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Under The Summoner's Spell

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Yuna and Paine go on a date. Romantic, lesbian fanfiction.
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A.N: Yuna is 19, Paine is 18. This is a lesbian fanfiction.


Standing outside the airship, Rikku had recently left with Brother to search for any spheres in the Calm Lands location. Rikku didn't want Yuna to come with her since there was a certain sphere in this location that RIkku didn't want Yuna to see. Well, yes, that was the reason. That was really the reason. It could be a memory sphere, a transformation sphere, or something much worse...but Rikku could sense it wasn't safe for Yuna's eyes.

"Hello there, Yuna. I hope you're doing well," smirked Paine. "Has Rikku abandoned you again? That's really... unfortunate ."

Jumping in surprise, Yuna glanced over at Paine in a heartbeat. "Wow, Paine! I haven't seen you in ages. I-I'm okay, but what about yourself?"

"Ah, you know, the usual. Smacking jerks and fiends in the head with a sword, and training to do the same in my downtime," she answered with a stretch.

With Rikku being absent for a while, Yuna suddenly thought of an idea. "Hmm, I wonder...maybe we could train together sometime. Of course, whenever you're free."

Hearing those eager words, Paine laughed a little.

"If you think you could keep up with me, sure."

"Oh yeah? Let's make that a challenge," she encouraged with a smirk.

Raising a curious silver eyebrow, Paine wasn't sure where to begin.

"Feeling confident then, are you? Well then, we'll see. I'll follow your lead."

"Oh good, lead the way!"

Without delay, Yuna pulled out her twin pistols, having them ready in both hands.

Copying Yuna, Paine pulled out her mighty sword. "The gym, then?"

"The gym? What fiends are hiding in that place?" Yuna cocked her head to one side with another question in mind. "Or, are we fighting each other? Hmm...I think that might be too dangerous for us!"

"Ah. You see, this is one of the reasons why I like having you around - you think of these things. Where do you suggest then?"

Slipping her twin guns back into the belt around her waist, Yuna held her hands in front of her as she smiled. Yuna chuckled.

"Of course, we have to be careful! Shall we start our own adventure right now? I don't mind if it's little. But...yeah...it could be to the Moonflow or something," she suggested with a faint blush appearing over her features. "Does the Moonflow sound like a good plan?"

Giving Yuna a nod of the head, Paine also put her sword away.

"Ah, that does sound lovely. Plenty of trouble to get into there."

"Yes, at least we know how to handle the fiends there!" Yuna mentioned, shortly before glancing off to one side shyly. Yuna started to mumble. "Oh yes...and the lake is so pretty there as well...it does sound lovely..."

"The best of both worlds, then. Shall we begin our journey?"

Stuttering for a moment, Yuna glanced back at Paine now with a deep blush showing on her face.

"Of course! L-Let's go...b-before it's too late," answered Yuna.

Heading off to get the airship headed in that direction. Pretty soon, the two women wound up at the Moonflow. Paine left the airship quickly, now walking idly upstream. Catching up with Paine, the shy brunette ran up to her.

"And the air feels so pleasant here. It feels nice...especially with you beside me," commented Yuna.

Nodding in approval, Paine simply snickered.

"Yes, I'm glad you picked this place. Not too hot or too cool today," stated Paine. She gave a quick look around. "No fiends to be seen, though."

Humming a little before speaking, Yuna thought about something first.

"You don't think we'll be fighting today? Maybe the fiends here have already been dealt with," she remarked with a smirk. Soon, Yuna caught sight of a very familiar spot in the distance. "There, up ahead! It's the lake! Maybe we could sit there for a while...and maybe talk about stuff...adventures and stuff."

"Oh, certainly. I always enjoy spending any time I can with you."

"R-Really, you do? Well, come on then, let's watch the lake for a while...and then we can find fiends afterwards...or another day," she giggled.

Grabbing Paine's wrist, Yuna ran up the pathway until she arrived at the lake at last. The swordswoman simply allowed herself to be dragged. Paine was really just pleased to see Yuna so happy, so she went along with what Yuna wanted without protest. At Yuna's desired destination, Yuna swooped down to sit on the ground, now taking a seat by the lake. Yuna slipped off her boots and idly dipped her feet into the cool water. Glancing up at Paine, the brunette girl gave a smile.

"Doesn't it feel nice? Being somewhere peaceful...it almost feels romantic...being here all by ourselves..."

Paine only intoned, "Mm-hm."

If Paine reacted to Yuna's comment, she was good at hiding it. Paine pulled her considerably larger and heavier boots off and imitated Yuna in dipping her toes in the water.

The minute Paine sat down, Yuna shuffled closer to Paine, as a way to keep close...and not being flirty at all. Yuna glanced off to the horizon in the distance. "You remember when we first met, Paine? I never dreamt of being part of the Gullwings, but I'm glad I did."

Leaning against Yuna a tad, in an invitation to do the same.

"Yes, everyone thought you were just going to hide in your village forever. Except Rikku, of course."

Laughing at Paine's response, Yuna beamed widely from ear-to-ear.

"Hide in my village forever? Who told you that - Rikku? Of course, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be fighting with guns today," mentioned Yuna.

"True, but you were quite down before she trained you with those."

Yuna gave Paine a cheeky smile, "But I'm glad I did! I needed a change...otherwise I'd be stuck with all those Yevonites," she quipped. "And I never thought I'd say something like that."

Giving a simple pat on Yuna's hand, Paine smiled warmly. "Mm-hm, and we're all glad you did."

Yuna rested her hand over Paine's as she gazed at her.

"Thank you. I would have never met you otherwise," she answered sweetly.

No response from the silver-haired, Paine's smile became smaller. Her crimson eyes gazed into Yuna's green and blue. Yuna was beautiful. The high summoner had an oval face, chin-length brunette locks that shaped her face nicely, along with a pair of stunning heterochromia eyes.

"What do...you want to do?" Yuna asked, feeling a bit shy still. "Is there something on my face? You keep looking at me..."

"O-Oh," she murmured. Paine felt, well, equally shy, and it showed on her pale features. It was a rare look for her. "I...whatever you want to do..."

"R-Really? I get to decide?" Yuna giggled, thinking of something to do. "So, Paine, have you ever...kissed someone...before?" Yuna changed the subject.

"A couple of times."

Hastily, Yuna cocked her head to one side. "W-Who? Were they your partners at the time?"

"I don't want to talk about it. I'd rather focus on us right now, you know?"

"O-Oh, I'm sorry!" Yuna apologised and gave a slight nod in response. "Of course, I understand! It's not a good idea to talk about the past when you should be focusing on the present...I understand," she giggled. "What would you do if I...accidentally kissed you?"

"Accidentally, really? Your mind is full of wonderful ideas, isn't it?"

"Hmm," she blushed.

Feeling a little curious now, Yuna just had to look away from Paine for a mere moment. Really, though, at this rate Yuna couldn't hold it in anymore. Rikku taught her well not to be so much of the shy, blushy type.

An incoming flashback of Rikku suddenly entered Yuna's mind...

'Yunie, stop it! Remember the two year training I gave you? The new you isn't shy!'

But, in truth, it was hard for Yuna not to be so shy.

"Oh, is that all?" Yuna finally replied, and this just led to a little idea in her mind. "Well, let's give it a try, I guess."

Closing her eyes, Yuna leaned in and planted a quick peck on Paine's cheek. She pulled away ever so quickly, however, and averted her gaze from Paine and back to the pool of water in front of her. Yuna just watched the moon lilies scattered along the water now.

"...Hmm," she hummed again. "Being around you and Rikku has changed me a little bit. But, somehow I feel like I've done something wrong by kissing you, Paine."

At that little peck on the cheek, Paine blushed hysterically as her porcelain cheeks flushed a vivid red. Now, Paine's features were flushed red just like her vibrant crimson eye colour.

"Nngh. That was nice," mentioned Paine.

Turning to face Yuna, the swordswoman immediately planted a kiss on Yuna's forehead in return.

Out of sheer embarrassment, Yuna placed her hand onto her forehead right after that kiss.

"You know, I heard from Lulu that a forehead kiss meant protection or something like that," she mentioned with a girlish giggle. "Well, something like that."

"Well, you're aware how much I try to protect you," answered Paine. "Lulu's right."

Devilishly, Yuna leaned in and pecked Paine's lips this time. After this kiss, however, Yuna hid her mouth behind both hands as she giggled yet again.

"I'm so sorry, Paine! I didn't know what came over me," she lied.

Grumbling at that kiss, Paine gave Yuna a glare.

"... Really? " Paine groaned.

"You mean...you wanted to be kissed all this time, Paine? You seem like you enjoyed it...just like I did," remarked Yuna. She swallowed her spit nervously, just watching the swordswoman in front of her. "I'm sorry for pulling away so fast, I-" Yuna leaned in once more and caught Paine's lips in a proper kiss this time.

And of course, Paine didn't have time to give a proper response since Yuna acted so fast, but Paine's answer seemed obvious with the way she hummed and pressed her lips eagerly into Yuna's. During this lip-to-lip kiss, the summoner felt a hand wrap around her and graze her back.

Gasping behind the kiss, Yuna's eyes snapped open wide with the sudden touch on her back. Blushing madly at the grazing and at the kiss, Yuna gently placed a hand onto Paine's cheek during the kiss. "Mmm...mmmhm...~"

Without thinking, the tip of Paine's tongue slipped along Yuna's lips, and that hand started to press fingertips into the exposed skin on Yuna's back.

Pulled away from the kiss ever so quickly when she felt the scratching on her back. It didn't end there, though! Yuna pushed Paine onto her back and immediately straddled the silver-haired woman's hips.

"I find this better," she purred.

Moving down, Yuna caught Paine's lips in a kiss once again, and deeply melded her lips with hers.

Speechless, Paine was almost putty in Yuna's hands now. Even before Yuna's lips touched hers again, Paine had her lips pursed, eager for them to touch Yuna's again. The normally powerful, aloof silver-haired warrior seemed very vulnerable, needy even, perhaps starved for affection.

Keeping up with the desire, Yuna slipped her tongue in between Paine's lips and allowed her tongue to dance with Paine's at last. Yuna continued to kiss, and in the process, she slipped off her white and pink hooded shirt to expose her chest and torso. Now, Yuna was topless and only wearing her blue shorts. All that could be heard from Yuna was a series of girlish giggles behind the kiss, which was nothing unusual for her.

As Yuna was giggling, Paine could only make a series of needy, whining moans in her throat as she danced her tongue with Yuna's at the other woman's pace. Paine felt the added exposure, she tried to push Yuna back a bit as she wanted to see Yuna's bare skin.

Being pushed up, Yuna merely sat up on Paine's lap now, and out of mere shyness, Yuna made the attempt to cover up her bare chest with both arms.

"I wonder what it feels like to skinny dip in the lake here," she pondered. "I mean, there's currently no fiends around, right?"

"Mm...probably feels wonderful..."

"Well, shall we give it a try?" Yuna asked, trying her best to flirt. "Or, shall we stay here and continue with what we're doing?"

Staring up at Yuna, the silver-haired woman just laid on the ground, lust drunk and dazed.

"W...whatever you want...this was your idea," she murmured.

Yuna leaned down once again, giving Paine another kiss on the mouth.

"Sure thing," she purred and slipped a thumb into her blue shorts. "I'll wait for you in the lake, okay?"

Without a moment to waste, Yuna rose to her feet and proceeded to pull her shorts down, soon dipping her feet into the cool water again. Hesitantly, Yuna slowly walked into the lake until half of her nude body was concealed by the water and moon lilies.

"P-Paine," she called the other woman's name.

Crimson eyes widening with surprise, Paine watched Yuna expose the rest of her body. The swordswoman started to peel her leathers and belts away, revealing an expertly toned figure, firm in all the right places. Paine stood up, now completely bare, she stumbled into the water after Yuna.

"Ah, finally...you've decided to join me," purred Yuna.

Extending out an arm, Yuna held onto Paine's hand. Yuna glanced over her shoulder to look at the horizon, shortly before she looked at Paine once again. Moving in gently, Yuna planted a delicate peck on Paine's cheek.

"I like this...being here with you," she admitted shyly. "I'm glad we went on this date."

Squeezing Yuna's hand, Paine only made a small hum and nodded in response. Paine was almost completely enraptured by Yuna, under the summoner's spell.

Cheekily coiling a leg around Paine's waist, Yuna pressed her chest against Paine's as she continued to kiss the swordswoman on the lips over and over. Yuna wrapped her arms around Paine's collar, holding her close.

At the kiss, Paine arched her back to press their embraces together even deeper. Without her leather outfit, Paine's pale skin was surprisingly smooth and soft, a contrast to the tight muscles underneath. Two hands pulled around Yuna, and slipped down into the water to cup her rear, squeezing gently. Yuna's rear was plump, soft, and small just like the two moons on her chest.

Placing her hands onto Paine's shoulders, Yuna felt just how toned they were. Humming behind the deep kiss, Yuna idly slipped a hand south and in between Paine's thighs. Of course, it wasn't like she knew what to do...but she allowed two fingers to gently caress the delicate skin. Parting from the kiss for a second, Yuna just had to ask.

"Is this okay?"

Giving Yuna a quick nod, Paine kept her lips pursed shut. She immediately tensed up and made a most uncharacteristic squeal to the gentle rubs. Paine appeared to be blazing hot down there, and every stroke of Yuna's fingers made her shudder, Paine was barely able to squeak out a "yes".

Giggling at the response. Yuna proceeded on with the kiss again, slipping her tongue back into Paine's mouth. One hand was still placed on Paine's shoulder, while the other hand was idly caressing between Paine's thighs. These were lazy strokes, though, and ever so gentle...since Yuna would probably be too embarrassed to go rough or quick! But the kissing became mad, addictive, and Yuna kept on melding her lips with Paine's.

Shifting her hips in response, Paine made the action a little quicker even if neither of them were prepared. Paine's grip on Yuna's rear faltered as she found it near impossible to concentrate, as her body only twitched in Yuna's arms. Paine felt weak, submissive in Yuna's embrace.

"Y-Yuna...I've wanted this so much," mumbled Paine after she pulled away from the kiss.

"R-Really? I've always wanted you, Paine. You're just so fun to be around."

Paine gasped, "Y-Yuna, you're almost there."

Accidentally slipping a finger into Paine's love hole amidst these rubs, Yuna's hysteric red blush came back within seconds of the feel. Snapping her eyes open, Yuna glanced to one side bashfully.

The swordswoman gasped as she felt Yuna's finger slip into her. Paine let out a small sound that sounded like 'more' as one of her hands drifted around to cover Yuna's hand on her sex, pressing Yuna's hand even closer.

"H-Huh?" Yuna questioned Paine's mumbling.

With one finger already inside, the brunette girl slipped in a second finger to join with the first. Her index and middle fingers idly moved in and out, carefully as Yuna felt worried about possibly scratching.

"M...mmm," she hummed, ploughing a little faster with her two fingers now.

Slumping a little at Yuna's eager fingers, Paine was very sensitive and Yuna did well to please her. With Yuna's treatment, Paine already felt close to her own climax. Her head fell into Yuna's shoulder, as Paine began desperately kissing and nipping at her neck. Paine's hips bucked and her knees buckled, Yuna's fingers were surrounded by blazing hot wetness.

Letting out a noisy shrill moan at the nipping on her nape, Yuna leaned her head to one side to allow this kissing to happen. Yuna kinda liked it, despite never wanting to fully admit it. Yuna purred, smiling widely at the neck kisses. In fact, this kissing on her neck caused her to move faster with her fingers, moving her index and middle fingers at a quick pace now.

"Paine...you feel so...I can't explain it...but your juices are hugging my fingers in a sticky way," she mentioned. "You feel so warm...and..." these comments just made her blush way too much.


Squealing right into Yuna's ear the minute Yuna hit the right spot, Paine's back arched with this squeal. The swordswoman gasped for air and then cried out again. Paine could barely stand now, and she relied on Yuna to stay up by leaning on her. Paine now appeared to be a panting, blushing mess, a far cry from the reserved swordswoman Yuna knew.

At those squeals, Yuna felt a tiny bit concerned.

"Paine! Do you wanna sit down again? You seem to be losing your balance and I don't want you to end up falling in the water," she gasped in alarm. "Come on - let's go back to the surface," she advised and held onto Paine's hand.

In seconds, Yuna pulled out her fingers in a heartbeat, not wanting to cause anymore trouble. At this rate, it was probably easy to tell that Yuna was obviously inexperienced when it came to orgasms!

Chuckling softly in amusement, Paine wavered a bit and gave Yuna a genuine smile. She wasn't experienced either, it seemed.

"That was nice. Let's go to shore."

Pulling Paine through the cool water with her, it wasn't long until Yuna and Paine were sitting on the shore again. Yuna just giggled, she laughed out in joy at what just happened. The brunette woman just snuggled up beside Paine, nuzzling into her for a moment.

"That was amazing," she remarked. "But I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"N....no. Not in the least. That was the best I've ever felt... Yevon , I think I love you now," remarked Paine.

"Yevon? Don't you mean my name?" Yuna giggled.

Wrapping an arm around Paine's waist, Yuna rested her chin on Paine's shoulder as she idly gazed at the side of her face.

"We should go on dates more often...and I hope we have more dates like this one."

"Mm-hm. We certainly should," she smiled and gave her own suggestion. "Maybe we could even invite Rikku once in a while."

At the mere mention of Rikku, Yuna started to stutter bashfully.

"R-Rikku? Do you think she would...join in with us?" Yuna questioned, pouting her lips somewhat. "Like, as in a three-way? We all take turns on each other?"

"I've seen the way she looks at you...and we could be creative. I heard some things in my old job and from some of the crew, anyway, about being.... creative ."

"Creative? Your old job? Do you think we could be creative if we brought Rikku here with us - to this lake?"

"Rikku would love it here," assumed Paine. "Shall we head back to where Rikku is right now?"

"Oh yes, I forgot about that. Rikku must be waiting for the airship," giggled Yuna. "Oops!"

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