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Uncovering the Sissy Beneath Pt. 02

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My Journey of being held captive and turned into a sissy.
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/06/2019
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Disclaimer: This story contains extreme fetishes including BDSM and forced seduction. It is also purely fictional.

This is part two of my previous work. Be sure to read part one if you wish to understand the background of this section.


"Stand up," He says in a calm tone. A pleasant relief as I have heard nothing but yelling for a while. I began to stand slowly, but it was difficult as my ass stung so bad I could hardly move. He lends me his hand helping me back up to my feet. He grabs me by the chin forcing me to make direct eye contact.

"Now, I want you to go stand in the corner for a while. You are to remain face forward with your ass out on display. I don't want to hear a peep out of you. Just stand there thinking about what you've done, and the consequences of your actions. I want you to focus on how you're going to change your behavior in the future. I'm going to get my camera. I want to take some pictures of your ass so we can document this incident. When I decide you've had enough time in the corner we can talk about what you've learned and figure out how you're going to repay me for taking time out of my busy day to teach you a lesson. Understood?"

"Yes Daddy," I reply as I make my way to the corner once again. This time with a feeling of pure embarrassment. Feeling completely humiliated I stand waiting as he returns with his camera, snapping pictures of me from different angles. I'm grateful the spanking is over, but I had the feeling that this interaction was far from over...

After a good twenty minutes in the corner he finally starts speaking to me again.

"How are we doing over here? Have you had enough time to think about your behavior, or do you need more time in the corner?"

I take a deep breath, "No daddy, I'm ready to behave now, I promise."

"Much better, that's what I like to hear! Alright, how about you come on over to the bed and have a seat next to me. You can tell about what you've learned, and we can have a serious talk about what happens next."

With my head down, I walk over to the bed and have a seat next to him. I had to let my ass down slowly as the pressure was very intense.

"Hurts to sit down doesn't it?" He says smirking at me.

"Yes Daddy." I reply.

"It's going to be that way for a while, but that's how we make sure you don't forget your lesson. Now, do you have something you'd like to say to me?"


"Oh, and what's that?"

"I'm sorry," I guess as I hope that's what he wanted to hear."

"Okay, why don't you tell me what all you're sorry for?"

"Umm, I'm sorry I got an attitude with you, and I'm sorry I took my frustration about the tip out on you. It was my fault I didn't show up with the correct change, and it was wrong of me show you a lack of respect in your own house."

"Alright that's a good start... Now, do you think you got what you deserved?"

"Yes Daddy, I think I got what was coming to me, and what I was probably long overdue for. My behavior was definitely out of control and I thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to help set me straight."

He starts to smile, "that's what I like to hear. Hey, maybe you do have what it takes to be a good girl. I see improvement in your speech already. See how effective a good spanking can be?"

"Yes Daddy."

"Now, let's talk a little bit about that lifelong lie you've been telling yourself. I'm going to let you be honest here. Don't just tell me what you think I want to hear okay?" You can tell the truth, but don't go thinking you can get an attitude again understood?"

"Yes Daddy."

"Alright, we'll see how you do here." He pauses for a few seconds and then continues. "Do you know why I keep calling you a sissy, a brat, etc?"

"Because I am weaker than you?" I ask.

"Well that's part of it, but I was able to identify that long before you started to argue with me. When you're an alpha male like me, it's easy to spot those who are weaker. It's also easy to look at someone like yourself and tell that they are trying to be something they are not. You have a feminine demeanor that you mask. Now let's be clear though, there are plenty of beta men out there and there are plenty of alpha women out there. However, the way you personally carry yourself is the same that a spoiled rotten beta type female would, but you haven't caught onto it yourself."

He stops and looks at me. After hearing him out, I begin to respond with a polite argument about my past relationships, and love for women. "Why would I have all of these feeling and attractions towards women if I felt otherwise?" I asked.

The conversation lead into my experiences in my relationships. What I admired about the women I had dated, and what sex with them was like for me. He starts to make light of the fact that I am a pleaser and not a receiver when it comes to sex, and that alone should at least be a sign of me being beta. I hear him out and accept that it may prove I'm beta and subservient, but not feminine.

Then he steers the conversation into a different direction. Asking me about my feelings towards women's clothing. I find it sexy of course, and love seeing a girl in a nice tight pair of pants or in some sexy lingerie. After giving him my opinion on the topic of women's clothing. He tells me to stop talking.

"There it is," he says. "That's where your getting confused. You think you like the look of the clothing on the women, but you're really just attracted to the clothing itself."

"Huh?" I reply.

"No no no, stop talking." He raises his voice again and I become scared again. "That's all I needed to hear, we're gonna settle this once and for all. Stay seated, I need to grab something real quick."

He heads into his closet again and comes back with something in his hand. He comes back with a pair of women's panties. He dangles them in front of my face, and tells me to look at them closely, and describe what I see.

So I described the panties to him, pointing out the bright girly colors and the flower patterns. The material looked like satin, and had ruffles surrounding the edges.

"So we definitely agree that these are women's panties, yes?" he asks

"Yes, I mean yes daddy," I respond.

"Okay then, let's see how they look on you. Go ahead and put them on." He says as he hands them over to me.

"Fuck this is getting weird," I think to myself, but in fear of disobeying, I stand up and start pulling the panties up to my waist." After I pull them up he grabs my arm and leads me over to a full length mirror in his closet, and instructs me to look at myself closely.

"How do they feel?" He asks.

"Soft I reply," and as much as I didn't want to admit, they actually felt pretty comfortable. All of the sudden though, out of nowhere, my penis started to get a little hard. I was trying to talk it down in my head, but it just kept growing. Afraid he would notice, I put my hands over the front of the panties to try to hide my bulge.

"What's happening down there? Are you getting hard?" He says as he starts to smile at me.

I begin shaking my head no, as I continue to hide my bulge with my hands. When sure enough, he grabs my hands and pulls them out of the way, putting my erection on full display.

"Hmmm, looks to me as though you are rather enjoying the feel of those girly panties on you. Looks like I was right. Unless there is another reason you are hard, can you think of any?

"No daddy, I don't know why I'm hard," I reply lowering my head in embarrassment.

"Alright then, since you like those panties so much, they're yours. Although, what good is a nice pair of panties like that without a cute bra to match?" He says as he reaches into a drawer, retrieving a matching bra with the same pattern and material. He then hands me the bra and signals for me to put it on.

"Sorry, I don't know how to put a bra on..."

"Fine, I'll help you, but just this once. So I want you to pay attention so you'll know how to do it in the future."

I pay close attention as he wraps the bra around me, connecting the clasps and pulling the straps up over my shoulders. Once again I become harder. In fact, I was harder than I had been in awhile.

He chuckles, "look at that, you are rock hard aren't you?"

"Yes daddy."

"That's as big as it gets though isn't it?"

"Yes daddy."

He sighs, "well, I guess that explains why you're single. That couldn't possibly please any woman. I mean honestly, that looks more like a clit than a dick. Let's get one thing strait here. I don't ever want to hear you refer to that as a penis again, is that understood?"

"Yes daddy."

"Good, we can just refer to that as your little sissy clitty instead. We'll also need to find a way to keep that hidden so no one ever has to see that thing, but we can worry about that later. I think we've made some progress in helping you understand your identity, but I want to shift the focus towards your true purpose in life as a beta. I want you to follow me over to the bed again."

I follow him back over to the bed, but this time I am told to stand in front of the bed. He reaches down onto the bed and grabs the belt from earlier that was still laying there. I become frightened again and start to shake.

Holding the belt in front of my face, in a stern voice he begins to speak. "Now, I have no plans to use this again, but what comes next is going to require some serious obedience on your part so if I need to use it, I will, Understood?"

"Yes daddy."

"Good girl. I've figured out a way we can work on fitting you into your new role, and at the same time thanking me for giving your bratty little behind the proper attention it needed. You're already looking much more like a sissy in those panties and bra, but let's see just how well you can handle being treated like a girl. A good girl, well, a good sissy girl like yourself should always be ready and willing to please her daddy.

Daddy works hard to take care of his little girl, and he could use a good release. So, go ahead and drop to your knees young lady."

I start to tear up again as I knew what was coming next. I honestly had a feeling he was gonna ask me to do this as soon as I put those panties on. looking at the belt in his hand I knew I had no other choice, but to obey. However, I wasn't as reluctant as I was before, and I began to question myself. Was it just the fear of being spanked again, or am I actually entertaining this crazy accusation. Was it the panties that were making me feel more naturally submissive. I was crying out of pure confusion as to what I was feeling.

I drop to my knees. He reaches down to grab my chin and proceeds to sit down on the edge of the bed. He then spreads his legs and pulls me in closer to him. he lifts my head up to make eye contact, "it's okay to be scared. It's also okay to be a little grossed out. All girls get this feeling the first time. As long as you do what you're told everything will be alright. Now I want you go ahead and slowly remove my pants.

Trying to gain control of my shaky hands, I reach forward, unbutton him, pull the zipper down and start to wiggle his pants down. He helps pull them the rest of the way down and off. Trying not to look forward he tilts my head up again facing his underwear. I look in horror As I can see his gigantic bulge filling up all the space his underwear can hold.

In a conceded tone he boasts, "Now that's a real cock. That's what all those girls were leaving you for you know. You have to respect a man with a big package. Show him lots of attention and worship his cock 24/7. So what I want you to do now is take your face and rub it on my bulge. Use your nose to tease it. Make it nice and hard.

Slowly I begin to drop my head down on his underwear. I do as I'm told and rub my face against his bulge. I use the tip of my nose to help stimulate his shaft. His erection growing harder and harder every second. I could see his underwear start to lift as the outer edges of his balls started to become visible. Along with him, my own erection remained stiff as ever, and I could feel the panties I had on becoming wet with pre-cum.

"Good girl, daddy's nice and hard now, and I bet you're just salivating out of control at this point, aren't you?

"Yes daddy," I reply, and he was right. My mouth was overran with saliva.

"See, that's yet another sign that you are a little sissy girl. That's just a natural reaction as deep down inside, you're truly hungry for this cock. So let's go ahead and give you what you're craving. Take my underwear off."

I help pull his underwear off, leaving his bottom half completely naked. I look up and there is his massive dick standing tall. He must've been easily 10 or 11 inches.

"It's a lot to handle, I know, but don't worry, I'm not going to make you fit it all in. Deep throating is a skill that takes a little time. I tell you what, why don't you start by kissing my balls." He lifts his cock back, lightly stroking it, and grabs the back of my head to pull it forward.

I can see his sweaty balls up close as I pucker my lips and begin slowly taking my first couple kisses.

"There ya go, now softly suck on each one of them individually. It's been a while since I've had a good release and I'm sure they are nice and full for you."

"Oh no," I thought to myself. I had completely forgot about the whole ejaculation part. Wondering What he was going to expect me to do with his cum.

"Alright now, why don't you start working your way up the shaft there."

I began kissing upward on his shaft. Working my way up closer to his head, but taking my time. It was a lot to cover, but eventually, I get to the head where there is a build up of pre-cum dripping out of is hole.

"That's for you, go ahead and lick it up."

I touch the tip of my tongue and get a little taste. It was mildly salty, but sweet at the same time. Not as bad as I thought it would be.

l lick up the rest of his pre-cum and then he pulls my head up facing him. "Okay you little hungry cock whore, wrap you mouth around the head. Suck on it like you want some more of daddy's juice."

I open wide and get my lips wrapped around his large throbbing head. "Suck it," he says.

I begin slowly moving my mouth back and fourth. The more I suck the more I salivate.

"That's it, take as much as you can."

I suck on it for a good 10 minutes and he keeps his hand on my head to guide me. All of the sudden he pulls my head off of it. Drops of my slobber are dripping off of his shaft onto the floor.

"Good job little girl, you got daddy to the edge now. It's time for you to swallow your first load, and swallow you will. Remember, I still have the belt right here so you better do as you're told."

I nod, "Yes daddy, I will."

"Good, I want you to open wide for daddy and hold your tongue out. You will keep your head back and wait for my entire load to fill your pretty little mouth. I want you to hold it on your tongue and swallow only when I tell you to, understood?"

"Yes Daddy."

"Good, now go ahead and open wide. Stick that tongue out!"

I tilt my head back and hold my mouth open as wide as possible. He begins to stroke himself, holding the head of his cock right on the tip of my tongue. A few seconds later he starts to moan, and after a few moans I feel the first shot hit the back of my throat, followed by another. As the power becomes less, his load begins to gently rest on the tip of my tongue. Slowly working its way down into my mouth. I begin to gag, but just barely manage to keep it all in.

After stroking the rest of his load onto my tongue, he orders me to stay put and keep still until he tells me I can swallow. He reaches over and grabs his camera. I wait perfectly still while he starts taking pictures of me with my mouth open, full of cum. Also making sure to capture my body dressed in the bra and panties he made me wear. I felt nothing but shame and embarrassment, and at the same time disgust. His load was super thick, salty, and slimy. The smell of semen seeping into my nostrils.

"Wow, look at you," he says taking snap after snap of me. "You look so eager to swallow daddy's hot load. You must be really hungry. Well why don't you go ahead and fill that belly up, and become daddy's little cum dump. You can swallow now, but I want to see you take your time and enjoy the feeling of it sliding down the back of your throat."

Reluctantly, I pull my tongue back and take a small swallow, but immediately, I gag.

"Don't you dare gag!"

I get a hold of myself and start to swallow some more. The taste was so strong, and it lingered in my throat no matter how hard I swallowed. Some how though, I managed to get it all down.

"There you go, open wide and show me that you got every last drop."

I open my mouth wide and he takes yet another picture of me.

"Good girl. Now I want you to go hang my belt back up and then you can help me get my pants back on."

He hands me the belt, then signals me to stand up. I walk over to the closet and hang the belt up where it belongs. Then I head right back to the floor to grab his underwear and pants to help him pull them back up.

"Very good, slut. Slowly but surely, you are learning. However, any good whore knows that after a man cums, they are no longer needed. Although, you are new and I don't expect you to know routine yet. So let me be a gentleman and I'll show you the way out. Come on and follow me.

He starts to take me past where my clothes are, and I stop. "Umm, daddy... My clothes are in there," I say nervously.

"Those aren't yours anymore, I thought we established that. Those clothes are for boys right?"

"Yes daddy, but I can't wear these back out in public."

"Public? Wait, did you think you were leaving? I said I'll show you out. Meaning out of my bedroom. you're definitely not done here, there's still plenty of work that needs to be done to fix your problem. I'm gonna take you down to the basement and introduce you to a good friend of mine. She can show you where you'll be sleeping tonight."


To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I've always been a bottom. I go out of my way to please my man. When I truly please my man then and only then do I get pleasure. My man works like a dog for harth and home, wife and family. What does he get? Ignored. Well all I have to do is shave all over, dress well, smell good and suck his cock till it bleeds. Whenever, whereever he wants it. He needs to be appreciated and then I'll appreciate that nice big cock, all night and all day long.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

So sexy and hot... Realizing I am a beta

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
His Girl

Should I really become "his" girl? Oh, I so want to. He is so good to me! I so want to become his sissy! I do! What should I do, Sir? How can I make you satisfied and happy? How shall I be a lady for you, Daddy? Please come and get me, and teach me everything! I know I can be such a good woman for you!

Roxanne Lanyon, His Sweet Sissy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
so very hot

dam I really wish I was that sissy

sissyjolie4usissyjolie4ualmost 5 years ago

oh my, please do continue this story.

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