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Unfairer Sex Ch. 01

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College guy is gifted a sexual ability, and explores it.
4.9k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/06/2015
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I'm stealing the following from AnsemRai: "In the interest of writing a fictional story, I have not included any reference to safe sex or birth control. I imagine it takes place in a world where these things are not necessary."

Content/Spoiler Alert: Primarily Mind Control (sort of), but also heavy elements of Lesbian, Incest, Group Sex, Masturbation, and Voyeurism, in unnecessarily gratuitous amounts, but not necessarily all in the same chapter.


It was getting really hard to get XKCD's "Every Major's Terrible" out of my head.

"I recognize my four-year plan at this point's not repairable..."

I sighed, looking at the booklets, pamphlets, and a couple other things that I couldn't identify but must've also ended in "let." Every department, even at my local community college, had its own brochure or somesuch. The problem was picking one. I was through my first year, and with it, my basic classes. Now was the time to buckle down and decide what the zip-a-dee-doo-dah I was going to do with my life.

Well, fuck.

Luckily I was alone with my thoughts, for whatever help that gave. My sister, home awaiting the fall semester of college, was still talking to her high school friends on the phone in her room before they all moved away. Her graduation from high school was a pretty awesome affair, as tedium goes, but she was still a little sad. Our parents kept telling her to invite some of her friends over, have one more summer blow-out.

Eighteen-year-old hotties walking around the backyard pool in their swimsuits? Yes, please!

Said parents were also out of the way, although their rooms were in fact desks they worked at, 9-to-5ers, both.

Needless to say, deep as I was in thought, the knock at the door startled me. Brittany (my aforementioned sister) didn't come running, so I got up to answer it.

When I opened it, a blonde woman about my age looked back at me, smiled, and held out her hand.

"Sorry," I said, "I'll go get Brittany."

"Well, if your name is Blake Turner," said the woman, "I'm here for you. You can call me Angela."

"I am Blake Turner," I said, taking her hand, "I'm sorry. Do I know you?"

"No, we've never met. May I come in?"

"...I guess."

Once inside, I got a good look at her. White pantsuit, low heels. Tough to read what kind of body she had. She went straight to my living room and sat in an armchair, gesturing that I should take the couch, presumably to relax. I sat, but stayed upright.

"What's this about?" I asked.

"Well, I have some things to tell you that you may find hard to believe," said Angela, "But once we're done talking, I can back up what I've said. And I'm here to offer you... less of a job, more of a calling."

"A calling." My voice was flat.

"Well, let's rip the Band-Aid off quickly, shall we? There are... entities. Think of them as the Organizers. They sort of... run the universe, only on a level that you can't perceive. Some of them have differing ideas as to the manner of the universe's organization. These disagreements have formed paradoxes that frankly have your science chasing its tail. So for the time being, they will sometimes imbue people, humans, with particular traits. For them, it's like flipping a coin. A gamble. Not all of them do this, but the ones I am here to represent do."

"And you're here to imbue me with some kind of traits. What traits?"

"Well, the sexual state of affairs in your part of this world is, to be perfectly honest, a mess. Now, for various practical and ideological reasons, they are constricting your influence to the female gender. We would pick a woman for the male gender. What we want to give you is the ability to increase and decrease the sexual arousal of adult women, as you see fit. It would be what you would call your superpower."

"Okay," I said. "The first part is theoretical, sure. But what you're talking about... it's madness. It's wrong! And... no, there's no way I'd be able to."

Angela smiled. "The moral objection. Excellent! That's exactly what I wanted to hear. A person who will not misuse the power. Now, as to its actual morality... we'll get to that. But first, it must not be theoretical. You require a demonstration, yes?"

"...Yeah. Yeah, I do. BUT... I have to approve it. Nothing intrusive."

"You're the one demonstrating," explained Angela. "You are as of now, temporarily imbued. The first thing you'll notice is that you now have a new sense to interpret. It can be focused, like sight. Concentrate only on this room."

"I don't feel anything," I said.

"That's because I'm not actually human," said Angela. "I just made myself look like one for you. Extend it outwards until you feel something."

I don't know how I knew how to focus this new sense, but I suppose it's all part of the imbuing. I did so, and could feel...

"Wait! Someone's horny, nearby."

"A woman, Blake. You only sense women."

"Okay. The feeling... it's... sort of... rising and falling..."

"Good. I must say it's a good sign that you're concentrating on the gift rather than on the fact you can do what you want with her libido."

"Umm, thanks, I guess... now it's... rising again, slowly but steadily..."

"Mmm," said Angela. "I believe that's typically associated with sexual stimulation. She's probably having sex, either with a man, or with herself. Masturbating, I mean."

"There'd be a lot more variance and complexity if it were with a man, right?"

"To be honest, I don't know. But it makes sense, I guess."

"So... she wants to get off, and I'd just be making it better... right?"

"That's up to you."

"Well, I guess there's only one real way to find out." I sighed, closed my eyes, and concentrated.

"For now, try something simple," said Angela softly, "And don't forget to think of when the effect ends. We frown on creation of sex-crazed lunatics."

"Okay," I whispered. "I can sense... almost a number. A percentage. Like, from sexless to orgasm, zero to a hundred."

"Good. Think in terms of that number."

"Okay... I sense her peaks and valleys, one motion to the next. So... I want every valley to be... point one percent higher than the previous one. Until orgasm or the masturbation stops. Then the entire influence fades."

I opened my eyes. "How'd I do?"

"Sense it. You tell me."

I shut my eyes again and focused. I could feel the effect taking place. The woman, whoever she was, must have sensed the effects of the change I made, and slowed down. The peaks were sharper, and spread farther apart. She was taking her time. I'd had five sexual partners, and for all of them, the long slow burns were the best ones.

Another thing I sensed was more local. I was rock-hard under my jeans.

The woman was torturing herself and loving it. Goodness help me, but I loved it, too. It was sublime, knowing I was pleasuring a woman, tofeelhow aroused she was. It washot.It wasincredible.It was-

There came a cry from upstairs, timed with one of the peaks. Then another.

It wasmy sister?!

I shot a look to Angela, who'd clearly heard it, too.

"You can undo any change at any time," she said softly.

Still hearing Brittany's escalating cries and feeling her swells of pleasure, I replied, "I can't do that to her. It's not her fault."

I wished I couldn't hear it. I wished I had the stones to tune my new sense away from her. I wished my hard-on hadn't been raging harder at hearing my sister.

Angela and I sat quietly as Brittany got louder and louder, until I felt her climax hit her. Such an intimate view of her intimate moments... I felt a little dirty. But not nearly as dirty as I knew I should feel, andthatmade me feel dirty for a whole different reason.

Then I felt an influx. I didn't know of what, but there it was.

"So," said Angela. "Believe me yet?"

"Yeah, okay," I said, boner still raging. "I have a superpower. But how am I supposed to help people with it? Is more sex the answer?"

"Let's take a look, shall we?" asked Angela, and we were gone.


By "gone", I mean "not in my house anymore, or anywhere else I recognize." No sound, no flash, no fuss, just one minutehere, next minutethere. I saw trees. That's it.

"Where are we?" I managed to ask.

"Small patch of woods, just outside a women's prison," said Angela, "in Tennessee."

"TENNESSEE?!" That was over a thousand miles from my house.

"Relax. There's also a time layering taking effect. The Organizers really want you, so they're pulling out all the stops."

"So what am I supposed to do here?"

"There's a particular woman inside. Sex offender. Likes to look at boys. You, Blake Turner, have the ability to help her, as well as any boy she may otherwise inappropriately pursue."


"That's your choice. Think about it. Meanwhile, try and find her among the masses in there."

I focused on my sexth sense (Get it?), and found a lot of women, of varying degrees and types. It took a second, but managed to pin one down.

"Can you borrow my sense for a second, see if I've got it right?" I asked.

"This once? Sure," replied Angela. After a second, she said, "Well done. That's her. Got a plan?"


"Okay. It's best if you verbalize or transcribe the whole thing, so that you are clear on what you are enacting."

"Sounds good. One question: How long is her remaining sentence?"

"Seven years. Five if her therapist says she's cured and she behaves herself."

"Five then. Ahem: Her maximum arousal from people she knows are under the age of eighteen shall decrease at a constant rate for the next five years, reaching zero at the end of that time. For the remainder of her life, her physical attraction to adults will be increased by one percent of what they otherwise would have been."

I actually felt it take effect this time.

"So," remarked Angela, "You aim to protect boys for sure, but you're also stacking the odds for her psychology to correct itself. A double barrier, and better for her in the long run."

"That's the goal, isn't it?" I asked. "Help people have more healthy sex?"

"Precisely. And, I must say, you used rather less force than most. Many would have immediately yanked out her entire libido in a fit of self-righteous indignation. But you not only saw her as just another person, you also intruded minimally into her life. That's thinking like an Organizer. Keep it up, and you'll find this responsibility is better than you think. Ready for the next one?"

"Next one?"

"More practice. Besides, aren't you hungry?"

Next thing I knew, we were outside an Olive Garden in what felt like Hell but turned out to only be Tucson, Arizona. Angela ushered me in. Once we were seated, she ordered for the both of us while my brain tried to catch up.

We sat. We didn't say much. We had lunch. It was surreal.

Most of the way through, an older couple sat down across the room, and Angela brought my attention to them.

"What do you feel from her?" she asked me.

"A healthy libido, but... something's in the way."

"Stress. She has a high-powered job. It tires her, distracts her. She loves her husband, but life has gotten in the way. Today is their anniversary. Dinner will be at a much nicer place. He's got the whole day planned. But as things stand now, dessert will just be a food item."

"Okay, so... I will have her arousal slowly increase at a rate of one percent per hour, linear..." I described a few other details, such as how long her climaxes would be sustainable for, and such. The effects would wear off once she fell asleep. Angela smiled when I was done.

"Nice. You're really getting the hang of this. Don't worry about the check- we have a finance guy."

And then we were back home.

"So, now that you've seen the job," said Angela, "What do you say?"

"Wow," I said. "Just like that, huh? Well... I mean... it sounds complicated, but I think I can do it. If I have questions, can I contact you?"

"Sure. I'll know, and then use some human means to get in touch. Anything else?"

"Not that I'm ungrateful, or don't see the point or, or..."


"Well... isn't this all a little, you know... unfair to the fairer sex?"

Angela smiled. "Trust me. Women are not fairer than men, and if anything, you're helping to restore a balance. You'll see. Anything else?"

"Umm... no, not that I can think of off the top of my head."

"Good. Now, about your payment."


"Yes. Had you asked what was in it for you, I would have been disappointed, but you didn't. That's wonderful. But you do get paid for services rendered. Firstly, since many of your adjustments will result in you having sex with the recipient, you cannot contract or transmit any sexually transmittable disease. And whether you impregnate someone is entirely your choice. Those are more protections for our investment than anything else. But your real pay...Ahem: Whenever you use your abilities and succeed in creating healthy sexual scenarios, you get... call it a commission. A well of energy you can use in your own personal sex life. I'm sure you felt it earlier, when your sister climaxed."

He did, and remembering was getting him hard again.

Angela smiled. "You can use the energy to do things other men can't. Be longer, thicker, harder, all within reason of course, but also last longer, cum harder, cummore... the possibilities are there to discover.But... as with any payment, you can run out. So if you want more of the benefit, do more work. You've made a good start, though. See, the reward is proportional to the size of the result versus the size of the alteration. A subtle change with a lasting outcome will garner you very powerful results. The work you did today? Well, you'll see. Anyway, I should go, and let you get on with it. Any ideas on what you'll do first?"

"Go to the mall," I said. I'd been mulling it over during lunch.

"I like the way you think," said Angela. Then she left. And that was it. The entire conversation that completely changed my life.


Her name was Kalista. Kallie for short. I'd had a massive jones for her since my freshman year of high school, and now she worked at, of all places, Victoria's Secret. I'd been tracking her shifts for a week or so, trying to pluck up the nerve to ask her out, but now I had a different plan.

See, on my most recent visit, I'd spied a glimpse of her schedule, and she was an hour into a shift by the time I got to the store. I sat at the food court and focused, which was great practice. before long I could tell distance and direction. I knew the layout of the store from Brit's eighteenth birthday, when I went in to nab her a gift card.

Some mutual friends on social media had mentioned in passing that she worked the fitting rooms. She always did have an eye for fashion. She could usually find ways of making herself look sexy as Hell, all within the school dress code. She was blonde-haired, blue-eyed, curvy in all the right places, and a ball of energy.

And once I found her, I discovered she was fairly horny all day. I'd barely have to do a thing. But I did. I gave her a slowly increasing desire, and decided to watch for a while.

In the meantime, I did all sorts of small adjustments on the women around me. Some were with their significant others, so I just gave them an extra boost for the day. Some seemed down in the dumps, so I put a time delay on it for later – they'd relax well after such a tough day. Things like that, stretching my wings.

After a couple of hours, I felt an influx and paid attention to Kallie again. Her arousal had dropped, but only back down to what it had been before. She'd apparently had a break in masturbated during it. Now was the time to make my move.

I made my way back to the store and walked in, bold as brass. I headed swiftly and indirectly to the area in front of where she worked, then stopped, as if suddenly realizing something.

"Hey, excuse me," I said, "Can you help me? I really need a woman's opinion."

"Sure," she said, getting up. "What are you looking for?"

"Well, I'm getting a female friend something of a surprise gift," I started, "We've been friends forever, and hey, no chemistry, so we help each other out. She's got a boyfriend she wants to make it good with..."

I chattered on until I saw her start to nod. She understood whatever the hell it was I was saying. As we talked, I subtly increased her arousal, conditional on how close to me she was and whether she was facing me. And you know? I didn't have to do that much- I felt her reacting that way anyway. Maybe I had more of a chance than I thought. I mean, I work out, but, still...

I saw her start to get antsy, and eased off the adjustments a little. But I held out a lacy thong and asked, "How would they feel about this one, do you think? I mean, put yourself in her shoes. How would you feel wearing this for your boyfriend?"

"I... I don't have one."

"Oh, sorry. Men's loss, I suppose. Okay, then, pretend I'm your boyfriend. How would you feel, wearing this for me?"

"I don't know if I can answer that for a customer," she said quickly, her fear suddenly overtaking her other feelings.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said, contrite, "We've just been talking to easily. I'm sorry..." I made a show of glancing at her name tag. "...Kallie. I'm sorry Kallie."

"That's okay."

"Kallie... Kallie... where do I know that name from?"

"...Yeah! Come to think of it, you're familiar too."

"Kallie... as in Kalista? Kalista McGregor?"

"Yeah! How'd you know?"

"Blake Turner! We were in World History together, freshman year."

"Oh god, you're right!" We shared a good, relieved laugh at the "coincidence."

"I have a confession to make," I said.


"Yeah... I kinda did want to be your boyfriend, back then."

"Really? You never asked."

"I was intimidated! You're... well, you're gorgeous!"

"Aw, that's sweet. Thanks."

"Wait... did you want me to ask?"

This whole time I was tracking her state, and she was ramping up all on her own. All I'd given her was a jump start and a little corralling.

"Well... no, sorry. We were just in different circles, you know?"

"Yeah, I get it..." I said, then looked her in those beautiful blue eyes. "What about now?"

She looked back. I saw lust.

"Now..." she said softly. "Not really looking for a boyfriend. But if you want... Maybe we can make up for what you missed."


"Yeah." She bit her lip. I was getting hard before, but that was downright sexy. "Go to the first changing room and wait. I'll be there in five minutes."

As I walked off to the changing rooms, a couple of men's items with me just for show, I made sure Kallie would not lose any arousal before we met again. And just the slightest increase over time, just to be sure.

In the meantime, I considered my options. I had a reserve of energy now, and had yet to use it. Longer, thicker, harder? I'm average, normally. So I went with about an inch longer, half an inch wider, and kept the harder option for later.

Right on cue, Kallie came into the changing room.

"Right. They all think I'm on break. Nobody's allowed back here until I come."

"Come back, you mean?" I asked playfully.

"Right. That." Then she kissed me.

This was not a romantic kiss. It was urgent, it was hot, and it was a festival of lust in my mouth. I kissed back, letting Kallie take the lead. It was the least I could do, given that I pushed her into it, more or less.

"Mmmm," she moaned into my mouth, then broke the contact. "My God, is that your cock?" She was whispering. We would have to be quiet.

"Take a look," I responded. Boy, was I responding.

The extra length and girth made my cock look truly impressive without being intimidating, and that was before she even got my pants off. When it sprang free of my boxers, it slapped her lightly in the cheek and I felt her arousal spike. I tuned it out for now.


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