wanted more.

Finally Uncle Karl made his appearance.

"Morning," he said to the three of us. "Listen, I was thinking of taking a drive around town today - just to check out what's changed since I was last here. And," he looked at me, "I was wondering if Britt might want to come along. It'll give us a chance to get to know each other." My parents didn't see the wink he gave me - but it was enough to make me catch my breath.

"Erm, sure," I said. "I'd like that."

"I think that would be nice," said Dad. "It'll get you out from under our feet, at least."

I smiled at him and went to get ready.

"They don't suspect a thing," Uncle Karl said to me once we were in his car.

"No, they don't," I said. I had on a red summer dress and red sandals. "I wonder what they'd do if they found out." The thought excited me. The danger.

"Best not to think about it," he said. "Now, where shall we go?"

"Anywhere," I said. "I'll go wherever you want."

He glanced at me. "Really now?"

I giggled. "Absolutely anywhere."

"Let's go to the sea front."

As we drove the wind picked up and the sky greyed with rainclouds. It wasn't long before drops of rain were hammering on the windshield.

"No sunbathing today, then," I said.

"I had something more fun in mind anyway," said Uncle Karl, looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

I giggled. "What might that be?"

"I think you can guess."

I could. The thought made me hot. I reached over and felt him underneath the crotch of his trousers. Already I could feel it hardening under the material.

"I think my Uncle's getting a little hot under the collar," I said.

"I think my niece is going the right way for a good seeing-to."

I laughed. "A good seeing-to? I think I'd like that." I squeezed his cock. Gently tugged down his fly with my fingers.

He looked at me. "Naughty girl."

I grinned and unbuttoned him, reaching under the elastic of his underpants and finding his hot, thick hardness.

He was staring straight ahead, obviously trying to concentrate on driving.

I gripped his cock and started to slide my hand up and down, feeling how rigid it became. I traced my thumb over the head, feeling a little of his precum oozing out. I spread it over and around his glans, enjoying how his back arched when I did so. Then I put my thumb between my lips and ran my tongue over it, tasting him.

"You have no idea how badly I want to fuck you now," he said, running his tongue over his lips.

"Is it as badly as I want you to fuck me?" I said.

The rain was getting heavier, lashing against the windows and the windscreen and hammering on the roof.


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