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Vampire Multiverse: The Strain

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Blade, Morbius and Lady Dimitrescu fight The Master.
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"Our champion, Mister Quinlan, has fallen, The Master has taken a new body and we need a new champion," said Mr. Fet. The tall, dark-haired and pale-skinned, goateed exterminator looked at the tall, dark-skinned and leather-clad Dhampir, wondering what was going through his mind. The Master and his Strigoi were still out there following the deaths of Ephraim Goodweather, Kelly Goodweather, Zach Goodweather, Mr. Quinlan and Professor Setrakian. Blowing up huge chunks of NYC hadn't done the trick. The resurgent Strigoi and The Master were still a threat to humanity.

"This isn't my world, I accidentally got sucked through a portal, but hunting down vampires is my business," Blade said confidently. Mr. Fet smiled and shook Blade's hand while Dutch looked on. The slender, blonde-haired cyber activist turned freedom fighter seemed a bit doutful about Blade, but then again she felt the same way about the late, great Mr. Quinlan. The half-human, half-Strigoi warrior went all out against The Master, who killed him before taking over Ephraim Goodweather's body. Dutch sincerely hoped that this Blade guy was up to the task of hunting down The Master.

"You are going to need allies in this," Dutch said to Blade, who scowled. Blade looked at the blonde woman, and sniffed the air. This broad was trouble, the way sexy women with an attitude problem usually were. Blade could tell that Mr. Fet and this Dutch lady were a couple, and that she pulled the strings in that relationship. Blade didn't care one way or another. He was there to hunt down and kill vampires. If any good came from Blade getting sucked through the Portal when Dr. Strange summoned all beings who knew Spiderman across the Multiverse, it's that it presented him with a new world of vampires to slay.

"I work alone," Blade said, stoic as ever, and Dutch dropped the subject while Mr. Fet smiled. In many ways, Blade reminded Mr. Fet of his old pal and former ally Mr. Quinlan. Like Blade, Mr. Quinlan was neither human nor vampire, but he was a stoic warrior who fought vampires and gave his life to protect humanity. Blade was like a cowboy, but with an urban flair to him. The guy had skills and knew what he was doing. Mr. Fet did right by contacting Blade. He had a feeling that Blade just might be able to put down The Master for good, something that Mr. Quinlan died trying to do. Let the games begin...

Blade walked away, knowing that Dutch and Mr. Fet were staring at him, and not caring one bit. In recent years, Blade's life had been plagued by tragedy. Blade's beloved mentor and father figure Abraham Whistler died, having blown himself up in an attempt to take out the vampire-controlled police who were hunting him and Blade. Blade then linked up with the Nightstalkers, a group of vampire hunters led by Abigail Whistler, Abraham Whistler's daughter, and Hannibal King, a cool dude who simply didn't know how to shut up. Together with his new allies, Blade took on Dracular, Lord of all vampires, and the vampire cabal that awakened him and unleashed him upon humanity.

After a long, drawn-out battle, Blade managed to kill Dracula, although he nearly died in the attempt. A retro-virus created by the Nightstalkers was supposed to wipe out the vampire race, but it merely killed a few thousand vampires. Tens of thousands of vampires remained alive and well in Blade's version of Planet Earth. Blade tracked down his former lover and ally Dr. Karen Jensen, the strong and beautiful black woman who fought by his side against vampire prince Deacon Frost and La Magra, the vampire deity itself. Blade and Karen began hunting down vampires together, and they had a good thing going. Until Blade got sucked into this weird Portal, all because of Spiderman and Dr. Strange and their magical hijinks. Bunch of fuckers...

Blade wasn't the only inter-dimensional and cross-reality visitor brought to this version of the Planet Earth by one of Spiderman and Dr. Strange's damned portals. A portal opened to the Resident Evil Universe, and a tall, pale-skinned and dark-haired lady stepped through it. This individual was none other than Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, a sexy, bloodthirsty villainess with an antihero's honor code. The mutated, bloodthirsty female monster stepped onto this new version of Earth, and sniffed the air.

"Hmm, I smell humans, cowering with fear, and something like myself, which craves blood, yet fears daylight," Lady Alcina Dimitrescu said to herself. The sexy female giant strode through the darkness, and looked at the cityscape. Yeah, Lady Alcina Dimitrescu realized that she was in New York City, or rather, this reality's version of New York City. Shrugging, Lady Alcina Dimitrescu headed to NYC. She was thirsty for blood, sex and adventure. Hopefully the humans and the vampires of this reality would prove more of a challenge than the idiots and monsters of the Umbrella Corporation. The lady does like a good fight, but it can't be too easy...

Elsewhere on the version of the Planet Earth where The Master and his Strigoi plagued Mankind, different Portals opened. Morbius, fresh from dispatching his old pal and escaping the police, stepped through the Portal. After that conversation with The Vulture, a Spiderman villain from the MCU, Morbius decided to do some multiversal exploration of his very own. As soon as Morbius arrived on this version of Earth, he detected a disturbing yet familiar scent. There were vampires around, lots of them. Morbius looked at the sky, smiled and began to hunt...

"Happy hunting," Morbius said to himself, and he wandered down the park, and emerged onto what looked like New York City. Taking to the air, the Living Vampire soared above the American metropolis and checked out the scene. On the streets below, Morbius saw ordinary men and women, and they were duking it out with what appeared to be pale-skinned ghouls with huge tongues. Several of the ghouls cornered a couple near Central Park, and Morbius flew down to investigate. The Living Vampire is fond of adventure and always up for a fight...

Yvon Clark and his wife Agnes Mattison fought bravely against the Strigoi, but they were surrounded. Their friends Paul, Stephanie, Hannah and Josephine had all been stung by the Strigoi, and even now, they were being infested by the damned worms. The couple, a tall young black man and a chubby young white woman, exchanged a smile as they braced themselves for their final fight. Seven strigoi converged on their position. They were dead meat, and they knew it.

"Bunch of pale imitations," Morbius said as he dropped out of the sky, and placed himself between the Strigoi and the hapless interracial couple. The Strigoi looked at the Living Vampire in abject confusion. The creature they faced was not human, and smelled like a vampire, but it was somehow different. Lashing out with their huge tongue-stingers, the Strigoi attached Morbius. Moving at super speed, Morbius smashed his gloved fists through the Strigoi's skulls, and killed six of them. The seventh Strigoi looked at Morbius through crimson eyes, and paused.

"What are you?" demanded the red-eyed Strigoi, and Morbius smiled, then smashed the creature's skull. He didn't know that the creature he'd just slain was a puppet of The Master, the Vampire conqueror of this version of the Planet Earth. The Living Vampire turned to the couple, and Yvon and Agnes stared at him, stunned. Morbius saw that the humans seemed to be afraid of him, and reverted to a more mundane appearance. Now he just looked like a long-haired hipster type rather than a monster. Raising his hands in the air, Morbius smiled at the humans. He was there to help, after all.

"I am Morbius, I'm not from around here but I mean you no harm," Morbius said, and instead of replying, Yvon and Agnes took off. A second later, Morbius realized why they left. A horde of Strigoi barreled toward him from down the street. There had to be at least sixty of the long-tongued, pale-skinned vampire-like creatures. Morbius shrugged and braced himself for a fight. The Strigoi couldn't fly, had no magical abilities and seemed easy to kill. The humans of this version of Earth must be really dumb or lazy to let such hapless monsters overrun a fine place like New York City. Sighing, Morbius went to work...

Riding a motorcycle through the nighttime streets of New York City, Blade mowed down Strigoi left and right with his AK-47 which fired silver bullets. Blade aimed for the head, as always, and the Strigoi died like cattle. The Strigoi reminded Blade of the vampire monsters created by his old, dead enemy Jared Nomak. The vampires of Jared Nomak's blood line had huge tongue-like stingers that they used to infect both humans and normal vampires, and drain their blood. The Strigoi's tongue-like stingers were longer than those of the Jared Nomak vampire line, but they were just as easy to slay. Blade took care of business, as always.

Blade saw a couple fleeing from a horde of Strigoi, and the couple, a black dude with his obligatory chubby white girlfriend, were soon surrounded by the Strigoi. Shaking his head at the humans ineptitude, Blade went to help them. Sometimes, Blade wondered why the spandex brigade, the superheroes such as Spiderman, She-Hulk, Captain Marvel, the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Wolverine and the X-Men, Iron Man, Thor, Falcon, the Winter Soldier, Captain America, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, the Hulk, Black Widow and the other Avengers didn't fight vampires. These Saturday morning cartoon rejects preferred to fight aliens and weirdoes from other dimensions, leaving the dirty work of the multiverse to gritty realistic heroes like Blade. Bunch of fuckers, for real...

"Get down," Blade shouted as he exploded into action. Leaping from the motorcycle, Blade somersaulted through the air and landed between the black dude, the plump white woman, and the horde of Strigoi attacking them. The Strigoi stared at Blade and sniffed the air. The tall, dark-skinned African American superhero looked human but smelled like a vampire. Blade took advantage of the Strigoi's hesitation to mow them down with his silver-bullet-laden guns. The Strigoi died like cattle, spilling white blood on the pavement.

"Thank you, sir, I'm Yvon and this is my girlfriend Agnes," said the tall black dude, and Blade nodded. The Daywalker was about to introduce himself when he heard some commotion. A bunch of Strigoi were close by, and they were duking it out with a tall, dark-haired and pale-skinned dude who hovered in the air. Blade frowned as he recognized Morbius, another member of the spandex brigade. He didn't know this version of Morbius, but remembered tangling with another version of him along with Spiderman a long time ago. Must be another visitor brought along by those damned portals opened by Spiderman and Dr. Strange...

"Hey, Morbius," Blade shouted, and the tall, dark-skinned Dhampir joined the fray, shooting Strigoi left and right. Morbius grabbed a Strigoi and smashed its skull, then decapitated a third. There were dozens of the creatures, though, and some of them seemed stronger than others. One of them in particular, a tall, suited, aristocratic and very human-looking Strigoi who had only one hand, came at Morbius at amazing speeds. Morbius narrowly dodged the fast Strigoi's attack. This fucker was too damn fast...

"I am Thomas Eichorst, The Master's chief servant and bodyguard," said the fast-moving Strigoi. Morbius went after Eichorst but the fast-moving fucker sped away, leaving the rest of the Strigoi to deal with the Living Vampire. Suddenly, dozens of Strigoi came at Morbius and began pulling him down. Even with his superhuman strength and speed, Morbius had his limits. Wracked with deep despair, Morbius fought for his life. The Strigoi came for him and tried to infect him, and Morbius wondered whether he could get infected with those weird worms just like a normal human. Oh well, he was about to find out...

"Get down, fucker," Blade shouted, and he decapitated the three Strigoi closest to Morbius with a single stroke of his Samurai sword. Morbius smiled as the tall black man in the leather jacket mowed down the Strigoi, cutting them down with his sword and silver-firing guns. In no time at all, Blade slaughtered all the Strigoi that were surrounding Morbius. The Living Vampire approached his savior, and held out his hand.

"Thank you for saving my life," Morbius said to Blade, and the tall black superhero scowled, then punched Morbius in the face. Morbius blinked, wondering if he'd been wrong about Blade being his savior. The dude didn't smell like a human, but he wasn't a vampire either. Blade and Morbius faced one another. The two were about to get into it, when more and more Strigoi converged on their position. Shaking his head, Blade readied his weapons while Morbius also braced himself for a fight. Settling their differences would wait...

"Morbius, I should have known that you had something to do with my being here, you and Spiderman really fucked up this time," Blade said as he shot the approaching Strigoi. Morbius frowned as he realized that Blade had to be from another universe, just like him. After his conversation with The Vulture, Morbius knew who Spiderman and Dr. Strange were. The damned MCU heroes and their penchant for opening portals and toying with timelines were fucking things up for antiheroes and villains across the damned multiverse. As hundreds of Strigoi came at them, Morbius and Blade fought as hard as they could. They wouldn't go down easily...

"Slay them, my minions," said The Master, wearing Dr. Ephraim Goodweather's body. Standing on a rooftop with his henchman Thomas Eichorst by his side, The Master watched as Blade and Morbius fought hundreds of Strigoi. The tall black male superhero and the dark-haired, hipster-looking antihero fought bravely against the Strigoi horde but they were hopelessly outnumbered. Yvon and Agnes, the two humans that the superhero and the antihero fought to save, ran away like rabbits. Anticipating a good show, The Master smiled while watching the fight.

"Is this a guys only party or can a lady play too?" came a loud female voice. The Master was stunned to see a towering, pale-skinned and dark-haired female enter the battlefield. The giantess towered over the Strigoi, and was even taller than Joseph Sardu, the Eastern European giant whose body The Master inhabited for decades. Lady Alcina Dimetrescu grabbed the Strigoi and squished them like puppets. After slaughtering hundreds of Strigoi within moments, the sexy giantess looked at Blade and Morbius.

"Ahem, friend of yours, Morbius?" Blade asked, and Morbius shook his head. The two heroes stood there as Lady Alcina Dimitrescu came near. The gal was obviously not human, and smelled a little like a vampire, but she wasn't a Strigoi either. At once Blade and Morbius realized that this lady must be a visitor from another universe just like them. Dammit, Spiderman and Dr. Strange really screwed up. Morbius tapped Blade's shoulder and placed himself between the dark-skinned Dhampir and the pale-skinned giantess. Some situations require finesse, and that's one of Morbius specialties. Blade was too much of a cowboy sometimes...

"Hello, dear lady, I am Morbius, and this is my associate Blade, we come in peace," Morbius said, bowing his head gently. Lady Alcina Dimitrescu looked at the tall, pale-skinned vampire hipster and his tall, muscular and dark-skinned associate. Neither of them was human, and they were a mixture of humanity and vampirism, just like her. They also smelled different from the other humans of this universe, so they had to be from elsewhere, just like her. Lady Alcina Dimitrescu decided to spare their lives, as long as they proved useful, and entertaining.

"I am Lady Alcina Dimitrescu of Romania," said the sexy female giant. Blade and Morbius smiled, and nodded. After getting the introductions out of the way, the three inter-dimensional visitors went to a building rooftop, away from the humans and the Strigoi, for a little chat. Blade, Morbius and Lady Alcina Dimitrescu realized that they had a lot in common. They needed to band together to beat The Master and his Strigoi, and hopefully find a way to return to their respective versions of the Planet Earth. One thing they all agreed on? The Strigoi-infested Earth absolutely sucks!

"I need to create more Strigoi warriors, and use the ancient ways, these three superhumans are formidable," said The Master, and Thomas Eichorst nodded sagely. The Master and his favorite henchman vanished in the darkness. After defeating Mr. Quinlan, also known as The Born, and getting rid of Professor Abraham Setrakian, The Master thought the Planet Earth would be easy to conquer. The Strigoi were too formidable for the average human. It would seem that fate complicated things by outsourcing champions to defend Mankind. No matter, The Master would take out his enemies, like he's always done for the past three thousand years...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You could have combined all this garbage in to one bad story. Instead we have to vote 1 star 4 times.

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