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Varsity Players Ch. 02

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Two football heroes develop their relationship.
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Varsity Players Ch 02

Two football heroes develop their relationship

This is an entirely fictional story. It is set at UPitt, but it could be anywhere. Some of the other places are made-up. Many comments received on the initial one-off story asked for a follow up. Four chapters have been written and edited and will appear in the next few weeks. This story ultimately involves Pitt at the Orange Bowl and the Rose Bowl. UPitt, although a perennial bowl pick, has not played at the Rose Bowl for decades and has never had an Orange Bowl invitation. However, I wanted to move the action to Miami and to California where Billy's parents live, so please forgive the author's license. All characters engaged in sexual activity are over 18. © 2024, All rights reserved. Brunosden

(Please consider reading Varsity Players before you begin this series for further background on the two main characters. In the opening chapter after a winning season as Sophomore QB, Tad, seduced a "straight" fullback, Billy and turned him into a serious and anxious bottom. The relationship is closeted. Both become star football players in their junior year. They are room mates. Both guys are muscled as one would expect of student athletes and both are hung, Tad particularly. Tad seduced Billy in the first chapter; but Tad subsequently "required" Billy to top--in an attempt to save their relationship. The story continues toward the end of their junior year season.)

There were two more games in the season and the Panthers romped at both, winning each by three TDs, finishing the first undefeated regular season in a decade. The campus and the town (UPitt was the "home team") were in full party mode. The team's players were heroes, gods. There was a parade leading to a giant party hosted by the Chamber of Commerce at Heinz Stadium. A caravan of floats, each hosting players, circled the field as revelers shouted their joy and toasted with plastic cups of liquid. Kegs from the many local breweries dotted the field and a giant "brat" barbecue had been set up in the end zone. Pitt fans were great fans--and they loved to party. The Panthers had given them a good excuse to do so.

Just prior to leaving for the fieldhouse to prepare for the festivities, Billy had quietly moved in behind Tad, pulled him into a bear hug and flipped him over the back of the overstuffed sofa. Tad knew Billy's intentions and protested. "There isn't time. We'll be late."

"I'll make it quick, real quick. I need to dump a load. You know how much I love your ass. There's no better hole available. Otherwise I'm going to be obscene on that float."

Tad groaned sarcastically, "Oh Billy, you are so romantic. You really know how to seduce a girl."

Billy ripped Tad's jeans down--and of course Tad was commando. With Billy fucking him three or four times a day, the less he wore, the easier it was. Billy kicked his legs apart and held him into the cushion with his powerful arm. Fingers were dipped in the large pot of lube set handily on the end table. Billy reached in and spread the lube around the rim and well into the second knuckle. Tad was quickly opened--hell, it had only been two hours since their morning exercises had finished, and he was still dripping--and Billy began the incessant pressure at the ring. "Come on, open up bro. I need this ass now!" Billy reached around and grabbed Tad's cock, just below the thick corona, with fingers on the frenulum, using it to hold him steady as Billy pushed hard. Tad breathed out, and Billy was in. Two thrusts and he was punching the prostate. Tad was hard again. Billy could do that do him. More strokes and Billy bottomed. A few more and Billy announced he was cumming. And Tad realized that Billy with only a dozen strokes was going to fill his gut again and produce another anal orgasm. Tad's entire body began to tingle. His cock began to throb. Then he felt the heat and the pressure of the huge deposit being lodged deep inside. As he had learned from Tad, Billy squeezed the shaft and restricted the semen flow to make it better for Tad. Tad groaned with the heightened pleasure; let out a string of four letter words; Billy released; and, Tad managed to squirt another load into Billy's tight fist.

It was really amazing. Billy had moved from every girl's dream dick to Tad's always ready bottom to a "frequent flyer" in Tad's anus in just a few months. And where Billy had been a silent participant until well after the end of the previous season, he now had a dockhand's vocabulary of words that would embarrass a whore. Sometimes when he fucked, the neighbors knew it.

Instantly, Billy pulled out, brought his hand to his mouth and slurped in Tad's cum. "Thanks for that. I love your cum. Okay, slut. Close up that hole before I plug it. Let's roll. We're going to be late!" Billy's ability to rise quickly to the occasion, finish in a minute or so and turn to other matters always amazed Tad. He was a fucking semen factory. He produced often and enough that commercial operations were possible. He could shoot it deep, big, hard and at will. But, when he rose from the sofa back, Billy was already dressed and smiling lewdly at Tad. "I really love that ass, man. I just love it. Can't get enough. But I don't want to disappoint our many fans." He slapped Tad's ass hard and used his handkerchief to clean his fist. Then he rolled it into a tube and inserted it into Tad's still gaping hole. "Can't have you dripping on the new uniform." Then he used the same cloth to wipe the cum from Tad's thighs. He deeply inhaled the cloth and stuffed it back into his pocket. "This will keep me company until later. Best perfume in the world."

Of course, Tad Stevenson, as quarterback received much of the credit during the celebrations. His completed pass average was near the top for the NCAA and his passing yardage was at the top. He had already been named MVP after four of the regular season games, but a graduating senior, an incredibly good end (who had caught many of Tad's throws and had many of the scores) and the captain of the team was certainly headed for Pitt's Player of the Year. A Heisman nomination was possible--but typically a long shot for a junior. Tad didn't care he was sitting on top of the world--and he had Billy to sit on his dick whenever he wanted.

Similarly Billy Templeton, one of the leading rushing yardage players in the league was celebrated. He had been named MVP after two of the regular season games--in both of which he had scored three times. Together they had made a terrific impact on the team and were loved by everyone. And they were incredibly handsome, muscular studs--which didn't hurt much with the fan base--female and male. They led on the two first "floats"--truck beds, decorated in jungle themes with Panther images everywhere. The panthers were fierce and clearly on the prowl. They were both in full home-team gear which of course, like all football uniforms, emphasized the enormity of their shoulders, their thighs, and of course their baskets hidden behind the exaggerated cups. Both were sporting new matching panther tats on upper arms, just below the jersey hem. They were handsome gladiators in full regalia, causing many mouths to water and many dicks to swell.

There was however a curious situation that got people talking. The cheerleaders were not on the floats with the players as they typically were at homecoming parades. In the former, the players were always making provocative motions at the young girls. Instead, they were performing on a make-shift stage in one end zone. Tad and Billy had not regularly dated any of the cheerleaders (although Billy had taken two of them out and had scored with both), and it hadn't seemed appropriate to post them on the same floats with players--where the two stars didn't seem to be interested. They could dance up a storm on the new stages.

Tad did have a female classmate and confident with whom he hung regularly and invited as a "beard" to mandatory party appearances. She knew he was bi, maybe gay, but didn't care. She just liked the notoriety of being on the arm of a football hero and stud. Billy, on the other hand, was never seen with the same girl twice--but they were all beautiful, mostly blonde and big-breasted.

The day was bright and sunny--and unusually warm for November in Pittsburgh. Idle musings about players' personal lives were submerged in the party atmosphere and the expectations for the inevitable bowl game invitation and next year--and, of course, the copious suds that were being poured from several dozen large kegs.

Little did the fans know, however, that during the final two weeks of the season, when Tad regularly showed up with an awkward gait or when Billy's hand rested on Tad's butt a little too long, the team had concluded that they were getting it on. Billy had stopped dating--or at least he had stopped regaling the showers with his "sexploit" stories as he strutted around naked, power dick swinging. And Billy was watching Tad with a look that absolutely betrayed affection. Billy "needed" Tad. He interpreted that as love--or at least in lust. And Tad was the object of that love.

Tad was more difficult to read-- he was a much more complex individual to begin with. But, there was no question for many on the team. Billy and Tad were sleeping together, and Billy was topping. Teammates continued to tease--but homophobic jokes were common in college varsity athletics, so they weren't aimed at the fullback and the quarterback, but more generally about the sex lives (or lack of same) of all the team members. There might even have been a bit of envy. Such talent, such looks--and such commitment. It was definitely a new world for gays in athletics--college and professional. The persecution was mostly over. But it was pretty much still a "don't ask, don't tell" atmosphere.

Days later the coveted bowl invitation was announced: Pitt was going to the Orange Bowl in Miami at Hard Rock Stadium on New Year's weekend. Pitt alums were providing a week after the bowl game at a South Beach hotel for the entire team. So it was going to be a great winter vacation and a week-long party for the handsome young players--in the unequaled capital of young sex: South Beach.

A few weeks remained in the semester, and despite the win and the acclaim, Tad and Billy nevertheless had papers due and exams to complete. Four weeks ago, in a "Hail Mary" attempt at saving their relationship, Tad had convinced his incredibly oversexed roommate to top (after a difficult "almost-outing" at their landlord's man cave which threatened to destroy the status quo of their relationship). At first reluctant and almost robotic in response to the invitation (really a command by Tad) to top, Billy had finally responded.

Initially Billy had been mechanical, but he quickly began to enjoy the action. His size and brutality and macho personality took over. He had taken Tad on a wild double-header ride to orgasmic bliss. Overnight Billy went from ever-ready bottom (and womanizer) to insatiable top. Billy had always claimed that he had a lifelong obsession with sex, relieved by hand at first, then by hooks with any available coed, and finally as Tad's confirmed and responsive bottom. Now he was a power top with breeding equipment in prime condition.

In the days following Billy's discovery of the pleasures of plugging Tad, Tad (or at least his ass) had been nearly destroyed. Billy had never admitted he was gay (or maybe bi, although the young ladies began to fade from his radar--Tad was available, willing and the sex was really good--Tad was tight and encouraging. There were no games; not even the necessity to take her out to dinner first! And so they were together several times each day, beginning with relief of morning wood, a "noonsie" and at bedtime--and once in a while, before dinner.

Billy was not small--in body or in dick. He was easily 235, all muscle. And he had the narrow waist and hips which permitted his famous quick evasive swivel on the field (one of the secrets of his physical success) and the high bubble butt of a a really fast runner, devoted to squats. And his dick approached porn size: 7 and a half and extremely thick--a little larger than the proverbial beer can--the regular size, not the slender new PC size. Fortunately, it tapered a bit at the tip and the bulb wasn't much larger than the shaft, or Tad would have been in trouble. At any rate, Tad began to adjust and stretch. He was always ready to take one for the team--if not for the Panthers, then for their own duo-team. And his love nerve bundle had never been so consistently abused and aroused.

Now with the regular season over and with the need to finish the semester, Tad began to wonder. He had always been the leader in their relationship, the initiator of their sexual adventures, Billy's tutor, the authority figure--and until weeks ago, the top. Billy was the bottom and sub. He and Billy couldn't keep up the new sex pace and hope to finish the semester successfully. And Tad's ass couldn't handle such continuous punishment. Billy had always been challenged with course work, although with application, he was doing okay. Of course, because of the bowl bid, practices continued as well. Something had to give.

Tad had several ideas. First of all, while he was happy temporarily to bottom for Billy, this was not something he wanted to continue forever. At heart (or maybe at cock) he was really a top. Also, Billy needed to apply himself to academics--or he wouldn't be playing next year. So there were two issues: how often would they fuck and who would bottom.

Over the last year, the boys had been quite competitive. There were a number of physical games: arm wrestling, exercise repetition marathons, running. As to these, Billy just about always won (except for dart throwing and horse). There were also some more intellectual games: puzzles, word searches. Typically, Tad won those. So choosing a contest game to decide who would bottom, the nature of the game would determine the winner. That wouldn't work.

So Tad had a proposal: on odd days Tad would top, on even days Billy would do the honors. And, if Billy wanted anything more than relief of morning wood--as top or bottom, he would need to log hours of study or term paper writing. Tad even threatened a cage, and dangled one in front of Billy's wide-open eyes. Tad was asserting authority and dominance again. With reluctance, Billy accepted. Although he had been turned on as a sex machine, he was still a player who took instructions from a strong coach--and a dominant partner. And a new routine developed. (Although Billy complained he was horned all the time and needed to "blow off steam" solo occasionally.)

The following Sunday was the last of the regular college season. Pros would then take over Sundays--as most of the bowls were evenings or Saturdays. Woody's invitation to a game and supper was sent over to the apartment and dropped through the mail slot. Billy at first was reluctant, but agreed that it would be inadvisable to regret. Their last time together had resulted in some unfortunate behavior by Billy. An absence now would confirm the landlord's suspicions. And might even result in the termination of their very favorable lease.

So the guys pulled on pad-less cropped jerseys (which Woody seemed to prefer) and the tight expansion shorts that were used in summer practice, with the front laces left provocatively untied. The former left their cut abs on full display; the latter outlined their equipment obscenely, particularly with the interior pad pockets empty. Tad had decided that they needed to provide Woody some psychological and visual reward for his continuing generosity with the apartment rent. They were going to do a bit of teasing.

When they arrived, Woody's boyfriend, Britt, who answered the kitchen door where he had been cooking, nearly shot his wad when he saw the two sex gods highlighted by the setting sun behind them. He gasped out a greeting, "Fuck guys. You are so hot. You warm this kitchen more than my oven. Woody's in the entertainment room. You know where it is." They walked into the entertainment room where the game of the week was just beginning. Woody looked up, stared and motioned them to one of the double recliners--two similar doubles had been set in a vee facing the large screen--thus giving Woody and his friend-of-the-moment full view of their guests.

It was the Seminoles' last game of the season. Florida had already wrapped up the conference title--and was certain of the other Orange Bowl bid. Pitt would be playing them in a month or so. Thus, Tad and Billy were concentrating carefully--although they knew the coaching staff would distill all of the Seminole season games for them in the coming weeks with replay videos.

The Seminoles played flawlessly and racked up a half dozen TDs, extra points and four field goals. Tad and Billy seemed intent on the game, but Woody was distracted by the man flesh sitting across from him. He noted that Tad's hand was casually stroking Billy's exposed abs--and Billy's hand was planted firmly on Tad's bulge, tightening the squeeze from time to time when an exciting play occurred. It was a mouth-watering display of foreplay far better than the action on the screen. Both guys were rigidly erect and their shorts hid nothing. Woody was really pleased. He would definitely ask the guys to stay on next year. He couldn't imagine any better eye candy to enjoy during a game.

At half time, drinks were refreshed. Billy launched into a halting apology for his previous behavior. And at the end, thanked Woody for keeping "our relationship" quiet--thus implicitly admitting that there was one. Woody smiled from ear to ear. He couldn't be happier. He wasn't sure where all of this might go, but he hoped one day he might be the beneficiary of what these two guys were offering each other. For the time being, he was happy with what he already had--two hunks in his parlor, showing off their erections, throwing off enough pheromones to charge the entire atmosphere. Maybe it would rub off on Woody's own subsequent performance with his boy. He could only dream about maybe something more in the future.

They didn't stay for supper, pleading school work and the fact that the bowl game meant football practices were continuing. Woody wasn't really upset. He was definitely going to take Britt upstairs for a pounding as his appetizer anyway.


A few weeks later, the semester ended. Billy had decided not to fly home to California--school got out on December 22 after the last exam period, and the team was flying to Miami on December 27. He had a long Zoom call with the family who all remarked they would be watching him at the Bowl game, wishing him luck. They promised a box of gifts was on its way. Then he went home with Tad.

Central Pennsylvania is real Christmas country. There were lights on all the houses and all of the little towns had decorated trees, lamp posts and shop windows. And it did snow, just a bit on Christmas Eve.

Homecoming was at first a little awkward. Tad's home in Lancaster was small. His room had already been commandeered as an office--and was quickly restored to a bedroom only a day or so before the arrival. There was only a twin bed (extra long, but still a twin) and no extra guest room, so his Mom had bought a blow up. Fearing that a twin blowup might not be adequate for a 235 fullback, she had ordered a double--which of course turned out to be a life-saver.

On the drive home via I76 and 30, Tad had mentioned to Billy that he'd like to tell his folks about their relationship. Billy went silent for about an hour. Fortunately the radio was filled with traditional Christmas music to fill the void. He knew it all and hummed along to a few. He was clearly relaxing.....and thinking. They stopped for coffee--just after a sign announced the turnoff for Blue Ball. Billy snickered.


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