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Valentines Day Hot Tub Teen Rescue!

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I rescue two cold teens and heat them in my hot tub.
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I was just off the highway when the storm hit. It was pounding rain and it was cold! So much for "45% chance of showers!" As soon as I turned onto the long country road that led home, I had to slow to a crawl. It was only just past six at night but my headlights on bright and my wipers on super-fast annoying speed were both useless.

Then I saw them. How could I not see them? Two human figures, standing in the middle of the road, waving at me frantically. I stepped on the brakes--thank God they weren't too wet to stop in time! Now in the headlights I could see two definitely female figures--long hair and long bare legs. What the hell were they doing out here dressed like that?

They frantically reached for my back door as I stopped and I hit unlock.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Thank you! Oh thank you!" Then: "We're getting your seat all wet!" That overly-concerned girl sounded like she was ready to burst into tears.

I saw two long-haired brunette and quite thoroughly drenched young ladies staring back at me in the rear view mirror.

"What are you--?" I was interrupted by two teenage (?) voices.

"The driver--"

"He left us--"

"Totally wrong address--"

"Nobody home--"

"No cell service--"

I jumped in. "My house is half a mile up. I'll take care of you. We'll get your clothes dry and dry you off. You can make your calls but this is a mess! Going to go on for hours and then this road we're on will probably be flooded. Sorry but you may have to put up with my hospitality for a while longer!"

Blessed silence for a while except for the pounding rain and the persistent squeak of the wiper blades.

"It's okay. I think you saved our lives! We were both praying and you must be our almost Valentine's Day angel." That teary voice broke and my heart melted.

"We're almost home and I will take good care of you. I promise!" It took agonizingly long. Thank God my power was still on and my driveway beacon lights were working. I made a quick decision and pulled under the carport in front of the guesthouse.

The teary girl spoke again. Her silent friend was still silent. "This... this is your house??"

I smiled for the first time since I had seen their frantic female figures. It was a common reaction. This was the typical house you saw on TV shows when all the detectives converged on the millionaire's mansion after the murder.

But: Valentines Day... like I really needed another reminder! The day before Valentines Day is probably the most emotional AA meeting. Only nine showed up due to the weather report. Two females and one male brought up Valentines Day: they all cried. Too many wrecked relationships and broken homes due to the wondrous joys of the bottle.

When our cell phones went crazy with the emergency alerts, I heard "shit"s all around; but I do believe some were grateful "shit"s...

"Here we are. I parked so you two are out of the rain. Wait until I get the side door open, then run."

I unlocked the door and motioned to them. Now I had my best view of those two to date. Both long-haired (at least down to or past their shoulder blades) brunettes, both wearing extremely micro-mini dresses--one black, the other wine-red. Did those dresses already shrink in the rain? Panties were nearly visible. Both were clutching tiny purses. One was also clutching only one high heel; the other had a full set of two.

We were in a hallway that led to a common sitting area straight ahead, then two bedrooms.

"You'll have to share a bath," I said.

"Mister," the silent girl deigned to speak, "what makes you think you're gonna have us overnight?"

I opened my weather app as I led them to the left. They hesitated, thinking they were headed back outside. I assured them it was a completely glassed-in walkway. I read from my phone:

"Unprecedented storm system has formed and is moving extremely slowly through the area. Expect flash flooding and nearly impossible travel conditions, until at least three or four a. m. Three to four inches of rain in as many hours are possible. Do NOT venture out except in an emergency!"

Previously silent girl was having none of it. "First of all, we don't know where you're taking us. We're freezing and dripping water all over. Why not let us clean up in your guest bath? Second, we'll call our friend and she'll pick us up. She's twenty-five and I'm sure she won't like the idea of two innocent teenage girls having to stay overnight with some strange grown man."

I said nothing as we entered the indoor pool area. The girls were briefly quiet as they were probably briefly impressed. It was a fairly big, heated pool, with a separate hot tub nearest where we stood.

I led my semi-reluctant pair to the hot tub. I took out my wallet and pulled out my driver's license. I carefully put the license on one of the shelves next to the redwood-look tub.

"Here's what we're gonna do. You're going to take off all of clothes, and I mean everything. You girls are still shivering and you look whiter than white and that's not good. I will turn around and you will kick your clothes over to me. I will walk around the pool to the laundry and you'll see me put everything in the dryer. You will climb naked into the hot tub--I'm setting it at its' lowest high temperature. You will send a copy of my license to your friend--your friend whose address you got wrong. You will ask her to look up my Wikipedia page. You will then understand that I picked you up to help you, not to rape you. I'm turning around now."

I waited. I heard rustling. The suspicious girl said "You have a Wikipedia page?" The first set of clothing appeared at my feet.

"Keep your phones and look me up. Just please don't drop my license or your phones in the water! Are you taking your clothes off?"

A pause. The second set of clothes appeared. I bent down and took both of those sopping wet piles under my arms. I did not turn around.

"I'd really like to know the names of my guests... and your ages for propriety's sake." I started to walk away.

Teary-eyed brunette said "Madison... Maddie. Eighteen."

Suspicious and Silent chimed in at last: "Riley. Nineteen."

I didn't turn around as I finally heard them climbing in. "Pleased to meet you, Madison... Maddie eighteen and Riley nineteen. I'm Paul... thirty-seven."

I opened the door to the laundry. I knew the girls were watching me with eagle eyes so I tried not to paw through their clothes. There were two teeny panties but only one teeny bra. I wondered who had gone bra-free... probably Riley.

I walked back around the pool, retracing my path. I could see two wet brunette heads bobbing in the tub. The closer I got--the more their hands started covering up what was bobbing in front.

I crouched down as I approached the control panel. "Okay. I'm turning on the bubbles; that should help hide some things that you're trying to hide from me."

From what I had seen of my two rescues, both were very similar in appearance. Both had long, shapely legs and were probably 5' 7" or 8". Both had nearly the same straight, long, dark hair down to below their shoulder blades and bright blue eyes. The difference was that Maddie had a sweet, round open face. Riley was equally pretty but her face was more angular... and she was constantly glaring at me.

Like right now. As soon as the bubbles started, Riley dropped her hands. I could still see her own pink-tipped flesh bubbles, but she either didn't know or didn't care anymore.

"You're a writer."

"Allegedly. One bestseller, one movie option... then two clunkers that were probably tax write-offs for my publisher."

"You sold the movie rights?!" That was Maddie. Her eyes were big as saucers, but she still seemed to be shivering. That was worrying me.

"I did: that's what paid for this house."

"Did they make a movie?" That was Riley.

"No, the pandemic happened, and then... people in general developed more refined tastes."

Two nude girls stared.

"My story was a series of loosely connected, very erotic incidents in the life of a young man. I mean... they're making pretty erotic mainstream stuff now, but... my novel's expiration date seems to have passed."

More staring.

"Why don't you two tell me what you were doing at a 'friend's' house tonight--when you didn't even know her address?"

Maddie looked at Riley. Riley shrugged. "It was kind of a live audition to be sexy lingerie models tomorrow--you know--for Valentines Day."

Now I was staring.

"It was a friend of a friend who runs a lingerie shop. She livestreams model auditions on a pay-per-view site. Tonight was supposed to be a 'sexy slumber party.' She supplies the lingerie, about nine or ten girls pose and dance and act out, then the top three vote-getters are paid lingerie models tomorrow--you know--for Valentines Day."

I waited for more but that was the story. "So you girls want to be models?"

Maddie answered. "We don't know what we want to be yet." Her voice was shaky. "Riley's been like my older sister to me since I was five. This was just something that cool sexy sisters do together." She stopped and closed her eyes.

"Maddie are you alright?" I stood up straight and got close enough to see both of the two girls' furry brown triangles through the bubbles and between their legs. I sort of tried not to notice--I was too worried about Maddie.

"So cold, so cold... why can't I get warm?"

"I'm coming in." I was standing on the bottom step and I started stripping.

"Whoa whoa wait!" Riley exclaimed. "Here it comes: we're naked and helpless and--"

"And your friend is still shivering in 108 degree water. I'm coming in to try to warm her up and that's all and frankly I'm tired of explaining myself."

Silence as I stripped. When I climbed in, I deliberately showed my penis side to Riley. She stared at my flaccid cock defiantly and shrugged. Well, I had been hard before at the thought of two teenage girls stripping naked behind me; now I was so worried about Maddie, and so pissed at Riley, I had lost that loving feeling.

As I lowered my naked body into the water, I tried to ignore how good it felt. I settled into the exact middle of the U-shaped seat; the nude girls were now as far from me as possible, at each extreme end, as if the presence of a naked penis had a negative magnetic effect.

"Maddie? I want you to just lean against me. I'm going to wrap my arms"

I heard Riley go "Hmmmph!"

"around your tummy--okay?"

I didn't know if Madison was paying attention. Her eyes were closed. I reached out and touched her bare left shoulder--it still felt cool. "Oh, Maddie!"

She got halfway up. She positioned herself in front of me, facing away. She sat down on my lap.

Now I was the one who said "Hmmmph!" My penis, though it started out flaccid, was

now nicely squished and wedged up against Miss Maddie's very soft and feminine folds between her very soft and feminine thighs.

Then she started rocking.

"Maddie??" Obviously that was Riley. "What the hell are you doing?!"

Maddie turned to her friend. I had only known this currently naked young lady about thirty minutes, but even I knew from Riley's reaction that Maddie's glaringly determined look was unprecedented.

"What the hell am I doing? This sweet sweet man saved my life and his body is so hot. I need him... I need him!"

Did I say my penis started out flaccid? It may not be possible for the human male to remain so, directly rubbing against the plump, hot, and deliciously dangling female lower labia. Maddie lifted herself up. She reached down and briefly caressed me--then she positioned me. She sat back down and eased my penis inside her.


"Riley!! I love you. You've been the big sister I never had. You held my hand and walked me to school... you stood up against those bullies."

In a softer voice: "I'm not a little girl anymore. I love men... and I love the feel of a man inside me. I don't let them cum--I just let them in. If they start to get crazy, I finish them off outside. I love you Maddie, but..."

She looked away and swallowed.

"This man..." She reached behind herself and lightly stroked me, thighs and back. "This man saved my life, and he's filling me up inside with his lovely warm cock." She sighed. She rose up and down and squeezed me from deep inside. "There's nothing like it... nothing like it."

Riley was silent for a while... not like her! "I am so sorry Maddie. You'll always be my best friend. You'll always be the little sister I never had... and I'll always love to cuddle up all naked with you, whenever the night gets cold and scary."

The two nude teenagers leaned over me and sweetly kissed. They could almost be sisters I thought, as I compared their two sets of delicately pointed breasts, floating so free and easy just on the bubbly water.

Riley sat back and actually giggled as she studied her friend, clearly enjoying her penile ride.

I let out my breath, realizing that I had been holding it in. Madison felt so good, as if her inner body temperature had somehow become hotter than the hot tub. I was trying desperately not to move, but I just wanted to lose myself and throw away all my inhibitions and start crazy-fucking.

"Are you going to share," Riley asked, "like a good little sister should?"

Maddie looked and sounded shocked. "Really?!"

"Yeah, 'really', stop keeping him all to yourself!"

Maddie seemed to consider it, then she slowly eased off me. My penis was still absurdly happy in the warm, bubbly water. It was apparently still unaware that it had just been removed from its warm, happy, vaginal place.

Well, not for long. Riley was staring at my rigidity, straight through the bubbles. She semi-squatted in front of me. I stared at her naked bottom. Oh my: Riley may have been more angular than her little friend, but it seemed as though any and all of her remaining baby fat had transferred itself to those sweet cheeks. I wanted--I needed--to hold and kiss her lower cheeks. I wanted to hear her giggle and sigh as I pried those cheeks apart with my hands and set my tongue in an intense search for all of her inner treasures.

Now, as Riley lowered her body onto mine, I felt those cheeks graze my belly, then my pubic hair.

"How do I... how do I get him inside me!" She was gasping in a mixture of excitement and embarrassment.

"Reach under and feel him," her younger but wiser friend advised. "If you have to, hold onto it until you get it in... otherwise... get a feel for it and just let your body take over. A woman's body knows... you'll just open up for him."

Riley was the one shaking now as she was grabbing onto my poor penis--a little too tightly, but who was I to complain? I felt her line up my cockhead against her pulsing opening. She sat down too quickly at first and I went uselessly bobbing. She laughed and took it easy on her second attempt... and she slowly eased me in.

Now: this girl was already even warmer than her friend; I felt her warmth instantly and completely engulf me. We men tend to personalize our penises as if they're happy helpers attached to us. I know my penis is an extension of myself; and it had never felt so warm, so safe, so snug and so loved as it did so deeply ensconced in Miss Riley's welcoming vagina.

I leaned back and wrapped my arms around her firm but still soft little belly.

"He feels so good," she said so softly. Then, echoing my own feelings: "I've never felt so filled... up to my insides with all of his body heat."

We spent a few minutes like that, none of us moving, Maddie watching us with half-closed eyes, a wry smile on her face as she had introduced her older friend to the simple joys of cock-riding.

All things must pass. Madison took the lead. "I'm all warmed up and we're all gonna get water-logged!" She stood up and stretched her cuddly nakedness in front of us. Riley stared; I wanted to eat her up.

Riley gave a big big sigh and so reluctantly eased her vagina off of me. The two nude teenagers were now both standing and stretching as I openly gaped. They giggled and looked at each other as they took turns bending down and kissing me. As Maddie stood up from our kiss, she rubbed her breasts into my face. Not to be outdone, Riley turned completely around after our tongue-to-tongue exchange. She bent over and rubbed her ass into my face. How did she know I loved that ass? Women are so wise.

We climbed out of the tub, involuntarily shivering. Shit. The towels and the little terrycloth robes were all uselessly hanging from the nearest wall. I padded over and grabbed everything. The girls ran up giggling and shivering. I have never seen any two naked people dry themselves off so thoroughly and so quickly as those two. They were briefly one, wet, pink body as they reached out to each other and patted and rubbed each other until they finally hid their dried-off nakedness under their soft little robes.

I led my two guests back to their rooms. They oohed and aahed at the pounding rain as they walked through the glass walkway. I showed them that the shared guest bathroom was stocked with everything--unused toothbrushes, toothpaste--even feminine products.

Feminine products... one of them asked me if I was married. "I was, until..." I trailed off. "She was ready to leave me, then my bestseller happened. We both thought that would magically heal me; stopping the drinking, the cheating."

The girls looked away. We were all still in some kind of 'what did we just do' daze, so they kissed me absent-mindedly as I bade them good night.

I made it almost all the way back through the walkway when I heard a pair of the flip-flops I provided flip-flopping behind me. It was Madison... Maddie.

She grabbed me as I turned. She squeezed me so tight, I was almost knocked over. I responded by nearly lifting that sweet thing off the ground.

"I still haven't thanked you enough! Oh my god oh my god oh my god! You really did save my life tonight and then you just sat there while I used you. I love you I love you I love you and I really mean that. I will love you forever and I will remember you forever!"

She was crying softly so I just rocked her in my arms. Anyone watching would have thought we were slow-dancing.

Finally she calmed down.

"I think I'm so mature, then I turn into a silly little crybaby!"

I hugged her tight and kissed her. "You're just a sweet girl. I think..." Now my voice was breaking. "I think I very simply love you love you love you too."

More crying. She wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her robe. "I think it's Valentines Day... Happy Valentines Day, sweet Paul!"

"Happy Valentines Day, sweet Maddie!"

One last sweet kiss and we parted.

I sank into my bed naked, my robe on the floor somewhere. I couldn't sleep. I got up and looked out my window at the guesthouse. One of the two bedroom lights was still on. I don't know how long I sat there on my uncomfortable bedroom chair. I couldn't even think anymore.

The light went out. I collapsed back into bed and fell instantly asleep.

I'm thirty-seven years old and I already get up once or twice to pee. Tell a doctor that and they glare at you--they take notes and size you up for exploratory surgery. I know I should see a doctor more often. Since I gave up the red wine, my weight has fluctuated as I occasionally turn my addictive personality toward sweets.

I strolled back naked from a satisfying full minute of urinating. And there was a nude female figure in my bedroom door, framed by the nightlights lining my long dark hallway.

"Hi." A sweet shy voice... my Maddie.

She walked in. "I couldn't sleep."

"Oh Maddie." I held her once again as I glanced at my clock: 2:35. "Maddie: you're cold and you shouldn't be wandering around naked!"

She looked at me as if that was one of the most absurd pronouncements that she had ever heard. "From now on, when a naked girl appears in your bedroom on Valentines Day, you should probably just shut up and take her into your bed."

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