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Vanyel and Jonne

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The short interlude with the shy Guardsman.
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Vanyel's stories only make sense, if you have read the three Valdemar books called the Last Herald Mage series by Mercedes Lackey. This chapter relates to the short interlude with Guardsman Jonne, whom Vanyel met as a grown man during his Border duties of defending Valdermar against their Karsite enemies. Yfandes is Vanyel's Companion ('magic horse'). The part of the book leading up to Vanyel's erotic escapade is cited.

Dreams, thoughts and Mindspeech (telepathy) are in italics, and in addition Mindspeech is shown between : text : signatures as in the Valdemar books. Shay'a'chern is Hawk brother language for gay.


Vanyel and Jonne

From the beginning of Book 2 Magic's Promise when Vanyel comes home from a long, hard stint at the Border and finds a letter from his father waiting for him, as usual hinting his displeasure at Vanyel's sexual preference.

The trouble was, Yfandes was right. For the past few months he'd been reduced to a level where he wasn't really thinking at all - just concentrating on each step as it came, and trying to survive it.

:I could wish you were less alone.:

:Don't encourage me in self-pity, Yfandes. It's funny, isn't it?:Vanyel replied, his lips twitching involuntarily, though not with amusement.:Dear Father seems to think I've been seducing every susceptible young man from here to the Border, and I've been damned near celibate. The last was -- when?:

The weeks, the months, they all seemed to blur together into one long endurance trial. A brief moment of companionship, then a parting; inevitable, given his duties and Jonne's.

:Three years ago,:Yfandes supplied, immediately, her mindvoice almost fond.:That rather sweet Guardsman.:

Vanyel remembered the person, though not the time.

"Hello. You're the Herald-Mage, aren't you?"

Vanyel looked up from the map he was studying, and smiled. He couldn't help it -- the diffident, shy smile the Guardsman wore begged to be answered.

"Yes, -- are you --"

"Guardsman Jonne. Your guide. I was born not half a league from here." The guileless expression, the tanned face and thatch of hair, the tiny net of humor lines about the thoughtful hazel eyes, all conspired to make Vanyellikethis man immediately.

"Then you, friend Jonne, are the direct answer to my prayers," he said. Only later, when they were alone, did he learn what other prayers the Guardsman had an answer for --

:Jonne. Odd for such a tough fighter to be so diffident, even gentle. Though why he should have been so shy, when he was five years older and had twice my -- uh -- experience --:

:Your reputation, beloved. A living legend came down off his pedestal and looked to him for company.:Yfandes sent him an image of a marble saint-statue hopping out of its niche and wriggling its eyebrows in a come-hither look. There was enough of a tired giggle in her mind-voice to get an equally tired chuckle out of his.

But he sobered again almost immediately.:And that lasted how long? Two months? Three? Certainly not more.:

:You were busy -- you had duties -- both of you. It was your duties that parted you.:

Van sighed again, realizing that he was worn out from five years of continuous duties at the border. He had already been tired when he met Jonne, and he finally admitted to himself, that he and Jonne might not have had even that brief and much needed partnering, if his shields had not slipped for a moment, due to a particular tough day and a slight wound.

Vanyel recalled the situation vividly, sitting on the edge of his bed, his tunic on the small travel chest next to him, while he was trying to remove the dressing on his shoulder with one hand. Jonne came in, bringing Van the bowl of hot water the Herald had requested.

The Guardsman had approached slowly, and Vanyel had assumed that his hesitation was due to an objection to being in the company of a half-naked man, who was rumored to prefer other men for bedfellows. But the moment Jonne touched him, he had learnt otherwise --

The fighter had set the bowl down and said: "Let me help you with that, Herald Vanyel." And before Van could refuse or get his shields back to full, he had reached out and removed the dressing on the shallow wound from a stray arrow four days before. Van sat frozen and overwhelmed, while Jonne bathed the graze with gentle hands and pronounced it healed enough to leave open to the air.

And while he touched Vanyel, his desire to let his fingers move on to other places and to have Van caress him in return were as plain as a shout in your face.

Even so, the stupefied Herald might not have acted on this unexpected possibility, but suddenly Yfandes had sent him a brief picture of her settling outside the entrance to his tent; clearly in order to prevent anyone from disturbing them needlessly. Followed by a wordless admonishment NOT to blow this chance, then a blank as she shielded him out, giving him privacy. His tent was already pitched at a distance from most of the other tents, though of course within the perimeter of the camp.

Vanyel gave an involuntary twitch of his shoulders, trying to dispel the shocked feeling of disbelief. Jonne removed his hands with a surprised and slightly worried sound.

Then as Van said, trying to sound casual: "Oh, sorry, it was just a small cramp, my shoulders are all knotted up," the warm and soothing hands came back and began to massage the top of his shoulders. This time Van deliberately opened his shields to Jonne's surface thoughts and emotions, and there was absolutely no doubt that the guardsman was physically attracted to him and certainly firmlyshay'a'chern-- or 'shaych' that new slang word Tran had just now used for same-sex preferences.

As Jonne rubbed the Herald's shoulders with evident pleasure and lust, his disjointed thoughts made Van go weak at the knees:Gods, I can't believe, I'm touching him -- he's so beautiful -- I want him -- oh, stop fooling yourself, he could have anyone he wanted in his bed, why should he ask you -- just be grateful that he is letting you do this -- his hair is like silk -- if I could just kiss his neck, taste his soft skin -- feel his hands on me --

As Jonne got to this part, Van felt him shifting in discomfort. He was kneeling on the bed behind the Herald, and Van knew that the cause of the guardsman's small movements was an unbidden but undeniable erection straining against and uncomfortably constrained by his breeches.

Vanyel could no longer pretend that their need was not mutual, and he reached up to put his hands on top of Jonne's. He slowly moved them down his chest, saying: "I would be more than pleased, if you would care to extend your attention to the rest of my body, friend Jonne."

Then he turned around and smiled into the startled but delighted face of the man behind him: "And I'm dying to getmyhands onyournaked body, so why don't you let me remove --" He didn't get any further, because the handsome fighter leaned forward and kissed him.

The Herald smiled at the memory of that kiss, sweet and unassuming and plainly deliriously happy that he had just been invited to share the bed of the man, Jonne had lusted for the moment he set eyes on him. There was no awkwardness or shame in Jonne, his sexuality was as innocent and natural as a young buck in rut -- and he certainly rode his partner in the same focused and determined way!

Van couldn't help reveling in the delicious recollection of their first pairing, such an unexpected gift answering his needs in every way. But of course he also enjoyed the subsequent times they spent together, even though they were few and sometimes hurried, moments of mutual appreciation in a hectic, dangerous and duty filled life.

But that first night, they had had time to savor the desire and their lustful bodies. They had undressed each other slowly, running fingers and mouths over warm skin, as it was exposed. Jonne was muscular and well trained, his body was strong and masculine in a way that made Van ache with desire, and yet at the same time the Guardsman dealt gently with his lover.

He stroked Van's rigid phallus, then took him in his mouth and licked, kissed and sucked, until the Herald could no longer contain himself and came in the wet cave. Van's hoarse cries were muffled by the bedclothes, as he again experienced the wonderful sensation of his partner swallowing every drop, emptying him totally and willingly.

Then Jonne had pulled the bedclothes and him down on the canvas covered ground, the bed being to rickety for what he wanted from the Herald.And Havens know, I was more than eager to provide him with that, to stand on all fours and let him mount me!

Why should this recollection bother him? There was no harm in it, they were willing, consenting adults, and Jonne had been careful and considerate, even in his ardor and determined penetration. He had asked Van for some oil, and had spent so much time preparing his lover's rear entrance, that Van had begged to be taken in the end.

I was wild with lust, and I wanted him inside me, filling me...Well, he had certainly got what he asked for, Jonne was quite well endowed, and as the oiled phallus pressed through the aperture and entered him, Van whimpered in equal parts pleasure and pain. But the pain was soon over, once the engorged head was past the initial barrier, the fighter was able to plunge his warm sword deep into the slick tunnel, making them both gasp and moan with shared pleasure.

Again and again Jonne thrust his thick shaft inside Van, his flat, hard stomach hitting the firm buttocks, while he held the slender hips. He did not pause or prolong the ride, but he had the stamina of a stallion in its prime,well, in a way that is what he was.

Van shook his head in amusement,by the time he had finished with me, when he finally spent himself inside me, I was so sore and well-used, that it was a wonder, I was able to sit in the saddle the next day.

But his body had been relaxed and satisfied, as he lay in Jonne's arms, and they both enjoyed the aftermath of their lovemaking, kissing and giving the small caresses which signaled that they would want to repeat this wonderful experience at soon as possible.Well, and so we did, but this time I was not the only one with a sore behind...

Vanyel grinned, then bit his lip, as he remembered, how Jonne had reacted to his lover's wish at first.He was worried, even though he trusted me absolutely. For all his experience, he had never had to accommodate anyone of my size.But the Guardsman had been determined to try, even though Van had immediately withdrawn his request.

But first, oh first he drew me down over him, and we both had our work cut out for us, trying to take as much as possible of the erect shafts into our mouths. I enjoy pleasuring a man with lips and tongue, I adore it, when someone does it to me, but simultaneously -- ahh that is a game, which can drive me absolutely wild in a very short time!

And Jonne had been just the same. Once he found out that Vanyel relished being on his back or side, surrendering to the expert fondling of his genitals by the guardsman's hands and mouth, while at the same time receiving a swollen phallus in his own mouth, their lovemaking always included this aspect.

Sometimes, they did not get any further, but exploded in twin orgasms, although rarely at the same time. The experience was still wonderful, drinking the salty semen of each other, while their fingers probed the sensitive areas and felt the anal contractions with triumph. But at other times, when they were not so desperately needy or hurried, the mutual stimulation was followed by even more intimate joinings.

As the second time Van had spent in Jonne's embrace. They had been scouting the area, and a sudden rain storm had surprised them. Well, not quite surprised them, they had seen it coming in time to seek shelter in a cave, the Guardsman knew. There was even a natural air channel at the back, so they could light a fire and sit in a sheltered niche to one side with the fire in front of them. Yfandes and Jonne's horse were around the corner in the main part of the cave.

So of course we both realized that we should not waste this chance of privacy and intimacy.Jonne had turned to Vanyel with such desire and longing in his eyes that the Herald was kissing and caressing his face before he had time to think. And the experienced fighter certainly wasted no time in undressing Van and shedding his own clothes.

They made a primitive bed of their cloaks and blankets, and Jonne produced a small bottle of oil from his backpack and proceeded to prepare Van for full intimacy. But when the Herald sat up and reached for the bottle, the Guardsman had stiffened just the tiniest bit, and his eyes dropped in sudden alarm to the large, erect shaft resting against Van's stomach. Then he took a deep breath and surrendered the oil, and when Vanyel offered to forego the experience, he had been adamant: "I want you, whatever it takes -- just make sure I'm properly prepared."

Of course, Vanyel had no objections to this request; he made Jonne tuck down in their love nest with his legs under him and his head resting on his arms. Then he began the erotic and delightful process of massaging the warm, tight tunnel with oil and fingers. They had both relieved themselves shortly before they came to the cave, a natural effect of a whole afternoon of riding exercise, but also to avoid having to go out in the subsequent rain storm. So Van met no resistance, when he slid an oily finger into the exposed opening, and Jonne showed his enjoyment by pushing up against the questing hand. Vanyel widened him slowly and carefully, adding a second and then a third finger, finding the hidden, magic spot, while Jonne moaned and made no effort to hide that he enjoyed the feeling.

But when Vanyel finally withdrew his hand, the Guardsman turned over and reached out for him. He had told Vanyel that he wanted them to make love in every possible way, and the bemused Herald had let him position them for mutual oral sex. He already knew that Jonne was very skillful with his mouth, and now Van learnt that his lover also craved the sensual experience of having his phallus enclosed by a wet cave and willing lips. They licked and suckled and caressed each other, sliding fingers into oil slick tunnels to fondle the sensitive love bumps inside, until they were absolutely wild with lust.

Then Jonne had invited Vanyel to use him fully, kneeling with his head and shoulders against the blankets and reaching around to spread the muscular buttocks. Van had oiled his phallus, while he gazed lustfully on the exposed opening, which glistened enticingly. He had penetrated the slick aperture very carefully, pressing the engorged head of his manhood against the barrier until it slowly gave way and let him enter the desired cave. The sight of his throbbing member slowly disappearing into the loving embrace of Jonne's experienced tunnel was absolutely fantastic, and Van knew he would spend himself immediately, if he began moving too soon.

So he stood quite still, when he had buried himself inside the tight arse. Jonne had cried out when the initial breach had happened, but he had begged Van to continue. After being fully penetrated, the fighter was panting heavily, but insisted that he could bear the pain, and that he loved the feeling of being filled to maximum capacity. When Vanyel did not continue the lovemaking, the Guardsman gave a little wriggle of his hips to indicate his readiness.

The Herald took a deep breath and embarked on the short ride to bliss. He thrust into the willing, beautiful body before him, reveling in the groans of pleasure and acceptance from his partner as he climaxed and spent his seed in another man's rear end for the first time in years.

Vanyel was prepared to withdraw immediately after his orgasm, but Jonne asked him to stay embedded until the last possible moment. When he finally slid out, the Guardsman had sighed: "That was wonderful; easier and much better than I expected. Next time I won't push you so far, before you enter me. I want to enjoy your broadsword for a longer time!" He had given Van a shy and slightly apologetic smile, and the Herald had hastily assured his lover, that he quite understood his apprehension, and he was glad that Jonne had not regretted giving his partner admittance to the most intimate place of his body.Glad, ha, more likely ecstatic that he even contemplated letting me near him again in that way!

But the handsome fighter was as courageous in this aspect of his life as in battle or the dangerous scouting along the enemy border. He had received Van again and again during the subsequent weeks of their short acquaintance, and even teased the embarrassed Herald, that after him he would fear no man's sword. Van shook his head in amusement; whatever had happened to Jonne, he had no doubt that the fighter would embrace life, love and death ardently and with good humor.

He certainly embraced me with ardor and made love to me from the full capacity of his generous heart.In fact, the Guardsman had been even more diligent in giving than receiving. As in that sheltered cave -- when Jonne had gotten his breath back after Van's attentions, he had attacked the Herald with gusto.

He had toppled Van onto his back, holding him down with his strong body pressed against his lover, so that Van could be in no doubt of his desire. The hard phallus rested against his thigh, then his stomach as Jonne kissed him and whispered how much he wanted him. He had parted Van's legs, and his shaft had moved downward and probed between the Herald's buttocks.

I was helpless -- not that I wanted to resist -- but he breached my defenses and occupied the castle with one determined push!Jonne had braced himself on both arms and looked down at Van with such eager lust and desire, that it still warmed the Herald's lonely heart.

Then he had made love to Vanyel for a long time, until both of them were utterly fulfilled and spent -- and sore. Van had woken the next morning with Jonne's hands caressing his body and a whispered hope of a repeat soon.

I think that may have been the main reason, we were so happy together. I never had a moment's doubt that he genuinely desired me. I never felt that he bedded me for any other reason than he wanted my body and couldn't get enough of it. Once he got me to admit that I felt the same, he just assumed that we would make love as often as duty, time and circumstances permitted. And I couldn't resist him, he really was the obvious answer to my prayers...

Vanyel suddenly blushed, as he recalled that their relationship had probably been obvious to others as well. Not that he or Jonne had let it affect their professional lives, as far as he could judge. Jonne had been respectful in public, calling him Herald Vanyel and never presuming on his intimate acquaintance with the Herald-Mage. He obeyed every order from the officers, stood his watches, and carried out other duties just as everyone else.

But somehow most of his duties became related to Vanyel, not through any request of the latter, it just seemed to happen. At first Van had not noticed, he had just been grateful that his camp life seemed to be much easier in many ways, and that he had a surprising number of opportunities to be tumbled by Jonne.

But at some point hedidrealize and had tried to broach the subject with the captain. He had hinted that perhaps he was becoming a little bit spoilt with a Guardsman being almost exclusively devoted to his welfare. He had tried to make a joke of it, saying that he was perfectly capable of looking after his own gear, fetching his food and so on.


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