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Unexpected Encounter Ch. 01

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Man catches M&F bosses in flagrante delicto on a beach.
3.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/27/2017
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Chapter 1 Discovery

"Hello Jim, hallo Sandra. Fancy meeting you here!"

Perhaps they should have noticed the coastal path that came out right behind the rock behind them and perhaps I should have waited a little more time before greeting them. The words came out just like that, rather like I had seen the semen begin to leave Jim's body just at the very moment I had come out from behind the rock: in spurts. My verbal ejaculation... and his physical one.

There they had been, lying on towels on the shingle, naked as sand boys - only she was not a boy. He, very evidently, was a boy and was doing what boys can do. Her hand on his cock, moving it as the white semen poured from it; he lying with legs akimbo, totally relaxed and with his hands behind his head. Jim was the picture of contentment - as well he might be. Utter relaxation and pleasure, luxuriating, I had rather thought, in being brought off by a pretty girl. It was a contentment that would not last, not even to the end of his ejaculation.

Jim leapt to his feet, his rather fine cock still at full stretch, his exuded semen upon it and, indeed running down his tummy. He stuttered in surprise and shock and involuntarily a 'last hurrah' of his ejaculation forced itself up his urethra, appearing as a bubble of white at the end of his cock.

It was just how a man does not wish to present himself to another man. And I had seen it all. The swollen pink penis head had been pointing towards me as I came out from behind the rock and I had seen the semen come, seen it spurting out and down onto his, surprisingly shaved, skin. It had not got very far, deposited in three neat little pools receding back to the penis. A nice little mess, I thought. It had certainly spurted, not dribbled but it was not a 'power' ejaculation.

Sandra was open mouthed. I had looked down her cleavage often enough in the office but now, there they were, her luscious breasts, in all their full perfection - nothing hidden at all - and I had not realised just what big areolae she had. Unsurprisingly her nipples were extended. Below was her unshaven pubic hair, brown and moist from the sun and, perhaps, sexual excitement. It answered a question I had held about Sandra - shaven or unshave? Her body was shiny with sunscreen. She looked as desirable naked as, to be honest, I had often thought she would be.

I had not seen it at all but Jim's fingers looked decidedly wet as if he had been playing with her, running his fingers in and around her pudenda and, most likely, up into her body and had twiddled them around a bit.

My two colleagues naked and so caught performing a 'sexual act.' Not just a delight for me in having seen the final stage of that act- my colleague's penis exercised to its full extent by my other colleague; not just in seeing two fine young bodies sexually aroused; not just in finding work colleagues engaged in such a non-work like activity but in discovering them together. Nobody knew they were an 'item.' What would their respective spouses say?

"Robin! How?"

They had obviously walked a distance along the beach to get away from people. Apart from me there was no-one remotely close. They had presumably wanted an overall tan or just wished to enjoy being naked together out in the sun and what more natural than for the girl, Sandra, to reach over after a time and give the young man, Jim, a hand-job. How nice to see his cock, how nice to see it spurt and how nice now to see it gently drooping as I replied. I had them, I had them all right. I was cool, calm and collected: quite the opposite of my colleagues.

"I'm on leave. You approved it, Sandra, remember?" Perhaps she did.

"But here?" She was reddening. I had not seen her embarrassed before. Her usual confidence gone and a delightful feminine embarrassment showing. She was even covering her breasts and pubic hair with her hands. Sweet in a way. A little pointless really.

"I did tell you where I was holidaying. You must have forgotten." Why should she have remembered? Except if she had done so perhaps they would have chosen a different destination!

"But here?" A little repetitive but presumably by 'here' she meant the beach not the island this time.

"Yeah, amazing co-incidence. The whole island and I come out just as..." I paused, "you come!" I laughed at my joke and very deliberately looked at Jim's cock. His semen was drifting downwards, would have been matting in his pubic hair had he not been completely shaven. A bit of a surprise, Sandra nicely hairy, Jim denuded.

It had not been a total co-incidence, actually. I had seen them the day before. Had watched their movements and then, on this day, followed them out to this particular beach, had seen where they went and had come along a back path beyond the beach and been just behind them for a little while, timing my moment. I had not really been walking on the coastal path. Who did in that heat?!

"You won't tell..."

Jim, Jim, Jim! How foolish, how playing into my hands. Your first words reveal your fear of exposure. What will you do to prevent such disclosure? Nice as your cock is but, more to the point, what will Sandra do to prevent revelation? How far will she be prepared to go? Oh yes, it would not be money I would be seeking - not blackmail for gain - but rather more physical payment to ensure my silence. I had them, I had them completely I was sure of it. My immediate superior and her boss, caught in flagrante delicto - or almost. Would Sandra's legs open for me? Or should I require even more? It was a delicious feeling. Power - yes, power. Almost more intoxicating than the thought of sex, hot sticky sex under a Mediterranean sun. I could make them do things, could make them copulate as I watched, engage in embarrassing acts. Perhaps watch them urinate over each other having got them to drink an awful lot of water. The act going on and on as their painfully swollen bladders emptied - maybe, it would be amusing, maybe even drinking each other's wee. The thought of Sandra squatting over Jim's penis or his face and letting her bursting bladder empty or Jim giving my boss a 'shower.' Perhaps I would join in! Embarrassing, degrading perhaps for them but nonetheless erotic. I was certainly hard in my swimming trunks at the thoughts.

Or, and it was not unattractive and I don't see myself as at all 'bi,' but how wonderful to get them go down on their knees and stick their bottoms up in the air. Two pink bottoms there in the sunlight, cheeks pulled apart and showing their two anal orifices. How embarrassing for them but worse if I squeezed the suntan cream like spurts of semen on their rosebuds and massaged - both of them. One with each hand. Imagine that, the power of sticking a finger, one from each hand, in your young bosses arse holes preparatory to sodomising each in turn. Imagine the feeling of power, standing there as your superiors kneel before you and your penis stands hard and powerful ready to do the deed - in both! Difficult to feel anything but power, and difficult for Sandra or Jim to feel anything but subjugation, when my penis was sequentially lodged in their rectums. Whenever they saw me in the future they would always know I had been inside their bottoms.

"Of course not," and I paused "... only..." I let the word hang. "Of course I won't tell... only..." They were looking at me. Could they see the bulge in my trunks, perhaps not with my shirt hanging over the waistband. My eyes fixed on Sandra, "what will you do to buy my silence?" I smiled. "Perhaps you want to think about it?"

I walked on past them down to the sea, shedding my trunks, shirt and lastly sandals as I did so. There was no one else to see me, no one to see my proud erection as I walked into the sea. It felt so good having it out in the open like that, so good feeling the sense of power over my colleagues. All they would have seen, so far, was my retreating pink bottom. It would be different when I returned to hear their answer. They would see my cock all right, see its intention as I walked back to them. It was bigger than Jim's. That had been plain to me, not that his was not a nicely shaped cock, only smaller. He would know it: she would know it. Its appearance would confirm their worst fears - a clear sign of what I had in mind. And mine would have the wherewithal as I approached, whereas Jim's recently ejaculated penis would stay small and puny. What a feeling it would be, my powerful penis on display to them and they knowing they were subject to it. I had them, I had them!

A pleasant swim. Really welcome after my waiting in the sun. I half wondered if they would try and make their escape whilst I was occupied but instead I could see they were talking. Occasionally they looked towards me. They were clearly doing just what I had asked - thinking about what I had said.

Walking, dripping from the sea I looked ahead up the beach towards them, thinking about Sandra, her nakedness and what was to come. I could see her still sitting on her towel next to Jim. If you like, I willed my cock to grow - and grow it did. I returned to them exactly as planned, proudly erect, them watching me the whole way. The deliciousness of the feeling of power as they stared at my hard cock. I loved the feeling. They could so see what was coming to them!

"I was wondering," I said, giving them a little more time before they had to suggest terms, a little longer staring up at me with my not inconsiderable erection looming over them, "why, Sandra, you were wanking Jim? Of course being wanked by a pretty girl is something we men think about a lot. I'm sure Jim has thought that about you often enough in the office - I know I have!" It was very enjoyable to be so open, to talk to Sandra about what I had been thinking about her as I showed her my erection in all its power. But why weren't you, to put it crudely, fucking? Haven't you been fucking? Tell me, did you fuck last night?"

It was lovely. Standing there talking about sex with them; standing with my erection almost in their faces; asking Sandra intimate questions; seeing her redden again with embarrassment. "Haven't you any contraception? Is it your period?" More embarrassing questions. I waited with my erection looming. I had not referred to it or acknowledged its presence. It was simply there as if it was the most natural thing in the world to be standing erect over my colleagues. And, in a way, it was natural - so natural because I had that very human desire to mate.

"I..." Sandra seemed at a loss for words. "Look Robin, this isn't... why don't you leave us alone?"

"Don't you want my silence? Why weren't you fucking?"

It was Sandra's cross face. The one she used when displeased with my work. "Because Jim had fingered me to climax and I was too fucking sensitive for him to fuck me. OK?"

Which meant she would still be nicely lubricated - oh good!

"So you have contraception, you are on the Pill?"

"Yes, and it's not my period and, yes, we did fuck last night. Why don't you go away?"

I would have thought the reason was somewhat obvious and staring them in the face. It was big and hard enough!

"Because you need to do something about this first." I reached and pulled my cock downwards and let go, it bounded upwards, unfortunately without a cartoon like 'boing' and the sound of a ruler vibrating when held flat at the edge of a table and pulled. Just the right sounds to go with the action! But it was so hard, I was so turned on by the situation, that it was just like my penis was a spring - it certainly bounded up. Surely they had realised. "And tell me, what are you offering, for my... err... discretion?"

The moment of truth. Jim seemed suddenly to come alive, "you mean you want to... to... with Sandra? Well, you're not going to because..."

Couldn't he say the word or words? I smiled and turned slowly to him, it was sort of dramatic the way my cock swung around, all erect, towards him so it was inches from his face, "Or perhaps you?"

That shut him up. The sudden realisation that perhaps if I wanted he would have to suck or, perhaps, kneel on the sand, lean forward and raise his buttocks into the air for me.


Oh indeed! The pregnant pause, all of us looking at each other and between us my cock clearly wanting to do things.

"Oh, all right." Sandra turned to Jim, "we have no choice, I'll do what Robin wants. We... I have to."

"And what is that?" I was going to get her to say it. I was not going to tell them what I wanted however obvious I was making it. I wanted Sandra, my boss, to offer."

"Anything," she snapped.

"Anything," I repeated, "such as?" I turned to Jim, "what does she mean?" It would be better still if I could get him to make the offer - offer her.

"I suppose. Look Jim, we've neither done you any harm, been anything other than fair to you at work. Can't we..."

"Absolutely fair," I said, "and I'm being just as fair. I shall say nothing, I give you my word, absolutely nothing back in England but," I smiled, "come on, if you were in my shoes..."

"I wouldn't..."

"Really, Jim? The possibility of sex without consequences, comeback or anything with a pretty young and sexual woman..."

It was meant as a compliment. I am not sure Sandra really took it that way.

"You want to have sex with Sandra?"

The movement of my head was acknowledgment. He had got the picture.


I nodded. "How long before you go back home?"

Their flight was late in the evening in two days time. I had the rest of the afternoon, the whole of the next day and pretty much the whole of the next to exert my power. That was quite a few ejaculations, quite a lot of assorted sex.

Plenty of time, plenty of time. "What then should I do? What do you suggest or, you know Sandra's body, Jim, what do you recommend?"

Far up the beach there were people but not close. There was nothing to disturb us, nothing and nobody to come to Sandra's rescue.


Sandra looked at him, no doubt wondering what he would say. He was between a rock and a hard place. Disparage some aspect of her sexuality would insult or disappoint her and reveal a possible inadequacy: praise, say her fellatio was outstanding, and I would be sure to try.

"I... she's good in bed. I mean..."

"You're good at analysis Jim, imagine you're writing sales particulars about Sandra."

"Pardon! I'm not a whore."

"Bad phrase, sorry Sandra, I did not mean, of course... Well Jim, what have you done with Sandra?"

And it came out gradually. Missionary, doggy and cowgirl - sexual intercourse. Fellatio and cunnilingus. Mutual masturbation - originally at an office party (I had not known that). Nothing anal, no tying up games or spanking. All a bit vanilla really but there again vanilla pod is a lovely flavour, is it not?

"I think I'll try them too." It was inevitable I would say that. They had known it.

"This disgusts me."

"A little less of that Sandra; I don't find such talk pleasing; you do need to please me, to keep me sweet; you do realise that?"

I think it was the shock of me casually reaching down and pinching her left nipple that really brought it home to her. The sudden invasion of her space - the privacy of her body. She flinched and pulled away but then stopped and I put my fingers back. She had realised. Here, unlike the office, I was in control.

I reached with my other hand and fondled. Sandra said nothing and Jim looked daggers. It came to me how pleasing it would be if I could make him erect by fondling Sandra. A feeling of power to be sexually playing with his mistress and him neither able to stop me nor join in, yet reacting so visually. It would be delightful. It was a must for the next day.

My fingers pulled at her nipples, pulling them from her body. Not too hard but really for the visual appeal; something I had never thought I would be able to do when seeing Sandra in the office. I had detected nipples beneath her blouse on hot days when she had worn a thin brassiere and even on frosty days when she had come into the office clearly feeling the effects of the cold. My fingers were just pulling and then I took both breasts in my hands and squeezed. Full and satisfying to a man. My erection was rock hard. And Sandra just sat and let me grope. I had them!

They were sitting: I was standing - standing with my dominant erection. Bending a little to reach Sandra's breasts brought my erection - my knob - close to Sandra's face. I saw her look at it. It was a cue.

"Let's see then how you are at fellatio, Sandra."

I was not going to push myself at her. I wanted to see her take it. Her look, her glance upwards, of fury; a glance then towards Jim whose mouth was set so hard and then she turned back to me and moved her head forward.

The touch of her lips, so soft, and then the wetness of her mouth on my knob. Not just the feeling but the sight - the sight of my boss' lips encircling my penis. I glanced at Jim and saw the look, almost of horror, on his face as he stared at what his mistress was doing. She mouthed it, putting her lips over it and then drawing back to look and then opening her mouth and taking it in again. After a while she began to bob her head, sliding her mouth up and down my knob and upper shaft, simulating a vagina - her vagina - at work. It was evident, to me, that having started she wanted the thing over with quickly.

"Does Sandra 'deep throat,' Jim?" I was not asking Sandra - she had her mouth full.

I thought he was going to hit me. He seemed just to go red in the face and his lips thinned.

"No? Well Jim, I think we'll get Sandra to really try on you tomorrow... and me, of course. Something for you to look forward to, eh?"

He was so angry. Such a shame he had recently ejaculated. It would have been so funny to see his anger and yet, probably, he would have risen at the sight of Sandra sucking my cock.

"Where are you staying?" I said, conversationally. Polite conversation whilst being sucked!

"The fucking Plaza Hotel."

A little inelegantly put, but useful information. They could not escape me now. I knew where they were based.

Sandra was well at work on me. Even a women you are very familiar with can bring you off pretty quickly by mouth if she is minded to. I knew Sandra really well but not like that, not sexually at all. To have your pretty boss, now kneeling, with exposed breasts and sucking away was such a new experience, so sexual that I could not help myself coming quickly. It had been her intention from when her lips first touched. I did not disappoint.

I made all the right noises, gasping ones as I came. The semen just boiled up, I could feel my balls rising as it did so and then I was shooting, spurt after spurt into Sandra's mouth. It was just as Jim had done not that many minutes before only I was doing it much more discreetly. Instead of a very public ejaculation all over my stomach I was sending it into Sandra's mouth. I glanced up from looking at Sandra's working lips to Jim. It was almost as pleasurable as coming seeing his face and staring eyes. His expression of incredulity and disgust as he knew my semen was spurting unseen into his girl's mouth.

"Swallow," I said, "or would this be an opportune moment for you two lovers to kiss?" A simply delightful idea. A demonstration of my power over them. French kissing with my semen, seemingly plentiful semen from what I had felt, passing from mouth to mouth. Had the lovers perhaps done that with Jim's?


It was not Sandra speaking. I had riled Jim with that idea.

"Perhaps tomorrow then," I smiled as I watched Sandra remove her lips from my erection and swallow. She had got the idea - do as I say.

A small bubble of semen welled up at the end of my cock. "Sandra, you've missed a bit! Or, Jim, would you like to do it? A little taster for tomorrow."


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