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Unexpected Guests

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A lonely milf, gets some big visitors.
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"Goodbye, honey." Tonya said, as she hugged her daughter tight.

"Bye, mom. I'm gonna miss you so much." Her daughter, Holly told her.

Holly was leaving for college, and Tonya teared up at the thought of her baby girl, all grown up. The two said their goodbyes and Holly drove off down the road. Tonya stood still; watching her drive away until the car was no longer in sight. Tonya walked back to the house, hugging herself with her arms wrapped around her shoulders, thinking about how her life was going to be now, now she lived alone.

Tonya was divorced, and for the last five years, she lived with just her daughter. She filed for divorce after she learned her husband was having an affair with one of his coworkers. Tonya nowadays, regards her husband as a bad memory, but is grateful for the daughter she shares with him. Tonya is an dentist and makes a decent living. She was given the house in the divorce, a nice little house in the backwoods of Virginia; surrounded by the beautiful Appalachian mountains.

Tonya went inside and walked into the living room; opening the sliding glass doors. She looked at the swimming pool and thought how nice it was that day; clear and sunny.

"Hmm, I always wanted to sunbathe with nothing on." Tonya said, biting her lip with a grin.

Tonya never had the chance with her daughter always home. Tonya went into the bathroom and undressed; wrapping herself up in a bathrobe. She grabbed a towel and a bottle of sun tanning lotion and made her way outside to the pool. Even though the house was all to itself, with no one living close by, Tonya felt a little nervous to drop her robe.

She glanced around the property before untying her bathrobe. With a quick pull, the robe fell to the ground. Tonya was a real sight for a lady of 44, with long curly black hair and a beautiful tanned body. She had the body of a 20-year-old, a curvaceous figure and an ample butt. Tonya squirted a dollop of lotion in her hand and started rubbing herself.

Starting from her stomach and rubbing up; making her way to her 34D breasts. Cupping her breasts with her full hands and rubbing from underneath them to the top; getting every inch. Tonya put her foot on the lounge chair and rubbed her legs and thighs; her tan skin glistened in the sun from the lotion. She laid back on the lounge chair and finished up; getting her arms and neck.

Tonya laid quietly, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the peace and quiet of the woods. Only a bird was heard, every now and then. It wasn't long, until Tonya sensed something else. She opened her eyes, but squinted from the sun in her eyes. She held her breath and listened carefully. She could faintly hear something breathing, it was low, but sounded deep.

Tonya sat up; grabbing her towel and wrapping it around her chest. She looked over her shoulder; in the direction where she thought she heard it.

"Hello?" She called out.

Everything was silent. She stood up and walked along the edge of the pool; her eyes peeled.

"Is someone there?" She yelled.

The entire backyard was eerily quiet. Not even a bird could be heard chirping. Tonya couldn't help but feel she was being watched. She started walking backwards to the house; her eyes locked on the treeline of the yard. She stepped inside and closed the sliding glass doors; quickly locking them.

Tonya walked into the kitchen and leaned against the fridge; staring out the window into the backyard.

"Maybe it was just my imagination." She said to herself.


By nightfall, Tonya was relaxed; no longer feeling paranoid.

"I haven't lived alone for years. It's just gonna take some time for me to get used to being by myself." She told herself.

Tonya stayed up late watching TV and sipping some wine. She checked her cellphone regularly, hoping that Holly posted some pictures of her dorm room or the campus. It was well after midnight and Tonya decided to go to bed.

"Maybe, Holly will have some pictures posted by tomorrow." Tonya hoped.

Whether it was the wine or staying up late, sleep came easy for Tonya; dozing off as soon as her head hit the pillow. A few hours later, Tonya's rest was cut short. She was awakened by the sounds of screams and loud banging. Tonya jumped from her bed and stood in fright. She stared at the window; trying to see something in the moonlit woods. The screams sounded like they were of agony, like something was injured and something else was bellowing that sounded terrifying. Tonya could hear wood snapping and leaves shaking like a strong wind was blowing through the woods.

Tonya sat against her bedroom door; never taking her eyes off the window. The ordeal lasted for about half an hour, soon the woods were quiet again, but the mystery remained. The faint noise of crickets were all that could be heard.


The next morning, Tonya laid awake in bed; never able to go back asleep after what happened. She got up and went into the kitchen and turned the coffee pot on. She leaned over the sink and looked outside; nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, but Tonya was still uneasy.

"Whatever that was last night, was really close to the house." She said to herself.

Curiosity was eating away at Tonya. She wanted to know what was outside her home last night. Tonya was familiar with the wildlife in the area, she didn't recognize any of the sounds she heard that night and that made her curiosity worse. Tonya got dressed and decided to go have a look.

Tonya walked to the edge of the yard and halted at the treeline. She looked in the woods as far as she could; making sure it was safe to enter. Tonya walked through the woods for only a few minutes, until she found some evidence of what had happened the night before. A small area of the woods was destroyed. Trees laid, broken in half, there were big impressions in the dirt, and it looked like something big was scooted across the ground. The ground was sunk in and the dirt was packed, Tonya also found splotches of blood on leaves and rocks. She shuddered at the sight.

Tonya hurried back to the house. She was still shaking from what she saw.

"Maybe it was bears. Perhaps a mommy bear and her cubs, ran into a male bear and they fought." Tonya muttered, but she couldn't shake the feeling of doubt.


That night, Tonya sat on the couch in the living room. The TV was off and the lights were off as well. She was focused on the glass doors. Hoping and praying that those sounds wouldn't came back. An hour later, the sounds started again. Fear washed over her, when she heard the sounds! A loud bellow sounded from the woods. Tonya quivered and slammed her hands together; trying not to cry. Another call followed soon after, a 'whoop' sound. Soon, there were two animals making calls continuously, making a 'whoop' call right after another. They grew faster and louder, then Tonya heard growling and roaring, then the sounds of snarling and fighting. It sounded like two dogs were fighting!

Tonya cried out, but felt frozen. The sounds were torture for her. The terrifying ordeal worsened when she could hear the metal lounge chairs out by the pool being knocked around on the concrete! Whatever they were, they were right outside the house. Tonya took a deep breath and decided to turn the outside lights on, "Maybe the lights will scare them off." She hoped. Tonya crept to the doors, her legs were trembling and her heart pounded faster as she neared the doors. Tonya reached up and laid her finger against the switch, she looked outside; ready to face her fears. She flicked the switch and the lights came on. Almost instantaneously, as the lights came on, she saw a black hairy mass flying through the air, straight towards her.

She jumped back and narrowly avoided being hit by the animal that was thrown through the glass doors. The sound was deafening as the glass broke and the animal hit the floor with a loud thud! Tonya ran behind the couch and hunkered down; wrapping her arms around her head, she cried and whimpered. The living room was quiet, and Tonya wondered if the animal might have got up and ran back outside. Tonya peeked over the couch to see.

From the outside lights, she could see something laying in the doorway. A large animal, she thought, covered in shaggy looking hair. She slowly stood up; her eyes locked on the animal. She thought it was dead, it lied still; no movement or breathing. Tonya stepped towards it and it moaned out! Tonya jumped in fright; covering her mouth to keep from screaming. With her eyes locked on it, she sidestepped to the wall and turned on the light.

Tonya squealed when she saw it. A large creature that had the body of a large man, but covered in thick, shaggy hair that was dark black. Tonya leaned over to see his face, his eyes were closed and she stared at his face for a moment.

"It looks like an ape, but kinda like a man too." She whispered to herself.

She looked over his body, the hair on his chest was more sparse, she could see his large pectoral muscles and further down were abs, that shown through the hair. The biggest surprise was further on down. Tonya gasped at the sight of his cock!

"Holy shit! Was is that? A pringles can wrapped in skin?" She exclaimed.

At that moment, the creature's eyes jerked opened. Tonya froze and stared at him; scared of what he might do. He looked at Tonya, his eyes had a look of fright in them. He tried to move, but threw his head back and moaned.

"No, no." Tonya muttered, as she laid her hands on his chest.

"Stay still, sweety." Tonya said as she looked into his eyes.

Tonya didn't know what he was, but didn't feel like she was in any danger. She walked over to the couch and grabbed a pillow. Carefully, she lifted his head and placed it underneath his neck. He looked around; his eyelids twitched and soon, he was out. Tonya was at a lost about what to do. She decided to try to get some sleep, "Maybe he'll wake up later and leave." She thought. Tonya went into her bedroom and locked the door and went to bed.


That morning, Tonya woke up and she immediately thought about the creature. She walked over to the door and put her ear up against it, she listened for a moment, but couldn't hear anything. She walked out and slowly crept around the wall and peeked around the corner, he was gone. Tonya let out a sigh of relief and walked into the kitchen. Tonya reached behind her head and started working on getting her scrunchie out of her hair; her head tilted down; she walked into the kitchen and as she looked up, she gasped!

There he was! Standing in her kitchen, eating a an apple. He had ate the whole fruit basket that sat on the counter. Tonya tried to think of something to say, but she was awestruck by him. He was huge! He had to be around 6'7 and his chest was as wide as the fridge that stood behind him.

"Morning." Tonya said with a shaky voice.

He stopped chewing and stared blankly at her for a moment, he didn't even blink. He then resumed chewing, but kept his eyes on her. Tonya's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts.

"What should I do? Should I call the police? Should I just leave?" She thought to herself, while holding a nervous smile on her face and staring at the creature, standing in her kitchen.

The creature then took a step forward, but he shook and moaned as he did. Tonya didn't hesitate and rushed over to him. She looked him over and realized he was hurt badly. Under his thick hair, she could see his skin; bruised and cut.

Whatever he was fighting with, did a number on him. Tonya wanted to help him, but she was worried he wouldn't understand if she tried to.

"Honey, I need you to sit down." She said, and pointed to the couch.

He looked at her with confusion. Tonya boldly reached out and grabbed his arm. He pulled back a little and stared at her.

"It's okay." Tonya said, as she smiled and gently tugged on his arm.

He seemed to understand and started walking, with Tonya guiding him to the couch. When he was sat down, Tonya ran into the bathroom and gathered a few things. Rubbing alcohol, cotton swabs and band-aids. Tonya returned and quickly began mending his cuts, he didn't even flinch when the alcohol touched his open wounds. The band-aids however, were useless, too much hair to stick.

He lied back on the couch and seemed to be comfortable. Tonya decided to let him rest. She wanted to get the broken glass cleaned up and get something over the doorway to keep the cold air out. She cleaned the glass up and put some plastic over the doorway. It would have to do until she can call someone to come out to fix it. She also thought about the other creature that was there last night.

"Will he come back?" Tonya wondered.

She was worried what would happen if it did. The hurt one is pretty big, and he managed to beat the hell out of him and throw him through the doors. Tonya also wanted to know, just what, were these things. Tonya walked inside and checked on the creature, he was sound asleep. She got her cellphone and tried to think of what to search on these things.

"Hmm, what about giant ape men?"

She entered it in and the search results showed 'Gigantopithecus, Bigfoot.'

"Bigfoot? No fucking way!" She exclaimed.

She clicked on the images tab and a bunch of blurry pictures and artist rendered drawings came up. They resembled the one that was on her couch, but not so much. She kept browsing and scrolling; oblivious that the creature was off the couch and walking towards her. The sunlight around her suddenly disappeared, Tonya jerked her head around and saw him; staring down at her.

"Hi." Tonya said, under her breath.

He cocked his head and stared at her.

"Are you feeling better?" Tonya asked.

Again, he cocked his head the other way and stared at her.

Tonya stood up and carefully stepped away from him.

"Are you hungry?" Tonya asked, as she walked over to the fridge.

She opened the fridge and looked to see what she had. Tonya decided to go ahead and fix a big breakfast. Eggs, bacon, toast etc. She got everything together and began cooking. The creature seemed interested with the stove, with all the sizzling and popping from the eggs and bacon. When Tonya was done, the table had a full spread of food. The creature didn't bother to sit down, standing at the table and scarfing down the food.


Tonya spent the day with the creature in her house. He seemed to be full of interest, examining every little thing around Tonya's house. Tonya continued searching online for more info about him, reading articles from self-proclaimed experts on the creatures known as Bigfoot. Tonya thought briefly about sharing his existence with the public, thoughts of fame and fortune came to mind, but she quickly put that out of her mind.

"I don't know what you are." She said, looking at the creature.

"But I promise, I won't sell you out." She said, with a smile.

That night, Tonya assorted the couch cushions on the floor and with two blankets and a big pillow she had.

"Okay." She said, gesturing to the creature.

"This is where you'll sleep." She explained, waving her hands over the bedding.

"I'm gonna go to sleep. Good night." She said.

Tonya walked towards her bedroom and looked back at him, he seemed to understand and was getting comfortable on the bed she made him.

The next morning, Tonya was getting ready to go out. She made a list of food she needed and a few things she thought the creature might enjoy. She tried to explain she was gonna leave and be right back.

"Okay. I'm gonna go, but I'll come right back." She said, while gesturing with her hands.

He sat on the floor; staring up at her.

"My god, you're like a giant child." Tonya said and laughed.

Tonya walked out and got into her car, she checked to make sure he wasn't following her. Tonya went to the market and did some shopping, her grocery cart was bubbling over when she finished. On her way home, she thought about the creature.

"I wonder if I can bath him?" She wondered.

She noticed he had a distinct smell, but nothing terrible. Kind of like a dog.

"How in the world would I do it? I doubt he would fit in the shower." She thought.

She then got an idea that might just work.

"Maybe I can get him in the swimming pool." She wondered.

Tonya got back home and started unloading the groceries. The creature was standing in the doorway, he looked like he'd been waiting on her. Tonya brought in the groceries and started putting them up, she took some apples and sat them on the counter for the creature. After the groceries were put up, she started working on dinner. She thought a meatloaf would be something the creature would enjoy. With the meatloaf in the over, Tonya excitedly ran to her bedroom and changed into a bikini.

Tonya came out wearing a torqiose blue bikini. She walked over to the door and motioned for the creature to follow her.

"Come on, let's go swimming." She said, while gesturing her hand to the door.

The creature stared attentively at her and quickly followed. Tonya walked out to the pool and started walking down the steps that lead into the shallow end of it, she turned around and saw the creature watching her. She walked out to the middle and started swishing her hands back and forth through the water.

"Well come on!" She called out.

The creature walked up to the pool and leaned over the edge; looking at the water. He crouched down and dipped his hand in, then he pulled it back out and sniffed his hand.

"He must smell the chlorine." Tonya thought.

The creature stayed at the edge of the pool; watching Tonya. Tonya tried to entice him by doing a backstroke and kicking her feet in the air. After a few minutes, it was obvious that the creature wasn't going to get into the pool. Tonya was a little disappointed, but figured she shouldn't force him to do anything that he was uneasy with. Tonya got out of the pool and started drying herself, as she walked by the creature, she noticed that he was watching her every move.

Tonya ran the towel through her hair and stood in front of him. "Well, I suppose you can lead a bigfoot to water, but you can make him swim." She said, with a chuckle.

Tonya went inside and walked to the kitchen to check the meatloaf. She threw her towel in the sink and grabbed a spatula. She opened the oven door and bent over to check dinner. While she was checking the meatloaf, the creature approached her from behind. He bent over Tonya and started sniffing her, Tonya was caught off guard, but figured it was normal for his kind to smell each other.

The creature played with her hair; holding locks up to his nose and smelling them.

"You like my conditioner?" Tonya giggled.

The creature started running his hands lower down on Tonya's backside. He knelt down and shoved his nose into her crotch. Tonya gasped and jumped by it. She turned around and grabbed his forearm.

"Whoa boy! Hold up a second!" She exclaimed.

The creature didn't relent, his nose was pressed against her crotch and he was inhaling her scent. Tonya staggered, but couldn't move. The creature was holding her thighs and she was pressed against the stove.

"Okay, just sniff me and let me go when you're done." She stuttered.

She assumed he was just getting familiar with her scent, but then the creature did something else. The creature grabbed her underwear and started tugging; eventually pulling them down. Tonya was now exposed. Tonya reached around and tried pulling her underwear back up, but his strength was too much.

"That's enough!" Tonya yelled out.

The creature shoved his nose right into her clit and inhaled deeply, then he started licking it. Tonya moaned deeply, his tongue was wide and rough. His wide tongue covered both of her lips, he inserted his tongue into her clit and started flicking his tongue in and out. Tonya's breathing grew quicker, the sensation was wild! The creature loosened his grip on Tonya's thighs, but she had no interest in moving from her spot.


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