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Vault 62 Ch. 02

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Imogene Puts Her Plan Into Action.
6.2k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/02/2024
Created 04/28/2024
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Chapter 2! The final build-up chapter before its just endless debauchery for basically the rest of the story. Lots of Bethesda and Fallout game mechanic references in this one too.

Contains: futa on female, hyper cock and ridiculous body proportions, lots of fucking cum and cum inflation, and pregnancy/hyper pregnancy. Also Fallout and Bethesda references and such, of course. are for the story as a whole.

Comments and feedback are appreciated!

Happy reading :)


One week later...

Imogene was running out of time!

The seven days she'd lived in Vault 62 had been pleasant, easy-going ones. Nothing had been expected of her or the other residents quite yet, Bridget holding another meeting to explain the fairly loose-schedule the vault dwellers would be following, along with asking for volunteers to help out with some of the more mundane tasks that needed doing; things like cleaning, cooking, and some more technical jobs that people either already knew how to do, or were willing to learn. Imogene wasn't interested in any of that!

So, her days were spent eating, hanging out with Felicia and other women, and exercising; the vault had an on-site gym, and the women were encouraged to make use of it. Imogene did just that, mostly doing cardio to burn off her pent-up energy and check out her fellow residents, growing more and more amazed at how attractive they all were. It was like she'd been presented with a buffet of huge tits and asses! Additionally, this allowed Imogene to occupy her hours of free-time masturbating, both in her room and the open-use, shared-bathrooms, which, thankfully, were lined with stalls. Privacy - and an endless supply of towels - was definitely a necessity someone like Imogene required!

When she wasn't engaged in any of those activities Imogene wandered through the vault, acting casual like she was just aimlessly strolling through her home's halls, but really doing it in order to learn everything about Vault 62 she could. She burned its layout into her brain, calculating the location of every camera and where their blindspots appeared to be, as well as 'testing' how off-limits the staff-only sections were; there were several instances that ended with her being scolded by a guard on duty when she went too far, but she just pretended to be apologetic and embarrassed by her rule-breaking.

But Imogene's easy-living was about to meet its end.

Just that morning, during breakfast, Dr. Walsh made an announcement: starting tomorrow, every staff member and resident of Vault 62 would be given a physical by the in-house medical doctor. And it was mandatory! Fuck! Imogene knew that even if she even came up with an excuse or made herself scarce when she was called that it would only buy her a few extra days, and she wouldn't be able to avoid a trip to the physician's for long, If that happened her cover would be blown, the curtains pulled back on her ruse. Her best bet, in that worst-case-scenario, was to try to seduce the woman performing the examinations, but even that had a fifty-fifty chance of succeeding at the most.

What would happen to her then? Would they lock her up in the brig - which she'd discovered during one of her vault-strolls - until they figured out what to do with her? Or would they kick her out and make her try and survive the nuclear wasteland of the surface? The last option was the most distressing by a landslide! No one in the vault, as far as Imogene understood, had any idea of what life was like above ground, or if there was even 'life' left after the war; the radios scattered about the facilities had either played music on a loop or static whenever they managed to find a signal. There could be giant, green-skin mutants killing and kidnapping everyone who'd survived for all Imogene knew!

The mountain of concerns Imogene now had to fret over sent her mind into a tailspin. She needed to put the plan that she'd been brewing up since her very first hour in Vault 62 into action in the coming days, if not that night. For Imogene, this had transformed into a matter of survival rather than one exclusively concerned with self-serving pleasure - though that was still a factor - her life literally on the line if she didn't act soon. She mentally went over the required steps to turn the tables in her favor, ironing out any potential flaws in her idea, her bottom lip folded into her teeth.

A tray of half-eaten food sat in front of her, Imogene's head bowed towards it, deaf to the going-ons around her; Felicia and several other women they'd befriended during their regular meals and free-time chatted casually about this and that, not paying any attention to the intensely staring, statue-still member of their group. At least not at first. Eventually, one of them must have asked Imogene a question she didn't hear, and when she didn't respond or even acknowledge them, Felicia reached out and shook her. Imogene jolted up, suddenly alert, her body bouncing off the rotund curves of her first friend in the vault next to her.

"Jane? Are you okay?" Felicia's voice was filled with concern, her features furrowed for emphasis, "You haven't said anything for a while. Is everything alright?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm... I'm okay." Imogene replied, trying to look sad, having come up with her excuse on the spot, "Just remembering. You know how it is - my brain keeps wondering about everything I left behind."

"Awww, I'm so sorry, hun'!"

Felicia wrapped an arm around Imogene's shoulder and hugged her into her side closely, the futanari shuddering at how squishy the woman's body felt.

"I know it's hard but it's best to just try and focus on the present and the future. Make the most of your new life. Look to make new memories with new friends!"

The other women sitting with them joined in with similar encouragement of their own, several reaching out to pat Imogene on her hands and arms.

"You're right, Felicia," she was - Imogene had to be confident and do what she needed to, "I have to be strong, and accept my life here in the vault. Thank you."

"That's the spirit!" Felicia released her friend, giving her trademark cheek-raising smile, "We all have to do our best, and I know we can make Vault 62 our home!"

Imogene returned the smile, Felicia not understanding how true her last statement was going to be.

"So, Jane, what are we going to do today? I have to help cook lunch, but I'm free until then! Wanna hit the gym for a bit?"

"Yeah Felicia, that would be great. It'll help me get my mind off of things..."

Quite the opposite, actually.


Under the cover of darkness Imogene crept out of her room.

It was shortly after midnight, everyone except the staff on duty asleep or sitting quietly in their rooms, any form of late-night 'partying' expressly forbidden - at least that's how Bridget put it! Imogene had waited patiently until she heard the plodding footsteps of one the guards pass her door before sneaking out. She stayed crouched, her arms held out in front of her - which always seemed to help Imogene remain unnoticed, for some strange reason - and kept to the shadows, avoiding the dim lighting that illuminated the hallways the best she could. Imogene silently moved towards her goal, taking her journey step by step, treating each one like it might be her last.

She dipped into lightless corners when she saw a guard strolling her way. She followed the walls, slithering under cameras, pausing until they rotated in a different direction. She held her breath when she heard an unaccounted-for-commotion, staying so perfectly still that she could have been mistaken for a corpse fully experiencing rigor mortis. Imogene had her stolen keycard tucked into the sleeve of her jumpsuit, only taking it out when absolutely necessary, an occurrence that was becoming more and more common the deeper she delved into Vault 62.

Further pauses had to be made when Imogene ventured into the areas of the vault she had only the vaguest knowledge of. This was unexplored territory for the futa, some of these rooms off-limits to all but the senior staff. She acted even more cautiously in this part of the facility, deeper in Vault 62 than she'd ever been, several sub-levels below the entrance - but her high points in the Stealth-Skill were paying off. Imogene had nearly reached the power-grid computer!

The loud hum of several nuclear and gas fueled generators echoed around her, making her soundless steps even less noticeable. Imogene passed by another guard who looked half-asleep, circling around her until she was at her back; this put her face-to-face with the last door that separated Imogene from her destination. She smirked when she noticed it didn't have a keycard-reader attached to it - apparently Vault-Tec skimped on some of their security! Striding up to the door, it slid open automatically, Imogene glancing over her shoulder to make sure the noise hadn't alerted anyone.

Another couple of steps forward and she was in!

In front of Imogene was a series of wall-bolted machinery surrounding a blue-light-glowing screen, with an attached keyboard below it. After performing a customary once-over for any cameras - and then not finding a single one - Imogene waltzed to the computer. Interlacing her fingers to crack her knuckles, she began to type, her digits tapping swiftly against the keys, bringing up the power-control-systems different options and programs; to her annoyance, she quickly hit a password-protected section, an unfilled-out duo of blank boxes staring at her. It was time to hack!

When Imogene had first started down the criminal-lifestyle, she was taught several tricks for breaking into secure computer systems by others more experienced than she was, and had picked up even more knowledge from practice. Rows of green-colored words, numbers, and punctuation appeared across a black backdrop, and Imogene knew exactly what to do; she immediately clicked on sections in brackets, which eliminated several of the incorrect-passwords, waiting to use the ones that would 'refresh' her attempts - though there was another way to get around that too! A few smartly-picked words later and access was hers.

"Alright, now to find the power source for the Cryo Sperm Bank..." Imogene muttered under her breath, clicking through menus until she found it, "and can I...?"

She could.

All along, Imogene's devious plan had been to do one thing: cut off power to the Cryo Sperm Bank facility. Without the right temperature - the reasoning behind the constantly-chilly climate of the vault - the selectively-secured sperm would die, rendering Vault 62's goal unattainable. Once the Overseer realized what had happened, Imogene would make her move and present her unique-attributes, showing that she was the only one capable of progressing the scientific experimentation on fertility. She expected it would happen right away - Imogene was sure that someone like Bridget Walsh checked the Cryo Sperm Bank multiple times a day to see if it was in working order.

This would both save Imogene from a fate potentially worse than death and give her access to every woman in the vault - that is if Bridget was amenable to such a concept. Imogene was confident she would be, the Overseer definitely the type who viewed failure as a non-option. If she didn't? Well, Imogene would just have to try and put the moves on her, make her see things her way, that this was in the best interest of the vault and its residents. And if that also failed then Imogene really was out of options!

Did she feel bad for sabotaging such an important asset and potentially hundreds of peoples' futures? Yes of course, Imogene wasn't a heartless monster! But she had to look out for number one, and there were so many little things that added up to force her hand in this manner. The fact that she would've been left to die if she didn't assume another's identity. The consequences of the staff finding out that she was a futanari. The natural-instinct she possessed to fight back against those in power, especially when they were tampering with the lives of so many without their true consent! There were many reasons she shut-down all sources of power to the Cryo Sperm Bank...

...and she couldn't deny that her libido was one of them!

"Aaaaand finished!" Imogene sighed a breath of relief as she stepped away from the computer, instantly feeling like the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders, "That was... easier than I expected. Now I just need to get back to my room, unseen."

Closing her eyes, Imogene allowed herself the tiniest of smiles as she disappeared back into the darkness...


"Ms. Nakamura, I need to speak with you in my office."

Dr. Walsh's voice rang out over the speaker system of Vault 62. Residents slowly trickled into the dining hall, breakfast announced only a few minutes earlier, Imogene counted amongst the early-morning crowd; she hadn't managed to get a lick of sleep, the rest of her night - arriving safely back to her bedroom without incident - spent staring at the ceiling, adrenaline coursing through her veins, anticipation eating at her brain. It wasn't until she heard the Overseer's call over the comms for the Head of Security that Imogene realized her scheme had been a success, prompting her to leave her room.

Instead of grabbing a tray and joining Felicia and the others at their usual table, Imogene informed the group that she'd suddenly been struck by a wave of nausea, and excused herself to the bathroom. She took a roundabout path to a farther restroom than the one she'd normally use, one located on the floor above, conventionally positioned right by the Overseer's office - the Overseer's office that Imogene noticed had the blinds closed! But she didn't go to the bathroom either. Imogene waited outside in the hallway until Mei Nakamura passed her by, Imogene greeting her and informing her that she was waiting for a friend.

She inched closer to the door to the Overseer's office, nearing it as much as possible without raising suspicion, guard nearest to her at the other end of the hall. Her ear perked up to try and hear the conversation occurring within the room, but found that she couldn't make out a thing; the room must've been soundproof to give Dr. Walsh Privacy. Imogene darted her eyes around in case anyone showed up to check on her or question the reason for her presence. Several minutes later the door opened and Mei came stomping out with a scowl on her ace, Imogene slipping around the corner before she was noticed - her plan definitely worked!

Imogene quickly slipped into the office.

"What is it Mei, did you for-"

Bridget looked up from her U-shaped desk and paused, her head cocking at the sight of Imogene standing in front of her.

"Ms. Smith, wasn't it?" The Overseer started, her voice calm but noticeably strained, "I would love to help you with whatever issue you're having, but I'm a bit busy at the moment. If you'd like we can schedule an appointment for later."

"Just 'Jane' is fine," Imogene replied, her head twisting, observing the office's decor, "And I think I know what happened."

Dr. Walsh's office was one of the nicer parts of the vault. Panel wood flooring and walls, a row of monitors and computers behind the half-circle desk - which was partially sunk into the ground - and a rounded window flanking both sides of the room, one of which looked down onto the dining hall, the other into the common room. Several chairs and lockers were scattered about as well, and Imogene swore she could make out what seemed to be the edges of a hidden door masked by the four screens across the office from her. A means of emergency escape, perhaps?

The Overseer sat at the center of her desk - that was fit for multiple people to use simultaneously - her features partially illuminated by the light from the monitor in front of her. Papers, stationary, and a few thickly-bound folders surrounded her, Imogene making a quick note of the lack of personal knick-knacks present. Was Bridget just that boring or did she not have time to decorate before the apocalypse? Dr. Walsh looked the same as ever, her scarlet locks worn straight down to her shoulders, her features stern; Imogene couldn't see any of her drool-worthy curves from where she was standing, but for what she was about to do that was probably for the best.

Bridget raised an eyebrow at Imogene's statement and leaned back in her wheeled-chair.

"What's that supposed to mean, Jane?" The Overseer addressed her unwanted guest, her fingers folded together on top of her desk, "I didn't say anything had happened, so I'm not sure what you could be talking about."

Imogene grabbed a chair for herself and rolled it around to the front of the desk, casually crossing her legs as she sat down.

"You don't?" Imogene restrained her desire to smirk, trying to act as cool as a cucumber, "But Ms. Nakamura seemed awfully upset when I saw her leave the office. Something must have happened!"

"What Ms. Nakamura and I were discussing is none of your concern - we were discussing official Vault-Tec business, nothing more. If that's all, I'm going to ask you to leave."

"Hmmm, is that right?"

Imogene tapped her finger against her chin.

"So you two weren't talking about the Cryo Sperm Bank failing!?"

For the first time in Imogene's week of living at the fault, she witnessed Dr. Bridget Walsh's confidence falter.

"Excuse me!?" Bridget jolted from her chair with such urgency it fell backwards behind her, her hands slamming down onto her desk, "How would you know about that? We haven't even told the other staff members yet!"

"Please, calm down Dr. Walsh, we wouldn't want to make a scene now would we?"

A touch of color touched Bridget's thin cheeks, her emerald-green eyes narrowing at Imogene, her bottom-lip quivering - but she sat back down nonetheless.

"Good, that's better. We're both friends here, Bridget." Imogene did allow herself a small grin at this point, the cards firmly in her hands, "I don't think anyone else needs to know about this - not yet, at least. Don't you agree?"

"I do. The less the residents know the better. But you still haven't answered my question!"

"And I don't know if I will. We have more important things to discuss first."

"Like what, Jane? Are you planning on blackmailing me? Extortion? Just what are you after?"

"No, no, nothing like that." Imogene casually stood up from her chair and folded her arms over her chest, "I've come to you with a solution. I'm sure that you've discovered that none of the sperm-samples are good anymore, and that you now have a whole vault full of women without a way to impregnate them. And that means that you can't continue with Vault-Tec's experiments. That is unless you hear me out."

"Are you... are you a fertility expert or something?" Bridget began to type at her computer, presumably bringing up her file on 'Jane Smith', "I don't remember seeing anything like that in our sys-"

"I am, in a way, but my case is 'special' if you will - though I'm certainly nothing Vault-Tec would have provided you. But I can definitely help you out of your little predicament."

"I don't understand. Unless you can work some kind of magic or something there isn't a scientific manner in which to revive the sperm - the temperature rose too much over night when the power was cut! They're all dead. I triple-checked our systems to be sure."


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