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Very Happy Christmas

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Anna Kendrick gets caught in a snowstorm before Christmas.
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Anna Kendrick had arrived at the Portsmouth International Airport in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. She was visiting her parents in Portland, Maine for the holiday. After several rescheduling to do snow storms in her home state, she had to avoid the airport in her home town. Instead, she would be taking a drive into the snow during her hour long trek north.

The twenty-nine year old actress got her rental car after a quick bite to eat at an airport restaurant. She tossed her two bags into the trunk and began her travels to a nice Christmas at home. As soon as she started the car, Christmas music began blaring on the radio. As quick a human can move, her hand darted to the radio, turning it off.

"None of that," she said to herself as she plugged her phone into the radio and played a mix of her favorite rock songs. "Much better."

Anna rocked out as she drove across to the border into her home state. The snow was beginning to pick up much quicker than she had anticipated and she soon realized exactly why a flight into the most northern state was impossible. Within minutes, she could barely see past the hood of her car. She had turned the radio down and focused on her driving, careful to make no mistake.

As she inched along, Anna soon began to worry if she was even still on the right path home. She did not use a GPS device as she had traveled from Portsmouth many times to Maine. If she could have seen the road, she would have known that an errant left turn was leading her in the wrong direction.

For a half an hour Anna tried to figure out where she had driven to without turning on the GPS, feeling that she was on the right path. Just as she gave up and was about to pull the device out, a loud hum came from the engine before all electricity in the vehicle had shut off. With the headlights off and her windshield wipers failing, she had no choice but to find a place to pull over.

Once she had found a safe place to stop, Anna grabbed for her cell phone and attempted to call her father. With her luck continuing to run out, no signal could be found and she was left helpless.

"Fuck!" she screamed as she punched the steering wheel of the rental car.

Anna put her phone in her jeans pocket, grabbed her puffy winter coat from the back seat and got out of her car. Pulling a blue beanie over her brown hair, the actress noticed that she had parked in front of a two-story house. She put her hands in the pockets of her jacket and headed up the driveway while heavy snowflakes blew directly into her face. Once at the door, she pushed the red and green doorbell and waited. The door opened and a middle-aged couple in red Christmas sweaters stood inside.

"Hi, my car broke down and my phone is dead," Anna explained. "Can I borrow a phone to call my parents?"

"Well sure thing little lady," the man said as his wife pulled Anna inside, out of the elements.

"The phone is right over here," the woman said as she pulled Anna by the arm down the hallway.

Anna grabbed their phone and dialed her father's cell phone.

"Hi dad, I had a bit of car trouble," she explained. "I'm broken down somewhere, I got lost in the snow," she said as she pulled the beanie off and rested it on the table. "Are you serious? What am I going to do? It's not going to stop snowing until Christmas night," she angrily said as she learned her fate. "Fine, I guess I'll find something to do. This sucks. Love you dad."

Anna turned around to find the smiling couple standing behind her. She jumped and had to catch her breath after the surprise.

"We couldn't help but overhear you, if you have nowhere to stay for the holiday, you are more than welcome to stay here," the wife said.

"Oh, I can't inconvenience you on Christmas," Anna said as she grabbed her beanie and put it back over her head.

"Nonsense, Christmas is all about loving your fellow human and helping out when others are in need," the man said. "Come on, I will help you grab your bags from your car. You can stay in the guest room."

Anna faked a smile, questioning if she could handle being around such cheerful strangers for the holiday. She could hear Christmas music playing in the other room, only adding to her feelings.

The man of the house led Anna outside as they retrieved the three suitcases from the dead rental car. They returned to the house and headed upstairs. Anna took her hat and jacket off before heading upstairs. The man's wife followed them as they went into the guest room, throwing the bags atop the queen-sized bed.

"Home sweet home," the man said as he took his jacket off. "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Matthew and this is my wife Mary."

"Anna," she said with a smile as she sat down on the bed to remove her Ugg boots. "Do you two live alone in this big house?"

"Oh no, our son Austin is in his room," Mary said, pointing to the wall.

"We will leave you be so you can get situated but in an hour, we will have dinner on the table," Matthew said as the couple left the room.

Anna closed the door as they walked out and sat down on the bed. She could not believe how much her simple holiday had turned. She had been looking forward to seeing her parents for the first time in a year but now would have to wait until after the holiday. Now she was stuck with an oddly cheerful family with no option to leave as long as her car was dead.

The actress decided to get out of the clothes she wore to the northeast. Out of the jeans and t-shirt and into a pair of tight black sweatpants and a long-sleeved purple shirt. Her Ugg boots were kicked aside and replaced with a simple pair of black Nike sneakers. She relaxed on the bed until it was time to eat.

"Dinner's ready," a loud voice came from downstairs.

Anna took a deep breath and left the room, bumping into Austin, who was also on his way downstairs. The five foot, two inch brunette looked up at the six foot, four inch tall eighteen year old man with long black hair and a beard that made him look just like Jesus.

"Hi," she softly said.

"Hi," he responded. "Who are you?"

"I'm Anna, my car broke down and your very happy parents are letting me stay until the snow dies off," Anna said with a smile.

"Yeah, they do that a lot," Austin said. "They can be annoying like that."

"I'm guessing you aren't as cheerful as them," she said with a laugh before turning serious. "Please tell me you aren't as cheerful as them, I don't think I can survive with three of those people."

"I passed out drunk in the basement last night watching Futurama," Austin responded. "Does that answer your question?"

"Yeah I think it did," she laughed. "I might join you at some time over the next two days, I'll go insane."

"I'll be in the basement, you're more than welcome," he said as the loud voice of his mother rang from the bottom floor once again. "We should probably get going."

Anna followed Austin downstairs and into the dining room as a roasted chicken rested in the center of the small table. Mary pointed Anna to her seat and she sat down as Matthew set down a glass of ice water in front of her. She was disappointed not have any alcohol but was not surprised. The rest of the family sat down and the food was distributed in equal portions. Matthew and Mary held hands and each extended one to the others for the saying of grace.

Anna grabbed Mary's hand while Austin grabbed his fathers. The young man gently grabbed Anna's hand as Matthew started to say grace. She tried to hide a giggle as Austin playfully tickled the palm of her hand, knowing that she seemed not like a person who says grace before a meal. After grace, Mary started to ask questions to the actress.

"So where are you from?" she cheerfully asked.

"I was born in Portland but I live in Los Angeles now," she said as she took a bite of her salad.

"Oh wow, what do you do there?"

"I'm an actress," Anna responded. "I've been acting my whole life."

"Anything big?" Austin asked, guessing that his parents would not have heard of anything she was in.

"Well I've been in 'Pitch Perfect', 'Twilight', I was nominated for an Oscar for 'Up in the Air'," she said, as she stared at the young man.

"Damn," he said.

"Austin!" Matthew yelled. "Don't say the 'D' word in this house."

"Sorry Dad," he responded as he looked back at Anna, who mouthed a 'wow' in response.

"I've never heard of any of those but it is always great to hear of a successful life," Mary said as she cut up her chicken into several bite-sized pieces. "You are not married?"

"Oh no," Anna said as she shook her head. "I'm not the marrying type."

"How so?" Matthew asked.

"Marriage is a weird concept to me," she explained. "Sticking to one person for the rest of my life just doesn't mesh well with me."

"Oh well...," Mary said, shocked at the notion that anyone could be against marriage. "...to each their own, I guess."

After that awkward moment, Anna had inadvertently accomplished her goal of not having to talk anymore to the older couple. She was far out of her element and with nothing to help take off the edge; she was content on a quiet meal. The rest of the dinner went without many words spoken as the snow fell in the now-darkened sky. The clock was past six and the couple made their way into the living room with Austin and Anna reluctantly following behind.

"How do you survive with people?" she whispered.

"Booze," Austin responded, causing her to laugh.

"Tell me you have some in the basement," she said, almost desperate.

"Always do," he said. "They go to bed at nine, so you've just got to hang on until then."

"Ugh, I'll try," she groaned as she smiled at the young man.

The family and their guest sat down in the living room and started to watch a Christmas musical movie. The couple sang along to every single song that was sung on the television while Anna stared at them with her jaw almost at the ground. She could not believe what she was experiencing in her short time under this roof. Her usual Christmas traditions including drinking while watching 'Christmas Vacation' and cracking sex jokes with her family, not singing along with crappy songs in a boring movie with a pathetic plot.

"I'm going to lose my mind," she thought to herself as she struggled through the next two hours.

As the clock struck nine, Matthew and Mary headed into the master bedroom upstairs, leaving Austin and Anna alone. Austin stood up and nodded his head towards the door in the corner.

"Ready to go back to reality?" he asked.

"I wish I never left," she said as she sprung to her feet and followed him.

Austin led her down the stairs before pulling a chain to turn the lights on. Anna was happy to see a cooler with an empty, folded cardboard case of Sam Adams beer resting on top of it.

"Sam Adams? It's like you expected me to show up," she said as she ran over to the cooler and pulled out two beers, handing one to her new friend.

"You have good taste," he said as he cracked one of the beers.

Austin and Anna flopped onto the couch next to each other while he turned the on the television. He opened Netflix and started browsing through the movies, trying to find something to help cleanse the cheerfulness out of their memories. He came across a movie titled 'Happy Christmas' with a very familiar brunette woman on the cover slide.

"Well, this one looks interesting," he said as he looked over at Anna, who crinkled her nose and shook 'no'. "Too bad, the brown haired chick looks hot."

"Thanks, dork," she said as she took a long sip of her beer.

"How about this one, that chick in the white dress looks hot too," he laughed as he highlighted 'Rapture-Palooza', yet another movie featuring the girl sitting next to him.

"Oh no, that movie was shit," she laughed. "That was purely a paycheck."

"At least you look good," Austin said as he finished his beer.

"Thank you," Anna said with a cute smile on her face.

Anna too finished her beer as they finally settled on some random d-level comedy. Austin grabbed two more beers and handed one to the woman, who was fixated on staring at him after the number of complements. During the movie, she would occasionally look over at him when he was not paying attention to her and simply smile. She was not entirely sure why but she had developed a bit of an affection for the eighteen year-old long-haired, bearded man.

As the movie ended, the pile of empty beer bottles had grown from two to twenty-four. Both Austin and Anna were in a happy place as the alcohol washed over their brains. Anna had a permanent smile as she finally had the edge of her situation taken off by the intoxication she had been craving. Once the movie had exited back to the main screen, her head was resting on Austin's shoulder as her ability to stay awake was slowly going away.

"That movie was shit," Austin said as he looked over at the drunken girl, who quietly nodded in agreement. "You gonna be able to stay with me here."

"I don't ever want to leave," she said, barely knowing what she said. "I'm too comfortable."

Anna rolled over a bit and threw an arm across Austin's chest before passing out. Austin, unsure of what to make of the situation, threw his arm over her shoulder and hugged her as he too passed out.

At five o'clock on Christmas Eve morning, an alarm started to ring in the basement, waking up both Anna and Austin.

"What the fuck," Anna said in a groggy voice.

"It's okay, I set an alarm so my parents don't catch me down here," he explained as he stood up and started tossing the beer bottles into a large bag.

Anna got up and helped him dispose of the trash, pushing the cooler under a table and unplugging the television. Austin dropped the bag of bottles into the trash can and started to head upstairs.

"You should get up to your room, I don't think my parents would be pleased if they caught you roaming around the basement," he said.

"Yeah sure," she said as she started up the stairs. "And um, thanks for the fun night."

"No problem, if you want to join me again tonight, you're welcome to," he said as he looked down at her.

"Yeah sure, I'd love it," she said as she stumbled her way up the stairs and into the living room.

Both Austin and Anna hurried up the stairs and into their rooms. Once Anna entered her bedroom, she closed the door and started to peel the clothes off her body. Within seconds, she was stripped to nothing as she crawled under the soft flannel sheets.

As she lay on the bed, she could not stop thinking about Austin and the 'hot' complements he had given to her before she drank herself to sleep. Anna rarely accepted complements on her looks as anything more than someone trying to get in her pants but for some reason, he was different. It may have been the holiday circumstance, it could have been the onset of her drunkenness or it may have been the Jesus look and her fascination of beards. Whatever it was, she had Austin on the mind as, unknowingly, her hand had slid down her slender body and was working past the small patch of her above her swollen clit.

The images of her new friend had gotten her so worked up so fast that she did not even realize. The second her hand touched her clit, her entire body jumped off of the mattress. She popped the sheets up to look down at herself before kicking them off of her. She started to go to town on herself, viciously rubbing her very moist pussy at a rapid pace.

Anna kept her eyes closed as she imagined what Austin's body looked like without the black rock t-shirt and dirty jeans covering him. She imagined herself pulling the clothes off of him and kissing down his body until she got to his cock. As soon as she imagine herself taking the cock in her mouth, her eyes shot open and her body rocked in a massive orgasm that soaked the sheets underneath her. Her hips bucked wildly on the bed as she tried to fight back the urge to scream and moan as loud as possible. She only whispered the name 'Austin'.

Once she was back to reality, Anna pulled her soaking wet hand out of her cunt and slid it across her body, leaving a damp trail heading north. As her fingers reached her mouth, she sensually sucked each digit thoroughly until it was completely clean of any sexual residue. With a huge smile on her face, she pulled her hand out of her mouth and grabbed the sheets up off of the ground. After covering herself, she rolled onto her side and drifted back off to sleep.

A couple of hours later, Anna felt a hand on her shoulder and two voices calling out her name. Her eyes slowly opened to see Matthew and Mary standing over her dressed in their Christmas sweaters. Anna jumped and pulled the sheets tightly to her body.

"Good morning, come on downstairs for breakfast," Mary said as she reached for the sheets.

"No no, I'm not wearing anything," Anna said as she fought to stay covered.

"Oh, well you should get dressed first then," Mary said as she and Matthew left the room. "Sleeps around AND sleeps naked, that girl needs a taste of Jesus," she whispered, thinking it was out of Anna's hearing range.

"Yeah, I do," Anna said to herself as she looked up at the wall that separated her room from Austin's. "I really do."

Anna got out of the bed and ran to shut the door, as the couple had left it wide open. As soon as her hand touched the door, Austin walked by and got a good look at everything Anna had to offer. She froze and stared up at him, too shocked to bother covering up.

"Hi," she quickly said.

"Christmas came a day early," he said, smiling at her.

"What? Oh shit!" she said as she covered herself and slid behind the door. "Sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about, trust me," he said. "If I had a hot body like that, I'd show it off to everyone. See you downstairs."

"Bye," Anna said as she pushed the door closed and took a deep exhale. "I'm gonna lose my fucking mind."

Anna quickly got dressed in a purple tank top under a black hoodie and a loose pair of blue jeans. She headed downstairs and joined the family at the dining room table for the bacon and eggs breakfast as Christmas music played in the background, which still bothered her but not as much with Austin on her mind.

The actress gave Austin a nervous smile, knowing that he was picturing her as naked as she was a few minutes earlier. Her eyes then shifted over to Mary, who had a look of disapproval on her face after learning about her non-traditional ways.

"So what are the plans for today?" Anna asked as she grabbed her glass of orange juice.

"Normally we would go to the soup kitchen and feed the homeless but with the snow still falling, I'm not sure if we can," Matthew said.

"Dad, you know it's a two minute drive and a five minute walk," Austin said. "Snow doesn't eliminate the needs of the needy."

"That is so thoughtful of you Austin," Mary said as she served the eggs. "We should go, Matthew."

"I guess you're right Mary," Matthew said. "You want to join us this year Austin, you never come with us anymore."

"Well I would but I wouldn't want to leave Ms. Kendrick here by herself," he said as he looked over at the girl, who smiled.

"You are such a thoughtful young man," his mother said before looking at Anna. "She probably doesn't want to help the less fortunate anyway," she said with a look towards the uncomfortable actress before leaning over to her son and whispering in his ear, "Don't let that sinner take advantage of you, she seems like a hussy."

Anna looked over at Mary and saw the glare on her face, knowing that she was not her favorite person in the world. Austin nodded his head before winking at the twenty-nine year old. The rest of the breakfast, like the dinner the night before, went in silence. After the meal, the older adults went to put the food away while the younger two gathered the dishes.

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