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A stranger tries to secretly film me on a beach.
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I got down from the bus and into the full sunlight which had, for the past three hours of my ride, been dulled by the tinted windows. I had no good reason to travel all the way to this remote edge of the bay, other than curiosity and a need to get away from it all. I felt that the further away I physically got from the city, the more distant my anxieties and frustrations would become. I wasn't carrying much with me -- just my phone (set to be switched off as soon as I found a good spot on the beach), sunglasses, ID, plastic money, some change - and a book. It was just around noon by the time I started walking along the shore, and about a quarter hour later I'd found a place behind an outcropping of some boulders.

I took my tee-shirt off and bundled my belongings into it. This went into a small nook I found under one of the boulders. I kicked my flip-flops off and padded into the waves. The bay had a narrow lip through which the ocean came in. So it usually didn't kick up strong waves - making its entire shoreline ideal for swimming. The aged, tide-washed rock basked under the spring sun behind me as I waded into the cold water. I lazily swam alongside the shore for the next half hour, listening to the seagulls and the echoey infinity underwater.

The waves lapped gently against the sand and my feet as I walked back up to the spot where I had stashed my belongings. I retrieved my book and the sunglasses. I settled on a bit of low-lying flat rock, with my back against a raised lip. I went through the next fifty or so pages, looking up occasionally to take in the shimmering bay and bright white expanse of the beach. I was seated facing the beach along its length. Seagulls and the odd raven flecked my gaze. This went on for a while. The next time I lifted my eyes up from the pages, I saw a woman walking away from me.

She must have passed me by without noticing. Wearing a colourful two-piece bi-

Hold on

My eyes, predisposed as they are to a woman's derriere, had caught the diminutive, floral print bikini bottoms first. The fabric was straining to escape the clutches of the woman's curvy asscheeks as she lazily made her way down the sand, feet flirting with the waves. My gaze lingered there for a couple of moments before traveling up her back to her flowing dark hair. Then I realised that she didn't have a top on.

As she retreated away from me, I noticed the unmistakeable jiggle of breasts, the unrestrained sides spilling out of the silhouette of her torso. The buxom brunette had one arm stretched out, holding what looked like a GoPro on a camera grip. The little action cam was held to one side, facing her, at about shoulder level. She alternated between looking into the lens and looking out to the bay. About fifty metres down the shore from where I was sitting, she stopped and did a slow pirouette -- getting a 360 panoramic video I suppose. I watched as she lowered her arm and flipped the GoPro over to check the footage she'd gotten. She started walking back towards me as she reviewed the recording. I lowered my gaze back to my book, lest she notice me and discover that I had seen her topless.

The sound of her footsteps crunching on the wet sand grew steadily till it abruptly stopped. I looked up to see the woman looking straight at me. I guess bright red board shorts can only be so inconspicuous.

I didn't know what to say, so I smiled. Her face, in turn, went from an expression of being mildly startled to breaking out in a reciprocal smile.

"Hi! I didn't notice you here." She said, trying to mask her awkwardness.

"Hey." I responded, still smiling. Now that she was this close to me, I realised that she seemed vaguely familiar.

"Umm, been here long?"

"For a while, yeah."

"Sorry if I... distracted you. I'll let you get back to your book.". Thus far she'd made no attempt to cover herself up. I tried to keep my eyes level with hers.

"Not at all. You have a good one."

The woman took a couple of steps and stopped again.

"Hey I know you."

"Yeah?" I raised my sunglasses over the top of my forehead.

"I think so. Don't you live on Samara street?"

"I'd say that's knowing quite a lot." I replied, still smiling, although my eyebrows knitted together in perplexion.

She must've noticed my discomfort, because she hurriedly added "It's just because I live right behind you. Our backyards face each other."

"Oh they do?"

"Yeah! It's funny, meeting you out here, so-"

"-far away from the city." I finished her sentence, and we both broke out into a laugh. The awkwardness eased a little. In my peripheral vision, I could see the pendulous mounds on her chest quiver as she laughed. The woman -- rather, the girl - couldn't have been more than 21. I extended my hand and told her my name. She stepped forward and shook it. As she did, I noticed her bikini top was wrapped around her forearm.


"Nice to meet you, Alia. Do you come here often?"

It was hard to keep my eyes from slipping, seated as I was while she stood over me, tits almost in my face.

"Umm not really. I just wanted to take a break, and head out to a beach. One a lot less crowded than the city beaches, you know."

"I get you. I came out here for similar reasons."

"Did you come by yourself?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Uhh... Yeah. Yeah I drove down."

"Great day for driving along the coast. And... soaking in the sun."

"I know, right?" she laughed, a slight awkwardness stealing over her again.

This wasn't going anywhere.

"Well, I don't want to keep you from doing what you were doing. Have a great rest of the afternoon, Alia. I'll see you around."

"Thanks! You have a good one too. Bye!"

I lowered my sunglasses and watched her delicious ass as Alia walked away and disappeared behind a rocky corner. I picked my book up from my lap and saw that the head of my throbbing cock was peeking out from one leg of the shorts.


Hoping Alia hadn't noticed, I got back to reading my book. The vision of her body kept floating to the front of my mind, making it hard for my erection to die down.

If it doesn't go away on its own soon, I might have to lend a hand...

Over the next five minutes I debated jerking off behind the rocks. But what if someone else walked in on me? They might be a fully clothed, conscionable member of public, or worse -- a lifeguard. I didn't want the day to end with a charge of public indecency being slapped on my head. Not that I hadn't ever flirted dangerously close to that happening, but why push your luck twice?

Then, the same tits which had led me into this predicament swung into view.

"Hey, do you mind if I chilled here for a while? It's getting blazingly hot out in the sun and this is one of the few good spots with shade." Alia asked. She noticed the hesitation in my voice before adding, "I swear I won't disturb you from your reading again."

But what if I already am disturbed?

"Sure no worries."


Alia plonked down near my feet. She had a beach towel which she spread on the rock, then laid down on it, toned belly up. She closed her eyes and drew her arms up behind her head. Her still topless tits lay (somewhat flattened, but still) perked on her chest, heaving up and down with each breath she took. Her lightly tan nipples proudly sought the heavens, the salty afternoon breeze caressing them. Now I knew my erection was going to turn positively priapic for as long as this gorgeous woman stayed within visual range of me. I tried to read but the aching throb in my boardshorts might as well have been a fire alarm with the way it was announcing its presence.

Stay calm, and don't do anything stupid.

As I was internally deliberating a reasonable excuse to leave -- that too without waving my sprung member in Alia's face when I stood up -- her voice broke my reverie.

"You know our window that looks out into your backyard?"

"Huh? Yeah... Yeah I know the one." It was a tinted-glass window, which sat just above the fence separating my backyard and my neighbour's. For the first six months after we moved into this house, I wasn't even sure if anyone lived in the house behind us, since that window was the only portal to that house from our side, and the opaque tint made it impossible to detect any movement within.

"It also looks into your kitchen."

"Yes it does."

Her eyes still closed, Alia continued. "That window is my bedroom's."

THAT explains why it's tinted.

"Oh!... I thought that space was a kitchen as well."

"You'd think, right? Anyway, during the last summer, I had nothing much to do except sit and... play videogames in my room, cuz my parents went back to China and I had to babysit my brother, who can pretty much take care of himself."

"Uh huh."

"And... I'd sometimes look over at your house. I mean... not that I always did it consciously. The window that looks into your kitchen is literally ten feet away, on the other side of the fence."

"Go on."

"Out of all your housemates, you kinda stood out."

"In a good way I hope."

She laughed. "Of course! I wouldn't have kept looking otherwise"

This is getting interesting...

"Kept looking?"

"Haha, umm..." at which point Alia rolled over to her side to face me. She raised herself up by the elbow. "Well... you were always the most animated. Headphones parked on top of your head, blasting god knows what in your ears. Laughing, bopping your head, dancing. You're hilarious when you dance."

"You're welcome." I said snidely.

"Oh come on!" she reached out and placed her hand on my knee. "You know I wasn't making fun of you."

The contact was unexpected, but I didn't let it show on my face. My cock did twitch, though. I put the book face-down on the rock beside me.

"Uh huh."

"I'd only spot you once or twice a week, and later on in the summer, mostly during the weekends."

"Yup, I was away most weekdays on a summer project." That brought back its own set of memories, ones which only made the matters in my shorts more urgent.

"Uh huh? And the times that you did spend back home, you started getting more and more... shirtless."

I had to laugh at that. "Summer was hot, what can I say."

"On some evenings, when it was dark outside and your kitchen lights were on, I'd see you flexing at your reflection on the window. You have a nice body, you know..." Alia started trailing her fingers lightly from my knee to my thigh. "Strong and muscular on top but just a little hint of fat around the middle. Then thick legs and powerful calves all the way down. And it all only got better as the weeks went on."

"Jeez, I can't help but feel a little objectified, Alia." I replied, with no attempt to hide the sarcasm in my voice. Grinning, she rolled her eyes at me and continued.

"And uh... I also caught you fucking that girl in your backyard."

I should've seen this coming.

Couldn't have done it in the house, could you?

I grew defensive.

"Is peeking at other people's business a hobby of yours or something?"

"What was a bored, lonely girl to do?" she asked, giving me puppy eyes. Her pleading tone of voice was equally sarcastic. Being annoyed wasn't gonna help, so I responded tongue in cheek.

"You could've come over, said hello."

"And then what?"

"And then... we could've fucked at home instead of having to travel three hours away from the city."

"What!" Alia looked like I had slapped her in the face. Her hand paused on my thigh, but she didn't remove it.

"Look, it wasn't my intention, and it probably wasn't yours when you came all the way out here today. But I knew, as soon as you walked back around the corner with your tits still out, that we were gonna get handsy."

"I don't know how you can just assume-"

"-And the GoPro that you so sneakily placed over there..." I pointed to the lens glinting in the sunlight, peeking out from under her bikini top which she (thought she) had inconspicuously placed in a small nook on the boulder face.

"... isn't fooling anyone into believing that it isn't pointing straight down at the two of us."

Alia lowered her eyes, but a sly grin spread across her face.

"Well that ruined the whole scene I had in mind." She said in a low voice. "But fuck it, why not."

She resumed stroking my thigh. This time her hand kept slipping inside the leg of my shorts.

"I can edit this out in post."

I had to laugh at that. The very next second I clenched my teeth and gasped, when Alia grabbed my straining rod. She squeezed and started stroking me. I hastily pulled the shorts-leg all the way down to my crotch so her hand could move more freely. Now my whole cock lay exposed, and Alia wasted no time getting to work on it. Her fist serviced me back to full attention in no time. The glans peeked out from beneath the dark folds of foreskin like a rosebud.

"Mmm... I had a peek at this earlier and it looked just... so... juicy."

She bent over and placed her unparted lips on the tip. Her long-lashed eyes glanced up at me mischievously as she grazed them on the exposed head. Her bottom lip curled out and circled the ring of foreskin, trailing a slight sheen of saliva around the circumference. I groaned at the sight.

"You want me to take your whole cock in my mouth, don't you?" she asked, grinning slyly. I nodded. "The head feels so good against my lips right now. I can almost taste the precum."

As if to illustrate her point, she raised her lips slightly off my cock. A glistening thread stretched off the tip with them, looking like a dewy spider-web on a sunny morning. My cock twitched at the sight.

"Fuck!" I hissed and reached for the back of Alia's head. She ducked and tittered.

"Not so fast!"

She pulled her head back and resumed stroking my cock. Slightly dismayed, I clenched my fists and let her take her own course.

Fuck her lips had felt so good!

Alia sat up and scooted closer to me. Crossing her legs under her, she stroked me with her left hand while her right hand conjured a bottle of lotion. She squirted a wad of it on her palm and started rubbing it in with both hands. With twisting motions of her palms, she worked it into the shaft until the dark skin glistened. Alia then squirted another wad into her palm and moved lower, to my balls, pulling them out of the shorts. With one hand she pulled the skin over them taut and gripped the sack between her thumb and forefinger from where it hung under the member. With the other she transferred the lotion on them and started massaging it in.

The air grew fragrant with the scent of coconut oil. When she was done, she motioned for me to take my shorts off entirely. I lifted my ass up slightly and slid them down and off my legs. Alia brought her towel over and made me lie down on it. I noticed the GoPro was now stood on its tripod about half a foot away from us. Pointed at my crotch, it made zero pretences about shooting all the action.

Again, she sat down cross-legged next to me, and resumed her ministrations. I craned my head up slightly to look at Alia's silhouette against the sunlight. The rim of her sunglasses glinted. Her dark shoulder-length hair drifted gently with the breeze. Heavy breasts hung unfettered from her chest, pushed close together as her intertwined hands worked on me.

From time to time, she'd switch one of her hands between stroking the shaft and massaging my balls. I'd almost never seen them so swollen as they were right now. Alia might as well have been a succubus, building up my load and teasingly, painfully slowly, coaxing it out of my cock. I was positively leaking right now. She made delighted noises each time she dabbed a fingertip on the opening and pulled up a stringer of precum. She'd do this once every minute, and each time the stringer would grow longer. She'd also tickle the frenulum with her fingertips and run the tip of her thumb under the ridge of the glans.

"Are you an expert on handjobs or something?" I asked between gasps after the latest time she'd brought me close to the edge.

"I don't know!" she giggled, "I just watch a ton of porn. The ones with those massive cumshots are my favourite."


If my cock doesn't explode in your face, my balls sure will.

Alia kept up her attack, but my will was failing. As soon as her topless tits had swung in view half an hour ago, she'd began chipping away at my humanity. Right now I was little more than a hot, sticky, throbbing cock and a bushfire of nerve endings. The pulsing of my prostate had been steadily growing in pace, and my whole being reverberated with it. I heard a man's high-pitched moaning but didn't associate it as the sounds coming out of my own mouth. Squinting, I looked up at Alia's face. She met my eyes and nodded.

The orgasm seemed to build right from my toes. It shot up my calves, roared through my thighs, tunnelled through my taint and flooded my balls before punching through my manhood. The first spurt flew a good foot above my crotch, followed by ropes upon ropes of my warm seed. I saw flashes before my eyes as each jet of jism spewed out. Alia later told me that I'd become almost catatonic for a few seconds, breath ceased, drooling, eyes scrunched shut. It was the most powerful orgasm of my life, delivered by someone who had been a total stranger a short while earlier.

My eyes were open, but they only regained the power of sight after about a minute. I found Alia gently massaging my balls, coaxing the last few drops of cum out of me. When she was satisfied, she dipped her fingers in the pool of cum that had formed on my groin and scooped some up. She held out her jizz-covered hand to the camera and splayed her fingers. The thick blobs of seed ran between and down her fingers, dripping on the rock below. She scooped up some more off my crotch and twisted her hand this way and that, for the benefit of the camera. After about a minute of cum play, she grabbed the GoPro and switched the recording off.

"That show is over. But this one is just for you." She winked at me, and raised her hand above her head. The last of the seminal fluid shimmered and gleamed in the sunlight as it ran down her palm, the middle of the wrist and forearm. When the rivulets of cum reached her elbow, Alia stuck her tongue out and traced their path all the way up to her hand, collecting them in her mouth. She did this several times until she had licked all of her skin clean. She then turned to me and parted her lips. Her tongue lay swirling my jizz around inside her mouth, mixing it with her spit. She grinned at me. And right then, a woman appeared from behind the rock corner.

"There you are!" the woman exclaimed.

Alia's grin switched to an expression of horror. Her jaws snapped shut and she swallowed hastily. She turned around to look at the woman, whose face morphed first into an expression of shocked realisation, then to one of grim authority.

"Get up and get back to the car. Wait for me there."

"Auntie-" Alia began.

"-And cover yourself up before you do!" the woman barked at her.

Alia got up and sullenly collected her things. Her eyes met mine for half a second, and I expected to see guilt, shame -- at least, an expression of "ah fuck I'm in trouble". But there was none of that. It was something else. She turned away before I could decipher it. I started getting up.

"You sit right back down!" the woman sternly ordered.

She snatched the GoPro from Alia's hand as she passed her by. Alia opened her mouth in protest but thought better of it. She walked away and disappeared behind the rock. Alia's aunt watched her back recede and then made her way over to me. I foolishly tried to speak up.


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