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Unforgettable Trip: Final Chapter

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The trip comes to an end.
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I've finally finished this story. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it! Your vote and any feedback would be appreciated. :)

* * * * *

The last two days of vacation slipped away faster than I wanted them to. I hated the thought of the cruise coming to an end and being forced back into the real world. Reality was going to be a huge slap in the face after spending the most amazing week with Heath than I ever could've dreamed possible. We were together every second of our final days sharing everything possible that two people could in that amount of time. We were completely insatiable for each other and spent the majority of our waking hours by having sex, cuddling or touching each other intimately. No mention was ever made from either of us about what would happen after we reached port, because we both understood that this would be all that we had together.

The last night of the cruise Heath suggested we attend the Captain's dinner, see a show and make an appearance at the private party that the ship's Captain invited him to. I agreed thinking it might be fun to dress up and be seen on Heath's arm. Two hours before dinner I left Heath for the first time in a couple of days to go to my suite and prepare for our night out.

I heard Heath's knock at my door just as I was checking my reflection in the full-length mirror. Pleased with how well I looked, I went to open the door for him. When I pulled the door open I did a double take. Heath looked absolutely amazing in the formal attire he was wearing. We stood and drank in every detail about each other, our eyes taking in the full effect of how the clothes we wore looked on each other's body. When our gaze finally met we both broke out into an appreciative smile.

Heath reached his arms out to me, wrapped me in them and kissed me ardently. Tingles instantly rippled through my body as I felt his tongue enter my mouth in a hungry fashion. I met his kiss with matched urgency, moaning softly as I felt the passion start to build between us.

"You look fantastic." I whispered in his ear, after kissing his neck.

"You do too. You're beautiful…beyond words." Heath answered bringing his lips to mine for another long lingering kiss.

Heath pulled back, taking my hand and suggested we leave that instant before we got carried away in expressing our ardor for each other and never make it out of the room. I giggled and agreed, knowing full well how very easy it was to succumb to him.

We had a very enjoyable and intimate dinner together. I loved the way Heath possessively covered my hand with his own on top of the table and stroked it gently as he spoke to me while looking directly into my eyes.

I would have been blind not to notice the admiring glances women were casting Heath's way throughout dinner, nor could I ignore the occasional daggers of envy pointed in my direction. None of them fazed me though, because Heath's interest was obviously for me alone.

We finished dinner with desert, which we fed to each other, giggling between bites. I excused myself to go freshen up my lipstick before we left to go to the show.

In the ladies room, as I stood in front of the mirror applying lipstick I couldn't help but overhear the conversation that was taking place between two women who were in adjoining stalls speaking to each other.

"Wouldn't you just melt if Heath Ledger showed up on your doorstep looking like that?" I heard one of the women say. I paused applying my lipstick, curious to hear more of what they would say.

"I think I'd enjoy him much better out of it, if you want to know the truth! I wonder what he's like in bed?" The other voice commented with a giggle.

"I would venture a guess of incredible!" The first woman answered with a laugh.

"Oh god, I'm sure he'd be amazing! As a matter of fact that was all I could think about when I saw him slowly feeding her desert!" The second woman dreamily replied.

I glanced over at the bathroom attendant and she grinned at me fully aware of what was happening.

"Talk about a lucky girl. The recipient of Heath Ledger's desert and who knows what else. It was so neat how they were just totally lost in each other, as if no one else was around." The mystery voice said.

I watched in the mirror as the two women walked out of their bathroom stalls, adjusting their dresses, still engrossed in their conversation about Heath. I couldn't help smiling as I saw the look on their faces when they recognized me. They both slightly gasped and smiled nervously, as the bathroom attendant tried desperately to keep her laughter from bubbling over.

"Oh my, I…we…are terribly sorry." One of the women offered. "I guess…I suppose you heard our conversation."

I smiled kindly and offered, "It's alright, don't worry about it."

I walked toward the door, opened it and turned leaving them with one final comment. "By the way, I'm not sure which one of you was wondering how Heath is in bed, but I can assure you that he is absolutely extraordinary!"

I walked out as soon as I saw their stunned faces and heard the roar of laughter that escaped from the bathroom attendant. I felt a bit catty for saying what I did, but the stunned look on the two women's faces was well worth it.

I met Heath and he softly kissed the back of my neck before he tenderly placed my satin wrap around my shoulders. We walked slowly hand in hand to the show and I gave him a blow-by-blow account of what I heard in the bathroom, leaving out my final parting comment. I explained to him that I understood precisely how the women felt because just being in the same room with him arouses me more than he could ever imagine. Heath immediately stopped, pulling me aside to make a confession of his own.

"I think I have an idea of exactly how you feel." Heath whispered back to me right before he kissed me and took my hand, placing it over the growing bulge in his pants.

Without even thinking I began stroking him gently, making him harder and arousing myself even more. I was so engrossed in stimulating his large hard-on that I barely even noticed his fingers reaching down to first gently cup my breast and then firmly squeeze my nipple. Heath's caresses through the thin material of my dress encouraged me to tighten my grip on him, causing a moan to escape from his mouth into mine. Heath removed his hand from my breast, pulled his mouth away from mine and grinned.

"We have an audience." He commented, nodding his head and looking behind me.

I turned to find the women from the restroom staring at us. There was no doubt that they got an eyeful, it was written all over their faces.

"Not just an audience Heath, they are your admirers from the bathroom." I disclosed to him, amused.

I laughed out loud as Heath waved to them and they returned his acknowledgement with a hesitant wave of their own.

"We better get moving or you are going to tempt me to completely blow off the rest of the evening." Heath suggested pushing me away and trying humorously to arrange his hardened state comfortably within his pants.

"And that would be bad?" I teased with a huge smile as I looked at what was causing Heath's jacket to stick out slightly.

"No fair." Heath said. "You have no idea how hard it is to function while being this excited."

"Ha, I beg your pardon! I have been incredibly aroused ever since you showed up at my door tonight. So I do know!" I responded firmly.

Heath instantly looked deeply into my eyes almost daring me to suggest that we skip the show and party afterward. I didn't though, deciding that it would be much more stimulating to put off the inevitable just a little bit longer.

The show was wonderful, although I had a very hard time concentrating. Visions of Heath and I making love constantly darted in and out of my mind. Mercifully an intermission came signaling a halfway point. I was enjoying the evening, but selfishly part of me just wanted to grab Heath's hand and lead him back to the suite.

During the second half of the performance, Heath's hand found cover under the wrap that I held in my lap and he softly caressed my leg. His hand slid effortlessly over the silky sheerness of my stockings, which caused more juices to build in place of what I had wiped away earlier. I crossed my right leg over my left, forcing the slit in my dress to rise high on my thigh. I felt Heath's hand inch further and further up until it found the top of my stocking. I glanced to the side to see his profile. His eyes were focused forward on the stage, but I was certain he had a thin sheen of perspiration on his upper lip. I shifted my leg so that his fingers could have access further inside of my upper thigh. Heath took the invitation immediately and soon I felt his fingers lightly tracing my bare inner thigh higher while his pinky grazed over my panties. When the show was coming to a close, Heath removed his hand from under my wrap, reached for mine and brought it up to his lips where he softly kissed it.

Heath and I quickly headed for the exit. Thankfully we had an easy escape and were soon walking outside of the doors. We quickly made our way to the room where the private party was to be held and found it minimally occupied. Heath led me to a soft leather love seat and we sat down. There was a bottle of champagne chilling in a bucket of ice sitting on a table nearby along with a bowl of ripe red strawberries. Heath dropped a strawberry into a flute, filled it with champagne and handed one to me. He made himself a drink as he chatted with a ship's officer. Within the hour everyone had departed leaving the two of us alone in the room. I couldn't help breaking into a huge smile, teased by the knowledge that soon I would be so lost in him as our bodies came together.

Heath drained his glass, reached in grabbed the strawberry and brought it to my lips for me to nibble on the end as our eyes locked on each other. He tilted my own glass up to my mouth indicating that he wanted me to finish my champagne as well. I swallowed the last bit, handed my flute to Heath and he sat it down and turned to kiss me. His hand cupped my face as his other arm encircled my waist, pulling me closer to him. He caressed my tongue with his slowly, stopping occasionally to kiss my cheeks and eyes. Heath's affectionate attention along with the drink made for a dizzying combination.

I once again felt the familiar caress of his hand on my breast. The way he teased my nipples in between his fingers sent erotic sensations throughout my entire body, causing me to arch up toward him. When I did Heath used his arm that was encircling my waist to shift my body down to lay on the love seat with him leaning over me.

Heath kissed me so passionately as he trailed kisses down my neck and chest. His hand was constantly busy, paying attention to each erect nipple and caressing the soft velvet of my torso. Our passion mounted and I literally throbbed for him as I moaned and writhed with pleasure under his kisses and caresses. I could feel his equal excitement as his evident hardness pressed against my thigh.

Heath sat up and removed my shoes, unbuckling the thin straps and sliding them slowly off of my feet. He then knelt next to me, taking one foot and bringing it up to his mouth. His lips caressed me all the way up my silky stocking clad leg, stopping just where the stocking ended only to begin with my other foot. As Heath made his way up my leg, he conveniently brought both of them up so that they both rested on either side of his shoulders. I moaned loudly as his lips met with the soft skin above my thigh high stocking. I was very aware of the musky smell that permeated the room and knew full well that he could tell exactly how saturated I was. Heath's tongue slid in between my garter belt and my skin, causing me to wiggle with delight.

"I want to taste you so badly right now Kim." Heath leaned up and sexily whispered in my ear.

I didn't answer with words, but grabbed the back of his head and brought his mouth to mine for a crushing kiss. During our hungry kiss, I jumped lightly when I felt Heath's fingers brush the crotch of my panties softly. Then I felt his fingers push them to the side, aware that my slippery juices had escaped my panties and were covering the inside of my inner thighs. Heath exhaled a breathy groan into my mouth as his fingers met my swollen lips. His index finger slid gradually into my opening feeling every little ridge inside of me. Soon his first finger was joined by a second as he slowly moved them in and out of me, inching deeper each time. I opened my eyes to find him staring back at me, watching my every reaction. I was so close to tumbling over the edge, the foreplay of the entire evening taking it's toll on me and making me incredibly sensitive to Heath's long fingers which felt so incredible as he moved them in and out of me. Heath sensed my heightened arousal and removed his fingers before my orgasm overtook me. I watched as he brought his wet fingers up to his mouth and licked every bit of my juice off of them. He did it slowly, savoring every drop, never taking his eyes from my own.

We heard someone coming and barely managed to straighten our clothes when one of the ship's officers came into the room. We quickly excused ourselves and headed for Heath's suite.

Once inside, Heath took my wrap and hand bag and laid them down on a nearby table. He pulled me into his arms for yet another deep passionate kiss.

"I'm going to make love to you all night long Kim." Heath seductively promised me.

Even though I knew all along where this evening was heading, just hearing him say it in that deep sexy voice of his made my knees feel weak. I had never in my life wanted a man as much as I longed for Heath at that moment. I didn't respond to his comment with words, but rather a warm smile as I melted into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Heath broke our embrace, took my hand and led me to the bedroom. I reached up, removed his jacket and vest, placing them across a chair we were standing next to. Heath stood perfectly still as I untied his tie and began opening his shirt. I spread my hands out covering each of his nipples with my palms. I looked up into his eyes right before I bent over to trail soft kisses down his beautiful chest. I heard Heath gasp as I encircled each of his nipples with my tongue and pulled it gently into my mouth, placing my teeth around it.

I reached down and pulled Heath's shoes and socks off as he lifted his feet for me. I stood up, looking into his eyes, but pulled back and winked at him when he tried to kiss me. As I held his gaze with my own I reached down to find the waistband of his pants. I unbuttoned and unzipped them before giving them a little push so they would fall to the floor. I rubbed my hand on the outside of his underwear over his rock hard member and felt a little bit of dampness which signaled he was even more excited than I imagined. Reaching inside, I softly caressed his hardness taking a finger and rubbing it slowly over his head, which was lubricated by his slippery pre-cum.

Holding my hand, Heath pulled slowly away from me, retreating backward into the bathroom. I watched as he climbed up the marble steps that led to the sunken bathtub. He turned on the water and poured vanilla scented oil in. My eyes followed his every move unable to take them off of him. He looked gorgeous in just his underwear and white dress shirt that hung open exposing his glorious chest.

Heath returned to my side and asked me to turn around, gently forcing the rotation with his hands on my shoulders. His fingers quickly mastered the hooks at the back of my dress. He turned me back around to face him, slipping my dress down to rest loosely on my hips. His large hands traveled delicately over my breasts, which were completely bare and obviously excited from all Heath's attention. He cupped them in his hands, kneading them softly while he kissed me deeply. He bent his head down to lightly tease one nipple with the tip of his tongue. He moved over to my other nipple, nibbling and sucking it as well. I knew I could easily reach a climax from Heath doing nothing but licking, nibbling and biting on my breasts. As wonderful as it felt, I had to kiss him. With one hand on either side of his handsome face, I gently pulled his head up to mine and passionately kissed him. It was a long, slow burning kiss. We were totally lost in each other's mouths as we moved closer, our bare chests melting together. Heath's fingers were tracing soft patterns on the skin of my back, which caused shivers to travel my body. Still kissing me, he slowly walked me backwards until I felt the counter top behind me. Heath pulled back, looked down and gently pushed my dress off of my hips so that it fell around my feet.

He smiled and silently signaled for me to sit on top of the counter. He knelt in front of me, removing each of my shoes, repeating the same process as he did earlier, slowing kissing up each leg where he removed my stockings. Heath stood up and pulled me to my feet. I slipped his shirt from off his broad shoulders, allowing me to roam my hands over the contours of his back, as I softly scraped my nails along his skin.

Simultaneously we each slowly pushed off each other's last bit of clothing. Heath led me up the steps to the tub and lowered himself into the deep water. He turned around; placing his hands on my waist and brought me down to sit on the edge of the tub. I understood immediately why Heath wanted me on the edge of the tub instead of in it with him and I spread my legs in anticipation.

I felt him lightly at first; his tongue running along the inside of my upper thighs savoring the moisture that he was responsible for creating all evening. When his tongue finally brushed over my clitoris I leaned back and put my hands behind me on the cool marble to brace myself so I could open up even more for him. As I spread my legs wider I could feel Heath's tongue slide slowly inside of me, erupting a loud moan of delight from me. My own hand found an aroused nipple and I pulled at it with my fingers, intensifying the feelings caused by Heath's tongue buried deep inside of me. I inhaled deeply, detecting my musky aroma mingling with the soft sweetness of the vanilla bath oil. I could feel him moving around inside of me, searching every surface of my inner walls with his masterful tongue. The effect Heath's skillful cunnilingus was having on me was unbelievable as the inevitable swiftly drew near. Part of me didn't want this euphoric feeling to end so rapidly, but I knew it was only the first of many more enjoyable sensations I would experience with him tonight. Heath pushed me completely over the edge when he rapidly licked his tongue over my clit, sending the waves of my orgasm crashing down on me.

When I thought my climax had ended Heath took my clit in between his teeth, lightly nibbling on it as he flicked his tongue back and forth over it. At the same time he slid one long straight finger into my incredibly wet tunnel. I instantly came again, harder than I can ever remember, the slight subtle pain from his teeth culminating with my second orgasm causing an intense, but very pleasurable burning sensation.

Sensing I was coming down from my heightened state of arousal, Heath reached up and slowly lowered me down into the warm water. My chest rose and fell quickly as I tried to find my breath, alerting Heath to just what kind of affect he had on me. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the tub, when I felt Heath's mouth close over mine. As his tongue danced it's way further into my mouth, Heath rested his body on top of mine making me immediately aware of how incredibly hard he was as he pressed into me. He braced himself with one hand on the edge of the tub, while he used the other arm to encircle my waist, hungrily pulling my body closer to his. As the fog from my climaxes dissipated I was able to sense the urgency in Heath's kisses making me realize that he had not been allowed the pleasure he had just given me.


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