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Varsity Players Ch. 05 - Epilogue

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Tad and Billy break up?... and...
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Tad and Billy break up

This is an entirely fictional story. It is set at UPitt, but it could be anywhere. Tad and Billy have been through a lot and have triumphed. But a giant roadblock still stands in front of them. There is no sex until toward the end of this Part—so skip over the angst of the first pages if that's what you're looking for. All characters engaged in sexual activity are over 18. © 2024, All rights reserved. Brunosden

The lunch was really fine, as expected in one of the finest steak houses-cum-sports-bar in the nation. And Tad was effectively the guest of honor. Two years as first string quarterback. Nineteen wins including two Bowls. League leading pass yardage both years. The NFL scouts were everywhere, trying to convince him to "at least give the pros a chance." His former agent (after announcing he wasn't going pro, the agent became "Billy's agent") was at the lunch. "I'm pretty sure I can get you a three year, $25 mil package if you decide to change your mind." A few wondered about Billy's absence, but Tad assured them it was a family necessity.

Tad was beginning to waiver. It seemed likely that even if Billy and he could patch things up, they wouldn't live together and their future was definitely uncertain. Billy seemed to be leaning toward a West Coast franchise (assuming one drafted him) while Tad was convinced his reputation at Pitt would mean more in the financial community in Pennsylvania or New York. And it was increasingly obvious that Billy's senior performance would make him an early pick (with some flexibility of franchise) even if Tad were to be in the running. Tad didn't need to stay out of the draft to insure Billy's future.

He was confused. And he wanted someone to talk to—in person. Someone, that is, without a stake in the decision other than his personal happiness. Tad whispered to Marty that he was rethinking his options, and that he was leaving to have some quiet time and an opportunity to talk with his Mom and Dad. Marty warned, "After the Super Bowl the franchise order of draft picks is final and the pre-draft negotiations begin. It's open season really. When players want a specific franchise, that can often be arranged in advance, provided the player is willing to forego some perks and/or compensation. I need to have a decision in a month or, preferably two weeks, if I'm going to do my best for you. How about Billy?"

"He's making his own decisions. We are not going public with our relationship—perhaps never. As of now, there is no relationship. So you need to talk with him. What he does and what I do are entirely independent decisions. I think maybe his Dad is calling his shots."

Tad got a ticket on a red eye to Pittsburgh that departed at 6:30 from LAX. So he returned to the suite, packed and left for the airport. He left a quick note for Billy. "I'm headed home. See you in Pittsburgh. Enjoy this time. Tad."

An hour later, he was in the airport lounge. He had turned his phone off. Several Pitt fans were on the same plane, and, of course recognized him. They went to the agent and whispered. And a few minutes later, Tad was upgraded—to a cabin filled with Pittsburgh bigwigs and politicians. He only hoped that they let him talk about the season and the bowl game—and not his future. And he hoped to get some sleep. He really didn't get either wish. He arrived home in the very early morning, showered, made a thermos of dark coffee, changed his bag to include warmer clothes and headed off to Lancaster. He was going to spend a few days at home.

He knew he couldn't avoid Billy forever. And he had no intention of doing so. They were going to remain friends—and maybe roommates for another semester. He realized there was only one bed in the apartment. Something could be arranged. But Tad doubted that anything would ever be the same again. The phone rang while he was driving, and he punched in the answer button on the steering wheel.

"Tad, where the fuck are you?"

"Well it's pretty obvious I'm not in Disneyland, Billy. I'm going home to talk with my Mom and Dad. I've got some deep thinking to do and some decisions to make."

"And I guess they don't involve me?"

"How could they, Billy? You know what you want—or at least what your Dad wants. And you're willing to give it him. I completely understand your priorities. I guess I was naïve enough to think that what we had was above your football career in the pecking order. I even bowed out of the draft to make way for your success. Enjoy your time with your family, Billy. I'm not angry. I'm not pissed. I'm just a little disappointed right now. I'll see you in a few days when the team returns for classes."

"Does this mean we're done? Do you want me to pack my stuff? I'm not ready to lose you, Tad."

"No Billy. That won't be necessary. At least I don't think so. But, when I get back, we're going to be friends and roommates. We'll have to play it by ear to see whether that includes benefits. Happy New Year, Billy. My best to your family." As he hung up, Tad of course realized that they couldn't just "live together" given their past. Something was going to have to give.

By mid-afternoon he was home. He was dead tired. So he quickly brought his Mom and Dad up to date with just the essentials and went off to his room. "We'll talk tomorrow, please."


Tad slept late—very late—until after 10. And found an elaborate "farmer's breakfast" waiting when he finally appeared. "I'm ready to talk, if you guys are."

"I suppose you've guessed that Billy and I are probably not a couple anymore. Actually, nothing has really changed. When we drifted together more than two years ago, I realized that football meant a lot to Billy. It was his ticket to a future. Later I learned that he wasn't able to tell his father that I was part of his life. And I began to realize just how important football was to him. When we both got an agent a few months ago, he guessed about the relationship—warned us about all the issues in the NFL concerning gay players. He suggested we keep it quiet until sometime just before the draft—perhaps when we were in pre-draft negotiations with a franchise. We both agreed. When we were in California, I expected Billy to introduce me to his family—and tell them about us. We were only a few weeks away from a required disclosure. He did neither. In fact, he allowed his father to exclude me from everything after the game. I'm pretty sure his dad doesn't want me around Billy any more than absolutely necessary."

"Then I started thinking. Billy is obviously absolutely committed to a pro-career. He's convinced his Dad would disown him, maybe even die, if he went another way. He's still really frightened that we might be outed. In a nutshell, Billy's dream is more important than I am to him."

"You know that I had indicated I wasn't going to stand for the draft. I did that to enhance Billy's chances—and in the hopes that we could be together, perhaps on the quiet, for a few years as his career moved forward. That was, I think, a big mistake. I rationalized that if we both were pro-players and our relationship was secret, we'd have insurmountable issues—probably playing for different franchises in different cities. We wouldn't live together most of the time. And what if we played against each other? Consider the ethical issues if our relationship was a secret! But, if we were in different fields, I could live wherever. And we could stay in the closet."

"I've been arguing a lot with myself. I can't live in a one-sided relationship. And I really don't want to live in secret."

"But now that Billy has made his choice, I think I'm going to stand for the draft and see what happens."

"I love him. Perhaps I always will. But things happen."

"There it is. Screwed up, isn't it?"

"You are not screwed up, Tad. You're one of the most rational and intelligent boys I ever met. And I'm proud to call you my son. Sometimes circumstances just suck. This may sound like a platitude, but, you'll get over Billy. I promise. If you decide to go pro, we're behind you. And if you decide to come out and then go pro, we'll be there. We'll do whatever you want. But, there are some practicalities. You and Billy are sharing an apartment. Can you continue doing that?"

"At first, I thought we could. But now I don't think so. You wouldn't believe how physical our relationship has been. And we've got only one bed in the apartment. I'm sure that I can move to a dorm—another apartment for only four months seems impractical. Billy can keep the apartment. The rent is nothing. Our landlord is a Pitt fan. Besides his signing bonus is likely to be seven figures."

"I'll go back with you and help you pack."

"I appreciate the offer, Dad. But, I really don't have much to move. I'm going to call the director of housing this morning and see what is available. For today, I'd just like to chill. And I'll drive back tomorrow. The team won't be back for a few days. So I can move out before Billy is back in Pittsburgh."

"I'm with you on all of your decisions until this last one. It sounds really cowardly to me. I think you need to face Billy, tell him all this, and then you can move out. Don't do it on the sly. That's not you."

"I'm going to take your advice, but I doubt it will work as you imagine. In fact, I've already told Billy that our relationship was over. You don't know Billy as I do. He's naturally dependent—on his Dad and on me. In many ways he's like a little boy. He just doesn't think through his actions. It always has amazed me that he is a prodigy on the field, but a babe in life. But, I'll try."

"But, I am going to get out of the closet. I'm going to call Marty today and ask his advice on how to handle all of this assuming I'm going to participate in the draft."

Tad slept most of the afternoon, enjoyed a lavish roast feast with the folks and some neighbors who wanted to celebrate the hometown hero that night, and drove back to Pittsburgh the next morning. The director of housing had found him a single in one of the top dorms.

And Marty was clearing the decks for some strategy talks later in the day. He knew that Tad's record, even when discounted by the fact that the Panthers were not at the top of national ranking in terms of conference quality, there were at least four East Coast franchises "shopping" for a QB. He'd be one of the top contenders. And his handsome face and muscular body virtually guaranteed endorsement contracts. Marty was salivating with the prospects. Tad was going to be a money machine.


Much to his surprise, Billy was in the apartment when Tad arrived. Realizing that his life was at a vital flexpoint, Billy had flown back with a few of the coaches and managers who weren't staying on to party. He really wasn't interested in partying without Tad anyway.

Tad entered, expecting to be alone. But Billy was sprawled on the leather sofa, clad only in a tee and his boxer briefs, sleeping soundly. Tad quietly crossed the room and stared at his lover. He was so beautiful in his sleeping power. The rumpled curly black hair (which he had left uncut because of yet another superstition) hung over his closed eyelids. His wide shoulders, narrow waist and thick thighs easily filled the entire cushion surface. His hairless mocha skin glowed in the afternoon light. One leg was dangling to the floor, putting Billy's obscene bulge front and center. Billy was sporting a semi, his most common condition. Tad just stood there, admiring the view, and subconsciously softening his plans to break off with Billy. He wanted that ass—and that dick—and that boy.

Billy's eyes opened, and he automatically smiled when he saw Tad standing over him. Then he remembered and the smile disappeared. He quickly stood, and before Tad could react, Billy had pulled him into a tight embrace. "God, I've missed you."

Tad reacted stiffly. And Billy immediately backed off. "I guess we need to talk."

"I think that's an understatement, Billy. But, I'm going to let you go first. Get some clothes on. You are not going to distract me this time."

"Are you sure you don't want me to sit on your lap, Tad? I like talking in that position."

Reluctantly Billy walked into the bedroom and pulled on some jeans and a sweat shirt. "Okay, I'll start. I did not tell my folks about us. And I didn't insist that you come along when they wanted to spend time. I know that disappoints you. But, it's where I am right now. I'm not going to hurt them. I'm sorry. I thought we had worked this out with Marty. I was going to try to find a West Coast franchise—even if I give up some advantages. We were not going public. And you were going to move with me, get placement with a financial advisory group—and manage my money. I thought you were okay with that plan. I guess I was wrong. And I'm sorry."

Tad was silent for a few minutes. He took a seat—where he could watch Billy as Tad began to talk. "Billy, that's not what we decided with Marty. Don't you see, Billy, everything you've just described is about you—you get to follow your dream; you get to shine in your Dad's eyes; you get to choose where to live. You get to have a chance to make it big in the NFL. While I stay home in the closet. Someone you can fuck and be fucked by. I'm not going to be the secret spouse back home. That's not the way relationships work. At least, it's not the way my relationship will work."

"I don't want us to end Tad. What do you want me to do?"

"I don't have a solution, Billy. At least one that you're ready to consider. I'm not going to force you to choose between me and your Dad. I'm bowing out. I've decided that I'm going to stand for the draft. I'm meeting with Marty later to work out some issues. But, he's already told me that it is most likely that an East Coast franchise will probably make me the best deal. I've talked with my Mom and Dad. They'll be supportive if I decide to come out—or not. That's something I'm going to discuss with Marty. But, I don't see how we can realistically fit together after May. And I'm not sure I want to prolong the agony of a split by taking up where we left off until then."

In typical Billy style, he leered at me. "Well I'm up for three or four more months of non-stop sex with you. Let's live for today and worry about tomorrow when it comes."

Realizing that Tad was not going to take the bait, he added, "Can I meet with you when you see Marty? Maybe he has some suggestions."

"Sure. I don't see why not. I'm meeting him at 4. But, be careful Billy. I'm not optimistic that there is a solution for all our concerns."

"Well, I have some ideas about how we can occupy the next couple of hours. Maybe lightning will strike us with the answer."

"Somehow I knew you'd get to that. I don't see any problem with having a little fun—remember, Billy, sex is not going to resolve this problem. But, we've both had casual sex before. What have you been doing for the last four days? You must be drowning in spunk. Let's see. It's the third. I top. Strip down boy and head for the king."

"Yes, sir. But I see a flip in our future. You walked out on my day."

Tad followed closely behind Billy who was removing clothing even as he walked to their room. He pulled back the duvet and stretched out in a position of total surrender—arms up and out, holding tightly to the brass headboard, legs widely vee'd, gut propped with a bolster. He was so beautiful in his total surrender that Tad's breath caught in wonder. How could he possibly ever give this up? What was he thinking? Billy was his boy, his creation, the complete source of his pleasure. And he had the most spectacular ass in the universe.

Tad decided to start slowly, knowing that Billy would quickly demand the max, rough and quick. He pulled the hard muscular globes apart and his tongue reached in to tease the rim. He circled, then plunged, but Billy was tight, very tight. So Tad lubed a finger and used it to penetrate and open him up. Then it was the tongue again. He curled and penetrated, liberally bathing the rim. Billy was already squirming in readiness. So Tad added another lubed finger and the two began the torture of Billy's center of anal pleasure. They poked, scraped, petted. Tad added the pressure of his thumb on the taint, placing the prostate in a squeezing pincher movement. Billy's ass tensed, his anal muscles contracted, and he rose from the bolster, wanting more and deeper. He began to moan. "Please Tad. Do me now. Or I'm going to explode."

So Tad complied. His cock was a steel pipe. It's hardness had pushed the naturally oversized corona out, creating a collar that would easily stimulate the shaft and the love nerve bundle. It was a perfect pleasure-giving tool. He penetrated a few inches—enough to reach the pleasure spot and began a series of short scrapes. Billy hissed and violently pushed his ass back into Tad, totally impaling himself on Tad's length. Tad felt the bottom. So he too stiffened and strained. And the head popped through the second ring. Billy swore loudly at the instant pain, but quickly relaxed into the utter pleasure that can only be produced by a long slim lover's cock taking total possession of a man-cunt. He felt the moisture and knew it wasn't Tad's pre-cum. He was squirting inside. He was at the edge of a total anal orgasm. He backed into Tad's lap, drawing the cockhead deeper beyond the ring, the deepest that Tad had ever been. It felt like Tad was in his gut and in total control of his body—just the way he always liked to feel.

Tad could feel Billy moving toward eruption. So he pushed Billy back onto his belly, speeded up, plunged over and over, punching the prostate with each stroke. Then, he reached under and fisted Billy's thick cock at the base. He could feel the pressure of the fluid moving from balls to shaft. He squeezed. Billy cried out, "Let me cum. For the love of God, let me cum, you fucker." Tad released the grip slightly and felt the fluid forcing its way past the constriction. He knew he was giving Billy some hell of an orgasm. It would be long and hard and big.

Tad himself stretched his legs out stiffly, pulled in his gut muscles and waited for Billy's ass contractions. They came immediately and began to milk Tad to a huge climax. Tad spread over Billy and enveloped him with arms and legs. They were so good together. Tad had indeed trained Billy to be his ultimate receiver. His cock fit so well. He knew he had almost total control over Billy during these moments. Billy was a man who concentrated single-mindedly on his point of pleasure. Tad was incredibly turned on by his power over this giant of a man-boy. Tad's head dropped to Billy's delts, and out of habit, Tad produced a hickey, his brand on his boy. If only life could be so simple: eat, drink, fuck. And he knew that if he really wanted he could steal Billy from his Dad—but Tad was not going there.

Tad had left his fist on Billy's dick. He knew his partner so well. Billy would recover in just a few minutes and be ready to go again. His cock wouldn't even shrink until after the second shot. He felt it hardening almost immediately. In a few minutes, Billy pushed up dislodging him from his back. "My turn, Tad."

He knelt into Tad's vee and bent over to bring him to hardness with his lips and tongue. His cock of course was on the launch pad, thick and steamy, leaking pre-cum from the nosecone. His second load was going to be as good as the first. He was so hard that he was already dry-spasming, and given the gentle curve and length, he was rapping the head on his abs periodically with each exercise.

He pulled up Tad's long shapely legs and placed them on his wide shoulders; then he bent forward jack-knifing him into the submission position. He was incredibly dark and pumped. His curly locks dropped over his dark brown eyes. Any twink would be intimidated by his power. At that second in the act of taking, Billy looked like he could tear a guy apart. But, he was a pussycat in bed. He was hard, but gentle. And considerate. A genuine sub play-acting as dom. He lubed with his thick fingers and spread Tad's opening wide to accept his girth. Then, he leaned in and pushed. The curved dick penetrated and scraped the prostate. The combination of the positioning and the shape and thickness of the cock produced a perfect prostate-stimulator. Billy stroked over and over, filling the shaft and scraping the love nerves, bringing Tad to the top of the arousal mountain.


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