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Undertaker's Loving Pet Ch. 04-06

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The next morning.
3.7k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/08/2004
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****** CH 4 ******

The sun rose making it a beautiful morning. Taker and Jan had a shower and met Dave in the main room. They sat down to coffee and pastries and had their talk.

"Dave, I would like Jan to be able to come to me from time to time. When I require some company or to act as a hostess for some gathering I may have. This wouldn't in any way take over her life"

Dave had a troubling look on his face when he heard this. "You know she is my wife. We have a little girl at home. I did not think this would be more than one night. What are your feeling about that?"

"I know about all of that. I don't want to take your place as her husband or your daughter's father. I've already explained this to Jan."

Dave looks to Jan to see if that was true. She gave him a nod. What he said was true. Jan was not going to put her thoughts into this. She knew that both of them knew what she would like. Sometimes they would know before she did.

All of her life she lived like society said she should. She lived her life first like her mother wanted and then her first husband. She was raised in a conservative lifestyle with no true knowledge of the real world except for what friends told her at school. Jan had married her first husband to get away from her mother. He married her just to have someone to raise his kids and keep his house.

They did not have much of a physical relationship because he was a workaholic. He was also ten years her senior. It wasn't until they been married over ten years that she finally had some time to herself. She had met someone at work that started teaching Jan about herself and her desires.

Undertaker told Dave that he would like to send her to spend some time with Richard for some formal training and to allow her to explore some more of her sexual nature. She would only be there on weekends and only once ore twice a month. "You won't have to worry about any expense for her weekends. I'll take care of that. Dave, you'll also have help at home for your daughter while Jan is away."

"If at anytime you see all of this is causing any type of problem for your family, please let me know. I don't want any problems for your family."

Taker left them alone. Armed with his private cell phone number, they were to told call after a few days. They went home to talk it over.

***** CH 5 *****

Undertaker did receive the call he hoped for, a week later. He was afraid he may have asked to much of them. Jan was no ordinary woman. This is what had drawn Taker to her.

Two weeks later, a plane ticket to Columbus was waiting on Jan at the airport along with a note. She was to wait by the baggage pickup for her ride. She was also told to wear the t-shirt that was waiting for her at the information desk upon her arrival. This was how the driver was to know who she was.

Jan was met by one of the men that she had seen at the club. She was taken to a car and placed in the front seat to be driven to Sir Richard's home. A house was not the word for what she saw. Mansion was more like it. It looked to be at least three stories tall. The yard went as far as she could see. No other houses were in view. She could see a large garage and barn in the back. Horses ran free in the pasture to one side. She saw a small track on the same side as the barn. But the track looked to small for horses. Jan sat in shock when she looked closer. This was not a horse track, but a 'pony' track. She had heard of 'ponies' but never thought she would ever see one. Ponies were men and women dressed with blinder, bits and tails. Some were pulling small carts with riders, while others had saddles and riders on their backs. Many were already going around the track in a trot while others were waiting, tied to a rail and pawing the ground. Some of the 'ponies' were being groomed or cooled down. These 'ponies' were being cared for as if they were truly horses.

Jan was allowed to go to the fence to take this in for a short while as Richard stood back, watching her to have some idea as to whether she would fit into this program. Seeing her give a slight shiver, he decided that this was not for her.

After some time at the track, she was lead into an elaborate living room. She didn't see your typical decor in this room. Very erotic artwork was hung on the walls. Sculptures of various sizes and shapes placed upon the mantel. They had a familiar shape that had Jan getting excited. But why should that be? She was having some trouble setting still like she was told to do. All she wanted to do was reach over and touch one.

A moan directed her attention away from the sculptures. Over in the corner was a gorgeous redhead tied up. She was in a standing position high enough to be kept up on her toes. Her arms were tied behind her back. She had a collar around her neck with a chain connecting her to the floor. The chain was just long enough to allow her to bend from the waist. Jan thought she would be a bit more comfortable if she would just sit on the floor but saw it looked like this girl was impaled on something.

As Richard walked in, he saw where her attention was. With a smile he quietly came behind Jan. "Would you like a closer look?" Nodding Jan was escorted to the corner where this lady was. Upon closer inspection, Jan saw the lady was backed up against a pillar that had a dildo protruding from it. The dildo was what she was impaled on. A humming was coming from the pillar. The redhead's eyes were glazed over. She was in her own world. Taking it all in, Jan started rocking side to side trying to relieve the tension was building up between her legs.

Richard held her still with an arm on either side of her. "The first lesson you will learn is you will not have any relief unless I say. Look at how my pet is there. She was a very naughty pet, trying to satisfy herself without my permission. She will stay here until after my dinner party. She will become part of our entertainment." Richard said as he stroked her face. She was turning into his palm as if to thank him, trying to endear herself to him again.

Jan was lead down the hallway to a room where her bags were. After changing into what had been laid out for her, she went and pulled the bell rope to let the staff know she was ready. Jan was lead down a flight of stairs to a small room that reminded her of a theater. She sat where she was told and was strapped in the seat where she could not move her arms or close her legs. She was a little distressed at this not knowing why. Richard came in and sat beside her explaining this was to be part of her evaluation to see what kind of training program to put her in.

All of the sudden the lights went low where they were sitting and came on bright in a room that looked to be on the other side of a one way mirror. A young woman was pulled into the room resisting the entire way. She was forcefully restrained by two burly men who went about suspending her in the air with her arms above her head. Her legs were spread apart and a bar was fastened between them. She was blindfolded and left alone to her own imagination. Another woman was brought in willingly this time. She walked up to a large X on the wall and stood into a spread eagle position herself. She placed her arms and legs against the cross waiting to be fastened onto it. A few others seem to be in various stages of restraint. Whips were being applied to some while others had clamps on or wax being poured on their bodies. You heard the cries and moans coming from the speakers.

A green light came on over the doorway in the dungeon room and all stopped for a moment. One at a time, each started back again. This time, things started slow so Jan could take it all in. Richard watched her, judging her reaction to what she saw. During this Richard started pulling and twisting on her nipples getting her very hot. Jan's breathing was getting heavier watching some things than at others. When Richard judged her to be very close to her climax, and he reached between Jan's legs brought her to climax with just a touch. Her release was so intense that she pasted out.

As Richard was unhooking the straps on her arms and legs, Taker walked in and lifted Jan in his arms. With a smile he carried her to her room to let her sleep. He had seen the whole thing. This was going to be worth the wait.

***** CH 6 *****

A couple of months had passed since that first day at Richard's. Training had taken less time then what he had hoped for. That was all the better for him. He had a party he was giving for a few of his wrestling friends. This group was one of the most unique groups there.

Taste for them ran more to the extreme side and he knew Jan would make the perfect hostess for this party.

He had stopped by Richard's at different times to watch her training. Jan never knew he was there. During this time, some feelings had started surfacing that Taker had not counted on. He had to be careful.

Jan had just finished some laundry and fixing lunch when the call came. It was the Undertaker on the other end of the line.

"Are you ready to come to me?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good. In the morning a lady named Wendy will come over to help take care of things while you are gone. She'll call tonight and you can let her know if you want her to stay all day and night while you are gone or only while your husband is at work. Take the cab, that she arrives in, to the airport. A ticket will be waiting for you there."

"What do I need to bring with me?"

"Just your grooming items and a change of clothes to come home in. You'll be here for a few days but I'll have everything else here."

"Yes Sir. I'll see you tomorrow."

The flight was uneventful. She didn't even have to go to the baggage claim area to pick up anything. Jan went to stand outside in the drop off area when the rumble of a Harley reached her ears. A purple and black bike pulled to a stop in front of her.

"Get on" was all that was said. There was no mistaking who was on the back of the bike.

Jan stepped over to sit behind Taker, wrapping her arms around his strong body. Feeling safe, she laid her head against his massive back and shoulders. She let out a content sigh even he heard as he started off. They were not at the airport long enough for anyone else to notice who had pulled up and picked up the attractive lady standing there.

Taker pulled into an underground parking garage to save them from running into any other fans that maybe waiting in the lobby of the hotel. They went to the suite that had been reserved for the Undertaker. The suite was on the last floor to the top. It required a special key to access. This suite was decorated in dark colors. You did not get a gloomy feeling entering them. He seemed out of place in such elegant rooms. Here he was dressed like a street biker would be, but the rooms were the type you would think to see a very elegant banker in. No overhead lights were seen but plenty of light was coming from accent lighting. Jan was directed to a room at the side of the sitting room. She was told to rest up for the night. Inside the room she found a beautiful, but revealing gown that she was to be wear that night.

Jan took a short nap until the sound of running water pulled her out of her slumber. A light supper had been set upon the small table next to the window. Getting up, Jan noticed the table was set for one only. A young lady dressed in a short robe came out of the bathroom and informed Jan the "Lord" was at the arena right now. She was to eat and get ready for the nights festivities. Sitting at the table with a piece of melon to her lips, Jan was wondering what the night would bring. What was this woman's part tonight?

After eating, Jan was lead to a large tub and undressed by the lady that was still in her room. Trinna told her to sit and relax while she went to see that everything else in the room ready. The remains of supper were removed and Jan's clothes were set aside for the laundry to pick up. The dressing table had been set up for makeup and hair. The gown was laid out on the bed. Trinna returned to the bath to wash Jan's hair and dry her off. Jan was lead to a table that was located in the far corner of the bathroom far a shave and massage with a spice oil. She seemed to drift into a deep relaxation she had not felt in a long time.

Jan was then taken to the dressing table where Trinna did her hair and makeup. Then she helped her to get dressed. When Jan saw the woman staring at her from the mirror, she didn't even know who she was looking at. She didn't know what was planned for tonight but was sure the dress was right.

The dress was caramel in color without sleeves or straps for the shoulders. The top barely covered her nipples. A skirt was made of a shear material the same color. A split up the side of th skirt came to her hip. Her hair was swept up on the sides and allowed to hang in ringlets down her back. Rhinestones hung from her ears.

When Jan was ready, she walked out of her room to see the sitting room had been transformed during the day. One corner of the room was set up for a band. The bar was fully stocked. Some more chairs and tables were set up around the room. One room had been set up as a make shift dungeon.

She had an uneasy feeling from this. She thought the dungeon had been set up for her. Jan was very confused seeing the room and looked down at how she was dressed. She wasn't dressed for a dungeon.

"You look stunning," Taker said as he placed a necklace around her neck from behind. Automatically Jan lowered her eyes. "Don't worry. The dungeon isn't for you." Taker could see the relief come over her.

A half an hour later several more women showed up. When they removed their coats she could see that they were dressed for a dungeon. They went to their respective areas. Assuming the position, as it was called, in a line awaiting the guest that were to arrive. By the time everyone arrived, the men out numbered the women three to one. The guys that had already selected a submissive for the night and went around mingling with others, the subs always walking a couple of steps behind. The girls waited on all the guest even allowing them to touch anything they wanted.

All the men had looked at Jan when they had arrived. Some of the wrestlers had thought she was like the other 'pets' that was there for the entertainment. She was even approached by few until they saw the necklace. On the gold and diamond choker was the Undertaker's cross. Everyone knew this meant hands off of her unless directed by Taker. The ones that did not go along with that understanding were removed by someone right away. Many of the ones removed were done so with out the Undertaker knowing. Later he was told why they had departed. Jan didn't even know what had happened.

As the night went on, some of the women had been bound into a chair or table being used in any way you could think. The girls were in heaven. Tamara came up to Jan and asked her to follow her. The chair she was lead to looked like a throne. As she got closer she could see some straps on the arms like at Richard's. When she stood in front of the throne, the Undertaker was sitting in it so she did not see what the rest of the chair was like.

"I need you to pleasure me now," she was told. Jan dropped to her knees, careful not to pull the top of the dress down. The leather jeans he wore had snaps on the front like the old navel uniforms. They unsnapped on the sides instead of the center, leaving a flap that could be folded down. When they were opened, Jan dipped her head toward his lap caressing his manhood gently with her hands. She stuck out her tongue to show her devotion to Taker by licking the tip of his manhood. She worshiped him with her mouth. Undertaker wrapped his hand in Jan's hair to have better control on things if the need came.

While Jan continued to show her devotion to the Undertaker, he continued talking with his guest. A large group had gathered around for a show and conversation.

They had never see Taker actively participate in one of the parties. They knew this lady had to be special. She was dressed different from the others here. This made her more intriguing. A couple of the wrestlers were standing around stroking themself while watching. She was doing an extremely good job when Taker had to take things into his own hands so to speak. He had to give a tug on her hair to break her concentration on what she was doing. She let out a moan loud enough for the guest to hear.

The guest could see the pleasure Jan received from the hair pulling. Undertaker reached down and pulled her breast out of the dress to show his guest and to play while he set the pace.

Pulling her hair again he lifted her head up. "Lift your skirt up to your waist darlin. Show everyone how much you're enjoying this."

Looking into his eyes she silently pleaded with him not to make her do this. Taker gave her a stern look as he tightened his fingers in her hair causing slight pain this time. He entered her mind at the same time assuring her that she would be safe. This was what he wanted from her. She would receive pleasure along with him from her selfless act.

Jan bowed her head trusting him with her life. She had agreed to serve him as he wished and this was what she had been trained for.

Pulling the skirt of her dress up like she was told to do and spreading her knees slightly, she displayed her glory to all. They could see her juices dripping from her lips.

Several of the men started licking their lips at the sight that greeted them. A couple started to come closer. Undertaker gave them a look telling them if they touch her they would be taking their life in their own hands.

Taker called one of the men, working the party, to him. After speaking to him where no one could hear, Ken came behind Jan and started playing with her clit. He slid a couple of fingers inside of her. At the same time Taker was guiding her head along his shaft. With a nod from Taker, Ken leaned low and started licking where his hands had previously been. This was almost more than Jan could take.

Sensing this, Ken heard Undertaker in his head giving him further instruction. Positioning himself between her legs, Ken undid the snaps on his bikini briefs freeing his large erection. Holding on to her hips he entered her in one quick movement causing her to draw in her breath. She took all of Taker in her mouth which surprised all on lookers. No one had ever seen someone able to take a rod as large as Taker's all the way. He was even surprised.

He knew how close she was now to climax and he was close too. He wanted to save his release for when they were alone later. He pulled upon her hair, raising her lips off of him.

Placing a hand under her chin, Taker leaned over to give her a kiss. He put all the excitement he felt into that kiss , bringing Jan into her climax. Her climax brought Ken to his with a loud roar.

The roar seemed to last longer than the Undertaker thought it should. Looking up he saw that a few of his guest had also joined them.

Adjusting his jeans, Taker stood up lifting Jan in his arms. He bid his guest good night leaving the room to enjoy the rest of the night alone with Jan.


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