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Unforgettable Trip

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She meets the her dream Heath Ledger while on vacation.
3.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/30/2001
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This is just one of many fantasies I have about the wonderful actor Heath Ledger. Your votes and feedback would be appreciated! :)

* * * * *

I was a Travel Agent for about 10 years and absolutely loved the profession. One of the wonderful perks about the job that I took full advantage of was being able to get really great discounts on hotels, car rentals, trips, cruises and sometimes even free airfare. Needless to say during those 10 years I've taken some really great trips. I still keep in contact with a girl that I used to work with and she invites me along every now and then when she's going somewhere.

One day I received a call from her and she invited me to come along on a Bermuda cruise with her. I took this same cruise a few years ago and it was one of the best vacations I've ever had. Out of all the islands I've visited Bermuda is my absolute favorite! I was so excited for the opportunity to be able to go again and jumped at her invitation.

When we arrived on ship the day of departure we had a very pleasant surprise. We found out that we would be staying in one of only two of the exclusive suites on board. The suites cost top dollar and are usually reserved for VIP's and celebrities. It turned out that whoever was suppose to be staying in one of the suites cancelled last minute, which made it available for us to occupy. This is what I mean when I say perks of the job! I wondered just how much better it could possibly get. Little did I know I'd soon be finding out.

When we got to the room and opened the door we couldn't believe our eyes. It was absolutely amazing! All the other cabins I've ever stayed in while on a cruise were extremely small and minimally decorated. This one compared to a room at a five star hotel. I noticed a door on one side of the room and figured it led to an adjoining suite, so that there could be access to both rooms if necessary. I had a fleeting thought about who the other person or people were that was staying in the adjoining suite, but quickly forgot about it as I concentrated on unpacking.

After a gourmet dinner and stroll around the ship my friend Melissa and I decided to go and hang out in our suite. We've already done the whole cruise thing before and figured we'd take advantage of the amenities our suite had to offer. When we stepped inside we immediately could hear music and voices coming from the adjacent suite. The voices were muffled but you could definitely tell that there was some kind of accent. Being curious and a tiny bit nosy I put my ear to the wall to see if I could hear better. Whoever it was you could tell they were having a good time. The music was loud and there was laughter. Melissa grabbed us a couple of drinks from the well-stocked mini-bar and we turned our music up to let our neighbors know we were next door. Their music was immediately turned down in response to ours, which gave me a great opportunity to figure out the accent. At first I thought it was British, but knew without a doubt it was Australian when I heard the word mate mentioned. I am such a sucker for an accent, especially an Australian one and I could've stood at the wall listening forever, but Melissa had a better idea. She suggested that we take our drinks out on the balcony, which adjoined with our neighbors and opened into a large patio area and that maybe they would join us.

We perched ourselves out on the balcony with our drinks, some refills and our music. When our neighbors didn't show up within the first half hour or so we figured they weren't coming out and possibly even left the suite. It didn't really matter to me anymore anyway. I was having enough fun without having to deal with being nice and making small talk with someone I didn't know.

I was talking to Melissa with my back turned, leaning against the balcony railing when she got the weirdest look on her face. Her eyes became as big as saucers and she started to choke on a piece of pretzel she had just put in her mouth. Concerned I leaned over asking her if she was ok. Coughing, she nodded yes and pointed for me to turn around. Confused I slowly looked over my shoulder and came face to face with Heath Ledger! I know my face must have immediately flushed, because my heart was pounding wildly in my chest when I saw him.

"Is your friend ok?" I heard him ask.

I wanted to scream and faint, but somehow I managed to reply in a calm voice that I thought she was fine. He flashed that infamous grin and apologized for startling us. He asked if it was ok for he and his friend Trevor to join us. He confessed that they had been eavesdropping on us for the entire time and had a few good laughs over our silliness and wanted to join in on our little party.

We stayed up the entire night drinking, laughing and just goofing around. Heath was so much fun to be around, just like I knew he would be. He's got a great sense of humor and can make you laugh at just about anything.

Finally as daylight approached Melissa and I decided we should try to get some sleep and Heath agreed that he and Trevor should also. I walked over to the adjoining door in our suite to unlock and open it with Heath following behind me. I unlocked the dead bolt and when I put my hand on the doorknob to turn it he covered my hand with his own and gave it a squeeze, remarking that he had a lot of fun and saying that tomorrow night we'd switch to his room. I'm not sure what my response was because all I could think about was the electricity I felt when his hand touched mine. As I closed the door behind him I remembered the same feeling I had earlier in the night when his bare leg had nonchalantly brushed against mine.

Melissa grabbed my arm and drug me into the bathroom, shutting the door behind us, so we could excitably talk about our night without the worry of Heath or Trevor possibly over hearing us in their suite. It took us at least an hour or so to fully absorb the entire events of the evening and with great anticipation of what was to come tomorrow night we exhaustedly fell into our beds.

Heath's fingers brushed my cheek and my body trembled with anticipation of his kiss. He slowly lowered his head bringing his lips just inches from mine.


"Noooooo…go away!!" I fought to remain asleep.


"Oh damn it!" I mumbled out loud, as I forced my body out of bed and stomped over to the door to open it.

It was Heath. He took one look at me and laughed. Still grumpy I snidely asked him what was so funny.

Reaching over he moved a stray hair out of my eyes and said with a chuckle, "Your hair have you seen it?"

"Are you kidding me?" I sarcastically replied. "Have you seen yours Heath?"

Heath is the only person in the world that I know who actually looks good with bed head. To tease him I raised both of my hands to mess with his hair. He quickly grabbed my wrists, brought them behind my back and drew my body into his.

Stunned I stood there as he leaned down and playfully whispered into my ear, "So what's wrong with my hair, eh?"

At that moment Melissa called into the room as she approached, "Hey, who was at the…" She stopped short when she saw the position Heath and I were in.

"Ah, sorry you guys didn't mean to interrupt." She remarked and turned to walk out.

Heath released me laughing. "It's ok we were just goofing around!"

Oh you're gonna pay for that one Heath Ledger!" I remarked as I walked over to the refrigerator to get a drink. Suddenly my mouth was incredibly dry.

"Trevor and I were wondering if you two wanted to come over to our suite and have something to eat with us. Oh, and if you want we thought we'd try out the Jacuzzi later. What do ya say?" Heath asked smiling.

I flashed a grin at Melissa and somehow managing to keep my composure and a steady voice I replied, "Sure why not? We'll get dressed and be over in a few minutes. Ok, Heath?"

"Great." Heath responded as he turned and closed the door behind him.

Melissa grabbed my arm and we ran to the bathroom to excitedly talk again. After my explanation to Melissa about my dream and what was going on with Heath and I at the door we left the bathroom considerably calmer. We tried to get ourselves around as quickly as we could, but the few minutes of time I told Heath that it would take us turned into an hour.

I knocked twice on the adjoining door to let Heath and Trevor know we were coming in and opened it. There was a huge amount of food spread out on the table.

"I was wondering if you two were gonna show up or not." Heath remarked walking toward me with a wink.

He grabbed my hand and added, "Hmmm it seems it was worth the wait."

Blushing slightly I replied, "thank you".

With his hand remaining in mine he led me over to the table and pulled my chair out for me. Trevor did the same for Melissa.

After we finished eating Trevor asked if anyone was up for the Jacuzzi.

Heath flashed me a seductive smile at Trevor's question and I said, "I definitely am."

Heath stood up and started to remove his shirt. Trevor did the same while Melissa and I just sat there watching them.

Teasing I commented, "Is that it Heath? How about the bottoms now?"

"Oh you're funny", he replied leaning over to whisper in my ear so only I could hear and added, "Maybe later".

Melissa and I were in the hot tub alone for the moment while Heath and Trevor got out to grab us some more drinks. Quickly she suggested that she would claim to be hot when they got back and ask Trevor to accompany her inside so Heath and I could be alone for a little bit. I whole-heartedly agreed with her fantastic idea and was looking forward to having Heath all to myself.

Just as planned when they returned she announced she was hot and asked Trevor if it was all right if they went inside. Heath climbed back into the hot tub and settled himself across from me as Trevor and Melissa went inside.

"Well I guess we're all alone." Heath remarked in that deep sexy voice of his with his eyes never leaving mine.

"Uh huh." I replied as I moved my foot under the water to touch his and slowly run it up his leg.

When my foot touched his thigh he grabbed it and put it on his crotch. Our eyes never left each other and I seductively licked my upper lip as my foot traced the length of his growing erection. He pulled on my ankles, gliding me across the water and sat me down on his lap.

I wrapped my legs around his body very aware of the position we were in and the small amount of clothing that separated us from becoming one. He cupped my face in his large hands and brought his lips down to meet mine. Finally the moment I had dreamt about earlier this morning was going to happen. His lips were soft as he tenderly kissed me parting mine slightly to insert his tongue. I eagerly moved my tongue against his as our kiss deepened and our passion rose.

His hands moved from stroking my cheek, down my neck to my chest and momentarily squeezed my breasts before he brought them around my back. In one quick motion Heath undid my bikini top proving his was not a novice at it. As my top floated off into the water he cupped my bare breasts with both his hands and rolled my nipples between his thumb and forefinger while his lips and tongue left a trail of fire on my neck. A slight moan escaped my lips and I threw my head back as his tongue lazily encircled one of my nipples. He licked it back and forth and nipped it with his teeth before doing the same to my other one. Consumed with desire for him I began to grind my hips against his hardness, wanting and needing to feel him inside me like I've never wanted anyone before.

Heath's hands moved to my thighs, between my legs and cupped my sex. I bit my lower lip and looked him straight in the eyes as one of his fingers hooked under my swimsuit bottom and he began to touch me. His finger glided back and forth over my wetness easily, occasionally circling my sensitive nub. He was keeping me at the brink of a delicious orgasm and he knew it. Unable to remain still and trying to push myself over the edge I started to move my hips against his finger.

When he finally relented and slipped it inside of me I immediately threw my head back and moaned out loud, "Oh god…please Heath I want you!!"

Totally consumed with lust for him, I reached down and pulled him from his swim trunks. He kissed me passionately as my hand enveloped his incredibly large hard-on and I began to stroke him. Unable to restrain myself any longer I straddled him and huskily remarked that I couldn't wait a second longer to feel him inside of me. With one hand I pulled my swimsuit bottom to the side and with the other I started to guide him into me.

I drew in a sharp breath and groaned, "Oh god!" as I felt the tip of him start to enter inside of me. His hands were on my waist as he slowly, almost torturously, lowered me down onto him.

"Hey you guys, are you planning on joining us anytime tonight?" Trevor's voice called from the room as his footsteps approached.

"Oh fuck!" Heath cursed as he quickly pulled himself out of me and I scrambled for my bikini top.

"Yeah Trev, we'll be right there just give us a sec, ok?" Heath hurriedly replied hoping Trevor wouldn't come outside.

Witnessing the disappointed look on my face because of the untimely interruption Heath wrapped me in his arms and kissed me passionately. Looking into my eyes, he tenderly stroked my cheek and promised that he'd make it up to me. I smiled at him feeling better because of the promise he made to me and looked forward to another encounter with him.

My fingers firmly intertwined with Heath's we reluctantly crawled out of the Jacuzzi. He grabbed his towel and gently wrapped it around my shoulders. I looked downward as he put the towel around me and my eyes took notice of the still very large bulge in his swim trunks. Giggling I commented that I thought he needed the towel to cover up with more than I did.

Grinning he teased me with his reply, "Yeah well this problem of mine is all your fault!"

I laughed thrilled with the idea that I created such a large problem for him to deal with. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and told me to go inside that he'd be in as soon as his problem went away.

Smiling and still very flushed I turned and walked into the room where Trevor and Melissa were.

"WOW!" Trevor commented when he saw me. "The Jacuzzi must have been way too hot for you eh?!"

"Oh yeah it was hot alright!" I sarcastically answered.

"Hey Heath…" Trevor called out as he walked out through the door to the patio.

Melissa quickly grabbed me by the arm and said, "Ok, give it up. What happened out there between you two? I can see you are all flushed and we both know it's not because of the Jacuzzi!"

Teasing her I replied, "Hmmm…. I have no idea what you are talking about!"

"OH, now is not the time to play innocent with me! Come on tell me quickly before the guys get back in here please?" She begged me.

Excitedly I replied, "Well let's just say that Heath is a big boy and knows exactly how to turn you on!!!"

"Oh my god! Did you have sex with him?!" Melissa asked in utter amazement.

"No, not quite! Trevor saw fit to ruin that!!" I responded half disgusted.

As Heath and Trevor sauntered into the room Melissa whispered to me that she wanted full details later.

Oblivious to what was going on Trevor asked what we were whispering about. "Oh nothing really." I responded with a sly smile in Heath's direction.

Heath knowingly grinned back at me fully aware of what Melissa and I had been whispering about.

"Heath and I were talking and we thought it might be fun to go and check the ship out. You two wanna join us?" Trevor asked.

Concerned I replied, "Are you sure about that Heath? What if someone recognizes you?"

Smiling at me he answered, "Oh I think it will be alright, besides it's getting late and there won't be a lot of people around anyway. Thanks for the concern though, you're sweet. Why don't you two go and change and Trev and I will come over in a half and hour or so ok?" Heath added.

"Ok great!" Melissa responded.

"Well, I guess we'll see you in a half hour then." I added with a coy look at Heath.

The second our room door closed behind us Melissa was pressing me for the details of what happened in the Jacuzzi between Heath and I. She was full of questions and as I started to give her some details I got a little side tracked with an answer to one of them. She wanted to know if Heath was a good kisser.

"AHHH is he ever!! He's really tender, but very passionate and can get somewhat aggressive if that makes any sense to you. He has this way of caressing your face with his hands and he intertwines his fingers in your hair and plays with it. The whole time he's doing this he's French kissing you!! OHHH it was so incredible!!" I dreamily recounted.

I could feel myself starting to get flushed again as I continued to explain the affect Heath had on my body.

Commenting about my appearance, Melissa chuckled. "Geez girl, look at you, you're getting yourself all worked up just by telling me about it!"

Laughing at myself I said, "I better stop this and save the other details to tell you later or we'll never be ready when they get here!"

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