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Unexpected Visitor

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A girl with car trouble has the most unbelievable biceps.
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David was working from home on what seemed like the most normal spring day. It was cool earlier but now it was starting to warm up and looked like it was going to be a beautiful day.

He worked as a software developer for a small startup in Indianapolis Indiana. He loved his job and had the freedom to work at his own pace as long as the work got done.

He had a small little bungalow in one of the established rural neighborhoods outside of the city. It was a 2 bedroom 1 bath that was just perfect for a single guy in his late twenties that didn't need a lot of space.

What the house lacked in size it made up for in style. The previous owner's updated the whole house to give it a more modern look. All David had to do was move in.

David had a small table in the corner that he worked at in the living room which was located in the front of the house. It was one of those rooms that also doubled as the entry. Since the house was so small this really was the best and only place he had room to set up a little workspace.

The room had a nice neutral beige color with a comfortable couch to the left of the front door, the opposite wall had a large big screen TV mounted to the wall. To the right of the door was a small closet and a hallway that led to the bathroom and two bedrooms. If you looked straight from the front door it would lead to the back of the house which is where the kitchen was with a little area for eating.

The living room had a big window in the front that let in a lot of natural light and gave a view of the quaint neighborhood and street.

David was in deep concentration when there was a loud knock at the door. Expecting it to be a delivery guy he casually walked over and opened the door. To his surprise there was a pretty young girl standing there with a sad confused look on her face.

"Oh, hi can I help you." David asked.

"Hi...there is something wrong with my car and I was hoping I could use your phone. Of all the days I forgot mine at home." The girl pointed to her car which was 2 houses down.

The car looked like it had steam coming out from under the hood.

"Sure let's see what is going on." David stepped out and the girl led him to her car.

David lived off a fairly busy road and it looks like she was just able to turn the car onto his road. As they approached the car he could see water underneath the car and it was still streaming out.

"What made you pull over?" David asked.

"I was driving along and I notice the check engine light, and then I saw the temperature gauge was hot and pulled onto this side street so I could turn it off. When I got out the steam started to come out of the hood." The girl added.

"You did the right thing, that was very smart of you to turn the engine off right away when you saw the temp gauge. Can you pop the hood?"

The girl obeyed and jumped in the car to unlatch the hood. She seemed smart, some people may not even notice the gauges and keep driving the car causing more damage. David opened the hood up and took a look inside. He was no mechanic but he knew enough about how a car works from his own issues with older cars.

He could see the belt came off and the water coming out of one of the parts that had a pulley. She came over next to David as he was inspecting the engine.

"You see the water is coming out there, it must be your water pump. It pushes the coolant through the engine and keeps everything cool. Unfortunately it looks like you need a new one." David explained.

"Crap!" The girl moaned in frustration.

"Why don't you come inside and we can figure out what to do next."


"I am David."

"Sorry, I am Maddie."

"No problem, you got a lot on your mind."

They walked back up to David's house and he opened the door for her so she could go in. For the first time David got a good look at her. She had on black cropped workout pants that clung very tight to her long legs and stopped just below her knees.

As she stepped up into the house David could see very prominent and muscular calf muscles. They were incredible looking, very hard and defined with slender ankles that accentuated their size. They had that upside down heart shape with a deep crease in the middle.

David's heart immediately began to race as he surveyed the rest of her. Her butt looked very round and shapely and legs also looked thick and athletic.

She was wearing a thin pink workout jacket with long sleeves and a zipper in the front which was up all the way. He could see she filled it out but couldn't tell how muscular her upper body was. She definitely wasn't big and bulky from what he could see.

David has always loved muscular women. To him a nice bicep or abs is the biggest turn on. He would look at pictures of female bodybuilders and dream of being with one and worshiping their body.

He followed her into his house and she was looking around approvingly.

"Nice place." Maddie said.

"Thanks." He managed to say as he was still reeling from the sight of her calves.

She looked down at David with beautiful green eyes and gave him a warm smile. She had shiny golden blonde shoulder length hair that framed her youthful face. Her skin had a natural darkness to it that was very exotic.

David didn't consider himself very tall but at 5'10" he was usually taller than most people. He was completely unfamiliar with the feeling of looking up at a woman much less a young girl. Maddie was a little taller than David, and looked like she had very broad shoulders.

Her beauty gave David a pause which momentarily made him lose his mind. "Do you know who you need to call?" David managed to ask. Thankfully he came to his senses before it got too awkward.

"I have never had car trouble before, I am not sure what to do." She admitted.

"Unfortunately you will probably need to get your car towed, do you have a place you take it for repairs?" David asked.

Maddie thought for a minute. "I guess the dealership by my house."

"Let's start with that, I will look up a couple tow truck companies and see who can get here the fastest."

"Okay, thanks."

David got on his computer and they started looking up local towing companies. After a couple minutes they were able to find one that could be there in 15 minutes.

"Why don't you have a seat and get comfortable, can I get you something to drink." David offered.

"Yes please." She said sweetly as she sat down.

David went to the kitchen to get her water. He was still trying to get his composure. Maddie was so pretty and looked like she had the body of his dreams. He had to take a couple of minutes in the kitchen to breath and get his confidence back.

"Do you go to school around here?" David asked as he walked back into the room. He thought this would be a good question to get some information about her age. She looked so young he was afraid she was still in High School.

"I am in my first year at IU." She offered.

"That's a great school, what are you studying?"

"They have an athletic training degree there, but right now it's just the standard classes."

"So you are an athlete?" David guessed.

"You could say that, I have been working out since I was a kid."

"Wow, that's awesome. Maybe you could teach me a thing or two." David said hopefully.

It was out there now, the obvious question that David wanted to ask her since he laid eyes on her was if she lifted weights. She still didn't come out and say it, but he thought she said enough.

"Do you work out?" She asked.

"I have a pretty good weight set in the other room, but I just can't get the gains I want." He said.

"Can I see?" She asked.

"Sure, it's right down here." David got up and directed them down the hall to the second bedroom.

Inside the room against the wall was a weight cage which held a bunch of plates on the side and provided safety for deadlifts, bench press and any other free weight exercises. The top of the cage had a multi grip pull up bar. Inside the cage was an adjustable bench that had an attachment at the end for also doing leg extensions.

On another wall were a couple racks that had an assortment of dumbbells from 5lb up to 50lb. In the corner there was a small holder that held different types of bars.

"Very impressive." Maddie said looking around at the equipment. "You look like you take it seriously."

"I do, like I said, I am just not seeing the gains I was hoping for." David admitted.

He had been working out seriously for 2 years now and had gotten stronger and a little bigger but was really hoping to put on some serious size by now.

Maddie was sizing up David with her hands on her hips when the doorbell rang.

"That must be the tow company." David said.

What horrible timing David thought as he left the room with Maddie behind him. It looked for a minute like she was going to take the bait and give him some pointers. He hated to think that this may be the last time this beautiful girl and him would be alone together.

Sure enough as David stepped into the living room and looked through the door he could see a dirty old man on the other side with a tow truck behind him.

"Hi, how are you doing?" David greeted him.

"Eh, another day another dollar." Responded the man in a gruff voice. "You call a tow truck?"

"Yes, she needs her car out front towed to a mechanic near her house." David motioned to Maddie who stepped forward.

"Alright then, let's take a look." He started to walk down to the car.

He looked like he hadn't showered in a week and smelled like stale cigarettes. Maddie stepped out to follow and looked back at David with an unsure expression on her face.

"Just tell him where you want to take the car and you can ride along with him." David said reassuringly.

"Okay." Maddie said apprehensively. "Thanks for everything David." She said as she made her way down the path to her car.

"If you need anything I will be right here." David called to her.

David closed the storm door but left the front door open. Was this really the last time he would see her. Every now and then he would look out the window to check on the progress. The tow truck driver worked slow but methodically like a man who had been doing this his whole life.

David went back to his computer and tried to get some work done, but found himself looking blankly at the screen daydreaming about Maddie.

After some time he heard the tow truck's engine rev and saw it take off out the window with Maddie's car hooked up behind it. At the same time he heard a knock on the storm door and saw it was Maddie waiting outside.

David jumped out of his seat and ran to the door to let her in.

"That man was a disgusting pig, I wasn't going anywhere with him." She said. "I just gave him the address of the dealer and paid him."

"I don't blame you, so how are you going to get home?" He asked.

"Can I borrow your phone again to call my friend?" She asked.

"Sure." He said as he handed her his phone.

Maddie took the phone and dialed a number as she stepped out of the house for some privacy. After a couple minutes she walked back in and handed the phone back to David.

"She said she can be here in about 30 minutes, is it okay if I hang out here." She asked.

"Of course, make yourself comfortable."

Make herself comfortable she did. She unzipped her workout jacket and pulled it off so that she was now wearing her athletic sports bra which revealed her incredible shape.

She looked like a female bodybuilder who was standing with every muscle flexed, but David could tell she was completely relaxed. She had the muscle size of a pro level female bodybuilder but yet she still seemed like she was no bigger than a fitness competitor.

The top part of her chest was very cut and hard yet she had a nice deep cleavage with what looked like very ample breasts that filled out her sports bra.

David had seen probably every bodybuilder there was, yet he had never seen a body like hers before. It was hard to explain, she had huge muscles in places, but she wasn't bulky. Her muscles seemed harder than anything he had ever seen, very dense and pronounced.

Every little movement made her muscles jump and dance. David was staring at her in a trance and he instantly felt his erection growing uncontrollably in his pants.

Maddie took no notice of his reaction and seemed to transform into a different person when she took her jacket off. Her unsure vulnerable personality from before was replaced by a confident proud girl who now seemed 10 years older.

She pulled an elastic band out of her pocket and started to pull her hair back into a ponytail. David's mouth fell open as he watched her work her hair with her arms up over her head. The biceps in her arms were exploding out of her arms like nothing he had ever seen.

She was just smoothing her hair back and working the band with her fingers but it looked like she was flexing as hard as she could. He could see incredibly shredded peaks rising up and down as she worked her hair unnecessarily slow into a ponytail.

"Did you want to go back and do a quick workout?" Maddie said as she gave him a warm smile.

David's eyes were still wide as he was staring at her arms. She had them down now but bent at a ninety degree angle rubbing her hands together. This made her biceps ball up and dance around. He could tell this was only the beginning and if she flexed them they would grow and harden even more.

To David watching her arms flex and move was more of a turn on than if she was topless. She reached out her hand and took one of his and started to guide him to the back bedroom.

"Come on, this is the least I could do for all the help you have given me today." She said as she released his hand and turned to walk.

David followed like an obedient dog. He was drinking in every detail of her back as she walked in front of him.

Her back was also incredible. He could see every detail as she walked. It was like her muscles had a life of their own. They looked very hard and defined and with the simplest movement would pop to life. Her shoulders and lats were very wide as they tapered down to her small waist which looked like he could wrap his hands around.

When they reached the room she turned around to face him. Her beautiful green eyes bore through him as she set her gaze on him. David had no idea what to say as he looked back at her still in a trance.

"Why don't I show you how I warm up. I was on my way to the gym when my car broke down, so maybe we can do a session together." Maddie offered.

"Ah, sure." David managed to finally say something. She gave a little laugh and turned to survey the weights.

She put the olympic bar on the rack and loaded it up with a 45lb plate on each side.

"Do you want to come over and give me a spot?" She asked David as she sat down on the bench.

David walked over and positioned himself behind the bar. His raging erection was impossible to miss as he stood behind her, she continued to act like she hadn't noticed.

She reached up and pushed the bar off the rack as if it were nothing, and proceeded to perform 12 perfect controlled bench presses. She would lower the bar slow and smooth and then push it up with perfect form.

David had an amazing view looking down over the bar. He could see her pecs bunch up with the excursion. He could see the striations from the top all the way down her cleavage. Her pecs flowed perfectly into her breasts which stood tall as her sports bra held them in place.

Her body seemed to radiate power as she easily and with control softly placed the bar on the rack. What an amazing feat David thought as she just warmed up with the same weight that he maxed out with.

"Can you put 25lb. on each side for me?" She asked.

"How much can you bench? That was incredible." David asked as he loaded up the weights she requested.

"I don't know, I have never tried to max out." She answered.

After David was done and positioned himself behind her to spot, she immediately grabbed the bar and pushed out another perfect set of 12 reps.

"Wow, I am feeling strong today, that felt like nothing. Can you go ahead and load it up with 4 45lb plates."

"Sure." David exclaimed.

David removed the 25lb plates and replaced them with the 45's bringing the total weight up to 225lbs. He positioned himself behind her expecting he would need to assist this time.

Again Maddie grabbed the bar effortlessly and pushed out 12 reps with perfect form.

She sat up with a huge smile on her face. "Wow that was amazing, I usually have to struggle a little after the 10th rep with that much!" She said excitedly.

"You have benched this much before?" David asked in disbelief.

"Sure I usually don't go any higher than this but for some reason today I want to keep going. Can you put the 25 pound plates on?" She asked with excitement.

"Sure, this is the most incredible thing I have ever seen."

"This isn't even my strongest exercise." She said as she positioned herself underneath the bar.

After David finished adding the new weight, Maddie grabbed the bar and performed 10 smooth reps, the 11th and 12th were a little slower but she still managed to push them up with no assistance.

"Whoa I feel good!" Maddie exclaimed.

"That was amazing! What is your strongest exercise if it's not the bench?" David asked.

"Pull Ups." She said. "I have been doing pull ups since I was a little kid. I was like a monkey, I was always pushing myself to see how far I could go. My second strongest is probably curls, probably because I am so strong with pull ups."

"I would love to see that. Can you show me?" David asked.

She looked up at David from the bench and gave him another of her beautiful smiles. "Sure, right after you put 3 45 pound plates on each side."

"That's 315 pounds!" David said in awe.

"You asked what my max is, let's find out. I feel stronger than ever."

David quickly did as she requested and put another 2 45 plates on the bar. He had never been so excited to see what would happen. She seemed so confident and powerful, he had no doubt she could do it.

She reached up and placed her hands on the bar and her pecs rippled as she adjusted her grip and tested the weight.

She pushed up with amazing force. It was unbelievable how much power she had on such a lean frame. Yet her muscles seemed so dense and hard that it seemed to make sense that she could achieve such incredible feats of strength.

Maddie was glistening with sweat from the excursion which made her chest look like it was carved out of marble. She was really pumped now which caused her striations to look even more pronounced. She had deep horizontal grooves etched along her chest from the top all the way down and under her sports bra.

In a quick motion she lowered the weight down to her chest and exploded upward straining against the weight. She never stalled as she slowly raised the weight until her arms locked. She took several deep breaths and again lowered the weight down and exploded of her chest never breaking form until she finally had the weight up and arms locked.

She slammed the weight on the rack and jumped up with enthusiasm. She came around and grabbed David pulling him into a hug.

His erection pressed between the two as she squeezed. David not knowing what else to do wrapped his hands around Maddie feeling her rock hard shoulders and back for the first time. He imagined what it would feel like to touch a woman with muscles his whole life and now here he was.

It was better than he ever dreamed. Her skin was soft and smooth and her muscles felt like marble. He was certain he could punch her with all his might and she wouldn't feel a thing.

He could feel her perky breasts pushing into his chest and she held him there in a long embrace.

She looked down into his eyes with a knowing look and a mischievous smile. "Do you want to see how strong I am with pull ups?"


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