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Varsity Low Ch. 09

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Griffin hosts a small gathering...
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It was fun for a while

There was no way of knowing

Like a dream in the night

Who can say where we're going

No care in the world

Maybe I'm learning

Why the sea on the tide

Has no way of turning

More than this, you know there's nothing

Roxy Music ---- More Than This


Anders and I had taken to studying together, late, at Sennwick Library, in the two hours or so before closing. It was quiet then, with few other students, just us, some exhausted TA's, proletarian scholars, and driven careerists.

I took a big table in my fave study spot, and settled in with my Political Geography text, a class that was more enjoyable than I had anticipated. Anders sauntered in, took the other chair, and put his backpack down quietly, in a mock display of not disturbing me. With a boyish grin, he slowly slid a Cool Mint Chocolate Cliff Bar towards me, knowing I liked just that flavor. I was again awestruck to find myself so thoroughly adored by this splendid and sweet natured young man, his tangled strawberry blond mane still damp from the locker room showers following wrestling practice.

He was wearing a navy blue quarter zip fleece I had given him, big, but still enhancing his thickly muscled chest, back, and wide shoulders. The zip all the way down, giving me a glimpse of his untrimmed rug of blondish chest hair. Fuck around he was hot.

We had only gotten closer since our recent road trip to the Delaware shore. The easy going silences more comfortable, the intuitive pleasing of each other more subtle and knowing, the glances freighted with meaning. It was all so great.

He fished out the dog-eared paperback copy of "Moby Dick" he was wading thru for a lit class, and we settled in, two undergrads studying late in the quiet library. Grif texted me:

GRIF: Come to my Satyr playpen! 8p Sat night, Caleb will join us for some adult play, as directed

Anders requested this on our trip; that the four of us get together for a boy romp at Grif's off campus digs. I got with Grif, and he made it happen with Caleb. I slid my phone over to Anders so he could read it.

"Whoa. OK. Yeah!" I got his lusty rapscallion butt pirate grin, a bit of bad boy under the wholesome mid-western varsity jock exterior.

"You wanna do this? For real? I have not responded to Griffin yet." I asked.

"Hell yeah. Let's go for it."

"OK then. I'll tell Grif we are onboard," and started texting.

ME: with Anders now, we are all the way in, what can we bring?

GRIF: two XL pies from Little River Pizza, four sixers Rolling Rock in bottles, cold, please

ME: ok, cool, we will be there, L&K

GRIF: awesome! GN!

Just like Grif to invite us over and ask me to bring pizzas and beer. He was always super generous with his weed, and an eager host, so it was still somewhat endearing. I showed this exchange to Anders, and he nodded eagerly. "I will cover the Rock; you get the pizzas."

"Cool. We can fish the GTI out of student parking and get all that before heading to Grif's place on Saturday." I said.

"Thanks Trav. For being so cool about this." Wide green eyes, brows up.

"Not a problem. I get to be with the three hottest dudes on campus, smoke some weed, eat pizza. Caleb will like you." I gave him my own butt pirate grin, and a complicit wink.

I looked around, making sure we could not be heard, and leaned closer. "Caleb's agenda is fairly narrow, He'll come in, drop trou, kick back on the sofa, and let the three of us worship him orally. He'll cum in the mouth of his choice, wipe off his dick, pull his jeans up and leave. The three of us can tear into each other every which way at that point. I'm not trying to put you off, just managing expectations."

Anders grinned, "Yeah, he's townie trade, I get it. It's all good. Thanks for looking out for me, Trav. You always do." I touched the tangled forest of blond fur on his thick forearm lightly with my fingertips, and we resumed our studies in comfortable silence right up to the closing of the library for the night.

<<< >>>

Saturday evening rolled around, and Anders and I were shopping in the Beer Barn out by the Interstate. I pushed the cart, Anders fished the Rolling Rock from the cold case. The Barn swarmed with students, including some of Ander's cool wrestling bros picking up a keg. We were just two more college boys buying suds for our Saturday night.

Next stop was Little River Pizza, also a Saturday night bedlam of students and townies. Dusty old pickups parked next to a privileged heard of student BMWs, Audis and Jeeps that had never carried even a spec of off road mud. I loaded our our pies into the covered hatch of the VW, in the futile hope that my still newish GTI would not reek of pepperoni and grease. Perchance to dream.

At Griffin's place I loaded all four sixers of Rock into Anders' arms, he reared back slightly to balance them, splendid biceps at work. The easy competence and grace of his masculine physicality sent me into a flush of the most abject hero worship. Dude could carry shit. No wonder his teammates called him 'Thor'.

Grif flung open his front door on the first ring. "Whoa. Hot college bros with beer and pizza! Get in here; I am fucking starving." His longish dark hair had been trimmed, still shaggy, and he was clean shaven for the first time in like, ever. He wore a deep pink polo with a 'Country Club of Mobile' logo. The clean up and the polo oddly enhanced his Bama bad boy aura, hellfire on a dimmer switch in eyes the color of Coca-Cola, a vibe of wicked adventure about him.

He greeted Anders with their jockish shoulder hug and fist bump routine. "Trav! Little spoon! Get in here!" He enveloped all of me, big hands on my ass. I huffed his magic Grif scent; weed, locker room shower soap, a hint of Jack Daniels. I got wood, in anticipation of our pending carnal interface.

"Hey, Grif, you look great! Thanks for hosting!" I said.

"Thanks for bringing Anders, and your own serene blond hotness." He mock bowed, always the clown.

The flat was freakishly clean and tidy, given that it was usualy a louche shit storm of weed fueled partying and lusty hook ups. His latest conquest was a godlike Latino varsity LAX player named Jose. Cairns of books on the table desk; an inexplicable mix of texts and literature. He was always on the Dean's List and majoring in economics, his easy academic prowess seemingly at odds with the white trash party boy image he cultivated with his somewhat dimmer bros on the varsity baseball team.

It was a warmish night, the glass sliders full open to the patio, with two lit Tiki torches, and four new plastic Adirondak chairs arranged in a tight circle, clearly to facilitate the outdoor smoking of weed. "You like the patio, Trav?" Grif shouted from the kitchen.

"Very much. Great night for us to enjoy it." I shouted back. I watched Grif and Anders in the tight galley kitchen, Anders putting the Rock in the fridge, Grif wolfing down two slices of pizza over the sink. They shared a history from before my tenure, and they were hot together.

"Sorry boys, I had to eat something. Busy day," Grif said. Caleb arrived, a little late, a little drunk. Anders stepped up and introduced himself to Caleb.

"Hi. Hugh Anders. Everyone calls me 'Anders'." handshake only.

"Caleb. Good to meet you. I've seen you around campus; I work on the grounds crew." Caleb said, looking Anders up and down. Cool, cool, be so cool, let the night implode; I pushed down an acid green twinge of jealousy.

"Trav! Lookin' good, swimmer boy!" Our one-on-one hook up in his truck following some lap swimming earned me a Caleb hug. He smelled Ivory soap clean; black tee, worn Levi's, ASICS sneakers in lieu of dirty work boots. Sleek auburn hair pulled back in a ponytail, just the right amount of dark scruff. At 32, he could still present as a college man. Hot guys in their 30's, 40's still made me coltish and wild. Blue collar studs, coach jock-daddies, hot professors; all could implode my universe with a glance.

"Caleb! Glad you could join us tonight!" I said, quickly recovering my wits after huffing his man scent. Grif handed him a shot of Jack, and Caleb threw it back, then gave him a cold open Rock. There was some secret carnal history with those two as well.

We settled into the circle of patio chairs, chugging Rock, wolfing slices right out of the pizza boxes. The Tiki flames danced in their eyes, and made the scene feel pagan, primal, male.

"Awesome that you have this outdoor space, Grif." I said.

"Thanks Trav. I wanted to get a fire pit, but property management ruled against me. Someday." Grif said, blazing a fat spliff, taking a Rasta-worthy hit, and passing it. Anders' eyes were only on Caleb, and I tried hard not to notice. The joint passed around the circle, Girf's awesome weed. I gaped at the Tiki flames, entranced.

"You still with us, Trav?" Caleb asked.

"Mmm. Call me Duncan Hines boys, 'cuz I am baked like a cake." They roared with laughter at my weed infused state. "Livin' large in suburban Stoned Henge." More laughter from my hot boys. "Grif here, he just lives to get me high." Grif gave me his bad boy smile and a naughty wink.

"Cool smart preppie boy is STONED!" Caleb laughed. "I was trying not to get too fucked up, but that ship has sailed. Workin' a half day tomorrow."

"But, tomorrow is Sunday, Caleb." Anders said.

"Don't matter. Early spring is our busy season. I will be knee deep in mulch." Caleb sighed.

"Fuckin' hot, Caleb, I'd like to see you shirtless, sweaty, and mulch-dirty." I said. Someone had to kick the sex door open and it might as well be me. "Are we gonna get to suck on that meaty hot 8" uncut dick of yours?"

Caleb responded wordlessly by slowly opening his jeans and extracting said dick. The three of us gaped at his male splendor.

"Shall we take this inside to my dumpster sofa boys? I'm already on thin ice with most of my neighbors." Grif clowned, looking up at the darkened windows of the townhouse upstairs.

Caleb shoved jeans and cheap plaid boxers down to his ankles, pulled off the tee and kicked back on the sofa, availing himself of service. Grif went right down on Caleb's 8" uncut dick, leaving room for Anders to get in and lick those big fuzzy balls. Caleb threw his head back, showing a crisp jawline with perfect scruff of dark stubble. He moaned with male pleasure at the attentions of two hot eager college boys.

I stood transfixed by the scene, still clothed. Caleb brought his head back up, and caught me in his intense, dark, unblinking male gazed, and I returned my own blue eyed version. "Get naked for me, Trav." he rasped. "I wanna see all of you, pretty boy!"

I stripped, slow and slutty, the way Grif had taught me, Caleb's dark eyes upon me. Lowering the waistband of my black UA boxer briefs, my 7.5" of cut blond dick leaped out, followed by big blond fuzzed balls. Caleb grinned and gave a thumbs up.

"Trav! Get in here and suck some Caleb dick!" Grif directed, handing off Caleb's shiny, wet, fully hard cock, foreskin full back from the thick blunt dickhead. I went down, slow, lite, teasing, edging, Caleb threw his head and head back "UnnnnnHHH!" Anders was still on ball licking duty, and I reached down and took his girthy 7" of uncut wrestler meat in one hand, wet with his own precum. My other hand was on Grif's fearsome 7" cut, also wet with precum.

I edged Caleb and brought him back, going deep and holding a few times which I knew from experience he really liked. I slurped his precum, slipped off and said, "Anders! suck on Caleb's dick." I fed him the big wet cock, hot to see that much dick in Anders' sweet mouth, Caleb face fucking, but going easy, sussing out what Anders could take.

Caleb pushed us off, removing his ASICS, jeans shorts. He stood, feet spread wide. Anders, on his knees now, went back to taking Caleb's dick, the face fucking rougher. Grif worked his lithe, agile, rangey-ness up from below and started a tongue bath on Caleb's hairy low hangin' nut pair.

My only option at this point was the back door. Not a problem at all, ever. I brushed three days of blond stubble on his little muscled ass, earning a moan. Then, I opened the gates, looked, huffed, and dipped in with some innocent boy tongue flicks. He smelled/tasted like galvanized nails, water drunk from the hose on a hot day. "Yeah, fuckin' Trav, get in there and lick me, boy!" I went to broad strokes. making him shiver and moan, his slot being pleasured to his liking.

Grif was still below decks, tongue scrubbing Caleb's big hanging balls, and now Grif touched my dick and balls. Anders upfront, servicing Caleb, with his series of hot short strokes followed by deeper ones. Caleb held Anders' head still and unloaded a tsunami of jizz. "Unnnngh! Fuck. Yeah! Anders!" Caleb growled. I could hear Anders gulping hard to take Caleb's jizz flood. Gif was still liking balls, I was still tongue to dude hole, the three of us teamed up in hunger for Caleb; his kind of maleness. Time stopped with Caleb's low grunts.

"Fuckin' hot, boys! A+ all around." Caleb praised. We clinked the necks of the green Rock bottles. He was dressed, and kicked back on the sofa.

"Any 'ol time." drawled Grif, the sexy fuck. Caleb was clearly getting ready to leave.

"Are you OK to drive, Caleb? You could stay here. With us." Anders dropped a bold proposition wrapped in a kind invitation. Well played, Thor! Hesitation was the tell, and it was clear for at least an instant, Caleb considered sleeping naked with three hot college boys on a large rumpled futon.

"Ah, thanks, but I walked here from town, got a place there with two guys on the crew. But, ah, really, thanks! Got an early day tomorrow!" Caleb line danced thru his polite evasion. I saw that the narrow Caleb agenda could be expanded. with the right kind of subtle coaching and permission giving.

Then he was at the door. "Grif, thanks for being cruise director! Trav! Always hot, babe! Anders! Wicked hot, bro. I hope I get to see more of you!" We said our good nights, and he was gone into the dark.

"You want me to follow him, make sure he gets home OK?" Anders asked Grif, with some concern for Caleb's safety.

"No. Thanks. He would be really pissed off if he caught on that he was, you know, getting Nannie State from us. Caleb is one tough-assed dude. I think he has done time, but I have not gotten him talking about it. Pride and guts, that is the code in his world." Grif told us, in a resigned tone, a knowing reference to the kind of ingrained southern masculinity he and Caleb had been raised in.

I went to the bottle of Jack on the desk, poured three shots, and took them to my boys. I raised mine and said, "To Caleb! May he remain forever hot and the college boys always slutty and eager!" We drank to Caleb.

Anders had his arm up on the back of the sofa, and I leaned back into his furry pitt, resting my face in the rug of chest fur. Grif took up my legs and started giving a pretty decent foot rub, Who knew that was in the toolbox?

"I've got wood." I said, to the room. Anders reached around to verify my claim.

"Yes, this boy, does in fact, have an abundance of wood." he clowned to Grif, still rubbing my feet with his big baseball player hands. "Grif. Ask for what you want. You are the host." Eyes on Grif, watching dirty scenarios play across his face.

"I want both of you boys to fuck me, missionary, bare, take turns. Bring some rough, make me cum for each of you studs." Griff announced, low, even, forever confident.

"OK. We can execute to that plan." I responded, cooly. I had never fucked Grif before, and got a flush of hot pride at having gotten this far with him. Grif found lube and fuck towels, and padded over to the futon, were Anders and I joined him.

"Trav goes first, Anders, you just watch me with Trav." I was horned as fuck after pointedly not cumming during the Caleb scene. I went down on Grif, slow, edging him, getting him ramped up for his fuck. I went lower, sucked his ample fuzzed balls, the dark hairs wet and slicked down from my spit. Griff put his legs back and held his ankles, my cue to give him some rim, and I dove in, eager to pleasure him, varsity butt boy, I greased my own wood lightly, not wanting to spill too soon.

I reared back, took two fingers of Vaseline, greased his tight jock dude slot, fingers all the way in. I put my greasy blond dickhead against his hole, feeling him relax. "Fuck me Trav! Make me cum!" he hissed. I went balls deep in one fearsome thrust; Grif tensed, then cried out in pain. Anders was watching intently, his own thickness drooling precum.

I took some lubed and greased up Grif's cock, he moaned, horned for it. I started pounding him while stroking his dick, "Fuck me! I gotta cum!" I pounded harder, going about halfway in, while stroking his rock hard Grif dick. He shot from my handie, ropes and spatters going everywhere; face, hair, the planes of his brown chest, lean brown belly. "unh, unh, unh, unh, fuck!"

I was now in full rut, pounding him hard. He reached back and touched my fuzzy scrunched up cum ready balls with just his fingertips. Triggered by his ball touches, I shot, lots, deep in him. "Unnnnnnnnhhh!, fuck! yeah! Yeah!" I could hear myself but far away. Sweat dripped from me onto Grif's Satyr-jock torso. We calmed down, and I gave him a dominating rough kiss from above, still hard inside his butt hole. Grif surrendered, alpha jock now my butt bitch.

"Damn, Trav! Why didn't I have you fuck me before? You were fearsome!" Grif could not stop smiling at me.

"Any time Griffin. You know how to find us." I clowned, flushed with pride that I had pleasured one of the hottest jock studs on campus with my big blond dick.

Anders spoke up "Don't clean Grif up; I wanna fuck that sloppy Trav cummy hole!" I yielded my place to Anders, wiping my dick off on the towel. Anders went in to lick Grif's cum off of his lean brown torso, Grif's hand in Anders' shaggy strawberry blond mane, gentle, affectionate. I settled back, ready to watch Anders run his fuck with Grif.

Anders went down on Grif, getting him hard again, while greasing his own uncut and formidable girth. Anders had been working on his suck technique; using the curled tongue tube move on Grif got a low long moan, head thrown back. Anders took his time giving Grif his hot wet suck, getting Grif ready for his cock.

Grif put his legs back, "Fuck me Anders! Gimme that thick meat!' he hissed, demanded, instructed. I watched Anders mount Grif's boy slot, lubed and cummy from my use. I could tell Anders was into the idea of my jizz in Grif's hole providing the lube for his fuck. Anders was slow and gentle at first, then got into his deep digger workmanlike fuck style, not pulling back much. It was awesome to watch Anders throw a fuck; every muscle working, even his toes were splayed, a low grunt every time he went deep, head thrown back. A dark lean Satyr getting ass pounded by a thickly muscled blond Thor.

Grif was writhing, masturbating his own cock in a frenzy, "Fuck me! Make it HURT!" Anders pounded faster, and Grif shot a nice load, given that he had already cum for me. "Unnnnh! Ah! Yeah!" Anders unloaded at the same time, rutting in Grif, eyes rolled back, sounds of the wild coming from his unleashed primal male state. Fur slicked with sweat. Dudes were fucking hot together, and I enjoyed watching more than I thought I would.

I stayed still, letting both boys fetch around, Anders spent cock slipping from Grif's very cummy dude hole. Anders looked at me, "Lick up Grif's cum Trav," which I did, slurping up his clean male protein. Anders fell back next to Grif, recovering from throwing such a fierce fuck.

I went to the fridge and fetched back three big cold bottles of Deer Park. We needed to hydrate and shower. We gulped eagerly, the water was soooo good.

"You boys wanna stay over?" Girf asked, still supine from his ravishment.


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