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Valentiniversary Day

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Micah and Jo celebrate their anniversary & Valentine's Day.
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Hi, I'm submitting this story for the Valentine's Day 2021 Contest!

Please pay attention to the This is a *GAY MALE* romance between two consenting male adults. If that's not your cup of tea, I will not be offended if you decided to read another story.

For those familiar with Micah and Jo, here is an updated story four years into their relationship and on their second wedding anniversary. Some other familiar faces show up in this story as well, but it is told from Micah's POV.

I hope you enjoy it. Please don't forget to vote and comment!



"Hey I got a surprise," Jo said as he walked into the bedroom, startling me.

"Oooh!" I squealed and hid my outfit under the suitcase before I turned around. "Joseph!" I yelled and touched the center of my chest. "You scared the shit out of me."

He looked like he wanted to say something, but instead asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

"Packing," I said nonchalantly. He started coming closer to the bed but I met him halfway and put my hand on his chest. "Oh no you don't! You will not ruin the surprises I have in store for you this weekend."

He smiled and kissed my lips. "It is red and sexy?" he asked slyly.

"You won't find out until tomorrow," I replied, batting my eyelashes at him. He put his face in my neck and growled, making me giggle. "Wait, you said you have a surprise for me!"

He lifted his head up. "Oh. Right." He said, "Change of plans. We're going-"

"Noooo!" I raised my hand up, already annoyed. "You promised, you promised that I got to make all the plans for our Valentiniversary-"

"Please stop calling it that," Jo said quietly, rubbing his temples.

"-and you were just going to supply the car service for where we're going and how we're getting there so you do not get to come in at the last minute and change all of my plans after I worked so hard to arrange a room at the cutest bed and breakfast in the smallest state of the world-

"That's not accurate."

"-now you're going back on your word like I expected you to do because you just don't know how to let go and let me take over and that's just not fair." I put one hand on my hip and glared at him.

He held up his phone and showed me what looked like two barcodes for something. "My client just snagged us two tickets to the Shawn Mendez and Camilla Cabello concert, The Lovers Tour, at Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut."

I gasped loudly and grabbed his phone. "Joseph!"

"I figured since we have to pass through Connecticut to get to Rhode Island, maybe a quick stop tomorrow night wouldn't derail your plans too much." I looked up at my husband of almost two years, speechless. "Oh course, if you don't want to gooooo..."

"Oh em gee, we're going!" I said happily and threw my arms around his neck. He pulled me close and put his tongue in my mouth greedily and I moaned on him.

"Hmmm... as much as I want to right now, I have to check on Alicia and finish packing so go make dinner."

He gave me a look. "Do you really need to check on Alicia?"

"Yes," I said with a bit of an attitude. I know he thinks I'm being overbearing but the woman is carrying our baby so I need to make sure she is eating right, sleeping right, getting enough exercise and she has no stress in her day.

He knew not to say any more. "Okay, Micah." He kissed my cheek and left the room.

I called Alicia on videochat. "oye chica, ¿qué pasa?" I greeted her.

"Nada, just setting down for dinner. You?"

"We're good, just getting ready for our trip. You have the number to the place, right?"

"Yes, Micah, I have the phone number and address."

"Okay good. So what did you do today?" I asked as I continued to pack.

"I went to work and-"

"It's icy outside, did you walk or take the bus?" I asked. I wasn't looking at the phone but I could feel her eyes rolling at me but I don't care. One slip and fall and my whole world could be shattered.

She sighed audibly. "I walked in my snow boots. I'm only a couple of blocks from the health center, Micah. I'm fine." Alicia is a physician assistant at a nearby clinic in Wynnewood, a few miles from our house.

"Okay, but call for a car service if you need to. We're paying for it for a reason."

"I know, Micah. And I'm thankful."

"So what's for dinner? Getting enough fiber?"


"I just want to make sure you're having healthy bowel movements," I said seriously.

"Okay Micah, listen up." I watched her adjust herself on the phone. "I'm 11 weeks pregnant. If you're going to harass me every single night about what I'm doing, what I'm eating and how I'm shitting, it's going to be a long 29 weeks. I've done this twice before, remember? Once with my own daughter and once as a surrogacy, just like I'm doing for you. I know what I'm doing. Can you please relax?"

"I'm relaxed," I pouted. "It's just... it's really important to me that you're healthy and the baby is healthy."

"I know honey, I know. And next week we get to see for ourselves how healthy he or she is. And find out if it's a he or she."

"Ooooh I'm so excited," I said, dancing around. "Jo is rooting for a boy but I wouldn't mind a little girl with soft baby hair that I can play in all day."

"Micah," she said with amusement.

"I know, I'm gonna feed it too," I said with a smile, making her laugh.

"You're going to start coming to the parenting classes at the clinic, right?" she asked. I rolled my eyes. "I'm serious! There is a lot to learn, more than just how to change a diaper. Have you decided if you're getting a nanny or wet nurse?"

"Nanny, no. I want to do it all myself. Wet nurse, I'm considering. If not that, then getting donated breast milk. I want my baby to have the very best and the healthiest start."

"Okay. When we go for the 3D ultrasound next week, let's talk about it some more with the lactation consultant."

"Okay, that sounds good."

She delved into some textbook related information on caring for a newborn. Having a medical professional be your surrogate birth mother is the best thing, She comes with so much knowledge. Also picked her because she's an afro-latinx like me, and comes from a big family. Between our gene pools mixing, me and Jo's baby is going to be ethnically just like me.

Alicia got pregnant with the first insemination, like it was meant to be. I think that's why I'm so nervous all the time. It was too perfect. It's like I'm waiting for something to happen and I'm not sure what it will be yet. But Alicia always knows how to flip the conversation and calm my nerves down talking about the fun baby stuff. After a half an hour she yawned.

"I saw that. Go get some rest, Chica, I'll call you tomorrow."

"Isn't tomorrow your anniversary?"

"Our Valentiniversary?"

She laughed. "Yes. That."

"Yeah, and-"

"Do not call me, Micah. I promise you I will not pick up the phone. Go do your thang with the hubs and I'll see you on Friday."

"Okay, you're right. But if I call-"

"You won't. I'm already texting Jo so he knows to keep you away from your phone all day. I'm sure he'll find a way." She winked, making me roll my eyes to the top of my head and smirk. "Bye, Micah."

"Bye, Alicia."

I hung up and finished packing my suitcase. I sighed and looked around the room. Pumbaa was happily laying by the fire in the bedroom with me, chewing on a plastic bone but when I climbed on the bed he instantly climbed up the bed with me and tried to sit in my lap. Although I got him for Jo, he's kinda my dog.

I rubbed his belly and thought about the last four years of my life. Jo walked into my cafe on a Thursday morning one day in May and changed my entire life. We had our highs and lows, mostly highs and one really really bad low, but we came out of it stronger than ever.

Randy, Jo's deceased cousin and my friend, popped in my head. Randy's passing was hard on everyone but his spirit lives on through all of us. If it wasn't for Randall we would have never met, because the only reason Jo moved back to Pennsylvania was to be closer to him. And if it wasn't for Randy's persistence, we wouldn't have gotten back together after we had that devastating break up. I owe him everything.

"Thank you Randy," I whispered to the quiet room. I let a few tears drop and wiped them away.

Jo opened the bedroom door. "Dinner is ready...what's wrong?"

I gave him a smile. "Nothing. I'm excited for tomorrow night."

"Hmmm..." He came onto the bed and sat in front of me. He raised my chin up to look him in the eyes. "What are you thinking about?"

I sighed. "Randy."

The corner of his mouth immediately turned downward. "I miss him too," he said quietly.

He went to lay on the bed and took me with him. I settled myself in that space between his shoulder and chest and he rubbed my back. We laid quietly and I know he was doing his own thinking of Randy.

"You spoke to Jerry today?" I asked.

"Yeah, yesterday morning. He agreed to go see a therapist now, finally, and started at a grief counseling support group. It will be good for him. He's just been going through the motions for way too long. It was bound to catch up with him."

"Let's go see them next weekend," I suggested. "We'll take Oliver and sweet baby girl Randall off his hands so he can just relax. And it will give us the practice we need."

Jo chuckled. "Okay. That sounds like a good idea."


Less than 24 hours later we were in the limo heading to Mohegan Sun. 30 minutes in, I casually started taking off my Ugg boots with the fur on the inside.

"What-ever are we going to do for the next three hours, Jojo?" I said innocently. He watched me undress slowly: My skinny red jeans, my black button down shirt, my red tank top underneath, until there was nothing less but a red silk thong.

Jo began to chuckle. "Never one to be subtle, are you, Angel?"

"You wouldn't want that anyway," I said seductively.

I crawled over to him and reached inside his dinner jacket, sliding it off his arms. I lifted up his red turtleneck. He let me take it off him, along with his tank top, and I reached back down and began to take off his boots, then his belt buckle. He sat back and watched me do all the work, stripping him of his clothes.

When he was down to his red boxer briefs, I ran my fingers through his curly back chest hair and licked his nipples, kissing him all the way to his neck. He reached down and grabbed my butt cheeks, putting me in his lap facing him. He grabbed my face and kissed me aggressively, and I moved my cock against his.

He reached behind me and slid two fingers inside of me, making me moan. As he expected I had already prepared my bum right before we left, making it nice and wet for him. He lifted my head to the side and attacked my neck, sucking me there while still fingering me. I need all of him, so I pulled back first and got on my knees again.

I pulled his monster cock out of the slit in his underwear and put my lips around him. He moaned and allowed me to deep throat him a few times until he completely hardened on me. Then I turned around and lowered myself on him.

I leaned back and began to move. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pinched my nipples. I closed my eyes and rode my man just the way he likes it, wining my waist around and bouncing on his cock. He kissed the back of my neck and bit my shoulders. I took my time, gave him all of me. When he was close he reached out and began to stroke my cock. It didn't take me long to start shooting out ropes of cum onto the other seat. I squeezed my insides and felt Jo's shooting his protein inside of me too.

I fell back against his chest, exhausted. I could feel his racing heartbeat through my back as he kept his hand around my cock.

He kissed my neck. "We still have two hours and twenty-four minutes left," he said softly.

I laughed. "One hour. Then we go again."


The concert was everything we thought it was going to be. Shawn and Camilla sang songs together, did their sets separately, then sang songs together again. Jo danced with me in the aisle and we kissed the whole time that Shawn sang Falling All In You, it became our song a few years ago.

On the limo ride back, I grabbed my phone to call Alicia but Jo must have known because he snatched it from my hands. "No, Micah."

"Jooooo!" I whined.

"No Micah. She's fine. It's fine. The baby is fine. Stop worrying so much." He turned my phone completely off and put it in his pocket.

"But what if there is an emergency?"

"Then she'll call my phone. Or the place we're staying, did you give her the address and phone number?"

"I know but-"

"It's fine, Angel. It's fine." He rubbed my shoulders trying to calm me down.

"I was quiet for a moment, then said, "Sometimes I don't think you understand how I feel."

"So tell me how you feel," he said. "I'll listen."

"It's this excitable but nervous energy all the time around having a baby. I've always wanted to have children, you know that. But I just want everything to be perfect. Even if I'm not perfect, I want to have the perfect start so my baby has the perfect life. Because I didn't have the perfect start and look how my life turned out. I don't know if any of this is making sense."

"It is," Jo confirmed. "And I think you need to let go of this whole idea of perfect. We are going to do everything right to ensure our child has a good life, although we're not perfect. Just the fact that we're a gay male couple means this child is already going to have an unconventional life. So we just need to be okay with the differences first, and help our child navigate through the world."

"But that's just it. Like you said, we're already a gay couple bringing a child into this world. They are already going to have a tough start once they realize that their family is different. We're going to be different parents than what they see their friends have, a mommy and a daddy. How can I prepare my child for that? That the world may be unforgiving at best and downright hateful at worse?"

"We can surround them with love, honesty and help them develop a pure and kind heart that will attract others with pure and kind hearts. That's all we can do. And they will have a perfect start because you're going to be an amazing dad, even if you make mistakes. Because you are already thinking of the things that's going to affect them in the long run. That's what a good parent does. So one stage at a time, okay?"

I nodded and settled closer to him. "Jojo? You don't have any fears?"

He chuckled. "I have all the fears. Am I really ready for this? To be a dad? To start a family? I didn't have a dad growing up, so I don't know what that looks like, caring for a child. If it's a boy, how can I replicate a father-son relationship that I never had? If it's a girl, how am I going to be able to relate? I have all kinds of fears and concerns about being a parent. But at the end of the day, I just need to jump right in and hope for the best. Right?"

"Yeah...I guess we do."

"I'm not striving for perfection in parenting. For once in my life I'm like a fish out of water. No amount of book reading and studying is going to prepare me. But if I can get some things right..." He sighed.

I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "You're going to be a great dad. I can feel it."

He squeezed me tighter. "And so are you, Angel. So are you."


The limo stopped at the small inn. Jo stepped out first and looked around the quiet town. "This is really rural. Are they any Black people here at all?"

I chuckled. "Probably not, but it's gay friendly so we're among friends."

"Hmmm..." Jo mumbled in his throat skeptically.

We stepped in and the front entrance was warm and inviting. The atmosphere was not overdone with Valentine Day decorations, just red flowers in different vases all around. The woman at the desk was friendly.

"Welcome to Inn Love at the B&B, do you have a reservation?"

"Yes, under Martin," I told her. I happily changed my last name from Bermudez to his immediately after we got married.

She clicked around in her system and found my name. She handed me a present bag full of goodies and a key. "Room 2, west wing. Breakfast is served between 6am and 9am daily in the dining room. We hope you enjoy your stay."

Jo grabbed our luggage and we went up the short steps and down the hall to the room with a cursive 2 on it. I opened the door and it was the cutest little room ever, something you would see out of a country magazine. Queen size bed with iron bed posts, thick comforter with a hand quilted throw at the edge, traditional oak wooden furniture of a table, a dresser and two night stands. The only thing modern in the room was the flat screen TV against the wall.

"Oh em gee, this is more perfect than I thought it was going to be!" I squealed.

Jo checked out the bathroom while I looked out the large window overlooking the back patio and yard. I sat at the edge of the bed and opened up the bag given to us at the front desk. It was a note from the owner thanking us for choosing their establishment, a bag of Hershey's kisses, two small champagne bottles and two long stemmed roses. "It's perfect," I said to myself.

"This is really nice," Jo said coming out of the bathroom toward me.

"Yeah, I knew you would-"

But he pulled me up to a stand and put his tongue in my mouth. He began grabbing at my clothes aggressively, popping the buttons off my black shirt, practically ripping the red tank top off me. "Jo!" I feigned resistance.

He lifted me up by my cheeks and dropped me onto the bed making me squeal. He bent down and slid off my boots and pulled off my jeans and underwear together. I turned around and tried to crawl up the bed but he yanked me by my legs and pulled me back toward the bed.

"AAAH!" I yelled excitedly.

He slapped my ass roughly. "Stay right there," he demanded.

Jo quickly came out of his shirt and dropped his jeans to his ankles, his Timberland boots still attached to him. When he went to the bag I jumped off the bed and went to the wall next to the bed. He came back over to me with the tube of lube and turned me around, kicking my feet apart.

"You don't have to be rough," I scolded.

"Shut up and take it," he told me back, making me giggle.

Jo put three gelled fingers inside of me making me moan loudly. He added lube to his own cock and pressed inside of me right up against the wall. "Ooooh," I moaned as he filled me up.

He grabbed my wrists with one hand and held it over my head, held onto my waist with his other hand and began to pound me. Hard, rough thrusts. I could do nothing but relax my body, take it and scream, calling on Jesus, Mary, Joseph and all the saints in between. After a while he pulled back and slid out of me, making me groan, my insides aching to be filled again. He turned me around, held my jaw with one hand and kissed me aggressively, his tongue invading my mouth.

I wrapped my arms around him as he lifted me up completely, walking us both to the other side of the room and planting my body on the dresser with a loud plop. He slid my bottom to the edge, put my legs on his shoulders and reinserted himself in me. In this scrunched up position, he fucked me hard again, him grunting loudly, me moaning loudly, his thighs slapping my ass, the dresser banging against the wall with every thrust.

I didn't even have time to tell him, my orgasm shut down my mind and my cock began spurting out cum between us, spraying us both. Jo let out a "Hmmmm...." and pumped a few more times before he threw his head back and moaned loudly. I felt the warmth of his cum and sighed with elation. He fell forward against me, his body hot and sweaty for me.

Someone knocked on the door, making us pull apart. "Shit," Jo mumbled and pulled up his jeans. I stumbled off the dresser and pulled the quilt around my body like a towel to open the door.

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