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Unlikely Pornstar Training Pt. 01

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Sophie Turner gets 'trained' with pornstar Madison Scott.
8.3k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 02/24/2024
Created 12/25/2021
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WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the celebrities, pornstars, etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own any of celebrities, people or TV shows etc used or referenced in this story.

Starring: Sophie Turner (actress), Madison Scott (pornstar)

Unlikely Pornstar Training Part 1

An erotic multiverse fan-fiction story.

Written by DaxG2001

Codes: Cons, MF, FF, MFF, oral, anal.

* * *

"Fuck, I'm hungry." Sloh Hobb sighed as he walked along the street, heading home from another bland shift mopping floors and cleaning at the city mart. Down on his luck already, the fact that he was noticeably overweight, rotund, and not exactly handsome looking either all piled onto his woes as he more waddled than walked along the sidewalk. "Hope I still got one of those quick microwave burgers still in the fridge." He mused, dressed just in stained, slack pants and a jacket that only just fit.

As he walked, he couldn't help but notice an unusual sight along the street he always goes along which was usually an uninteresting, plain one. A little stoop sale of a table with various trinkets and the like over it, currently manned by a pretty looking, petite woman with blonde hair with various rainbow colours running through it. She was oddly dressed too in an eccentric dress with patchwork squares of various colours.

"Hiya mister! Wanna buy something?" She smiled with a big, almost too friendly tone as she waved at the approaching man. "Everything's on sale for just one of your good old American dollars!"

"Uh, maybe? What ya offering?" Sloh said. None of the items seemed too valuable or useful in all honesty. He'd rather save his money for spending on pornstar social media posts and photo sets or some junk food.

"Oh we got a bit of everything! Candles, costume jewellery, trinkets, dream catches, a magic lamp, promise rings, bottled air..." The woman started rambling.

"Wait, magic lamp?" Hobb raised an eyebrow before his gaze settled on that sizeable bronze lamp in the middle of the table. How had he not noticed that before?

"Yep! Magic! Grants the owner three magic wishes just like in the stories!" She explained with a rather casual nod. "Of course there the old, you know, curse behind it. You gotta be careful what you wish for or else you just might get it." She warned but with a contrasting, playful tone as she gave a wink. "You interested? It's the only one in stock!"

"Heh... Sure. I'll take your 'magic' lamp..." Sloh said, letting out a snigger at her claims about it as he rustled around in his pocket. Producing a crumbled one dollar bill to the woman. Snatching up the lamp as he looked it over. "Might be able to flog this off to a pawn shop for a few bucks more." He rather rudely thought out loud.

"Sooooooooooo... What ya gonna wish for, Mister?" The woman asked with a wide smile that didn't seem completely genuine.

"What any guy would wish for." Hobb said, tucking the lamp under his arm. "Loads of fucking money... Being a total chick magnet... And, fuck it I dunno, like being some like sort of sex god. Like one of those dudes out of a hentai who can keep getting hard and cumming all the time." He bluntly said, not caring how filthy his words were in front of someone he's never met before.

"Got it!" The woman all too calmly replied, giving a wink and tapping fingers to her head. The motion just seeming to him an eccentric mannerism, but distracting him from noticing that the lamp he held gave a brief glow as he held it. "No refunds! Well, see ya around, Mister! And remember -- be careful what you wish for! You never know what you're gonna get!" She warned with not exactly a fully playful tone either.

"Heh, yeah, sure. Whatever. See ya." Hobb said as he turned away. "Crazy fucking bitch." He said under his breath as he started to walk off. "Did this thing get heavier all of a sudden?" He noted, glancing at the lamp. "Hey, you! What's this thing even made of..." He yelled, looking back. Blinking when the entire stall, and the woman herself, had vanished from existence. Like she'd never been there at all. The only proof being the lamp he still held. "The fuck??" He looked around, just seeing the normal street. "But there was... Huh??" Spending a minute or two just looking around the now empty spot before he shook his head. "There fucking was that weird lady here though." He said, looking at the lamp again before, with no other choice really, just carrying on down his planned route. If his mind was playing tricks on him, then why was he holding a lamp now that shouldn't exist?

* * *

The next day...

Sloh's eyes blinked awake as he heard his phone alarm going off. "Alright, alright I'm fucking awake..." He groaned at himself as he rolled over. "...The fuck??" He said, rolling over and instead of finding his phone on a stack of boxes he used as a table, he just found more bed that the single, old and barely comfortable one he was used to. "This ain't my bed." He stated the obvious as he rolled again and this time turned the alarm off. "This ain't my fucking apartment."

He sat up, seeing a rather lavish and expensive bedroom full of modern fixtures and fittings topped off by the King Size bed he was on. This was a room near damn bigger than his whole apartment alone. "...This is not my place." He said, swinging his flabby legs and moving off the bed. The only thing that was the same about him apart from his body in general was the shorts and a size too small shirt he wore, exposing his gut as he walked. "...I could get used to this place though." He remarked, peering into the en suite bathroom that made him whistle. "Wait, hang on. What the fuck is going on here? And what..." He glanced down. Seeing that hanging around his neck was a small golden necklace with the ornament of a small magic lamp hanging on it. He then also found that when he touched it, the necklace refused to budge and he was unable to take it off. "...Did that fucking lamp actually grant me three wishes?"

"Damn skippy it did, Mister!" He almost fell over in shock when that crazy woman from yesterday suddenly spoke. Let alone the fact she appeared out of nowhere, sitting on the edge of his bed. "Welcome to your wishes, and allllllllll the consequences that come with them!" She added with a smirk.

"Wait, what? Who? How?!?" Hobb stuttered out as he looked over her. The woman had on that dress from before but topped off her look with bracelets, bangles, earnings and a necklace all adorned with blue gemstones. All with a tiara on her head with the same crystals.

"Oh, I'm just your local thousands years old genie, that's all." She casually explained with a smile. "The name is Jeanie by the way. Yeah I know, not my real name anyway but it's easier for you mortals to pronounce. All that you need to know is that this?" She motioned around with a hand. "This is allllllllllllll because of your little wishes. No take backs by the way. And you've got to deal with all the bad things that come along with them!"

"What, like bills?" Hobb glanced around the room a bit. As far as consequences went, he could deal with living in a mansion like this.

"Oh yeah, bills and taxes! The stuff you mortals hate!" Jeanie confirmed with a nod.

"But if I've got, like, loads of money like I wished for? Won't that cover all of that?" Sloh correctly pointed out.

"That's... That's not the point." Jeanie claimed, like she wasn't seeing how her 'punishment' wasn't exactly that. "And look at the size of this place! Think of all the cleaning you're going to have to do!"

"I'll just pay for cleaners. With all the shit loads of money I now apparently have!" He smiled, quickly warming to the idea of this all as he opened up a door. Finding a large walk in closet. "And having clothes that actually fit? That's fucking sweet!"

"Oh, you think so? Well you'll soon find out when you have to do countless amounts of... Laundry!!" Jeanie said, before letting out her attempt at a wicked laugh.

"Again, I could just pay someone... You know, let's move on from that." Hobb said. "So, uh... What exactly do I do now then? What's the deal here?"

"Oh, I'm glad you asked." The genie said, hopping off from the bed. "You've got work to do Mister! Remember those two other wishes? About wanting to get with all the ladies and wanting to be a stud?" She reminded him.

"Oh yeah, those. Uh, well I guess it's not working? Since you're not all over me and you're a cutie. Weird, but cute."

"First of all, I'm like mega gorgeous. Well out of your league, Mister." She arrogantly stated. "And second? I'm the one who grants the wishes, not effected by them. Otherwise you'd just make me wish up more wishes or something." She said all too casually. "That's not the point. You need to follow me... Actually, put on clothes first then follow me. I'm your agent in this world. And your first day on the job is about to begin!"

"I have to work?! He frowned, which in turn made her grin with glee. "Maybe this is cursed after all!"

* * *

Stepping out of the taxi, Sloh blinked at the building he was in front of. "Global Porn Studios, Inc." He said before he looked to Jeanie. "I work in porn?"

"You do!" She said with a smile with a hint of wickedness to it. "In fact, your official job title is 'Chief Celebrity Trainer' so says the files here." Jeanie added, producing a folder of papers out of nowhere.

"I what now? Training? Celebs?" He tried to process that as she pushed him forward towards the building. Showing unnatural strength to move someone of his huge bulk with her tiny in appearance arms.

"Ooooooooooh yeah! You're gonna hate this..." Jeanie grinned again. "You want lots of sex, huh? Well I'm gonna make you hate it! You're gonna be sick and tired of getting it on with all these busty, fake breasted pornstar sluts and you're gonna hate the countless amounts of gorgeous celebrities you're gonna have to hook up with!" She claimed as she nodded her head. "And your job is just the worrrrrrrrrrrst! You have to train celebrities up to want to be pornstars! Isn't that just awful??"

"...I fail to see how this is a bad thing though." Hobb tried to point out as they walked into the reception area.

"Oh goodie, you're here Sir!" His attention went onto a blonde woman who bounced up in jeans and short top, showing off her fitting for porn large, rounded and fake tits. "I'm Madison Scott, or my stage name at least, and I'll be helping you train the client today, Sir!" Madison all too casually said, like the idea of such a hideous man fucking not just her, but someone else was perfectly acceptable.

"Oh shit, Madison Scott! Damn, I enjoyed your shit back in the day!" Slog grinned, shaking her hand. "Didn't you retire or something?"

"Oh, don't sweat on the details when you've got a job to do!" Jeanie cut in. "Run along now with blondie McFake-Tits here and do earn your pay! Make sure to fuck them both well!" She called out with a wave as he was led across the room to some double doors. "Oh yeah, he's gonna haaaaaaaaaaaate this..." Jeanie said smugly to herself. Clearly her definition of being in some sort of living Hell was far, far different that everyone else's.

* * *

"I can so get used to this..." Sloh said, sitting back on the classic black couch ripped out of a 'casting' porno movie with the room a nicely furnished green room with tables, some water and snacks and the like. The seating creaking when he sat back as it handled his bulk. "Yo, Madison! Who exactly am I training?" He called out just as the door opened.

His jaw dropped like a fantasy he never knew he needed before was playing out. The stunning English actress known for her role as Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones, Sophie Turner. The blonde, married MILF walking in a nicely fitting black dress as her high heels clicked on the floor. She appeared a little nervous however, biting her bottom lip as she walked in with the far more experienced porn star leading her by the hand.

"No fucking way... Sophie Turner? This is my lucky fucking day!" He said the obvious as he scanned her over.

"Mister Hobb here is the most experienced trainer we have, Sophie." Madison claimed, acting like she's known him or about him for years rather than just the less than a day this version of the world has existed.

"I've heard all about him." Sophie nodded as she was led to stand in front of him. "I'm excited to learn all about what being a porn star is all about. My work has kind of, you know, dried up a little bit so I'm eager to broaden my horizons." She claimed, likely her mind altered ever so slightly to fit the needs of his wishes being granted.

"Well, babe? If you need an expert? I'm right here..." Sloh grinned. "Let's get this fucking started, shall we?" He said, reaching down for his pants to push them down.

A gasp and stare from Sophie while Madison licked her with a hungry gaze as the overweight, hideous man unveiled a contrastingly long and meaty cock which, if the man currently grinning would have bothered to focus on himself, was actually far lengthier than his size had been before his wished had been granted. Not a major concern for him as it perhaps should be as his shaft was already rock hard and ready to training this willing, if not a little timid to start with, celebrity.

"I can s-see he's equipped for the job at least." Sophie tried to joke as she and the pornstar stepped forward.

"Oh yeah he fucking is!" Madison more eagerly grinned, kneeling down first. "Biggest fucking cock in the business! And he can keep on cumming and cumming over and over and barely gets tired!"

"Yeah, that's me alright..." Sloh just went along with it. It sounded rather like a sex story he read online once about a guy who fucked the multiverse and was able to keep getting hard and able to cum repeatedly. That sounded like a great set of perks to have.

"Well then, I suppose there's no putting things off then. I am here to be trained after all." Turner said as she more slowly lowered herself down to her knees. "I'm not, ummmm, too experienced with this all. So please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong or not."

"Watch and learn, babe. This is how you suck some fucking dick!" Scott said with a grin before she opened her mouth. Driving herself down onto that fat dick in rough fashion, making herself gag already as she took that thick slab in deep past her mouth. Slobbering over him already as she started to bob her head up and down with a smooth pace. Showing off the oral experience a well fucked, experienced porno whore like her possesses. "GAHHHHH!! HHHHHLLLKK!! MMMMMPHHH!! HHHHHHLLLKK!!" She choked lustfully, gazing up at the man she was using as 'practice' as she displayed how to service a cock. Plunging her throat down onto his meat over and over as the saliva started dripping down. Running her hand up his fat thigh while the other palm groped her fake tit through her top. Showing that you needed to put on a sexy show while slurping away as she made herself moan around his cock in between her loud chokes.

"G-Goodness! I've never even had half of that size inside of me before." Sophie stared in awe as she bit down on her lip again. Watching the other blonde fuck her face in all too willing fashion on his thick meat. The spit oozing down as Scott made sure to make her chokes nice and loud along with her groans. Staring up with the sort of lust she shouldn't have for a man of this overweight size and hideous looks. But not even sounding like she was faking her desire like usual for a skin flick as she pumped her mouth up and down along his inches. Fighting through the pain of having her throat stretched out from taking him in so deep before she finally eased up and off of him. Wiping away forming tears before she spat down onto that dick. "M-My turn now I suppose." Sophie said, shifting in as the other woman moved over a bit to let her in.

"Just let me know how I'm... MMMMMPHHHH!!" Her words were silenced when Hobb reached down and grabbed a handful of that long, blonde hair of the actress and forced her gorgeous face right down onto his cock. Taking full advantage of not just this entire unlikely situation, but of the clear fact that he now for the first time in his life had the stamina to last inside a woman's mouth for more than a few seconds. Thrusting his dick upward into her warm and wet oral hole to make himself moan out. Enjoying this mouth even more than the experienced slut he'd just been in as he pumped up between her soft lips. Making her head rock down so he pulled her down to take his shaft as he sent it up. Giving her some real rough and sudden cock sucking training without any real time to adjust to the burning sensation now travelling into her snug throat.

"GAHHHHHH!! HHHHHRRRKKK!! GAAAAAHHHH!!" Turner's eyes were wide as she stared up, but never made a move to pull away or resist his grip as she allowed her mouth to be used and already abused by his dick. More saliva dripping down with each pump up as her lips tried and failed to stay pressed into him. Already her make-up starting to run as the tears from a first time deep throat rolled down her cheeks. "HHHHHHLLLKK!! MMMMMMPHHH!! GAHHHHHH!! GAAAAAAAHHHH!!" Her cries were sexy and raspy as she kept gazing up in both cock-shock and awe from this all. Taking a huge cock from a man that wasn't the one she was married to as her golden locks swayed back and forth from how commandingly he was making her head bob along his thrusting meat. A stamina and pace he never knew he had before, but was more than happy to put to good use as he fucked the hot, wet mouth of a woman completely out of his league.

"That's it, Sophie... You suck that cock like a hot little slut..." Madison licked her lips as she used a hand to brush Sophie's hair back for a clear view. Before she leaned in herself and lapped at the large, heavy balls of the man 'training' this stunning celeb as she groaned at the taste. Not caring that, unlike real porn stars, his crotch wasn't shaved so she had to work through a mass of pubes down there to reach the sacks. "Mmmmmm... Get nice and fucking nasty with it... Like all we're good for is being dirty little cock sucking sluts..." She purred like right out of a X-rated script as she swirled her tongue around the sacks. Not even bothered by drops of spit landing onto her from the other woman being faced fucked as she 'assisted' with the training. Pleasuring herself with one hand stuffed down her jeans to rub away at her slit while the other fondled her enhanced chest as she licked at his balls.

"MMMMPHHH!! GAHHHHHH!!! HHHHHRRRRKKK!!" The Game of Thrones and X-Men actress continued to choke away on the cock driving hard past her mouth to stretch out her windpipe. Thick black tears from the wrecked eyeliner now down that gorgeous face from the pain of her first time taking such a huge length, especially at such an aggressive pace. Yet like the good slut she's here to be, she never made a move to pull off. Letting her oral hole be tested out as her head was brought up and down along his pole over and over. "GAAAAAHH!! HHHHHLLLKK... MMMMMM!! GAAAAAAAHHHH..." She spluttered around him as her spit trickled down to the base and his nuts that were already being pleasured enough already. Madison shifting back though to allow the celeb to be pulled right down, pressing those stunning facial features into his crotch. Making her endure a lengthy moment of deep throating as she squirmed and gagged around him. Letting her be stretched out again before he pulled her up, leaving her with a stray hair from his pubes hanging near the corner of her mouth.

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