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Valentine's Dreams

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Dave has a special Valentine's Day dream.
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It was about as cold as a mid-February morning could be. Nothing could have been worse than battling this cold Canadian winter morning. Even though the sun shone brightly through the cabin windows, it was a mistake to trust it. It was so cold I had given up trying to start the old jeep. The engine wouldn't turn over, so I decided to stay another day.

After stumbling from the car in the deep snow, I finally got back inside the cabin. I kicked the thick layer of snow off my boots, and tried my best to keep warm. I sat down in the rickety rocking chair, trying to warm up by the woodstove. My fingers were numb from the cold, and the small fire in front of me was barely doing the job.

The cabin was so old and poorly-insulated that most of the warm air seemed to go back outside. Somehow a layer of snow managed to find its way inside, and clung to the inner walls of the cabin. The worn out sleeping bag I was huddled under wasn't sufficient for this type of cold, but at least my fingers were finally warm. I added a couple more logs, and poured myself a cup of JD.

It was times like these that I which I wasn't alone on Valentine's Day. It was times like these I wished for a warm body to keep me warm. Just as I began to feel warm, I was interrupted by a loud bang from across the road. Most noises scared me when I was alone in the cabin. It was hard not hearing even the slightest noise from the road. But this was different, and was so loud it seems to have caused the cabin to shake.

I quickly grabbed my jacket from couch, and threw my boots on. I ran toward the road, doing my best not to stumble in the two feet of wet snow. An old red pickup had skidded on the thin ice just off the steep hill, and careened into the ditch. It wasn't the first someone had lost control of their car, and crashed into the ditch. The road was pretty narrow, and I had never seen it happen in the winter before. Usually, people were more careful and drove cautiously on the hill. It was clear that the driver had lost control of his truck, and his from his yelling it was clear he was in a tremendous amount of pain.

Dan's perfect teeth glistened, as he smiled at me from across the table. His cabin wasn't much bigger than mine, and you could see most of it from where we were sitting. His cabin was certainly was a lot nicer than mine, and definitely didn't shake every time a car past by. Besides a couple nails he had procured from a nearby hardware store, just about every part of the cabin was hand built by him. He sourced the wood from his large wooded property, and a friend helped him put the roof together. Even the venison we were eating had been hunted and prepared by Dan.

Dan lived alone in his cabin, and rarely had visitors. He used to be some sort of CEO but got tired of how stressful that life was for him. Truthfully, I was a bit jealous. He had the cabin life that I always dreamt off. I usually went up to my dad's place on the odd weekend, and my life continued once the week started. Here we were enjoying this cold winter morning, eating food that he hunted and drinking alcohol that he brewed.

"You saved my life, I owe you one." He said, raising his glass in my direction.

"I didn't do much man, just waited for the ambulance." I replied.

"What about pulling me out of the truck and keeping me warm." He said, slowly drinking his whiskey.

Dan had no idea that I nearly died trying to save him. I almost lost my hand to frostbite while running back through the snow to grab the sleeping bag. While pulling him out of the crumpled-up pickup, my hand was so numb I was barely able to put the blanket over his body. Luckily, the paramedics showed up just in time to warm him up. The paramedics explained that another five minutes, and my hand would have gone. But it was all worth it seeing him alive. The only injury that remained was a thin scar running down the left side of his cheek. Truthfully, it looked pretty badass on him. It looked like he got attacked in a fight or something like that.

When Dan stood up, you felt it from across the room. He was a large burly man, standing well over six-five. He probably weighed an easy two-fifty or maybe a few pounds more. He carried the weight well because of how tall and built he was. His plaid shirt and worn blue Levi jeans made reminded me of those cowboys in the old cigarette ads. His shirt was so tight that I could see his thick chest bulging through, and his strong arms nearly tore through his shirtsleeves. In contrast, I was skinny twenty-five year old who would probably lose a fight to a six-grader.

Dan poured me another drink of homemade hooch, and pushed his wooden chair aside. It was slowly started to seep into my body, finally getting me properly warmed up. The stuff tasted a bit gross but after a few shots it didn't matter much. Dan reached up into the small wooden cabinet just above his gas stove. He came back with a small wooden box, and set it down on table. He was sitting so close to me, I could feel his warm breath on my cheek.

I wanted to rip his top shirt button off, and run my hands on his thick chest. Maybe he'd let me kiss him under his big brown moustache.

"Open up the little box." He said, smiling at me.

I was barely looking at the little box he set on the table. I was sneaking a peak between his blue Levis. His blue jeans were so tight, that I could see a thick bulge just under his brass belt buckle. He didn't notice me sneaking a peak, and I pretended to care about what was in this box.

Inside the box there was a small gold coin with an inscription. The coin had a peculiar dent on the side, likely from its old age. The date was so worn out it was impossible to read. There was a faded inscription on it that was barely visible. As much as I loved coins and languages, I had to ask him what the inscription meant.

"I knew you would ask about the inscription, they always do." He said.

He took a long sip of his hooch straight from the glass bottle, and his big silver eyes twinkled at me.

He explained that the gold coin was passed down in his family for many generations. It was rumored that this coin had been held by a long line of Spanish kings and queens. The coin had survived many conflicts, and had been carried through many continents. Pointing to the dent on the coin, he explained the coin was blessed. During the Spanish civil war, this coin had stopped a bullet and saved his grandfather's life. It was a fascinating story to hear, considering he had just escaped death. I didn't want to interrupt him, but I really wanted to know what the coin was about.

"So what does the inscription mean?" I asked him.

"You know its valentine's day?" He said, as he lit up a cigar.

"Guess it is, eh." I replied, not really caring about some made up holiday.

"El amor nunca muere." he said, handing me the coin.

The coin was oddly heavy, and a lot heavier than any coin in my collection. I guess that's what it would take to stop a bullet.

He pressed the coin in my palm, and wrapped his fingers tightly around mine. He turned his chair towards me, and placed his leg between mine. His big silver eyes seemed to light up as he moved closer to me. I started to shake as he set the cigar down in the ashtray. There was something about him that made me shake.

"Love never dies" he said.

"You saved my life, and I want you to keep it." He whispered.

"But I can't." I replied.

He took the coin out from between our hands, and placed it back in the box.

"It's yours, and you must hold it dearly." He demanded.

Before I could say no to him, he leaned in and kissed me softly on my lips. Somehow it was perfect kiss, and I immediately wanted more of him. His moustache pressed against my upper lip as we nibbled back and forth on each other's lips. I closed my eyes, and felt the tip of his soft tongue push inside my mouth. As we kissed, he slowly undid his shirt buttons revealing his perfectly chiseled chest.

Dan took my hands and placed them against his chest, and our kissing began to turn more passionate. He could tell I was nervous because my hands were sweating against his chest. Our passionate kissing was suddenly interrupted by a commotion outside.

I hesitated for a second, knowing that it was the last of my ammunition. It wasn't me they were chasing down, and whatever they wanted wasn't anywhere near me or Dan. We were on the mountain, and they were hunting down on the valley. They were probably just out there doing what hunters usually did in mid-February. I could see him through the scope looking right back at me, shit! Dan wasn't even looking, and he was struggling to get the shell back inside his shotgun. But it was too cold, and he dropped the shell in the snow.

I quickly cocked the gun back and pulled the trigger. Just as I released the trigger, I was thrown backwards. It was either too slow, or the cold somehow jammed up my gun. I nearly fell down into the valley, but was able to grab onto a large tree branch. Whoever did this, definitely wanted us dead.

But why would anyone want us dead? I had few friends, but fewer enemies. I didn't know much about Dan, but he seemed like a pretty nice guy. Maybe he had some secret he didn't want me to know. Maybe that's why he chose this hermit lifestyle.

My heart started to beat so fast that I nearly stopped breathing. Warm drops of blood started too ooze out from chest and run down my shirt. It was the coin! The coin in my shirt pocket, the one Dan gave me for saving his life. Maybe it was true, maybe the coin worked miracles. Or maybe it was somehow cursed. I was too heavy for the branch, and slowly began to fall down into the valley. But I wasn't bleeding, and something had stopped me from bleeding out.

"Dude, are you ok?" he asked, as I finally stopped shaking.

"What the fuck!" I yelled.

"Calm down, you must have had another bad dream." He said.

He wrapped his strong arm around me, and held me tight against his bare chest.

The bad dream wasn't even the most confusing part of the story. Why was I laying naked in the bed with this shirtless stranger?? I had never seen this man in my life. I tried to calm myself down, and get it together. Maybe this was all part of some weird dream I was having.

The man grabbed something off the dresser, and placed it tightly between our hands. He lay on top of me, and pressed his half-naked body against mine. His leg rested between my open thighs, and his cold belt buckle pressed against my stomach. It was slowly coming back to me. I could feel a warm tear falling off his face and drip down onto my shoulder.

"Dave, do you remember anything?" he asked, looking deep into my eyes.

"I remember a coin" I replied.

He smiled and kissed me on lips. He certainly was a good kisser.

If I was gay, he certainly was pretty good looking. His big chiseled chest and muscular arms pressed against my soft body. He kissed me softly under my left ear, and I wrapped my arms around his back. Even his backside seemed to be covered in muscle. I was still doing my best to remember how I got here.

"The doctor said this would help." Dan said, reaching to the side of the bed.

He lay on his back, and we looked at some photos together. There was one of 'Mitzy' my families German Sheppard. Even though she died when I was ten, I still remembered the time she ran right through old Ms. Jendall's yard and ruined her flower bed. Eventually Ms. Jendall got so mad she called the cops. But that never stopped old Mitzy from messing up her garden. The second picture was the one of my childhood home on the corner Mulberry Street. It was a simple red-brick home, with a small chimney and white picket fence. But it was last picture that really caught my attention. It was a picture of a crashed red pickup crumbled up in ditch.

"Now, do you remember?" he asked, noticing me sit up attentively.

"Yes, that's when you crashed into the ditch." I said.

"It wasn't me who crashed, it was you." He replied.

He could tell I was confused. None of this made any sense. I never owned a red truck in my life. I never owned any truck in my life. Hell, I was never in an accident in my life. All I had was old Jeep that wouldn't start on a cold winter morning. Now he was telling me it was my truck.

Dan sighed loudly, and ran his hand down my backside. Somehow it seemed like it wasn't the first time he ran his cold silver ring down my backside. He sat behind me on the bed, and wrapped his big arms tight around my naked body.

"Do you remember this coin?" he asked, pressing it harder between our hands.

"Yes, you gave it me it says something in Spanish." I said.

I could feel his warm tears running down my neck, as he hugged me tight and kissed me on the shoulder.

"Forget all this, I have a better idea." he said, putting the coin away.

He let go of me, and pushed me down into the mattress. He caressed my chest with his hands, and toyed with my little pink nipples causing them to harden. With his fingers toying with my nipples, he started slowly moving up and down between my legs. He let go of my nipples and gently toyed with my balls as his head began to move faster. His hand pressed harder on my balls, and he began inserting his finger in me.

The rain fell so heavy that the old cabin roof began to sag in. It was very odd for rain to fall this time of year, and it never rained this much around here. Water began slowly dripping in from the old worn out rooftop. Suddenly, a section of the roof burst wide open causing the rainwater to fill the room. I quickly grabbed onto Dan's hand, and clung to him for dear life. Something was pressing hard between our hands as he did his best to pull me out of the water. My lungs began to quickly fill with air, and my heart began to beat rapidly against my chest. I was just too heavy and there was too much water between us. I tried to grab his hand harder, but he couldn't hold on any longer.

"Dave...DAVE...!" His loud voice interrupted my nightmare.

The bed was soaked with my sweat, and my body was shaking all over.

"You had another nightmare." he whispered in my ear.

His hands pressed softly against the top of my chest. His warm breath pressed against the back of my neck. His moustache tickled me as he repeatedly kissed the back of my neck. I quickly forgot about the nightmare, as he hands slid up and down my naked body. It was clear how hard he was, as his body pressed against mine. He could tell I was beginning to forget the nightmare, as he reached in between my legs.

"You like that don't you." he whispered in my ear.

I forgot all about the nightmare, as he continued getting me hard. He continued passionately kissing the back of my neck as he stroked me faster and faster. He was really good at it, and he knew it.

He stopped for a second, and stood up above my naked body.

He placed on leg on each side of my face, and pulled his belt off. He threw the belt down onto the floor and opened his jean zipper. He wasn't wearing any underwear, and massive flaccid cock hung loosely in front of my face. He reached down and grabbed his cock, slowly guiding himself between my open lips. It was so thick that it could barely squeeze inside my mouth. I gagged hard on his half-hard cock, gasping for air as my mouth filled up with his meaty cock.

A thick string of saliva slid down, as he pushed it deeper in my mouth. I tried to catch my breath but he pushed it even deeper. The juicy veins that ran along his thick shaft pressed lightly against my tongue, as he inserted his entire cock inside my mouth. I gagged hard, and gasped for air as his massive balls shoved against my lips. Dan could tell I was struggling, and slowly pulled it out of my mouth. I gasped for air as another thick string of saliva fell from his cock, and landed all over my lips and chest. As I gasped for air, he took my hand and guided it back and forth on his saliva-soaked cock.

He grabbed both my hands and pressed them into the bed, as his lips made their way down my body. It hurt a bit when he bit my nipples, but I bit my lip to hide the pain. He continued tickling my body with his moustache. I flinched wildly when his moustache pressed against my belly button. It seemed as though he had hit my 'special spot'. He smiled up at me, and kissed the same spot over and over. Dan knew what he was doing, and my soft moans were making it obvious.

He continued down my body, kissing my inner thighs while gently pinching my already sore nipples. He let go of my hands, and began slowly stroking me. While slowly stroking me, he kept the tip in and out of his mouth. Just as I thought he would finally wrap his mouth all the way around me, he began kissing that same spot on my belly. I began to flinch wildly again as he kissed my belly, and slowly stroked me up and down. He finally stopped kissing my belly, and wrapped his lips on me. His head began to move up and down, as his index finger began to penetrate me.

The gunshots rang out in succession. Bang...Bang...Bang! It was hard to tell if it was three gunshots or three guns firing. Either way, the echo could be heard from across the busy highway. I watched through the binoculars as one of the gunmen reached inside his duffel bag.

He pulled out a second gun, and began to load it up. They were shooting wildly into the distance. It wasn't even the cops they were shooting at. They already had the stolen money, and were already across the street. The white was running, and the driver was ready for them. A hand reached between me and grabbed the binoculars, throwing them across the highway. Suddenly, I was looking down the double-barrel of his shotgun. He pulled his mask off and revealed his face. I got a good look at him as he cocked the gun back. His big silver eyes looked back at me, and he handed me a solid gold coin. Dan really didn't seem like he was the bank robber type.

"Dude, are you ok?" Dan interrupted my nightmare again.

It was just another dream. But why was Dan in all of them?

I wasn't going to let the nightmare get to me this time. It wasn't going to ruin my night, and I wasn't going to let some stupid nightmare ruin his. I took a deep breath, and turned to face him. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. We kissed passionately, biting each other's lips back and forth until they began to bleed.

He grabbed my arm and flipped me over, pushing me down on my belly. He pushed my legs wide open, and grabbed both my butt-cheeks. He spread them wide, and began slowly teasing my hole with his tongue. His tongue finally melted inside my hole, and he began slowly pushing it in and out of me. He went faster and faster, nearly missing hole. I held my cheeks for him, and begged for him to continue.

He grabbed both legs hard, and placed me on my knees. I eagerly rocked back and forth against his fast moving tongue, causing my ass to repeatedly smack against his face. He grabbed my waist hard, and buried his tongue inside me. I moaned like crazy as he shoved his face deep inside my butt-cheeks, and pushed his tongue as far as it would go.

He stopped and let go of me, slowly taking his tongue out of my hole. A cool liquid replaced his warm tongue. This time it hurt a bit as he pushed his index penetrated me. I wanted to tell him to stop, but I could see how excited he was pushing his fingers inside of me. I bit my lip hard as he pushed a second finger in me. The cool liquid was warming up, and making it started to feel a lot better.

With his one of his fingers still in me, he pushed me on my back and leaned on top of me.

"Close your eyes, and kiss Me." he said.

I closed my eyes as his soft lips pressed against mine. I reached inside his open jeans zipper and began to stroke him. He finally took his jeans off, and tossed them down on the floor. I was no able to see how massive he really was. His giant cut cock curved upwards like a massive banana, and hung over his massive clean shaven ball. We kissed more and more passionately while stroking each other up and down. Of course, I could barely wrap my hand around his swollen member.


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