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USS Dreadnought Ch. 01

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The CMO seduces the Admiral away from his wife.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/13/2009
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Tommie couldn't sleep. She had spent all day working but she wasn't exhausted like she thought she should be. She walked aimlessly around the halls of the Dreadnought; smiling and nodding to the crew she passed, though there weren't many. As she passed the mess hall a pleasant smell greeted her senses. The smell was delicious and the taste of it on her tongue was better. She entered the room and looked around. Empty. Walking over to the kitchen window she peeked in and still did not see a living soul. She could see a small silver pot on the stove. Moving quickly and quietly to it she lifted the lid, watching the steam billow out. It was a soup or stew of some sort. She was about to spoon some into a small bowl when she heard a soft cough from behind her...

S'iraa had a brief day; for the most part he reviewed reports and looked at what was in store for the Dreadnought while she was stationed in orbit above Earth. S'iraa while most of the crew were away decided perhaps to shed the formality of a uniform and instead opted for traditional garments, a robe, pants that highlighted his fur, feet and general appearance as a feline. He also thought that while nearly all the crew was on shore leave enjoying time with friends and family that he would enjoy a meal he had not done so since leaving Earth the last time he was here. Unfortunately it seemed that the smell of his meal had attracted a visitor, one who apparently had taken an interest in his meal. As he drew closer he saw it was Tommie Jupiter, the ships Chief Medical Officer. He coughed, attracting the culprit's attention.

Tommie turned quickly to see who had coughed; she expected to see Arnold, the late night cook but was instead greeted by Admiral S'iraa. She smiled seductively without realizing it. It was common place for her species, Orion. She smoothed her short black skirt down over her green legs; the stiff material of her dress had ridden up when she had bent to smell the delicious aroma of the soup. "Sorry Sir. Is this yours?" She asked indicating the pot simmering on the stove. "It smelt so good; I thought Arnold was cooking a late night snack for someone. I thought I'd come in and commandeer some of it."

"It is mine yes." S'iraa replied observing the simmering pot. "I was not expecting anyone to remain on board but the repair and engineering teams from the station." He added. Not that it bothered him that some remained but just unexpected due to most instances of returning to Earth was call for a complete crew abandon of the ship to see family and friends. He noticed that her dress was short, off the shoulder and low cut, expected of an Orion, perhaps she wore this knowing that the crew would be away and she wanted to as women put it 'let her hair down.'

"Yeah, I thought I had better tidy out sickbay, finish any reports, all that fun stuff." She paused. "Besides, I have no one to visit here on Earth. They are all one other planets or ships." She moved to lean against the counter opposite the pot, a few feet from S'iraa so he could get to it easier. She could smell the cologne on his shirt as well as his Caitian pheromones. She hoped, but knew it was futile, that he would be unable to smell hers. Her breath caught in her throat as his smell seemed to grow stronger and over power even that of the soup. "How is Coronet?" She asked, trying to distract herself, trying to keep her mind off him and the thoughts creeping into her head.

"She is resting." S'iraa replied as he stirred the soup a few times before replacing the lid. He stood up again and brushed his whiskers with his finger and thumb while his tail swayed gently behind him. It would be a little while yet before the meal is ready. "The pregnancy is taking its toll on her." His sensitive nose could smell the Orion, only after a few seconds of her entering the room did his nose pick her up and only after stepping from the dark did he finally see who it was.

"She's strong. She will be fine." Tommie now looked at S'iraa. She had never thought of him in any other way besides him being the Admiral, but looking at him, out of uniform and in a more natural state she saw his fur. It looked smooth, and from being his doctor knew it was soft. The yellow and green of his robes made the white of his fur stand out. She reached out a hand, pretending to brush something off his arm, but purposely stroking it. Her body screamed at her, all different areas. She knew her scent was growing stronger, she was becoming aroused by his smell and seeing him out of uniform.

S'iraa picked up on the heightened scent of Tommie, the touch to his arm noticed and as intended he took it as if something was there and she brushed it off. This however was minor compared to the way he felt, he knew something was not as it should be but also, what ever it was, was not an uncomfortable thing per say. He stole a glance at her, quickly averting his gaze again to the pot trying to distract himself, drawing his mind away from her. He knew Orion's had the ability to control males, he knew the power they could exert on a man with a simple thought and his nose already inhaling that power and already having a reaction. "I am confident she will be." He was fortunate not to have seen her while she was bent over due to the darkness of the room but he was unsure if that was a good or bad thing now while being effected by her.

Tommie pulled back her hand slowly, grasping it with the other one. She shouldn't have done that. Although covered in fur she knew that Caitian's had the very humanoid body form. Her eyes stopped briefly on his tail, it was still and seemed to be shaking slightly, not doing the usual gentle bobbing she was used to seeing. She had seen him out of his shirt only once, when she had done a complete physical. Back then he had been just another patient, but now as she thought about his muscles rippling under his fur, the feeling of him as she checked his ribcage for breakages she sighed quietly to herself. She lifted herself up onto the bench, making her come closer to seeing him in the eyes and adjusted the skirt again as it rose up her legs.

S'iraa noticed that she was looking at him, at least behind him. He wondered what it was that caught her attention especially since she drew closer to him which resulted in her scent being that more powerful. In his mind things seem to darken, shadow over things, he was not sure why but as she neared he stole his first glance at visible chest that while not much due to the high dress at some points depending how she stood but the cleavage was however obvious. He had to admit that she was large chested, more so then some Caitian females which didn't help his situation in the least. He pulled out a chair after putting a little distance between them and sat at a table slightly side onto her. "Do you wish to join me?"

"Of course." Tommie walked over to the table and took a seat across from him. She crossed her legs under the table, letting them touch one of S'iraa's legs, gently rubbing a foot against it. All of her senses screamed at her to press forward, one told her to hold back. She leaned onto the table, pressing her chest together as the folded her arms in front of her. It wasn't in an Orion's nature to wear something loose and baggy, but to wear something revealing and sexy. She watched his eyes flit to her cleavage.

S'iraa shivered, not through coldness but from the effects that he was enduring due to her races natural ability, at least Orion females. He felt her foot rubbing his leg gently; he saw her chest, her cleavage. He let out a deep breath trying to breath a fresh breath but even that was laced with her scent. "Should you not be with your mate, Doctor?" S'iraa said trying to salvage his composure.

Tommie chuckled; it was a some what husky sound. "Unfortunately I do not have a mate Sir." Her pulse quickened as she said the last word. The thrill, the excitement of playing with something so forbidden. Her foot moved higher up his leg. ~If only the table were not between us~ She thought, wishing she could see his whole body outlined in his traditional garments.

The pot started to whistle slightly, steam spouting through the hole in the lid. S'iraa rose and checked it, stirred it a few times. "It needs a little while longer." He knew this because the meat he opted for was tough and needed to cook a while more before it was soft enough to eat. While Caitian's did not chew food the teeth did cut it and eating this dish was easier if the meat cut smoothly or fell apart in the mouth. He stood there with his back to her, desperate to draw his attention to the pot before him and not the images, thoughts and scent of Tommie. he knew the ability they had; a simple command had Human men weak at the knees willing to do anything they asked. He hoped he would fair better if the situation was placed on him.

Tommie stayed in her chair for the moment. Why was she doing this? She knew the answer as soon as she asked it of herself. Unlike the 'Working Class' Orion females she had very few experiences with men, preferring instead to focus on her career in Starfleet. At first it had been easy, but lately she had been having more and more thoughts and dreams about those around her. And now being in the same room with S'iraa, alone with him, out of uniforms and off duty her mind wandered. She stood and walked over to him, seeing his tail wound around his body now, she touched his shoulder. "Sir?"

S'iraa looked at her in reaction to her touch on his shoulder; he realized that he coiled his tail about him which was probably why she neared him to find out what was wrong. In doing so it alerted him that he was not himself. "Yes." He said quickly uncoiling his tail from his waist making sure he was close enough to the counter to hide what was going on but in doing so his movements swept his tail across the backs of her legs, above the knee, mid thigh level, the hem of her skirt sweeping her legs from his tail touch.

Tommie gasped as she felt his tail touch the bare skin of her legs; she let her hand trail down his back and let it sit mid-back. She looked up into his face but he was concentrating on the pot on the stove. "Sir," she repeated, "Are you ok?" She could feel that his breathing had become slightly more erratic.

"I'm fine." He said though not convincingly. His tail took large sweeping arc movements, often catching her legs and the counter the other side of him. His hits to the backs of her legs were soft and gentle, hitting at different points on her slender legs, some above the knee, others higher, some lower. He couldn't help it, her scent filled his nose time and time again, even more so this close to him. Even now his situation grew harder literally to deal with, his tail initially hid it but with it now behind him only the right tail of his jacket hid the problem from view, all 10-11 inches of it.

She stepped closer, her breasts pressing into his arm and back as she was not completely beside him, the hand that was not on S'iraa's back went to take one of his. She realized she had been holding her breath so she let it out and took another as she touched his hand.

S'iraa tried to not notice, at least his gaze didn't fail him but his tail did, it coiled about her thigh a little higher then expected just under the hem of her dress, it was not a tight hold but would feel warm to the touch. His whiskers shook in quick small movements; his breathing picked up as standing was soon fast becoming difficult. His waist was tight, while some things he could hide with his fur, others he could not and this was one of them. Turning to face her, it was obvious to her now what she had done to him and his struggle thus far.

A small smiled formed on Tommie's pouty lips as she took in the view of his body. She could see his erection straining against the fabric of his pants. Seeing how large he was surprised her slightly. She knew it was common for his species, but not for humans which was the only contact she had, had. She stood close to him, her hands drawing lazy circles across his chest and down to his abdomen.

S'iraa leant forward, his whiskers washing over her face as he brought his nose to her neck, the sniffed at her, small little ones at start before long drawn out ones from shoulder to just below the ear. He had to lean down more then most because of his height over her. His hands remained by his sides, this was because of his claws. His ears facing forward, his whiskers flared over her face and his breathing only added to the glare his eyes gave off.

Tommie looked up into his eyes; his whiskers tickled her bare neck as he took in her scent directly off her skin. Her hands carefully slid lower on his body. Her fingertips danced lightly over the bulge that had formed in his pants. His panting sent goose bumps down her back. For the first time in her life she trembled slightly. This was no human, the creature standing in front of her was meant to kill, just like she was meant as a slave to man. He was a full foot taller than her, and broader. She wasn't the most slender of females but she was extremely shapely. She locked eyes with him again as her fingers continued to play over the top of his pants.

S'iraa's nose was cold to the touch and it only touched her a few times during his moments lapping up her scent. His tail still around her thigh only the tail tip slowly like a snake worked higher until it reached the point where her thighs met and prevented him going higher. Her touches only poked fun at the fire raging within him; all he could think about was her. Even as her finger tips played over the strained front of his pants he wondered many a thing.....all of them involving her.

Tommie could feel the heat produced by her own wetness, his tail sneaking up her let felt nice and teasing. She finally loosened his pants. Her breathing came in sharp bursts as she pushed them down his thighs. She took in the sight of his hard member; she placed her hands lightly around it. He was long and thick. An excited whimper escaped her lips as she looked at him.

S'iraa pulled his tail through the hole in the back of his pants designed that way so that he could walk with his tail as balance instead of packing his tail under his uniform for appearance sake. He felt his pants slide down his thighs, felt the air on his hardened member, he could even smell her own sexual scent laced in the air. His tail waved gently from side to side behind him, eager especially from the view of her cleavage when she leant forward slightly to push his pants down.

Tommie took a step back, her hands moving to the back of her dress, unzipping it and letting it fall to the floor. Revealing that underneath all she wore was a black lacy thong. She stood, feeling the heat from the stove on her bare breasts and stomach.

S'iraa wasted no time in taking what he wanted. He moved forward cupping her breasts in his hands and licking them and sucking on them. His tongue was long and slightly rough to the feel, his fur was soft on her skin but he enjoyed the weighted feel of her breasts in his hands as he sampled them. His hardened member pressed against her, his tail about her to make sure she didn't escape, while he was only in his robe and her a thong, it was enough......for now.

Tommie gasped at his sudden move. Up until this point he had only slowly moved, doing things almost by accident. Again the thought floated through her mind about him being a lot stronger than she. But it was quickly forced from her mind as the pleasure from his tongue intruded on her thoughts. She could feel his tail around her, holding her in place. All she could muster in response to him was a moan of delight. Her hands tangled through the fur on his head and shoulders.

S'iraa turned her around within his grasp, now with her back to him his hands returned to her breasts and his licks centered on her neck again. His member resting between the cheeks of her firm shaped backside and partially up her back. His breathing was heavy and constant, only a layer of fabric kept the two apart but he doubted it would stay for long even if he clawed at it to effect its removal. His tail though snaking between her thighs to this time wave over the front of her legs instead of like before, the backs of them.

Feeling his body and erection pressed against her body and his hands on her breasts she lowered her hands to her front, slipping them inside the lacy material and started to tease just the clit, not yet dipping her fingers into the heat of her pussy. Her juices leaked over her fingers and she reached a hand up to her neck, trailing the finger over her skin in front of S'iraa's nose and tongue.

S'iraa smelt what she placed on her skin and soon licked at the new addition, his tongue licked at her fingers fast and repeatedly. He twitched against her skin; his member reacting to this new scent with vigor, his waist pushed against hers his hold became slightly stronger but not enough to cause discomfort. His hands continued their assault on her breasts tweaking her nipples every now and then.

Tommie twisted in his grip, turning to face him; she could see the hunger in his eyes. She kissed his chest, trailing the kisses down his body as she slowly knelt before him, her eyes resting on his cock in front of her face. She trailed her tongue from the base to the tip, slowly, teasing him. She wanted him inside her desperately but she wanted to tease him a little more first.

S'iraa was aware of the teasing attempts and had some of his own, while she was out of reach of his hands his tail was well within reach of her as it found its way between her legs and began to rub against the fabric of her thong. Her tongue was hot against his hardened cock poised before her, He wondered for a split second just how much she could accommodate but that was soon dashed by more thoughts of what they were doing right now...the future left to that...the unknown. His claw bearing hands brushed down her cheeks, the tips of his claws present, a warning perhaps? If she should stop...or a gentle thrilling reminder of what he could do, the danger that he was to so many.

Tommie felt S'iraa's claw gently graze her face. She closed her eyes feeling his tail find its way against her hot, aching pussy. Her tongue played around the head of his hard cock before she sucked it into her mouth; again she stayed at the tip to tease. Bending at the waist she stood and began to slowly lower her mouth further onto his cock, opening her throat to let as much of him in as she could. She used her hands to rub the remaining inch or two as she quickened to a medium paced rhythm.

S'iraa stiffened his posture as he felt himself slide down into the depths of her hot mouth and throat. He looked down and saw her suck on him, the looked down her back to the lacy thong that disappeared down between the cheeks of her ass, He purred gently, this was not just from what Tommie was doing to him but also the mental image of what he could see if she was bent the other way, away from him. He pushed a little with his waist into her mouth, he loved the snug feel of her throat around his cock, he enjoyed how deep he could go, part of him wanted more but there was plenty of time for that.

Tommie could hear and feel him purring, it vibrating down through his body. She moved at a slightly faster pace. She wanted him to ravage her, to fuck her pussy, to fill her with his hot cum. But that would all come in due time. She felt his claws scratch along her back, from just above her thong all the way up her shoulders. She moaned around his cock in pleasure.

S'iraa pushed on the back of her head a little more, he wanted her to take it all but maybe she couldn't! That didn't stop him trying. He wanted everything, be in everything she had and take what he wanted from her. He wanted to bent her over the counter and take her, gentle of by force he didn't care; all that mattered right now was fucking this Orion. Showing her that Caitian's may well be predators but capable lovers as well, of which she was soon to find out.


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